Chapter 270

Along the way, we arrived at Feiyun gymnasium unimpeded.

This time there was no such comical and troublesome harassment as yesterday.

Feiyun City is also an international city, and it is only a small probability that something like yesterday will happen.

Feiyun Gymnasium is a pink building located in the west of Feiyun City.

It is not so much a gymnasium as it is a botanical garden in Feiyun City.

It is almost as big as two Qibao City Museums, and it is full of various plants.

Most of the walls in the design also take the form of glass windows.

Xiaozhi thinks that this is probably to allow the plants in Feiyun Gym to fully absorb the sunlight.

"It's so spectacular! It's like a glass house in a botanical garden." Sonia took pictures with the camera while walking.

Alice also smacked her lips in amazement.

"Although it's not the first time we've met, it's exactly what you said."

"The Feiyun Gymnasium cost half of Mr. Yati's savings to establish successfully."

"Excellent." Sonia said: "Mr. Arti, who can spend so much money to take care of plants, must be a very gentle person."

"Of course, Hezhong's Gym is very famous."

A few minutes later, the three of them saw a man with curly hair tied in a zigzag pattern deep in the gym and hanging from a tree.

I think there is no one else here except the master of Feiyun Gym, Yati.

Sonia smiled awkwardly.

"Mr. Yadi's hobbies are really special."

Alice: "..."

Xiaozhi: "..."

"Yo! There are guests coming!"

Arti, who was in meditation, opened her eyes instantly when she heard the voice.

She was even more surprised when she saw Alice.

"Alice, why are you here?"

Alice has challenged Feiyun gymnasium a long time ago, and there is no reason to challenge it again.

Thinking of this, Yadi looked at the boy next to Alice, obviously understood something, and said with a smile: "Welcome to my Feiyun Gym!"

Xiaozhi: "Well, Mr. Yadi, can you come down for a while before you say this, your neck is a little sore after looking up for a long time."

Yati shook her long hair: "Sorry, I'll be right down."


Ten minutes later, Yati was still writhing in the silk.

Alice couldn't bear to look directly and covered her eyes.

Xiaozhi and Sonia were even more speechless. seems that it is no better than the gymnasiums in the Shenzhou area?

"Help! It's a little tight, I can't get out."

Finally, with the help of the three of them, Yati got rid of the silk shackles and landed successfully.

Although Yadi explained that this is to enhance the relationship with the insect elves and strengthen the connection with nature.

But his gentle and elegant image has already been discounted in the eyes of the three.

"Hello, I'm Yati, the owner of Feiyun Gym." Yadi introduced himself without paying too much attention to their gazes.

"Hello, I'm Xiaozhi who came to travel in the Shenzhou area."

Yadi tidied up her messy clothes: "Although I don't know the relationship between you and the champion little sister. But if you want to get the beetle badge, you can't go through the back door!"

He snapped his fingers.

Under Sonia's shocked gaze, the glass floor in the center of the entire botanical garden slowly opened, revealing a yellow battlefield.

At this time, the gymnasium referee also came to the edge of the field.

Xiaozhi and Yati walked to the two ends of the battlefield and got ready.

"The Feiyun City Gym Challenge is about to begin."

"Please confirm the rules for both players."

"There are three elves that can be used. When all the elves on one side lose their fighting ability, the game ends."

"Then as a gym trainer, let me show my cards first! The first is..."

Arty throws the poke ball.

"Come out! Stone dwelling crab."

"House crab!"

The pupils of the stone crab occupy the entire eye, and a large rock is carried on its small body.

All in all, he is a very cute elf, but his strength is not satisfactory.

Xiaozhi didn't think about it, and threw out the elf ball of Young Kiras.

In this match, he wanted to try the young Kiras' ability, so as to test the results of his training in the previous two months.

"Yuki Yuki!"

"What a beautiful little Kiras, is it a different color form?"

Arty was a little surprised by the crystal-colored young Geras.

Xiaozhi shook his head and said, "It's not a different color, it's just because of a special reason that it looks like this."

"You can just treat it as a certain regional form."

"Is that so... What a beautiful elf."

Off the court, Sonia and Alice stood on the left and on the right.

Sonia was also a little curious, she had never seen Xiaozhi's young Kiras.

It seems that it is another elf he has conquered recently.

Alice touched her chin and analyzed the situation.

Xiaozhi's young Kiras, she knows, is a certain crystal form from the Orange Islands, which is characterized by extremely excellent defense.

With the attack strength of the stone dwelling crab, it is difficult to win the victory in the hands of the young Kiras.

"Sandstorm!" Xiaozhi issued an order to Young Kiras.

There is no rock system, but there is also a sandstorm!

Or be the king of a fart sandstorm.

Yati laughed and said, "Sandstorm is used! You should know that stone crabs also have rock properties."

"Stone dwelling crab, use digging!"

"House crab!"

The stone dwelling crab quickly burrowed into the ground. Although the burrowing speed was not as fast as Xiaozhi's desert dragonfly, it was obviously trained specially.

Xiaozhi said calmly, "Young Kiras, hide yourself."


In the blowing sandstorm, the crystal clear body of Young Kiras slowly disappeared.

Arty instantly understood the characteristics of Young Kiras.

Sand hidden, you can hide yourself in sandstorm weather.

From the very beginning, Xiaozhi didn't intend to use the sandstorm's attribute bonus to the rock system.

Instead, use the sandstorm's bonus to the hidden characteristics of the sand to carry out this battle.

The stone dwelling crab that lost its target got out of the ground, bumped into the sandstorm, and was suddenly pushed away by the wind and sand tornado.

"Bite now, and make a big fuss!" Xiao Zhi quickly ordered.


The young Kiras opened his mouth wide, bit the stone crab's claws with one bite, then twisted his whole body deftly and violently in half a circle, and threw the stone crab heavily to the ground.

Shiju Xie was severely injured and almost passed out.

But the will to fight that was not lost also gave it a chance.

Yadi ordered: "Shiju crab, insect bite!"

"House crab!"

The Shiju crab counterattacked with emerald green light in its mouth.

After touching the crystal-like skin of Young Kiras, a crisp sound echoed in the venue.


Young Kiras touched the place where he was bitten and grinned.

"Oops! Shiju crab, get out of the way."

Arty didn't expect that Young Kiras's defense was so exaggerated.

But at this time, it was really difficult for the stone crab to avoid the attack of the young Kiras.

"An eye for an eye!"

The young Kiras fiercely counterattacked on the stone crab, retaliated with an attack, and directly bit the stone crab until it lost its fighting ability.

mock up!Now I know whose teeth are harder!

(End of this chapter)

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