Under Xiaozhi, what are you doing?

Chapter 237 New Champion

Chapter 237 New Champion

Feng Yao looked at Abo Monster with a serious expression.

"Yeah! (▼皮▼#)"

Poison-type elves are naturally extremely threatening to it.

Regardless of the fact that Arbo's race value is not high, its strength is not bad, and it also has noble intimidation characteristics.

"Predict my position in advance, and use Arbor to deal with Wind Fairy."

Xiaozhi nodded to himself.

The opposite party's desire to not lose is very strong!

He said in a deep voice, "Provocation."

In fact, Xiaozhi can replace the wind goblin, after all, the attributes are a bit reversed.

But not necessary.

If you can't even overcome this inverse attribute, how about talking about a master elf trainer.


The wind goblin stretched out her little finger, with an arrogant expression on her face, and made a provocative gesture towards the Arbor monster.



Abo monster suddenly became angry, and the whole body of the snake opened its teeth and claws.

The expressions of the audience in the front row changed.

Humans always have an inexplicable fear of snakes, and the same is true of snake elves.

"Abo monster, don't fall into the enemy's trap, calm down, and attack with venom." Xiaohao said.

"Dodge with the wind, and then use parasitic seeds."

Why did Xiaozhi dare to use the wind goblin that was four times weaker in poison to fight Arbo?
Because the skills carried by his Wind Fairy in this game are very quality.

Tailwind, Parasitic Seed, Provocative, Poisonous.

They are all auxiliary moves, highlighting one does not hurt.

However, no harm does not mean that no one can be killed.

To deal with Abo monsters, abandoning the poison, the wind goblin still has parasitic seeds to use.

This is enough.

With the moving speed of Abo, he can meet Xiaozhi, the wind fairy, and wash his hair upside down.

Facing the venom that could melt steel, the Wind Fairy dodged sideways, released green seeds backhanded, and sprinkled them in Arbor's body.

"Send...parasitic seeds?" The audience was taken aback.

Xiaozhi has never used any dirty tactics in this match.

Even the wind fairies who prefer auxiliary functions mainly use energy balls and the power of the moon as their main moves.

However, some of Xiaozhi's acquaintances who watched the game in front of the TV had a feeling of "everyone is back".

"This taste is too pure."

Xu Yang took a sip of Wanglaoji and said with emotion.

I just don't know if he is talking about the pure taste of Wanglaoji in his hand or what he means.

Abo also realized that something was wrong, the green seeds parasitic in his body were rapidly absorbing its energy.

It was thoroughly irritated.


With a strange cry, Abo opened his mouth wide, revealing his fangs gleaming coldly, and quickly bit the wind fairy.

Probably because of her natural fear of poison elves, the wind fairy jumped into the air in fear.

After failing to hit a move, Ah Bo blamed him again.

"Arbor's crushing attack was dodged."

"But Abo Monster is still in a state of being provoked, chasing after the Wind Fairy."

"The wind goblin is in danger!"

The Abo monster gnawed continuously, and every time the wind fairy would avoid it.

Xiao Hao couldn't help dripping cold sweat from his forehead.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is not running away at all.

Rather, the other party's deliberate behavior!

The purpose is to wear down Arbor's physical strength.

After the provocation in the body, Arbor must resort to aggressive moves.

Continuous offensive moves will quickly consume the stamina of the elf.

What's more, there are parasitic seeds on the Arbo monster.

After coming and going, the Abo monster was already panting heavily, and it was about to die.

Fortunately, the provocative state happened to end.

Arbor has regained his sanity.

Before Xiaohao could heave a sigh of relief, another demonic voice sounded from the opposite side.

"Wind Fairy, challenge me."

The little brown cotton gave Aber the middle finger.

Abo wondered how he had been so angry, and the anger once again captured its mind.

It rushed to the wind fairy like crazy.

But the wind goblin who turned on the tailwind left it far behind.

There is a distance called being invisible.

The audience can only see a cotton running all over the field, followed by a snake throwing skills all over the field.

Hanako in the auditorium was stunned.

Is this the elf battle that Xiaozhi talked about?

Indeed, if she had been the boy opposite her, her blood pressure would definitely have been raised.

"Xiaozhi...is he usually like this?"

Hanako feels that she should pay more attention to Xiaozhi's life and give him the maternal love he deserves.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to come up with such a loveless tactical play.

On the field, the wind goblin slowed down.


Abo's expression was happy, and his big mouth immediately fell in front of the wind fairy.

The wind goblin looked at it calmly, neither sad nor happy.


At the last moment when the fangs pierced its body.

Arbor fell down and fell heavily on the ground.

There was no sound in the auditorium, and everyone stared at the arena in disbelief.

This was the first time they had seen an elf battle won without any damaging moves.

Off the spectrum.

"This... this, Xiaozhi's wind goblin exhausted Arbo's physical strength."

The commentator opened his mouth and stammered, "It's such a perfect tactic that makes people feel disgusted."

"The wind goblin defeated the Arbo monster in the case of reverse attributes."

On the screen, one of Rong Ganghao's six poke ball icons dimmed.

Hold on, don't panic, there is still a chance.

Xiao Hao comforted himself in his heart.

The wind goblin is only a little faster, judging from the fact that it has not released harmful skills.

In this game, Xiaozhi's Wind Fairy may not have any harmful skills at all.

Provocation, Parasitic Seed, Tailwind plus an unused change move.

Then as long as he sends out the elf who is faster than the wind goblin, he can easily win.

Xiao Hao raised his hand and threw a super ball.

"Go! King Yan!"

The black and red King Yan spread her wings and looked at the wind fairy with a proud face.

Da Wang Yan's speed can almost keep up with the wind fairy.

In this way, it will be difficult for the wind goblin to win the victory by using the blood-grinding tactics.

"come back."

Xiao Zhi immediately took back the Wind Fairy.

Sure enough, he was scared, and it seemed that he was not invincible.

Xiaozhi's behavior confirmed Xiaohao's conjecture.

The Wind Fairy does not carry any directly damaging moves.


The temperature on the field suddenly rose, and the sunlight became much stronger.

"Competitor Xiaozhi replaced his six tails."

Heterochromatic Liuwei grinned, and his cute appearance instantly captured the hearts of many girls.

"I'll go, Liuwei is so cute!"

"No matter how you look at it, I really like Teacher Zhi's cute pet team, each one is cuter than the other!"

"Mr. Zhi, my teacher, can you die? I will inherit your elf after you die."

Six tails?

Xiao Hao suddenly made up his mind.

"Big Wang Yan, move at high speed, and then attack with a brave bird."

To deal with weak elves like Liuwei.

Fast break tactics are undoubtedly the best choice.


Da Wangyan took the lead in attacking, only to see its body drawing afterimages in the air.

With the addition of high-speed movement, Da Wang Yan's speed has been doubled.

Immediately afterwards, Da Wang Yan swooped down, hitting Liuwei with a silvery white light all over her body.

Xiao Hao saw that he was the boss Wang Yan.

But no matter how old he was, he would never have guessed that Xiaozhi would bring this skill.

"Ghost fire!"


When Da Wang Yan knocked Liuwei away, a tiny flame ignited on his body.

Burning state!
In this state, the elf's physical attack will be reduced by half.

Commonly known as, physical attacker happy fire.

Of course, the big thing has a feature called perseverance, which can ignore the effect of burns on attack power.

But judging from the brave behavior of this big king swallow, there is a high probability that it is a big king swallow with courageous characteristics.

No perseverance.

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, it was over.

"Strange light!"

After eating a brave bird, Liuwei stood up again with scars.

The ghost-type gray light instantly surrounded Da Wang Yan layer by layer.


Xiao Hao was dumbfounded.

Fuck!What are you doing?Do you need to be so cautious when you play a player who is worse than you?
Strange Light, which has the effect of throwing a wisp into a state of confusion.

Xiaozhi has tried this trick repeatedly.

It just so happened that this tournament hadn't been used yet, and he suddenly remembered it before the game, and then replaced it for Liuwei.

Six-tailed moves, strange light, ghost fire, flame jet, temptation.

Even more qualified than the previous wind goblin.

Temptation restrains special attackers, ghost fire single-defense physical attackers.

The strange light can be stacked casually, and the flames can be sprayed to deal damage.

In addition to being slower and not having the first-read advantage to hold, it can be called a flawless matchup.

Xiao Hao really felt numb all over.

Just after a wind goblin left, another six-tailed one came.

The wonderful and powerful attack he was looking forward to in the finals turned into a wonderful clip of wretched tactics?

"It's not good, Wang Yan is in a state of chaos." The commentator said personally: "What choice will Xiaohao make next?"

I choose your father!
I choose death!

Hearing the commentary's words, Xiao Hao couldn't help complaining.

But he still struggled hard and said: "Great Wang Yan, destroy the light!"

Even though Da Wangyan in the state of confusion heard Xiaohao's words, it was difficult for him to carry out his orders.

In a state of confusion, the elf only has a half chance of being able to behave correctly.

Xiaohao's big Wang Yan was also very upbeat and didn't do the right thing.

Its destructive ray hit itself.

"Big Wang Yan!"

Fortunately, King Yan's special attack was not strong, otherwise, this destructive light would have to be sent away by his fragile body.

"Take advantage of the victory to pursue, misfortunes never come singly!"

Liuwei jumped forward, and the whole elf stepped in front of the great prince.

Its two claws scratched Da Wang Yan's chest fiercely with silver-gray light.

In an abnormal state, Wang Yan's resistance to misfortunes never come singly has dropped to freezing point.

It screamed and flew backwards.

If it was normal, it would be difficult to hit Da Wang Yan if misfortunes never come singly.

But in the chaotic state, Da Wang Yan's speed advantage could not be brought into play at all.

Seeing Six Tails gain the upper hand.

Xiaozhi said without hesitation: "Spray flames!"

King Yan, who has two negative states in his body, is gone, and his defeat is nothing more than a matter of time.

Xiaozhi wants Liuwei to win as soon as possible.

Liuwei spat out flames, and a thick heat wave swept the entire arena.

With the addition of sunny days, the power of the jet flames is frighteningly high.

Da Wang Yan, who had no time to react, was wrapped in flames and howled in pain.

After the burning was over, the pitch-black Dawang Yan fell to the ground unconscious.

The audience couldn't bear to watch it.

This is no crushing, it is simply murder.

Xiao Hao's originally sunny face was filled with gloom.

"Da Wang Yan loses his ability to fight! Liuwei wins."

Liuwei: <( ̄3 ̄)>Hmph!
"Okay! Teacher Zhi won again, why are you not happy that you are also a fan of Teacher Zhi!"

"I'm afraid that after the game the opponent will attack and usually call his own fist."

"Ah this..."

To be honest, these comparisons... These fans are also the first time to see Xiaozhi use the tricks he used in online battles in an official game.

A bit too obscene.

I'm afraid it didn't cast a psychological shadow on the opponent.

But what does that matter?

They are Xiaozhi's fans, and they like to watch Xiaozhi play these fancy things.

Hold on, don't panic, there is still a chance.

The young Xiaohao gave himself a psychological hint for the second time.

The opponent is just two elves ahead, so it's not a big problem.

He reached for his third Poké Ball.

Xiaozhi also took back Liuwei.

This behavior made Xiao Hao pause.

What is he doing?
"I leave it to you, desert dragonfly!"

Before Xiao Hao could think too much, Xiao Zhi had already thrown his third Poké Ball.

Six tails were replaced by desert dragonflies.

Xiao Hao couldn't understand this behavior at all.

Obviously Liuwei's physical strength is still healthy enough.

And isn't he afraid of the little elves he specially sent to restrain the desert dragonflies?
After thinking about it, Xiaohao dispatched a heavyweight player.

"Blizzard King!"

An elf with white fluff all over its body, stubby green hands, feet, and tail, just like the branches and leaves of an evergreen tree, appeared in the arena.

The entire arena suddenly began to drizzle.

Xiaozhi subconsciously thought that the other party wanted the Mega Blizzard King.

After all, Mega Blizzard King is also the traditional thug of the heavy space team.

It can be said to be very familiar to Xiaozhi.

However, the shortcomings of Blizzard King are also quite obvious.

There are too many weaknesses, and the goods that are killed by the boss's enhancement punch are not worthy of being on the same level as many mega powerhouses.

However, Xiaohao does not have the mega Blizzard King.

It seems that the mega player in his team is not the king of Blizzard.

Facing the Blizzard King of the Grass and Ice system, the Earth Dragon attribute Desert Dragonfly is a bit at a disadvantage.

Xiaozhi asked: "Desert dragonfly, is it okay?"

Desert Dragonfly nodded.


(no problem at all)
"Blizzard King Frozen Fist!"

At this end, Xiao Hao's attack has already fallen.

The menacing Blizzard King's fist was glowing with cold light, and he hammered the desert dragonfly heavily.

The desert dragonfly burrowed straight into the ground.

Dig a hole!

"Sword Dance!"

Blizzard King doesn't have the move of earthquake, so he can't deal with the desert dragonfly in the digging state.

Xiaohao was forced to choose to use the sword dance, so that King Blizzard could strengthen his own abilities when the dragonfly in the desert was digging holes.

But as the saying goes.

Life is strengthened, life is not magnified.

Xiaozhi is one of the best masters in elf online battles.

Knowing how to strengthen the style of play, this weakness in the battle

Xiaozhi said in a deep voice: "Desert dragonfly, don't let it use sword dance, attack its bottom, dragon claw!"

 The boss is a mega marsupial, which can't be stacked when burning methamphetamine in an abnormal state, but can be stacked with chaotic parasites, confusion and restraint.

  This chapter is [-]. After the archived manuscript is sent out, it will be sent as much as it is written later.

  Thanks to the lord of the salted fish boss who is determined to stand up, teary eyes, Mengxin is gone for the first time.

  In addition, the issue of combat power is actually not easy to grasp. Anime and games are very complicated, and it is difficult to refer to.

  Some of them are invincible, and some of them are caught and used by humans. I set the first-level beasts to be stronger than the main force of the champion.

(End of this chapter)

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