Wandao long distance

Chapter 1046 How long do we have to wait?

Chapter 1046 How long do we have to wait?

Part of the Dao dispute appeared here again.

There is no conflict between Li Qi and Haotian, and Li Qi is even full of admiration for Haotian.

It is because of Haotian’s tolerance and magnanimity, and his unique gentleness, that the universe has become what it is today.

Haotian is gentle, and no one can deny this, even if they hate him.

If it weren’t for Haotian, there wouldn’t be a second first-grade person in this universe.

Haotian is willing to give all living beings a chance, so that they are qualified to walk out of the so-called "path".

If Haotian was narrow-minded or even vicious from the beginning, then it is easy to imagine what would happen to all living beings in this universe.

Xiantian used to be such an existence. All living beings living in Xiantian basically existed as food for Xiantian. Moreover, in order to qualify as food, they had to engage in brutal competition with each other to devour each other in order to gain the qualification of "harmony with the Dao".

In this case, it is because Xiantian has no imagination and is rather stupid that he uses this method.

Like the hell realm and hungry ghost realm that Li Qi had seen before, the production line of the yangshoudan they produced, and the various strange and bizarre methods used by the demon realm to extract demonic thoughts...

If Haotian started doing this from the beginning, no one in this universe could stop him.

All cultivation begins with Haotian.

Whether it is the earliest witchcraft, or the gods, or any other practice methods that do not contain Taoist ideas, they are all imitating Haotian.

Even the bodies of all living beings, whether they are humanoid creatures born with the three innate treasures, monsters, or even various beasts, are imitating the movement of Haotian's body to embark on the initial path of cultivation.

It can be said that if it were not for Haotian's indulgence, there would not be so many methods of cultivation in this world, and all mortals would have to prostrate themselves at Haotian's feet, worship the great Emperor of Heaven, and be grateful for his kindness.

But Haotian did not want these favors.

He gave up his kindness and gave all living beings true freedom.

Haotian just quietly watched these very unique and diverse life forms that graced the world's possibilities. It was all so bright, loud, mysterious and beautiful.

Once upon a time, many mortals believed that they were held captive by the gods and had lost their freedom.

However, when they really come into contact with the truth of this world, they will find out...

'Freedom' means that they have to live in an environment with a lot of fear but very little food, need to constantly defend their territory, and can only endure unknown threats forever.

  In a ruthless and cruel world, where everything a being does is forced upon them in order to survive, what is the meaning of freedom?

If Haotian does not protect them, they will experience all the cruelty of the natural state, and after the pressure of life and death, freedom will become complete nonsense.

It is Haotian who allows mortals to have a real sense of freedom.

He treated gods and mortals equally and stopped the gods who were originally loyal to him from exterminating mortals.

Many gods were angry about this. Originally, all mortals should be kept as pigs and dogs, but because of Haotian, these pigs and dogs were able to be on an equal footing with them, and even fight with them, and even kill their relatives and friends.

They took revenge on the mortals.

Sacrifices, blood meals, ten days, floods, when mortals were really about to be extinct, when Mount Buzhou collapsed, Haotian stepped in to stop the angry gods.

Just like at this moment, Haotian stopped the Demon Prince and Li Qi.

Haotian's messenger, Taibai Jinxing left quickly.

The Demon Prince was badly injured and needed to recuperate. He was wounded.

It is indeed too risky to confront Haotian directly, but this also confirms Haotian's actual attitude.

Well... after some calculations, about 30% of the mortals in the demonic realm are still alive.

That's almost enough.

If you want to continue to kill demons, it is not realistic.

But there is a problem.

Li Qi waved his hand and created a closed area where he had a secret conversation with the Demon Prince.

"So, this last bit of evil cannot be eradicated, and your foundation cannot be established. You lack a chance to move forward. How should I put it? Is this disobeying Haotian?" Li Qi said to the Demon Prince.

Now, Haotian is blocking the way of the Demon Prince and Li Qi.

According to the original arrangement, after the extermination of the demonic path, this action would be able to verify a certain answer from the Formless Realm and the Demon Prince.

If all goes well, the Demon Prince might be able to go a step further and find possible ways to restrain or even suppress the demons from the Formless Realm and Buddhism.

"Isn't it all about you? I don't have any reverence for Haotian, but you are different. By the way, aren't those gods headed by Di Jun and Di Hundun inviting you? I think, the demon slaying is so smooth, they may have made a lot of efforts behind the scenes, and they are just waiting for you to step on Haotian's line." The Demon Prince said casually.

"So, do you support me to go over there to help, or even kill Haotian?" Li Qi asked back.

"Our goal is to kill the Heavenly Demon." The Demon Prince said without hesitation: "Before that, it wouldn't be a bad idea to try other first-grade weapons, right?"

The tone of these words was terrifying, and I guess only someone like the Demon Prince could say such a thing.

In response, Li Qi could only shake his head and said, "You haven't finished reading the Taisho Tripitaka and the Tripitaka, right? Go back and continue studying. I need to think about it."

After saying this, Li Qi lifted the seal, said hello to other second-grade beings, such as the golden monkey and the great bodhisattvas, and then left the place.

The Demon Prince left without even saying hello.

Everyone could see that Li Qi was in some kind of dilemma.

To be fair, Li Qi supports and even respects Haotian. He has always felt that it is right to maintain the diversity of the universe, as well as to protect the existence of more things and mortals.

However, in Li Qi's opinion, the evil path is really harmful and has no benefits. He thinks that destroying the evil path will create more possibilities and make the universe a better place.

But Haotian didn't think so, and even blocked his way.

In a sense, this is a dispute over Taoism.

And it’s a pretty terrible dispute.

There was a conflict between Li Qi and Haotian that was not caused by any personal feelings. This conflict was caused by the different views of the world between the two parties and the differences in their paths.

It's obvious that this situation cannot be reconciled.

At this moment, Li Qi even wanted to release his madness and make decisions based on his instincts.

There's a saying that all living things have a bit of madness in them, causing them to behave in strange and sometimes inexplicable ways.

This madness usually saves their lives. Madness is a necessary component of adaptability. Without this madness, no species can survive.

For example, when the situation is turbulent, many people will choose to escape, not to escape to a certain place, but to escape from something. But in the end he gave up.

He is not an ordinary person and cannot do things just out of madness. As a great being with high intelligence and reality, the decisions made by Li Qi should naturally be made through thinking and reasoning.

While thinking this, an unfamiliar but familiar presence appeared in front of Li Qi.

At this time, Li Qi was in the void. He was floating in the void and thinking.

And in front of him, a star made of animated flesh and blood emerged. It was so strange and terrifying. It seemed to be flashing with some kind of changes in light and shadow, some bright colors, among which red was particularly eye-catching, like some kind of pink skin turned backwards.

Above the stars, there is an eye.

There is no doubt that this has happened before...

Disaster star, Tai Sui.

One of the gods who exterminated all mortals.

The power of Tai Sui that Li Qi encountered in the Demonic Path before was just a silhouette, but the one in front of him was the real Tai Sui.

"Li Qi." Tai Sui said, "Have you figured it out?"

Looking at the Tai Sui in front of him, Li Qi shook his head helplessly: "That's about right. So, the reason why the inner demon lost was because of you. Last time, the bloody stars in the sky seemed like you were helping them, but in fact you were helping me."

"My operation went so smoothly this time, is it also because of you?"

"Yes, Emperor Hundun personally took action to blur the secrets of heaven. No one knows the reason, and I will help without leaving any traces. We are helping you to destroy the demon." Tai Sui said.

Then, he continued to tell Li Qi, and the flesh and blood star emitted waves in the void: "We are helping you, but... Haotian is your enemy."

"This is a dispute over morality. It has nothing to do with personal likes and dislikes, right? Do you still want to insist on your own opinion?"

Tai Sui asked.

Li Qi just felt a headache.

How to calculate this?

Tai Sui looked at Li Qi quietly, and then said: "You, are you trying to use the demon slayer to achieve a certain goal? It should be related to the Tao, and it seems to have a significant impact on your next plan."

"Yes." Li Qi nodded and acknowledged it.

"But Haotian has stopped your plan. If he doesn't give in, you may never achieve your goal. You either have to keep wasting time until the evil path revives, or until Haotian dies. And you don't know how long that will take." Tai Sui said.

"You know, there are so many powerful people in this world who are 'waiting', just waiting for a gust of wind to come, so that they can continue to act. But sometimes, the opportunity may never come, so they need to plan slowly and create opportunities."

"Now, the best time to create an opportunity is right in front of you. If you miss this opportunity, how long do you want to wait for another group of people to dare to challenge Haotian? Perhaps, you won't be able to wait until you die or until the demons are completely revived to encircle and suppress you. Now you are just seizing the gap after the battle between the Heavenly Demon and the World Honored One. The Heavenly Demon should be repairing and recalling the battle with the World Honored One. If you don't seize the opportunity now, you may never be able to wait for this window of time again."

"After all, there is only one World Honored One in this world, and the demon may only reveal this one flaw."

Tai Sui persuaded Li Qi calmly, without lying, exaggerating, scaremongering, or using any sophisticated rhetoric, he just stated the truth in a plain and straightforward manner.

But just saying it out loud is enough to put pressure on people.

Li Qi listened to these words.

In fact, doesn't he understand these words?

Of course not. He was very clear about these things, so he knew that there was nothing wrong with what Tai Sui said.

"So, what do you want to choose?" Tai Sui said.

Although he was asking, he seemed very sure that Li Qi would choose them, just like Xi had persuaded Li Qi in the first place.

There is no need for coaxing, the facts are right in front of you.

But Li Qi was not in a hurry to agree.

He just closed his eyes and felt Haotian's presence.

That’s right, Haotian’s presence is present in everything, and Haotian’s presence can be clearly felt everywhere.

When you feel Haotian in this way, you can feel the existence of something that seems to be the soul of the world.

The soul of the world, or...the personality of the real universe.

This extraordinary being, who weaves the cloth of existence over the universe with warp and weft and becomes its supporting framework, personally decorates the canvas of the real universe with various definitions of space and time.

  As for himself?

Without quality, incomprehensible, indescribable, unattainable, we have sewn a set of clothes for it with our poor language - oneness, truth, unity, absolute, supreme reality, the basis of existence, or...


Haotian's existence is undoubtedly great, and at the same time, his power is terrifying.

Only when you truly experience Haotian can you realize his tremendous power. As far as Li Qi knows, the former first-class human beings have launched an attack on Haotian.

They called this attack "Shooting the Sky".

In the end, this operation ended with the death of the Human Emperor.

Operation Shooting the Sky involved many first-rank masters, among whom all the first-rank masters of humanity participated in the battle and demonstrated their skills to Haotian.

In the end, Haotian fought against four people alone and killed the Human Emperor of that generation with the thunder of heavenly punishment.

Haotian's power was fully displayed in that action. As the one who personally created the real universe, a wonderful space-time that no one can replicate, and as the first first-grade cultivator, the soul of the real universe, his power is difficult to fathom, and even the first-grade cultivators who have cultivated themselves cannot match him.

Of course, that was a thing of the ancient times. It is not known whether the later first-grade masters can match Haotian.

But, ever since that time...

No one challenges Haotian anymore.

Humanity is still "waiting for the right time" to complete the task of replacing heaven with man. They are also preparing for the Yellow Path and the "Throne".

From ancient times until now.

Li Qi looked at himself.

Should he continue to wait?

Humanity has been waiting from ancient times to the present day, through hundreds of generations of human emperors and countless people working hard, but still cannot get this opportunity.

  And what about him?

How long will he wait?

At this moment, will it also be called "Taigua" by future generations?

(End of this chapter)

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