Wandao long distance

Chapter 1023 Found

Chapter 1023 Found

Li Qi is thirty years old, and now he has broken through to the eighth level.

And the world around them is even more outrageous.

The world has completely turned into a 'combat' style, as if all production activities have stopped, and art and daily life have all disappeared.

It's as if everyone is born for fighting power.

The world's spiritual energy revived, and everyone started fighting. Politics and philosophy were all simplified to a comparison of combat power, and everything was presented with the simplest violence.

The country has completely collapsed, and it looks like the end of the world where only fists can speak. Everyone has become as physically fit as former Olympic champions, and the strong ones are even superhuman.

Even art can be completely transformed into combat power. Singing, painting, and writing are all part of the "moves".

Dong Yao is still alive, but she has changed from a beautiful girl in a youth love comedy to a fairy with extraordinary talents. However, the only thing that remains unchanged is that she still chases Li Qi everywhere.

World wars broke out everywhere.

Various 'foreshadowings' break out here.

How to say it, Li Qidu still doesn’t know that there are so many contradictions in this world.

It was as if Ferdinand had been shot dead.

Is Fernandi's life important? Not really.

The number of bigwigs who were assassinated or beheaded by their opponents in the history of the great powers could fill an entire square, but only Ferdinand triggered a world war.

Because what was important was not Ferdinand himself, but the fact that the great powers at that time had long since stopped tolerating each other.

The same is true at this moment.

However, the world war soon got out of control, and the world was rapidly moving towards a chaotic war between everyone.

Don't think that a war you started will go in the direction you expect.

"Death" and "piles of bones" cannot scare away people who already have nothing, but high amounts of spoils, pensions, reallocated resources... are very attractive.

Li Qi also rose to prominence because of this.

He quickly became the leader of a faction and one of the top figures in this world.

The world's style changes so fast, it's just like entering high school and meeting the school beauty at the beginning, and killing Hongjun alone at the end.

During this period, Li Qi encountered the arrival of "emotions" countless times.

Every time he arrives at a place, every time there is a new time, there will be something urging Li Qi to participate.

During this period, the world's style of painting changed again and again.

At the beginning, the spiritual energy revived, and a group of practitioners appeared out of nowhere.

Then ordinary people also began to awaken their superpowers.

In the end, it even reached the point where ancient gods descended from the sky and demons awakened on the earth. A small earth-like planet was actually full of monsters and demons.

Li Qi didn't know how to describe it.

But he has found a pattern.

No matter how the world changes, no matter how the characters appear, Li Qi finds that he is definitely the protagonist of this planet, and almost all major events revolve around Li Qi.

Whatever Li Qi is involved in, no matter good or bad, will eventually develop into a big event. Even if he steps on a bug to death, it may implicate an elite bug king from an underground nest.

God knows why there is such a thing in this world. It was clearly just an ordinary surface civilization before.

Depending on Li Qi's choices, these things will basically have several endings: "bad things", "nothing wrong", or "good things".

But the criterion for judgment is not Li Qi's subjective will, but "interests".

Li Qi can benefit from it, whether it is actual benefits, reputation, or the loyalty of certain people or showing off in public, all of which can trigger a "good ending". In short, he wants both face and money.

In the case of a good ending, Li Qi will clearly feel that everything he does will go much more smoothly in the future.

If Li Qi loses face but gains value, or loses value but gains face, then the "nothing happens" ending will be triggered, and generally nothing will happen in this situation.

As for the "bad things", such as the situation where Li Qi once allowed a female classmate to be bullied, which eventually led to her dropping out of school, this kind of thing made Li Qi feel a significant danger, and the intensity of the things he encountered afterwards and the intensity of the "emotions" themselves were greatly increased as a result.

This also made Li Qi feel something.

He seemed to already know where he had come to.

So, Li Qi, who had mastered the rules, began his performance.

He began to show his power in public, appear in grand costumes, and save the world. Every appearance was carefully planned, and every move was premeditated.

He crushed his enemies, destroying the world with one blow and one kick, and never allowed himself to suffer an insult overnight.

When he started doing that, the whole world started to help him.

All good luck came to him, and he began to be treated as the son of destiny. He punched the evil gods coming from outside the domain, kicked the monsters emerging from the sea, and his cultivation progressed rapidly.

If he needs something to temper his body, then he will find that thing. If he encounters a problem that requires something to solve it, then he will find that thing.

Everything, as long as he needs it, he can find it.

Moreover, as his consciousness gradually recovered and his brain, the thinking organ, became stronger, the skills sealed in Li Qi's mind were gradually unlocked, and he was able to do more and more things.

Originally, he couldn't use these skills because they were too complicated and Li Qi's brain couldn't handle them.

Now that he has reached the eighth level, Li Qi's brain has become more and more powerful. He has unlocked more and more things and can use more and more tricks. He has also taken the initiative to plan many reversals. He can feel that he is receiving more and more attention.

Many more years passed.

Li Qi is about to be promoted to the seventh rank.

There's a problem though.

That is what is needed to break through to the seventh level.

Before, spiritual energy had not revived, so Li Qi could only practice martial arts. After all, this thing really did not need the nourishment of other things, and it was not picky about the source of heaven and earth.

Now that the spiritual energy has revived, Li Qi can completely return to being a wizard.

But here's the problem.

Li Qi had a vague feeling that returning to being a 'witch' would cause him to encounter some terrible event.

Because the abilities of wizards are very different from those of warriors, according to previous knowledge, if one loses the cool melee ability and the courage to suppress all enemies with one punch, it is very likely to bring a bad ending.

There's nothing special about it. Li Qi's behavior cannot jump back and forth, he cannot make "complex" choices, he must maintain a flat posture and keep moving forward to trigger the "good ending".

If the complexity of Li Qi himself were revealed, it would probably attract a huge amount of anger.

But... do I really have to keep practicing martial arts? Li Qi was tangled up for a moment. He planned to think carefully for a few years before making a decision. After all, this matter was related to how he would go on and how he would escape from this samsara. However, before that, according to Li Qi's previous experience, he needed to continue to create "climax events" and could not live too calmly. He had to accept the stimulation of emotions at the right time.

Just as Li Qi was thinking about this——

He was sitting in his villa, which was located at the foot of a mountain, facing an open tree-lined mountain path and surrounded by a well-formed garden.

Xingxue also lives there, but because of her law-abiding personality, she rarely appears outside.

This is a house with a rigorous style, exquisite and elegant, giving people a peaceful and quiet atmosphere. Here, anyone would choose to hold their breath and walk carefully, and it is impossible to run.

Because this is Li Qi's mansion.

"Li Qi, when will you marry me?" At this time, Dong Yao said to Li Qi.

Li Qi came back to his senses and looked at the woman in front of him.

She is tall, impeccably dressed and extremely beautiful. She is the kind of woman who makes people feel ashamed of themselves. When people see her, they will subconsciously look at their own clothes, worrying that there is something sloppy about them and being embarrassed by their own vulgar and clumsy behavior.

But this woman seemed to be hypnotized and kept waiting for Li Qi.

More than a decade ago, when this world was still a light campus comedy, Dong Yao had been pestering him, and even when this world turned into a wild apocalypse dominated by battles, she had hardly changed.

Even his appearance was not changed much, maybe it was because of his cultivation method? But Li Qi felt that it was more likely the intention of the manipulator behind the scenes.

The 'emotions' in his heart were aroused again, and according to the guidance of his emotions, he should agree immediately.

But he knew that wasn't his own emotion, it was something that was instilled in her.

He has a wife, his own cognition and love, and those things cannot be compared with this kind of driven emotions.

Li Qi looked up at the second floor. On the second floor, Xingxue was knitting a sweater while looking at Li Qi eagerly, as if she hoped that her son would get married soon.

However, at this moment.

The wind suddenly blew.

The ground was covered with blue and creamy white flowers, and bees popped out from among the flowers.

The blue, gray and purple colors revealed in the late light are beautiful and touching.

In the smooth sky, there are quietly cruising clouds. Below the vast sky are plowed fields, bare trees, and rivers. The river water is rushing and hitting the black rocks, breaking into countless waves.

The buildings are gleaming in the thin, pale sunlight, and every blade of grass and tree is fresh and beautiful, full of vitality, without any evil or innocence. I can feel my heart beating and listen to the birds fluttering to and fro in the trees. Everything is bathed in golden light, and it looks so peaceful, quiet and beautiful.

For a moment, a strong sense of illusion arose in the surroundings, and an emotion so strong that it was indescribable filled the place, as if the whole world was creating the "atmosphere".

Dong Yao was completely dazed by the sudden scenery and everything that happened. She just looked at Li Qi with a pitiful expression. There was an uneasy and illusory sense of happiness in her nervous eyes.

In her eyes, even a look or a gesture from Li Qi was gentle and considerate, a tacit understanding formed over a long period of time, giving people a transcendent and dreamy feeling.

She was looking forward to Li Qi's response.

Li Qi looked at the scenery around him.

Just now...the surroundings were not like this.

Just a few seconds ago, the scenery here was just an ordinary mountain view, the skylight was also ordinary, and there was no such strong sense of atmosphere.

But just after Dong Yao said that, a strong emotion drove Li Qi to act, and the world around him changed. The strong atmosphere forced everything to adapt to the "emotion" that was about to take place.

Dong Yao stood in this picturesque atmosphere, waiting for Li Qi's response.

She was just a thoughtless, infatuated woman, ignorantly immersed in happiness.

Li Qi took a deep breath.

"No." He said suddenly.

His eyes were on Dong Yao, but Dong Yao could feel that his eyes passed through her body and looked at somewhere farther.

Dong Yao immediately turned around and looked back at where Li Qi's gaze was.

But she saw nothing.

When she turned her head around, she was horrified to find that Li Qizi's cultivation had been wasted!

All his martial arts skills were almost completely wasted in an instant, his blood and energy gushed out from the Baihui acupoint, his martial arts internal energy completely collapsed, Li Qi roared towards the sky, his martial arts spirit was shattered, his martial arts skills were completely wasted, and he almost instantly became a weak mortal.

However, the next moment.

Li Qi's inner world was reshaped, and the "atmosphere" of the surrounding external world was forcibly reversed.

Bright red, light yellow, pink, and pure white, all things compete to show their colors, but these colors are eroded and plundered in the blink of an eye.

Li Qi's inner world began to take on its own color.

The power began to grow vigorously.

'Chi' was branded.

Li Qi's thinking organs were quickly freed from his brain, and everything began to flow through his thoughts.

The thinking organ of the witch is not the brain, but everything itself.

  After being freed from the limitations of his thinking organs, Li Qi's thinking speed began to increase dramatically!

Use the entire universe as a medium for thinking, and then... use the entire universe as a reserve for your own cultivation.

In just a moment, Li Qi's thinking speed was dozens of times faster than that of a warrior.

People say warriors are stupid, but it actually makes sense.

Relying solely on the physical body does have its limitations.

After Li Qi destroyed his own cultivation, the entire world fell into great chaos.

Originally, the world was like a play, everyone had his own role, but Li Qi was manipulated on the stage and driven by various "emotions".

There is not a single line, not a single belonging, and no action related to the plot.

Although everyone stared at Li Qi when he appeared under the light, the surroundings were unusually quiet, so quiet that it was frightening, but Li Qi was so insignificant.

Because it's just a play after all.

Li Qi has seen through this drama.

Now, it is no longer a play, but life. He has been completely immersed in it, unable to control himself and full of desire.

Yes, Li Qi did not separate himself from the play, but integrated into it.

Just as he did when his emotions urged him to do so.

"Inner demon, I found you." Li Qi said.

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