Under Xiaozhi, what are you doing?

Chapter 204 She Gives Too Much

Chapter 204 She Gives Too Much

At night, Xiaozhi turned on the computer after a long absence.

But it's not a live broadcast, but mining.

Since he has a mine, he actually doesn't pay much attention to the income from live broadcasting.

What is rich and willful, this is called rich and willful.

Can the hundreds of thousands of drizzle in the live broadcast be comparable to mining?

After routinely sorting out the income table of the mine for a week on the computer.

Xiaozhi turned on the live broadcast platform again, hesitated for two seconds, and finally did not choose to live broadcast.

Now that he is on the cusp of the storm, the live broadcast will definitely gain extremely exaggerated popularity.

But equally, the live broadcast will also lower his compulsion.

You see which champion Four Heavenly Kings have nothing to hang out on the Internet.

It is necessary to establish an image of an indifferent and ruthless master.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi, you can't be addicted to the Internet anymore."

"Everything on the Internet is fake."

"You can't hold it."

After reading the motto of life, Xiaozhi's mind became clear.

He got it.


"Today we're going to paint!"

In the live broadcast room, Xiaozhi opened the drawing software with a playful smile.


"The return of the missing!"

"Grandpa, the broadcaster you follow has started broadcasting."

The barrage fans seemed to think that Xiaozhi would not broadcast live during the conference, so they were very surprised.

Xiaozhi used drawing software to draw a rectangle on the computer, and said, "I know everyone misses me very much, so I took time out of my busy schedule to meet my brothers."

At this time, a banner of Master Ball floated up on the barrage, followed by a sentence.

"Brother Zhizhi, I haven't heard your story about the top eight of the Hot Pot City Baby Cup 120 for half a month."

Xiaozhi almost couldn't swallow the saliva of being stunned. This group of dog fans still like to expose people's weaknesses so much.

"Ahem, thank you boss for the master ball. As for the quarterfinals of 120, it's old and old, so don't mention it."

Then a Grandmaster Ball banner floated up on the barrage.

"Mr. Zhi, is Latias for sale? How much is it per catty?"

"Thank you for the master ball sent by the owner of the beaten bag. Ladias will not sell it. If I sell it, I will be beaten."

Even if I buy it for you, you won't be able to subdue it.

Only you, Mr. Zhi, can subdue Latias in 1000 years.

"I want to see Latias, hehe, please don't watch, I'm not the director of the zoo."

"Mr. Zhi, can you show your face? You can't show your face. You can only show your face if you give a hundred master balls!"

Xiaozhi still has work to do today, so he didn't come here to chat with this group of people.

So he set a relatively high threshold, it should be that no one will be rich enough to send a hundred master balls.

As a result, in the next second, the screen was full of red lights in the live broadcast room.

[Yaya doesn't want to work hard anymore and sends out a master ball × 100]

The face slap came so fast that Xiao Zhi was caught off guard.

He had a bitter face: "Yaya, if you have money, you can just give it to me, and the gift platform will take a commission."

The rich woman Sonia didn't say anything, but replied with three words lightly.

【Show your face soon】

Xiaozhi: "..."

He reluctantly turned on the camera.

A big, slightly sunburned face appeared on the screen.

The barrage was dumbfounded.

"I'll go! Is this the power of money?"

"The fork in the front is clearly the power of love. A rich woman raised me, and I'm super milky!"

Even an idiot can tell that this local tyrant knows Xiaozhi.

Because the local tyrant has already chatted with Xiaozhi with the limited barrage.

The two of them used the live broadcast room as a one-way video call.

【You are all black】

"It must be dark to run outside every day. It's okay. I'll go back for nothing in winter."

Xiaozhi didn't stop his hands, and chatted with Sonia at the same time, really minding two things.

"How did you prepare for the exam?"

【so so】

"It's fine if you can pass, don't watch the live broadcast"

【Well, I just watched it after taking a break today】

[Where's your new elf?Latias, I want to see]

"it is good."


Xiao Zhi, who was drinking milk tea in front of the TV, called Xiao Fei Ji.

Holding the milk tea in his hands, Xiao Feiji reluctantly left the TV, and slowly flew to Xiaozhi's side.

This is Latias.

As long as you give her a cup of milk tea, she can listen to you for a day.

She sucked on the straw, and telepathically said to Xiaozhi, "What's the matter?"

"Look at the camera."

Xiaozhi turned the computer a little bit, aiming at Latias.

Ladias put her head in front of the camera curiously, she didn't quite know what Xiaozhi was doing.

Immediately, a round, white, and cute little head filled the entire lens.

"I'll go! It's so cute!"

"Fans don't give it if they want to see it, but rich women agree to it immediately if they want to see it. Teacher Zhi, I would like to call you the strongest famous double standard."

"The old man's heart has melted."

"Latias is so cute!"

Latias is also among the top in the ranking of the cutest elves every year.

A group of old men in the live broadcast room were instantly captured by Latias' cute appearance.

Some outrageous even thought of the name of the two children.

"Am I on TV?"

Xiaozhi nodded, adjusted the q in the picture square, and painted out a few long lines he had drawn.

He wanted to draw a fighting landlord card, but he couldn't draw Rashiram's appearance well.

give up.

This kind of thing really needs to find a professional.

At the same time, Sonia, who was far away across the ocean, stared at Latias and Xiaozhi on the tablet with a smile on her face.

"It's great, it's getting stronger and stronger."

"One day, you will become someone like a champion..."

"Yaya, have you finished your research for today?"

Outside the door, came Dr. Mulan's voice.

Sonia closed the tablet with a smile, and replied loudly: "I'm doing it, it will be ready soon!"


Xiaozhi didn't do anything in the live broadcast, he didn't play games, and he didn't sharply comment on the contestants.

Simply chatted with Sonia about the family's short stories, and then performed a devil's picture for the audience in the live broadcast room.

Reshiram's image abruptly transformed him into a green caterpillar with wings.

When the barrage questioned his painting skills, Xiaozhi said rationally that he was analyzing other evolutionary possibilities of the green caterpillar.

After erasing his masterpiece for the third time, Xiaozhi let out a long sigh.

"Oh! Reshiram, can you draw?"

Reshiram: "?"

Are you embarrassing me?

"Forget it, I'm looking for an almighty water friend in the live broadcast room."

"What does Brother Zhi have to eat tonight to hire painters, game producers, and software programmers."

"Excellent painters and programming experience are preferred, three meals a day are included, and the salary is generous."

"Work content: making games."

Xiaozhi hung this announcement on the far left of his live broadcast room.

He was going to prepare for his subsequent money collection.

Although it seems that a Ladias who can only drink milk tea does not increase the burden, who knows if this guy will become a big money burner like Lightning Bird and Reshiram.

And who can guarantee that there will be more money-burning guys in his team in the future!

It never hurts to prepare early.

(End of this chapter)

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