Wandao long distance

Chapter 1057 Faith

Chapter 1057 Faith

Li Qi is fighting.

All mortals have perished in this battle.

  Of course, perhaps some powerful people would say that this is actually false, but in fact...how can what the heart feels be false?

For sentient beings, who have not been enlightened, have not gotten rid of their ego, and have not realized their true nature, then of course all their experiences are real. They will still suffer if they should, and they will have experienced everything they should have experienced, without any possibility of falsehood.

Before attaining enlightenment and obtaining reality, no one can escape from all kinds of worries and pains. Pretending to be empty and pretending to see through everything will reveal their true colors. The time that passes is short and it is like putting out a fire.

Since this is the case, the sacrifice has already been made, so there is no time to retreat.

So he was so focused that he could not give up at this moment no matter what the cost. He was willing to gamble everything, even if it meant his death, but he could not stop at this critical moment.

The Demon Prince obviously thought so too.

Although things have developed to this point, there have been many unexpected situations and many things that were not planned, and even starting the decisive battle now is purely an accident.

They were not prepared to have the final battle with the devil at this time, they were simply forced to do so by Amitabha Buddha.

But now that I’m here, I won’t leave.

Let’s fight to the end.

Li Qi was particularly firm on this.

Because Li Qi would not accept the demon's illusion.

The devil always makes others believe that the world where only he exists is real.

Li Qi knew that this was one of the common forms of escape used by vulnerable people.

When life is too harsh, some people tend to use this kind of fantasy to escape reality.

They convince themselves that it's all fiction, just a giant hoax.

The devil always catches on to those fragile seeds and can make sentient beings defeat themselves simply by pushing them. The harsher life is for them, the more the devil persuades them to believe that the universe is a hoax.

But the universe is not a hoax.

This universe is real.

All living beings, and the path they pursue, are the truth of the universe, just like the answer Li Qi got before.

The development of the world is the result of the mutual interference of all living beings.

All things, all living beings, everything, are shaped by everyone. The birth of cause and effect, the changes between living beings, and thus, this world was born.

Higher wisdom itself, the "heart" of all beings itself, is a component of objective reality, which transcends subjective consciousness itself.

By arranging each "reality" together, we can see all the "real" activities in the universe, which is to describe the history of the universe, the present of the universe, and the future of the universe.

The devil wants to decide everything according to his own will, but Li Qi will not accept it. This is the dispute between him and the devil.

Li Qi wants to fight for a piece of "freedom" for this universe.

What freedom?

Freedom of choice.

This will be Li Qi’s gift to the universe he cares about, the most precious gift of this universe.

  A power of choice!

All living beings are not false. Even if they are humble, they can also choose their own possibilities.

Ever since Li Qi first grasped reality, he has been troubled by the answer.

And now, he has never been so determined.

He firmly believed that his answer was correct.

This is his answer, his final interpretation of the world.

There is no ultimate path to the myriad paths. Perhaps all living beings will always be on the path of pursuing the path, but that is also exciting enough.

This answer gave Li Qi an extremely firm belief.

As long as he firmly believes in this, Li Qi will not back down.

However, the Demon Prince suddenly said at this time: "If you take everything seriously, you will be very tired."

"Is there anyone in this world who is not tired? Even the witch god, or even Haotian, aren't they tired?" Li Qi smiled and said, "Instead of carrying all living beings on one person's back, it is better to let all living beings walk on their own, giving them freedom and choice, and allowing me to not worry so much."

"I can't stop this one, you come?" said the Demon Prince.

"What? Oh, the retribution for evil deeds." Li Qi took a look and understood what the Demon Prince meant.

Countless times more terrifying than before, the retribution for the dark karma of the devil in his serious form is coming.

If he regards everything as false, then the retribution for his bad karma will not have such a good effect on him.

But if everything is regarded as real, and the hearts of all living beings are regarded as one of the reasons for the existence of the world, then the oppressive power brought by the retribution of evil karma will increase countless times.

As for the Demon Prince, it seems that he can no longer suppress so many evil thoughts.

"Okay, then I'll do it."

Li Qi smiled and accepted the retribution for the evil karma brought by this wave of demons.

It's nothing more than fighting the enemy with our generals and blocking the water with our earth.

They have been fighting the devil for such a long time, and have to resist countless methods every second. The retribution for evil karma is just one of them. It is nothing surprising.

At this moment, Li Qi was drawn into the dark business.

The endless cycle of time has begun, and he will be washed away by thoughts in units of trillions of years.

Life and death are long-term, limitless, and boundless.

There is a big stone mountain, one yojana wide and one yojana high. If a man wearing a long robe with wide sleeves comes here after a hundred years and brushes it, the stone mountain will be worn away. This will be one kalpa. If this is repeated countless kotis of nayutas hundreds and thousands of times, it will be one "black karma" and one Avici Hell.

However, Li Qi is now a second-grade prince. His mental tenacity is not comparable to that of the Demon Prince when he was a fourth-grade prince. Although the retribution of the evil karma of the Heavenly Demon in a serious state can easily destroy the mind of a third-grade prince, for Li Qi, who is now a second-grade prince, he can still resist.

The outside world is just a moment.

Li Qi inside has been reincarnated for who knows how many years.

His entire consciousness was washed away by time, trying to shut down every thought circuit of his, obliterate every memory, and destroy every subtle thought pattern established since birth.

When these patterns are cleared, they force the release of that portion of energy and the entire body becomes a chaotic vortex.

But these so-called pains are not the terrible thing about destruction. The only thing that is terrible is that the mind is never confused. When consciousness is erased, the mind can feel that it is slowly retreating, retreating back to death, until it finally disappears and waits for rebirth. The mind is saying goodbye, as if mourning in an endless funeral.

It was not until the Dashi Mountain was destroyed and all the mustard seeds in the Big Iron Prison were picked up that Li Qi, in a daze, finally felt a word in the interval between the retributions of his evil deeds.

"If you are reading this, you have been in a coma for twenty years. We are using the latest treatments. We don't know where this will appear in your dreams, but if you see it..."

Li Qi chuckled: "Tsk, Tianmo, why are you using such a low-brow method now? Do you really think I'm crazy?"

"Hmm? After experiencing the entire retribution for evil deeds, you still retain your ability to think? You are stronger than Shang Fan." The voice of the demon sounded in Li Qi's mind.

"Shang Fan accepted your move when he was at the fourth level. I definitely couldn't withstand it when I was at the fourth level." Li Qi stretched lazily: "But now, I'm not that fragile. Just use whatever moves you have. Otherwise, when I wake up from the black karma, it will be my turn to attack."

"You are really confident. You are different from before." said the demon.

Li Qi has indeed changed a lot now.

Because he has found his own way to interpret this world. Through so many years of experience, he has made his own judgment on the fundamental nature of this world.

Maybe some people will disagree, but that doesn't matter, this is Li Qi's own answer. There is more to life than just living. So I found it myself.

Don't let the world stop just because you have doubts.

Tianmo looked at Li Qi and finally asked, "So, what is your purpose?"

Li Qi was relieved.

He suddenly smiled with relief and laughed out loud.

The hahahaha laughter lasted for more than ten seconds, which was a very long time, and could even be said to be a huge flaw, but the demon did not take the opportunity to attack.

"Demon, I finally made you unable to see through me, right?" Li Qi asked.

"Indeed, this is... a great progress. Can you become the next Buddha? Can you be the proof of my other existence?" Tianmo said to Li Qi.

Li Qi restrained his smile and pulled the Black Karma Report off his body: "Let's not talk about that for now. What I can tell you is my purpose."

Li Qi spoke to Tianmo word by word, solemnly.

Of course, he could conceal his purpose and use all kinds of tricks just like Tianmo or Wuxiang.

However, although Li Qi did not hate tricks, in this matter, he wanted to be like humanity, state his purpose and ultimate goal openly, and rush towards that goal in front of everyone.

Faced with such honesty, Tianmo realized what he had always wanted to pursue.

Yes, that's it.

The devil wants another Buddha.

And now, Li Qi showed such characteristics.

Therefore, the devil even stopped, revealing his true nature and listening carefully to the voice in his heart that he could not hear.

Yes, Li Qi and the Demon Prince’s inner voice were obscured by the formless realm, so he could not hear it.

But Li Qi still wanted to say it.

For Tianmo, this answer means hearing the voice of his heart that was previously inaudible.

Therefore, he attaches great importance to it.

Li Qize paid more attention to it.

He tore open the Black Karma Report and firmly stated his goal: "I want to return life and death to the living beings who live and die."

"Living beings are not you, demon. Living beings have their own paths. The paths of the heavens and myriad worlds can only be walked by living beings themselves, not by you. They have their own beliefs."

The demon then asked: "Faith? Faith in what?"

"Yes, what to believe in? You have to ask yourself. That's right, this is what I want to give them. This is the gift I want to give to all living beings. They can choose what they believe in."

Tian Mo laughed and said, "They can't bear this gift."

"They can bear it. There must be something worth believing in this world, and they will find it instead of pinning everything on you."

Li Qi was willing to believe this and he firmly believed it.

This power turned all his thoughts into reality, so the random purpose became clear and the path appeared before his eyes.

What all living beings pursue, their path, is right here in their hearts.

All Li Qi had to do was eliminate one wrong answer.

Eliminate the wrong answer "Tianmo".

The journey will be much smoother.

Just like he said at the beginning.

He wants all living beings to be free from disturbances by demons.

Tianmo heard Li Qi's answer and looked at the Demon Prince.

"Li Qi gave me a very good answer, so, what about you?"

"Me? I'm not that complicated. I just want you to die." The Demon Prince answered casually.

The demon smiled.

"Okay, okay. One of you cares about all living things, and the other only cares about himself. One is doing it for the greater good of all mankind, and the other is doing it out of personal grudge. You two are completely different, even completely opposite, but you still came together and used your own way to cause trouble for me."

Li Qi and the Demon Prince do have completely opposite personalities.

Li Qi is calm, cautious, even a little cowardly.

The Demon Prince is brave and arrogant, to the point of being reckless.

But at this time, their goals are so consistent that they have shown completely opposite characteristics several times.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Li Qi is about to escape from the retribution of evil karma.

at this time.

"This is not an easy journey." The demon said, "You just used the Formless Realm to cover up your evil thoughts. It doesn't mean that you no longer have evil thoughts. You just became... another person's fantasy."

The demon looked at Li Qi and the Demon Prince in front of him.

In this world, there is only one person who is on equal footing with the devil.

That is 'another thought', another thought entity in the universe where only Deva himself exists, and he is the Tathagata.

The Tathagata has no evil thoughts, because he is not the illusion of the devil.

And now, Li Qi and the Demon Prince, whose evil thoughts are concealed, are also each other's illusions. This is a war between two thought entities, and the Demon Prince and Li Qi are just external manifestations.

The devil looked towards the formless realm.

In the final analysis, he is still fighting with the Tathagata.

What Li Qi, what Demon Prince, are nothing but illusions, just a secondary manifestation of a real thought entity.

The reason why the two second-grade masters can repeatedly create miracles is not because they are so powerful or how talented they are, but because they are the manifestation of the World Honored One, Tathagata.

He has always been fighting against Tathagata, and Li Qi and the Demon Prince are just pawns.

The purpose of the devil is to conquer the Buddha, to fully realize the second thought entity, and to realize the existence outside this world.

While thinking this, the power of the Heavenly Demon had once again overwhelmed Li Qi and the Demon Prince.

Just as the demon said.

Want to get out of the black karma? It's not that easy.

However, at this moment!

Xiantian suddenly fell from the sky and smashed the demon away.

Li Qi escaped from the predicament.

“Wu Xian!” The demon glared at the sky.

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