Wandao long distance

Chapter 1038 Wow!

Chapter 1038 Wow!

The Human Emperor fell, humanity was invaded, and this battle lasted about one-tenth the length of the War between Humans and Witches.

It was indeed a catastrophe.

There were natural disasters and famine, the dead were everywhere, bandits rose up, and barbarians invaded from all sides.

The wealthy human beings probably never thought that one day these things would happen to them.

Under the control of some witches and sorcerers, strange insects suddenly infested the fields throughout the human world. They had neither claws nor teeth, and they drilled into and gnawed the crops from the roots and joints to the heart of the crops. Anything they touched would die. They spread from one area to the entire city, eating up all the fields and even all the various engineering facilities built by humans.

This is a locust, a species of insect, a poisonous insect cultivated by witches and sorcerers.

At that time, some couples cried loudly in the fields and then drowned themselves in the river hand in hand; some went home after crying and hanged themselves behind closed doors; some heard that their neighbors had committed suicide and followed suit. The pain and tragedy were too tragic to describe in words.

But the witches and shamans are not targeting these mortals. In fact, releasing the locusts is just to release the power of the earth and liberate humanity's control over the natural world.

In the past, humans could manipulate the weather and control the land, allowing them to do whatever they wanted and include everything in their plans. Now, what these witches and sorcerers are doing is simply to release the restricted weather and land back to normal.

But in doing so, all the construction carried out by humanity was naturally destroyed. The original resources went from being extremely abundant to not being able to feed the people, and even famines occurred frequently. The people could not stop crying, and were miserable and full of sorrow.

A woman who was pregnant with a baby of several months old walked on the street. Suddenly, a pair of scissors came out of her sleeve and she was about to stab herself. Then she looked at the baby in her arms with tearful eyes, then burst into tears, threw the scissors on the ground, and continued walking forward.

Some demons also took the opportunity to invade, and seduced the hungry people to abandon humanity and make them kill each other. The cruelty they caused, with people’s clothes and clothes destroyed, is beyond words.

Various disasters were also born. In order to clear the water veins, the true dragons caused floods one after another. The battles among the powerful ones often covered many cities.

The witches and shamans were even considered lenient. After all, they were very purposeful and death was just a byproduct; their purpose was not to massacre.

The demons were even more ruthless, they slaughtered people on purpose, some demon saints even declared that this was a 'demon farm' that destroyed humanity, so that in one slaughter after another, bones were scattered in the fields, livers and gallbladders were smeared in the grass, diseases spread, corpses were everywhere on the road with no one to bury them, the stench was lingering for a thousand miles, and the ditches were filled with rotten juice.

Humanitarian troops were frequently mobilized, supplies were used as military supplies, and various battles continued.

On the battlefield, there was a desolate wasteland with wild grass, tangled thorns, and endless yellow sand. There used to be cities, but they had all been turned into wasteland by the aftermath of the battle.

In addition, there are various disasters.

On the wasteland, skeletons are exposed. It is a pity for the former heroes. Their bones are broken and it is a pity for the brave men of those years.

The wind blows gently, and only the cries of ghosts and the howling of gods can be heard. The cold fog is billowing, and only foxes can be seen running and rabbits can be seen. The monkeys howl in the night moon, and people are heartbroken. The geese cry in the autumn clouds, and the wandering souls disappear.

On the roadside, one could often see people lighting fires, burning paper money, crying and bowing to the sky, then getting up and searching carefully, walking all over the battlefield, only to see bones everywhere, and not a single intact body.

In the first wave of conflict, loyal and good people had died first, the reserve of officials was exhausted, and the remaining people were all terrified. Everyone wanted to retreat, and everyone wanted to not be an official. Bones were scattered everywhere, and cries of grief could be heard throughout the world.

  The world is filled with sorrow for the separation of the living, the families are filled with resentment and sighing, the bones are piled up like mountains, and the empty sacrifices are spread out in the fields.

The noble nature of humanity has been severely tested here.

When supplies are sufficient and everyone is well off, then naturally everyone is a human being, and everyone lives in peace. Everyone is so noble and elegant, and everyone works so hard.

So, what happens when supplies are cut off? What happens when evil thoughts attack? What happens when wars continue?

  How many times can the so-called human nature withstand the tests of various realities, the attacks of various evil thoughts, and the unbridled spread of various doctrines?

Maybe this is nothing for high-level practitioners, but what about those mortals? Those who are not in the rank, or ordinary people of the eighth and ninth ranks, how long can they persist?

However, the answer was unexpected.

Even so, the corruption rate among ordinary people is less than 30%.

Although 30% can already have a huge impact, it is still a minority.

There was a local official who organized the civilians into armor, made weapons for self-defense, and fought to the death with his back to the city, saying: "If we win, we will go east to achieve great achievements. If we lose, we will die in the borders. This is the life's work of a real man."

They blocked the advance of 6,000 True Dragons for one year and two months, trampling the ground until the dust was two feet deep. Their soldiers were all out of arrows and no reinforcements arrived. Their food supplies were gone and the springs dried up. People drank water from rotten hemp to quench their thirst, and many suffered from diarrhea. They died lying on each other's backs. However, not a single person rebelled.

There was also a hermit who came out of the mountains to resist, but he was disturbed by the evil thoughts and turned against the enemy. After he realized it, he spat out blood and cursed angrily, which made the evil leader so angry that he had evil thoughts and split his neck with a knife, cut off his tongue and slashed his throat.

Soldiers from all walks of life led the charge before the battle. Even though they were defeated, they refused to surrender, cursed with their eyes wide open, and were killed by the swords.

Such is the spirit of humanity. Everyone is united in his or her own will and marches forward courageously. Some are ordered to fight, some are given a position to defend the land, and some are grateful for justice. Although they are in different situations, in terms of sacrificing their lives for the sake of justice, they are all loyal and righteous.

On the battlefield, victory or defeat is unpredictable, and there are countless people who are captured, die bravely, or commit suicide for the sake of justice.

There were also those who died in disasters and those who were ordered to lead the chaotic soldiers. Although they were suspected of being injured in bravery, they finally escaped. What's more, their country was destroyed, their families were ruined, their masters were humiliated and their ministers died. Although they did not achieve anything, their ambitions were admirable, and there were many of them.

When the world is in turmoil, there are those who can maintain their original aspirations with steadfastness and fortitude, who are willing to risk their lives to defend their country without worrying about their own safety. There are also many heroes in the local area and outstanding people outside the world who are brave and righteous and who die for the country.

The war between humans and witches has lasted long enough, and this war is one-tenth of the war between humans and witches, and it is basically fought on the human homeland...

Looking at all the humanitarian areas in time and space——

Due to natural disasters and man-made calamities, granaries were depleted, monthly income was insufficient, nine out of ten households were empty, and even entire families starved to death. Many people jumped into the river, leaving an endless barren land. Refugees were displaced, carrying their children on their backs. They had nowhere to return to and were dying. Only one in ten thousand survived.

Those who were able to fight had died their lives, and only the remnants of the people were left. There were ashes everywhere, regardless of the county or village. Everywhere was devastated. People, carrying their elderly and children, went to other places for food in droves. There were also many fathers and sons, brothers, and couples who even sold themselves to make a living.

Of course, it's not all devastation.

In fact, there are those who kill, and there are those who rescue. Many powerful people come here just for their own purposes, and it is normal for them to feel kind when they see people suffering.

For example, in Buddhism and Taoism, Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared here, and the Demon-Subduing Heavenly Venerable also came down to earth to save people from suffering, distributing porridge and medicine.

It's not that there was no systematic relief. For example, in some nursing homes and Anjifang, people who fell unconscious due to the cold or beggars without clothes on the road were given money and rice. Orphans and poor children who could be taught were sent to elementary school. Abandoned children were also raised by hired nurses.

There are also those with great supernatural powers who immediately issued clear decrees, and all gods obeyed them. First, a yellow light, like the rising sun, illuminated hell, and all sufferings ceased.

Some ordinary immortals and gods also often appear in miracles. For example, the Pearl Spring is the result of the luck of the immortals, which caused clear water to gush out of the ground and form a spring. It is said that this spring will not dry up for a thousand years and millions of people can draw water from it without it running out.

But all of this is just a drop in the bucket.

Li Qi was very clear about these things, but he did not take any action and did not try to rescue them.

After all, all of this is just the aftermath of what other powerful people have done. Unless this carnival is completely stopped, the relief will only be temporary.

It is easy to save lives, but few people can avoid and eradicate the root causes of the catastrophe.

Guanyin Bodhisattva, who is known to save people from suffering, has no right to intervene. There is not much that a second-rank person can do here. She only took away some civilians who had left the world and turned to Buddhism. The same is true for other powerful people.

People seem to be pitiful now, but in fact, there are always such pitiful people in every war in the nine regions of the world.

It’s just that the battlefield rarely enters the world, so it doesn’t look that tragic.

  This is a civil war in the nine lands of the world, but because of the suppression of the world, it does not involve the interference of time and space. It looks miserable, but compared with the war of time and space, what is it?

If we really add the tactics of time and space and start a war of possibilities, then countless timelines will be wiped out at any time, and the creatures in them will be wiped out without knowing it, the possibilities will be directly reduced to zero, and the timeline will be heading towards doomsday. There will be no way to suffer.

Therefore, Li Qi only looked at the entire human nature from the perspective of an observer.

Metal gears of all sizes move like a dance, rotating and driving the movement of the giant.

And this behemoth is under siege.

  But what do the high-ranking people of humanity think?

Theoretically, humanity has experienced this kind of "catastrophe" many times, at least hundreds of times, because the Human Emperor has been replaced at least hundreds of times.

  So, was this catastrophe intentional? The great men of humanity, those saints... couldn't they have taken precautions in advance?

However, it is obvious that the second-rank officials cannot do it. In fact, this is just speculation about what the first-rank officials meant.

  What is the purpose of these catastrophes for humanity?

But no matter what, all of this may be the foundation for humanity to stand on.

If one does not experience dangers and obstacles, does not go through hardships, does not take action when heaven shows changes, does not sympathize with the people who have lost their homes, speaks for the virtuous but does not keep his word, pursues things without righteousness, spends without moderation, trusts the wrong people, follows the old ways and gets by without the ambition to make progress, is confused and disorganized and is willing to accept defeat, then he would have perished long ago.

Forget it, I won’t think about these things anymore.

Li Qi carried the coffin of the Human Emperor, with the damaged Desire Realm in his pocket, and returned to Xuanjing Mountain in a flash.

No one stopped him. Humanity no longer had enough power, but the Human Emperor Sword was still there, and Li Qi really couldn't do anything with it.

After returning to Xuanjing Mountain, Li Qi informed Rabbit and locked himself in the cave. After taking precautions, he could not wait to open the coffin of the Human Emperor.

Inside is the corpse of the previous Human Emperor. Although his official position and throne have been stripped from him, some of the power and majesty of a first-rank official still remains.

The power at this moment caused Li Qimeng to retreat more than ten steps, all the way to the wall, where he finally stopped when he was stopped by the restriction he had set up before.

"This is really... There is obviously no power left." Li Qi patted his forehead and sighed.

There was no strength left, but the remaining might alone forced him to retreat. Was it his mind that was affected?

That was pretty much what he had expected, something that directly acted on consciousness, but in reality this corpse was already a dead thing, and even its past had disappeared.

If you trace the history of this corpse, you will find that he has no history at all, because he had left the throne of the emperor and the first-rank official position long ago, and no trace of them exists.

However, as I said before, this thing is not completely worthless.

The wind leaves an image behind, and the passing wild geese leave traces behind, not to mention the power brought by the throne of the human emperor and the first-rank official position.

Li Qi took out the Desire Realm.

Then they threw the body in.

The corpse of the previous human emperor entered the realm of desire.

This kind of 'pure spiritual' thing almost immediately caused a spiritual storm in the Desire Realm!

The power of the Human Emperor's corpse can only scare people in the real universe.

  But in the Desire Realm, it really exists!!

Li Qi immediately plunged into the realm of desire.

This was what he had planned from the beginning. Through this method, he could truly and carefully observe the formation of the first-grade power at the second-grade stage.

As for the damage to the desire realm, it was unexpected, but it doesn’t matter. This damage has been assessed and will not cause any substantial permanent damage to the desire realm.

Li Qi sneaked into the desire realm and began to observe.

Everything went smoothly.

Through the characteristics of the 'manifestation spirit' of the Desire Realm, Li Qi successfully saw the manifestation of the first-grade power of the Human Emperor in the second-grade power.

Because the Desire Realm itself cannot replicate the first grade, this is due to the upper limit of the Desire Realm's ability. No matter what, the Desire Realm cannot really replicate the power of the first grade, so the power of the Human Emperor it manifests is always limited to the second grade's state of 'similar in form but different in spirit'.

But this is exactly what Li Qi wants.

Even if a replica of the original was really made for him, Li Qi would not be able to understand it, and even if he did understand it, he might even be misled.

That's fine.

Li Qi observed this information, greedily absorbing the information in it, about what it was like when the power of the first rank degraded to the second rank, and what was going on with the thoughts that remained in the remains of the Human Emperor.

However, as he watched these...

He felt another wonderful power.

That was from the depths of the Desire Realm. It leaked out because of the destruction of the Desire Realm and the oppressive feeling brought by the remains of the Human Emperor.

It's like a precision instrument. When it's running, it's covered with a shell, and under normal circumstances you can't see the details of its operation.

However, with the outer shell damaged and the second level of manifestation operating at overload, the Desire Realm clearly exposed its internal structure.

This is really... a pleasant surprise.

Li Qi felt that he already understood the Desire Realm very well, but this still surprised him a little.

However, it doesn’t matter if there are more accidents like this, he wants them all.

Li Qi devoted some of his energy to sneak in——

  Then, his eyes widened!


  This is really……!!!

It's the end of the month, please give me a monthly ticket

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