Wandao long distance

Chapter 1055 3 Realms

The demon prince watched as the formless realm was snatched away from him.

The demon looked at the Formless Realm with interest: "So, do you have anything I can't think of? Bring it out, let me see what I can do."

The devil smiled as he looked at the two children he created.

Shang Fan and Li Qi.

how to say……

In the eyes of many people, although being an enemy of the devil will not lead to immediate death, it is inevitable. After becoming an enemy of the devil, you will have plenty of time to regret it, but there will be no way for you to survive.

You will have a lot of time to regret your recklessness, regret your cleverness, and regret why you provoked him.

After all, the Heavenly Demon only needs a thought to generate countless secondary Heavenly Demons to trouble you. Even if he himself has forgotten about it, the secondary Heavenly Demons will not forget it.

But once the devil really remembers you, you are finished.

You have provoked the most formidable opponent in the universe.

The demon may not be the strongest, but he is definitely the most difficult to deal with.

But at this moment, as the demon spoke, the formless realm in his hand suddenly exploded.

It was such a violent explosion.

It is one hundred thousand times brighter than the birth and death of the universe, like an energy pressure cooker exploding.

At this moment, the cause and effect sequence around was disrupted.

Just now, the devil showed the fate of countless Li Qi. At that time, all the possibilities of Li Qi were placed in front of him, and then they were blocked by the devil.

However, because Li Qi at that time was actually the Demon Prince disguised as the Formless Realm, it did not work.

But this time it's different.

Because... Li Qi was blown out by the explosion.

"Do you think I can't see you? Li Qi, you have used my eyes, so you should know how much I can see, right?" Tianmo said easily.

Then, Li Qi was pulled out.

As the formless realm exploded, he came face to face with all his possibilities.

It was unimaginable that he was hanging in the countless endings that spread out from the universe itself.

Li Qi was stunned. For a blinding moment, he could only feel helpless.

Then, just like the first cell jumping out of the primordial soup and into the sea for the first time, catching its breath on the beach in the ancient times, in the first moment of history when single-celled organisms were born, it was directly faced with the countless complex organisms of the vast domains, kingdoms, phyla, classes, orders, families, genera and species of the future.

The Demon Prince became anxious.

He immediately rushed forward and tried to pull Li Qi out of the infinite possibilities.

The demon did not stop him.

In fact, he watched the two people's performance with some interest.

If there was another first-rank person watching the battlefield at this moment, he would find that another demon was floating above the battlefield.

The so-called 'Devil's true body' inside is fake.

Even if Li Qi and the Demon Prince used all their trump cards to kill the so-called 'Devil's body' inside, they would not be able to hurt the Devil at all.

Because the real devil was on the battlefield, watching Li Qi and the Demon Prince struggle like a cricket in a cage.

Just as the demon said.

From the beginning, there was no chance of winning.

Challenging the first rank is a foolish plan.

There is no chance of winning in challenging the first level, the possibility is zero.

The possibilities had already been ended at the very beginning. Li Qi and the Demon Prince had no chance of defeating the Heavenly Demon.

Not to mention defeating it, they couldn't even touch the demon.

The gap is too big.

No one knew what Amitabha was thinking. Leaving at this time would not only not give Li Qi a chance of winning, but would instead allow his own power to be absorbed by the devil.

He really trusted Li Qi too much. Perhaps he felt that what was left behind was enough. However, it was impossible for Li Qi to get the inheritance left by Amitabha.

Both the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and the Buddha's body have been returned to the hands of the devil.

But the devil was still very interested.

All this was just because of the identity exchange just now, which made him expect them to do more unexpected things.

The use of the formless realm is amazing.

Well, now that the Formless Realm is in the hands of the devil, what other tricks do you have?


And now, on the other side...

  Li Qi was caught by the Demon Prince and pulled out of his ever-expanding 'self'

For the Demon Prince, having experienced the Retribution of Dark Karma, he was not afraid of this kind of cage, and the Heavenly Demon's use of this trick just now did not do anything to him.

But Li Qi couldn't do that, so he just took a few breaths and looked at the Demon Prince: "What do you mean...is there any way now? By the way, the Formless Realm is still in his hands. He knows everything we say and think now."

The Demon Prince said, "Should we call the witch god to rescue us? It seems there is no other way."

While the two were talking, the evil thoughts from all around were still rushing towards them. They were strangling them and avoiding the danger while moving around in the body of the demon and maintaining contact at the same time.

"The God of War will not interfere in this matter, right? Do you want the God of War to help you clean up what we have done?" Li Qi shattered the evil thoughts that were attacking him and said.

"Don't you have a wizard master? Isn't he willing to lend a hand to save you? Please lend a hand, or you will really die." asked the Demon Prince.

"I don't know. Why don't you try to go out and ask?" Li Qi really didn't want to continue this topic.

Even if the witch god is willing to help them, they don't have the ability to report it to others.

The possibilities are blocked.

Alas, I shouldn’t have believed in Amitabha Buddha completely in the beginning. Who knew that Amitabha Buddha would have this idea…

This idea amused Tianmo. Li Qi and the Demon Prince could hear giggling sounds coming from all around, as if mocking their recklessness.

Just as this laughter came——

  Li Qi and the Demon Prince looked at each other!

Then, the formless realm really exploded!

  With this explosion, the formless realm unfolded in the hands of the devil!

The demon was pushed away by the explosion.

It is impossible for the explosion to push away the devil. In fact, it is the expansion of the formless realm at this moment that repels all the evil thoughts that make up the devil.

So it looked like the demon was pushed away by the explosion.

  At the same time, at the moment of the explosion, the bodies of Li Qi and the Demon Prince also appeared in the center of the expanding colorless sky. The demonic thoughts around them all died, and the expanding colorless sky quickly suppressed the bodies of the demons around them!

The demon opened his eyes and showed a serious look.

What lay before him...

  This is... the Three Realms!

The three realms combined together to form a set of magical weapons with enormous power, and they launched an attack at this time!

The three realms in Buddhism are called the desire realm, the form realm, and the formless realm.

Needless to say, the desire realm and the formless realm are the spiritual world forged by the devil, and the other is the "nothingness" created by the Tathagata.

The third one is the realm of form.

  The realm of desire is the myriad heavens forged by Li Qi!

Can anyone think of,

The realm of form, form means transformation or manifestation, all sentient beings are born through transformation; they are born through the transformation of form, and all are wonderful and exquisite. Because they still have form, they are called the realm of form.

  Who still remembers how Wanbantian was forged?

Li Qi extracted the possibilities of all living beings, allowing them to continue to spread in infinite possibilities until he forged a "perfect" self one by one.

This practice is actually inspired by Buddhism.

  Does anyone still remember how Buddhism did it? They used reincarnation to create the "enlightened ones"!

Through repeated reincarnations, people can realize the reality of the world, see clearly the illusion of the present moment, awaken the wisdom of past lives, and integrate the memories of countless reincarnations into one.

From now on, the cows, sheep, cats, and dogs are you; the insects and butterflies are you; the trees and weeds are you; the demons and evil spirits are you; the men, women, old and young are you; the slaves and laborers are you; the kings and generals are you; and the ultimate enlightener is also you.

All beings are equal, and all beings are you. (See Chapter 529 for details)

Having left behind the various aggregates of defilements and afflictions of the desire realm and opened the manas consciousness, one can see the true self. The me in the previous life, the me in this life, and the me in the next life are all the true self. If one can see the true self, what difference does it make which life it is?

Therefore, what Li Qi did, the attempt of infinite possibilities, was actually an imitation of everything that Buddhism did in the "realm of form"!

So, the devil immediately realized what they had done.

The 'thoughts' you see are all false!

This was because Li Qi had already swallowed Wanbantian into his body before, which meant that Li Qi's inner world had already merged with Wanbantian.

Not only did the Demon Prince use the Formless Realm to conceal his own thoughts, Li Qi also used the Formless Realm to conceal their thoughts when he merged the Ten Thousand Heavens and the Desire Realm.

  Everything that happened before was just an act, a setup to get the devil to take action himself and put him in the current situation!

Therefore, from the very beginning, all the thoughts that the devil saw were false. Those thoughts were meant to guide the devil's power. The devil was too confident in his ability to spy on the thoughts of all living beings.

The devil teases all living things, and the devil prince and Li Qi are well aware of this, so they have already discussed this plan in the "Three Realms".

Now the demon has fallen into the trap. He got too close this time.

Indeed, the Demon Prince and Li Qi have no chance of winning at all, but if they can use the help of the 'Three Realms', then they might as well give it a try.

As long as the demons are gathered into the formless realm, it is not impossible to seal them.

"The three realms in Buddhism? I have an idea, but unfortunately, can your realm of desire hold up?" Tianmo's expression became a little more serious. He had realized that he could not check the thoughts of the Demon Prince and Li Qi now.

The formless realm obscures the perception of the devil.

But there's another problem.

The desire realm and the formless realm are both first-class creations.

One is simply the eggshell of the devil, and the other is the ultimate creation forged by the Buddha Tathagata to fight against all demons.

Can Li Qi's greatness support these two?

If it can't hold itself up, it's like a piece of iron rod, but the middle part is made of paper. If you hit someone with such a rod, it will just break by itself.

With Li Qi's talent, can the Wanbantian he created really be put together with the two first-grade works and be effective against the demons at the same time?

The demon was very curious.

Therefore, the demon did not hold back.

The power of the first rank was exerted at this moment.

He wants to completely overwhelm Li Qi's three realms.

There was no earth-shattering performance, only... something indescribable that I didn't know how to describe.

How to describe this posture?

It is probably the torrent of all thoughts, the gathering of all "human hearts", the tsunami-like thoughts, imaginations, emotions, the sum of everything.

The human heart is a trash can. When something happens, just throw the human heart into it to shut others up. After all, you can find anything in the trash can, and you can always make sense of it.

The world war started because of "human heart".

Dynasties changed because of "people's hearts".

War is ugly, killing is endless, and all kinds of things that fall below the moral bottom line happen because of "human heart".

However, someone stood up and saved the world because of "human heart".

The new era created by someone is still because of "human heart".

Some people risk their lives to save others, to make the world a better place, and to become heroes, all because of "human nature".

When I see bad things, I sigh and say, "This is the human heart."

When you see something good, sing praises: “This is the human heart!”

Some civilizations have launched many rockets into space.

Some civilizations have launched many rockets towards the surface of their own planets.

It’s all because of human nature.

All good, evil, beautiful, ugly, everything, seems to be able to be thrown into the "human heart", as if as long as it is thrown into the human heart, everything will make sense.

It's really unreasonable, isn't it? No matter what happens, you can just blame it on others.

So what is the human heart?

The devil has the answer.

It's like the universe.

The universe contains everything. The universe is the combined force of all thoughts, ideas, and realities. The essence of the universe is static. If there is no interference, the state of 'combined force is 0' will be maintained.

When the resultant force is zero, nothing will move, and all things will be relatively still, achieving absolute stillness in a certain sense.

However, as long as another component force is applied to a moving object, as long as the magnitude and direction of this component force are appropriate, the resultant force can be unbalanced and the trajectory of the resultant force will change.

Thus, the movement was born.

The thing that exerts the "force" is the "human heart".

Human heart, or desire, thinking, and ideas, are the first and only driving force that sets the static universe in motion.

The originally static universe with zero combined force started moving because of the mind.

Mind is the cause of all things.

The mind is the driving force of all things.

Everything is driven by the heart.

It is the 'heart' behind all the actions.

The heart produces desires, and then desires drive life to change the world. All life is driven by those most primitive desires.

So, Li Qi...

  Can your three realms bear the responsibility of being the driving force of this entire world?

Can you afford the desire itself as "everything"? (End of this chapter)

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