Under Xiaozhi, what are you doing?

Chapter 5 There is nothing to be afraid of anymore

Chapter 5 There is nothing to be afraid of anymore

It took a lot of effort for the two of them to reassure the little guy and let him fall asleep obediently.

Reshiram is still a baby elf now, and he can't stand too many external stimuli.

Taking a long breath, Xiaozhi said helplessly: "Doctor, don't be so surprised next time, okay?"

Dr. Oki obviously looked quite stable before, but he didn't expect to lose his composure sometimes.

He clenched his fists and walked up and down the room excitedly.

"This is a big discovery! The legendary elf actually has the shape of an egg."

"If you publish a research paper, it will be terrible..."

"So can you tell me how this little guy should be raised?"

Xiao Zhi's words stunned Dr. Oki.

"That's right, how to cultivate Reshiram?"

According to legend, few people have subdued elves, and there was only one case in the history of subduing Reshiram, and that era was too far away from now to be used as an effective reference.

So a very serious problem was placed in front of the two of them.

No one has cultivated this kind of elf, what should I do without the cultivation experience and cultivation method?
"Leshiram is a legendary elf from the Hezhong area. Maybe Dr. Yew from the Hezhong area will know something about it."

At this time, Dr. Oki thought of his good friend, Dr. Yew who specialized in the origin of elves in Hezhong area.

Xiaozhi knew Dr. Yew (in the game animation) in his previous life, but he and Yew didn’t know each other in this life, so he could only use Dr. Oki’s communicator.


"It's Reshiram!"

In the communication screen, wearing a blue researcher uniform and white long sleeves, a mature woman with brown hair breaking Newton's law and forming a spiral above her head seems to have known the news long ago.

She smiled calmly and said, "Reshiram is a legendary elf who believes in the truth and leads the world to spread kindness.

It is willing to help trainers who have the courage to pursue the truth. Since Xiaozhi can get the approval of Reshiram, it means that you are the person it is looking for to build the truth! "

Reshiram is not in essence like Gulardo, Kyoka, and Dialga, the legendary elves who are responsible for maintaining world order.

Compared with other legendary elves, Reshiram has more freedom and is not bound by external objects.

The Hezhong region was established by the twin heroes who controlled Reshiram and Zekrom.

So Dr. Yew wasn't too surprised when he heard the news that Reshiram was subdued by Xiaozhi.

Dr. Oki sat in front of the communicator and asked, "But how should Reshiram be cultivated?"

Dr. Yew said to them after reviewing the ancient documents: "Reshiram is an elf that feeds on flame energy, but it doesn't eat ordinary fire-attributed energy cubes.

Instead, he likes to feed on various high-purity flames, and I recommend feeding Reshiram with the energy from the Fire Stone.

And it needs to be given more room to move freely, otherwise Reshiram may learn to fly very slowly.

As for the others, it is said that the elf's physique is very powerful!So don't worry about Reshiram getting sick or something.

I will upload the rest of the information about Reshiram from the computer to Dr. Oki for your reference. "

"Thank you, Dr. Yew." Xiao Zhi thanked from the side.

"Don't thank me, it's what I should do.

If there is a chance in the future, I hope Xiaozhi can come to the Hezhong area. I want to study the legendary elves in the Hezhong area in person. "

For elf researchers like Damu and Yew, the legendary elves are extremely precious research samples.

Whether it is their habits, preferences, moves and reasons for their birth, they are all unknown areas worth exploring.

Xiaozhi didn't refuse this, after all, he still expected Yew to provide him with some help in cultivating Reshiram in the future.

Everyone is mutually beneficial.

After getting the breeding information about Reshiram, Dr. Oki hung up the communication with Dr. Yew.

"please wait a moment."

After saying this, Dr. Oki hurriedly left the room, and within 2 minutes, he came back with a red electronic handheld.

"This is the elf illustrated book you put here eight years ago, and I'm returning it to you now.

With it, you can go to the elf center to log in as a trainer. "

Xiaozhi took the elf illustrated book from Dr. Oki.

The shell of the illustrated book is covered with dust, which is a symbol of the times.

In the era of 2021, most of the elf illustrated books have been made into strange shapes, and there is even a mobile version of Rotom.

This kind of retro style elf illustrated book is rare.

Dr. Damu looked at Xiaozhi's strange eyes, thinking that he disliked the style of this elf illustration book was too old.

Explained: "Don't worry, although it seems a little behind, the system is the latest version, and it can read the information of elves in all known regions."

Xiaozhi shook his head and smiled emotionally.

"No, I just remembered something from the past."

Eight years ago, he almost reached the most desperate moment in his life.

In the beginning, the little elf ran away without obeying discipline, and his legs were severely fractured because of being chased by wild afro buffaloes.

Lying on the hospital bed at that time, he wanted to end his tragic and short life.

Fortunately, someone accompanied him all the way.

In the end, he spent three years recovering his body and became an anchor and part-time Pokémon game commentator on the Internet.

Although I still yearn to lead the elves I cultivated to kill all directions in the arena, I also look forward to traveling around the world to subdue the legendary elves.

But reality is reality. He is not a trainer, nor does he have elves, so he can only live in the comfort zone of this world every day.

After living like this for eight years, Xiaozhi thought that his life would always be spent in such a mediocre way.

As a result, he now tells himself that he has the qualifications to become a trainer.

It makes people feel like a dream.

"Did you remember the past? You still have fear of wild elves?"

Xiaozhi's wild elf phobia, Dr. Oki, still knows a little bit.

Many novice trainers in this world will suffer from this symptom.

Because some wild elves have a bad temper and occasionally attack humans who step into their territory.

Some inexperienced trainers have been attacked by this kind of elf once, and they will have psychological sequelae of being afraid of wild elves.

Xiaozhi once suffered from wild elf phobia, and Dr. Oki was worried about this.

A person is only afraid of losing when he wants to get it. This feeling of worrying about gains and losses is also one of the weaknesses of many human beings. But the more eager you want to get, the more you will lose, but...

"I'm not afraid of that kind of thing."

Xiao Zhi smiled happily as he stroked the stupid hair on the top of Reshiram's head.

 This book has been signed, and I hope that those who like it can bookmark it, and friends who want to bookmark it will see the end of the latest chapter, because follow-up reading is really very important for newcomers, please, Mina-san!
(End of this chapter)

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