Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 270 Let It Go

In the emperor's space,
Facing the heartbroken Yin Fu holding her thigh and crying, Qi Ling felt her temples bulge.

Originally, it was her idea to persuade the master to bring Yin Fu back.

One is that it is really good for the owner and the space. Didn’t you see that Emperor Ha started to break through outside?
Secondly, I also want to find someone to help me.

The development of the space is slowly entering the fast lane, and the master's strength is also rising rapidly.

It can be predicted that in the future space, geniuses of many races will definitely be tricked into it, so what's the matter with her, the chief executive, always showing her face?

In that TV series, fairies don't always have to accompany two attendants when they appear on stage.

But I didn't expect that the attendant would be severely traumatized shortly after she came to the space, and she specifically said that she would not touch her godhead.

After all, for Yin Fu, the godhead is equivalent to something bestowed on her consciousness, which is of great significance. Before that, she even imitated the desert goddess Naraku in appearance.

But now, the godhead was swallowed by the stone tablet, and the energy was absorbed and transformed into the master's breakthrough.

After swallowing it, the space naturally possessed the corresponding ability of the godhead, and Yin Fu was the only one injured.

Qi Ling looked at Yin Fu, who looked like a bullied little girl, and said to her, "Don't cry, I'll help you teach it a lesson."

"it is good!"

Yin Fu stopped crying when she heard this, and nodded with tears in her eyes, and followed Qi Ling to the stone tablet with her mouth puffed out, staring fiercely at the black stone tablet.

"Cough cough."

Qi Ling cleared his throat, stretched out his snow-white feet and lightly kicked the stele.

"Why are you bullying the little girl?"

Yin Fu stood behind Qi Ling with her hands on her hips and her teeth bared.

However, Yin Fu hadn't been complacent for too long, and suddenly found that her eyes suddenly went dark, and when she opened her eyes again, she appeared in a void, surrounded by black mist.

There seemed to be countless terrifying existences in the black mist, and some of them were still laughing, as if she was already a snack on the plate.

Yin Fu's face turned pale with fright, and she didn't dare to make a sound with Ben.

But fortunately, all the images in front of her disappeared in the next second, and she was back behind Qi Ling again.

My legs softened,
He sat down on the ground with a bang.

"Are you okay?"

Qi Ling touched Yin Fu's head, then turned around and frowned at the black stone tablet.

"You make decisions without the master's consent, and you don't care."

"When the master's breakthrough is completed, I will definitely tell him well."

The black stele seemed silent for a moment.

Then a shining crystal spit out from the inside of the stele.

This appearance is obviously Yin Fu's godhead.

It's just that, from the original basketball size, it shrank directly to a fingernail.

All the energy inside has been absorbed.


Seeing that the stone tablet was soft, Qi Ling opened the palm of his right hand, and the crystal floated steadily over the palm of his hand.

She flicked her fingertips again, and the small crystals emitting light were suddenly passed through by a thin thread that was born out of thin air, and turned into a string of necklaces.

Qi Ling slowly put the necklace on Yin Fu's neck and touched her head.

When Yin Fu saw the lost treasure, she tightly held the crystal around her neck with her right hand, refusing to let go.

In the outside world, Fang Lin's breakthrough has reached a critical moment.

Everything that the gods have accumulated for hundreds of millions of years is contained in this small godhead.

And this godhead appeared here across time and space through the miracle of the universe. Although most of it has been dissipated after the baptism of time and space, the energy contained is still very exaggerated.

If there is no black stele, if there is no top-notch bloodline, and a spirit core that has been upgraded many times, Fang Lin will only have a blown end.

It can be said that, except for Fang Lin, no creature can exaggerately absorb the power of the entire godhead at level b.

But now, he did it.

The mighty energy was transformed by the stone tablet and delivered to Fang Lin's body. New spiritual cores were opened and filled one by one, and the body was continuously washed.

The runes in the blood began to appear, crazily devouring this steady stream of energy.

The already powerful physical talent has finally completed its transformation at this moment. If you look inside now, you can see that the bones in Fang Lin's body are shining with crystal light, and the flesh and blood are completely filled with golden runes, and then the promotion is reset again. .

The black stele finally acknowledged this talent.

After the moonlight and the gray robe, a third icon appeared on the stele, a strong claw.

The spiritual core was quickly opened to the threshold of A-level, and the most important thing was the change of Fang Lin's law body.

In the conscious space, Fang Lin was in a wonderful place.

There is nothingness all around here, but a round of bright moon hangs quietly beside it.

Fang Lin's body was filled, solidified, and appeared bit by bit by the moonlight.

At this moment, an astonishing vision suddenly appeared in the outside world.

Yin Fu Desert, the night is still thick.

However, the entire desert seemed to be filled with powerful energy fluctuations, and the Qiankun members who were guarding the edge were secretly frightened, not understanding what terrible things were happening in the desert.

These fluctuations made them even a little unstable.

Just when they ignored the spiritual sense of frantic alarm and suppressed the desire to escape, the vision appeared.

Everyone subconsciously held their breath.

It was a beam of light.

A beam of light shot straight into the sky.

Then a more dazzling silver light illuminated the entire sky, and a coercion that seemed to come from the ancient times swept out from the center of the beam of light.

Its daybreak.

Within hundreds of kilometers, the originally dark and silent desert was illuminated by this silver glow.

Different from the coercion that seems to come from the soul, which makes people tremble, this silver glow seems to be warm again.

Before all the Qiankun members who were immersed in it recovered, the vision in the sky changed again.

It was a wolf,

Not quite.

With wings on her back and moonlight on her feet, her whole body is crystal clear and engraved with mysterious characters, exaggerated light and shadow effects surround her whole body.

The huge phantom of the silver wolf hangs in the night sky just like that, looking up to the sky and howling.

Accompanied by this roar, the beam of light that soared into the sky became larger again, and then meteor-like brilliance fell little by little in the dark night, adding a beautiful background to this peerless silver wolf.


A Qiankun member who was stunned and couldn't help taking two steps thought he was still leaning on the jeep, and fell to the ground in a standard posture with a plop.

The sound brought many people back to their senses, but they were not unlucky people who fell in financial management, but they were discussing in private, and from time to time they turned their attention to the second in command who stayed behind in the field.

A black uniform next to the second in command couldn't help but ask, "Are we still blocking the news?"

"Maybe it's too late for Pangu-3 to take over the network?"

This is both a vision and a coercive special effect. It is estimated that all the residents within a hundred kilometers can see it clearly.

Now it may be fermenting on the Internet.

The second leader calmly glanced at the people around him and shook his head: "I don't have any concentration."

"The higher-ups have their own arrangements for such a big matter, Mr. Deng is still inside, why are you so anxious?"

"This world is about to change."

By now, the second in command had also guessed that the problem of Yin Fu's desert had most likely been resolved, so the old god turned his head and walked back to the headquarters. .
On Fang Lin's side, the Body of Law was finally fully formed.

The seven spiritual cores shining in his body represent that he has finally stepped into the array of A-level, the first echelon in the world.

The exaggerated aura of law that escaped before finally gradually diminished, and finally disappeared.

Seeing this, Deng Jiefu also waved his hand, and the golden ball of light that originally wrapped Basang also dissipated.

Withstanding such a strong impact of laws at close range is far from what Basang can do now.

Basang gave Deng Jiefu a thumbs up.

If it wasn't for Deng Jiefu, he wouldn't have had the opportunity to observe an A-level breakthrough up close.

The surging waves of law made him feel like a small boat floating in the violent sea, which would be swallowed up in the next second.

And the fact is the same, if not for Deng Jiefu's protection, he would have already become part of the moonlight.

Especially during the critical period, Fang Lin completely blocked the observation of the outside world, and he couldn't accept it even if he wanted to.

Deng Jiefu looked calm on the surface, but secretly he was relieved.

The surprise that his apprentice gave him was too great.

The state of the body of law and the turbulent level of the law of dissipation are not at all like the newly promoted A-level.

Keeping Basang all the way is equivalent to confronting Fang Lin's law field all the time, especially during the most intense moment.

Fortunately, he is superior in skills, and in order not to affect his apprentices, his own domain has also shrunk to a small extent.

Blue out of blue is better than blue.

Deng Jiefu looked at the mighty body suspended in the air, his eyes were full of emotion.

Watching the apprentice grow up all the way, he had long expected that there would be such a day when the apprentice would stand with him or even surpass him, and help himself and the country to take on a responsibility.

I just didn't expect this day to come so soon.

However, you are just catching up, and you are still far from surpassing me.

Deng Jiefu watched Fang Lin talking silently in his heart, and a surge of courage to move forward was also aroused in his heart.

He has been number one in the world for too long.

"President Lin hasn't finished his breakthrough yet?"

Basang saw that the coercion in midair had shrunk, but Fang Lin, who still had visions, couldn't help asking.

"No hurry, he is talking to the world."



Basang blinked, then continued to stare at Fang Lin in silence.

But in Fang Lin's spiritual world, he seemed to have time traveled.

The spirit has descended into a world that has never been seen before, but it is full of familiarity in the blood.

After he saw it clearly, his eyes suddenly lit up.

It was fairy palaces built on the clouds, clouds soaring into the sky one after another, and the faint and endless sounds of cranes.

"My generation of monks, receiving the benefits of heaven and earth, should fight the enemy bravely and form the bond of this life."

The loud Taoist voice fell from the sky, and countless clouds rushed towards the darkness ahead.

Magic weapon, supernatural power, spell.

Countless thunderbolts slammed into the darkness ahead, but the darkness seemed inexhaustible.

Countless indescribable black creatures exuding a deadly and destructive aura poured madly from a huge scar that was still oozing blood.

Fang Lin looked up at the sky,

Just above the sky, beyond the sky,

It seemed that there were many peerless lords fighting there, and the aftermath turned into rolling thunder and fell from the distant sky.

He could feel that the battle situation seemed unclear.

Every time the black sea moves one foot forward, everything is swallowed by one foot.

The cultivators were already red-eyed, and hundreds of cloud clusters, covered in thunder and shining with momentum no less than Fang Lin, rushed straight into the darkness without hesitation, without looking back.

There was a roaring sound, and the black border seemed to pause for a moment, and then quickly resumed its progress.

Fang Lin tried his best to look into the darkness, but in the spiritual world, as if it was to protect him or for some other reason, he couldn't see clearly at all.

"That's the Black Abyss."

A voice that made Fang Lin kindly want to call his mother sounded in his heart.

This voice made him feel like his mother whom he hadn't seen for a long time, like Yang's mother, and like everything.

world will
Fang Lin came to his senses and listened carefully.

"The Black Abyss cannot be heard or known, otherwise it will come and destroy everything."


"Yes, we already know."

"This is the fate of this world. To survive the sacrifices of the predecessors, and to walk on the glorious path of the predecessors again."

"My child, work hard to grow up."

"No matter what the outcome is, we and they have at least tried hard."

Hearing the sound, Fang Lin frowned as he looked at the resolute faces rushing towards the darkness below.

He wanted to say something more, but when the screen turned, he felt dizzy.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person regained consciousness.

Opening his eyes, Deng Jiefu with a concerned face and Basang with a silly smile were right in front of him.

The scene just now was too shocking,
Whether it's the figures who went forward one after another, or the black abyss that made him feel a little desperate.

He didn't know how to speak for a moment.

"Have you seen it all?"

Deng Jiefu came to Fang Lin's side, looked at Fang Lin who was a head taller than him, and raised his hand to pat his chest.

"Don't panic, I'm here."


Fang Lin looked at Deng Jiefu's face that seemed to always make people feel at ease, and for the first time understood what the man in front of him had been carrying in his heart.

If only A-level would be informed by the will of the world, he was the only one who knew this secret at that time, knowing that there was a sharp blade hanging above the world, which could fall at any time and cut the world in two.


"what happened?"

"No wonder it was written in those reports that some owls became honest after breaking through the A-level, and even took the initiative to cooperate with us."

"Hehe, I'm just scared."

Fang Lin nodded, and couldn't help asking: "Who else knows?"

"Besides you and me, there are two other people in Dragon Kingdom, and other countries don't know about it."

Basang next to him scratched his head, anxious: "What are you two talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Deng Jiefu smiled and changed the topic: "It just so happens that you have completed your breakthrough, and Sakura is asking for help from us. You should go there on behalf of Longguo."


"It is said that there is a suspected A-level deep-sea monster that is dragging its family and moving towards them. It did not hide its power fluctuations and was discovered by the aura radar."


Fang Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Is this helpful? Shall I beat that giant beast back?"

"No, these are all forces that can be united."

"You happen to be a spirit beast, so you can come forward and negotiate first. There must be some reason for the A-level spirit beast to drag its family. You can talk on behalf of Sakura at that time. It doesn't matter if you pay more, you understand."

Fang Lin smiled.

"Okay, after the negotiation is over, invite its children or something to come to school with us?"

"Haha, all permissions are granted to you, and you can do whatever you want."

"it is good."


"What's the matter, Master."

"This is your first time going out alone, but your strength is enough, so I only remind you a little bit."

"You represent the Dragon Kingdom, and the ones standing behind are also the Dragon Kingdom and me. As long as you think about it clearly, just go ahead and do it."

"I will, Master."

(end of book)

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