Chapter 208
"Frostbite is a negative state similar to burns."

"An elf who is frostbitten will continue to lose stamina, and the power of the special moves used will be reduced."

"This is a special state that existed thousands of years ago."

"It's also something that hasn't been discovered by humans yet."

After listening to Reshiram's explanation, Xiaozhi suddenly realized: "Isn't that the burn of the ice element?"

In the hotel room, Reshiram crawled on the ground and nodded slightly: "It can be understood in this way."

"I didn't expect Zoroya to be so powerful."

Xiaozhi stroked the soft hair of the little white fox in his hand, and praised.

In contrast, the invincible phantom overlord is a little hip.

Although he has mastered the same exclusive move as Luna, Diablo Blast, but the special effects of Diablo Blast are really rubbish.

Has a chance to reduce the opponent's hit rate.

Originally, the hit rate is a probability, and the probability is reduced.

Xiaozhi's suggestion is not to surrender.

People also have the theater version of Lucario with mega evolution and adaptability.

As for the overlord of the phantom on your side, there is only one characteristic left to fool others.

Hook eight use!
In contrast, Sorolla's exclusive moves are much easier to use.

It is the only move in the world that can be frostbitten, showing its unique and noble status.

What is the gold content of Rashiram's designated royal princess!

If you skillfully use Zoroya's exclusive move, you may be able to bring a wonderful experience to your opponent.

Xiaozhi rubbed Soraya's body, and murmured: "The next battle is up to you, Azi."

Soroya squinted his eyes, and crawled on Xiaozhi's lap enjoying himself.


Seeing Soraya and Xiaozhi being so close, Reshiram was a little dissatisfied.

He called out to Soroya.

Soroya tilted his head, looking at Reshiram a little cutely.


(You silly boy, if you stay with Xiaozhi for a long time, you will become as wretched as him, come here quickly.)

Reshiram scratched his head helplessly, took out a berry from his backpack on the table, and ticked Soroya.

Looking at the tempting fruit, Soroya's mouth drooled unapologetically, and Pidianpidian broke free from Xiaozhi's arms, and the truthful rebellion became a little faster.

Reshiram, understands the thinking of humans and elves more and more.

True Dragon ×, True Demon

"Where did this guy come from."

"It seems that she was a webcaster before, with a little fame."

In the dark room, the man with long yellow hair glanced at the young man wearing a hat on the big screen, his brows were tightly furrowed.

"You know, this is my last chance for the year."

"If I exceed the prescribed age, I will no longer be able to participate in the Shenzhou Conference."

Regardless of whether you look young or old, 30 years old is the threshold for the Shenzhou Conference.

After thirty, it means that a trainer has officially missed the conference.

It also represents a trainer losing his way to a championship.

This yellow-haired man is exactly thirty this year.

"I knew it at the time, so I asked you to discuss this matter."

Beside the man, the middle-aged man with a serious face said slowly.

"Are you sure you can defeat him?"



The yellow-haired man was silent for a while, and finally shook his head and replied.

That Latias can solve his three or more main elves.

Men are not so arrogant as to ignore their opponents.

"Then we can only take that measure."

"You mean..."

"A player who is late for a game will be disqualified."


"You were trained by us."

The middle-aged man said gloomily: "Our goal is to ensure the Nian's Group's position in the Demon City."

"You are our platoon trainer, you can't have a champion."

"Or, you don't want to win the championship that belongs to you?"

The middle-aged man said seductively while pointing to the runner-up and third-runner-up trophies in the glass counter.

"I don't want to rely on this method."

"This method? What kind of method? Don't you know where your elf came from?"

"Have you recognized your position?"

"You are just a loyal dog of the group!"

The middle-aged man's words were like sharp needles piercing the yellow-haired man's heart.

He clenched his fists tightly and his veins bulged, but he had nothing to say and could not refute.

He is an orphan, and the group accepted him eight years ago, an ordinary man picking up garbage for a living.

Since then, his life has been reversed.

The counterattack of ordinary people and the birth of a genius trash guy are all marketing of the group.

His elves were also abducted from the rookie trainer by the group using bad means.

His achievements, his strength, and his life are all under the control of the group.

"We have put so much thought into it. The tortoise, Charmander, Bogaman... Which one is not an excellent tool that we have worked so hard to catch."

"It's good for you, the top four, the top eight, the top sixteen, getting stronger every year."

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "This year is your most promising year! The group does not allow any mistakes."

"At that time, that kid will be delayed by our group's efforts. When the time is up, he will be regarded as a waiver."

"You, will be this year's champion."



The yellow-haired man bit his lip with blood.

He knew that he was just a humble stray dog ​​in a dark corner.

But he also wants to rely on his true ability to win that championship.

This despicable method, this group that treats elves as tools...

I don't want to do it anymore.

He didn't say that.

He has no courage.

Because he knew that his glamorous self would not be able to stand on the big stage.

and so……

"it is good……"

Compromise is his destination.

Sometimes, people are born to be bound birds, if they want to escape, there is nowhere to escape!


In the room, Liuwei sat on the ground and wept sadly.

The Wind Fairy defeated it again in the No.20 Sixth Food Contest and won the priority right to enjoy food.

This made Liuwei more and more sad, the teardrops of big beans kept sliding down its face.

The mischievous Wind Fairy ignored it and made a funny face at Liuwei.

'Ahhhh! '

(Weak people can't eat)

(Big villain! Will bully me)

Seeing that the little guy seemed really sad, Xiaozhi walked to Liuwei and shook his head helplessly. He has never been very strict in educating elves.

Because he obeys the principle of releasing the elf's nature.

But this time the wind goblin really went too far.

Xiaozhi grabbed the wind goblin's cotton and twisted it as punishment, and then handed the little elf's food to Liuwei.


This time, Liuwei cried even more sadly.

(Master thinks my strength is too weak, woo woo woo)

 The volume of Shenzhou will end all the things about Xiaozhi and the Rogia race.

(End of this chapter)

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