Chapter 61 A Scumbag and a Bitch

Xu Kai and Dong Ni can be regarded as dealing with it.

One, took his girlfriend to watch a movie, said something sanctimonious on his mouth, but honestly touched the thigh of the woman next to him with his hand.

The other, knowing that he has a girlfriend, still seduces him, and her spare tire is sitting beside her.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xu Kai and Dong Ni are definitely a scumbag and a bitch, a couple of dogs.

Regarding this, neither Xu Kai nor Dong Ni was aware of it at all.

"I bought a new lipstick yesterday, mint flavor, do you want to try it?" Dong Ni asked Xu Kai in a low voice.

Under the reflection of the movie screen, the mint-flavored lipstick on Dong Ni's small mouth shone with a crystal red light, she pouted her small mouth slightly, and kept exhaling hot air into Xu Kai's ear.

At the end, Dong Ni stretched out her little tongue and licked Xu Kai's earlobe lightly.

After the secret code, no, the clear code, had been sent to Xu Kai, Dong Ni closed her eyes gently.

Dong Ni's heart is very simple, she likes Xu Kai, the one she likes very much, so no matter what, she has to snatch Xu Kai over. For this reason, she will not hesitate to seduce Xu Kai!

What's more, Dong Ni's roommate Shi Jiahui told her that if a woman chases a man, the only window paper is between the windows.

In addition, Dong Ni was thinking: "Anyway, Yu Qingyun already knows about the more embarrassing things about me, so I took the initiative and took the initiative. What can I do?"

Xu Kai struggled for a while, and then whispered to Dong Ni: "We can't do this, my girlfriend is nearby, if she finds out, she should be sad, and she should feel that she entrusted the wrong person."

It's good that Xu Kai didn't mention Tian Haitang, but if he did, Dong Ni's jealousy could no longer be suppressed!

She held Xu Kai's face in her hands and kissed him proactively.

Xu Kai quickly pushed Dong Ni away, and then looked at Tian Haitang.

Seeing that Tian Haitang was still watching the movie seriously and didn't look at himself and Dong Ni at all, Xu Kai turned his head and whispered to Dong Ni: "Stop making trouble, it's really not good now, if you really have any ideas, we can contact you later. "

Xu Kai made it very clear, he didn't mind what happened to Dong Ni, but he couldn't do it in front of Tian Haitang.

But what Dong Ni wants is not a temporary pleasure, but wants to be Xu Kai's girlfriend.

But Dong Ni can also see that Xu Kai and Tian Haitang have a very good relationship, and Xu Kai is not the kind of person who loves the new and dislikes the old.

"If I push too hard, maybe it will backfire and make Yu Qingyun completely ignore me."

Thinking of this, Dong Ni took a step back: "I didn't force you to break up with your girlfriend, I just like you and want to be with you."

"Brother Yu, I'm already so humble, I've already shamelessly seduced you, can't you give me a little bit of your love?" Dong Ni said in a tearful voice.


Xu Kai sighed, then put his arms around Dong Ni's slender waist, and whispered in her ear: "I will definitely not abandon my girlfriend, as for let me think about it."

Being able to get Xu Kai's life shows that his hard work and risk-taking were not in vain.

Dong Ni felt that she should accept it as soon as she saw it.

But Dong Ni was not too reconciled.

After thinking about it, Dong Ni closed her eyes, raised her head, and kissed Xu Kai: "Then give me a kiss."

Xu Kai didn't go on kissing, but whispered: "Even if you don't consider my girlfriend's feelings, you should also consider Pan Xiaowei's feelings, right? Don't forget that he loves you to death, you have the heart to hurt someone who likes you so much people?"


After all, she hadn't completely reached the point where she didn't care about anything, so after hearing Xu Kai's reminder, Dong Ni couldn't help but look at Pan Xiaowei.

Then Dong Ni shook her head and smiled wryly.

Pan Xiaowei was secretly wiping tears there.

Pan Xiaowei substituted himself into the hero, and thought of the heroine as Dong Ni.

Tears couldn't stop flowing down.

When the hero and heroine meet again in the end, the heroine is still so beautiful and pure, as if she has never been defiled by a scumbag.

Pan Xiaowei smiled happily again.

After the movie was shown, Pan Xiaowei applauded enthusiastically!

Many moviegoers looked at Pan Xiaowei as if they were idiots.

But Pan Xiaowei didn't care about these people's strange eyes at all. He turned his head and said to Dong Ni: "This is called love." Then he said to Xu Kai: "This is called a movie. Let's compare it. It's just rubbish!"

"There are people who like to watch such a disgusting movie?"

Xu Kai really didn't understand: "Is it because I don't understand love after all, or is Pan Xiaowei's realm too high?"

As the four walked out, Pan Xiaowei told Dong Ni the details of the movie, how touching the movie was, and how pure and great the love between the hero and heroine was.

Not to mention that Dong Ni didn't watch the movie at all, even if she did, she couldn't discuss it with Pan Xiaowei if she hadn't forgiven him.

Seeing that Dong Ni ignored him, Pan Xiaowei pulled Xu Kai again and said, "This movie will definitely win the award. It is the most touching and realistic movie I have ever seen, bar none."

Then Pan Xiaowei told Xu Kai how beautiful and pure the heroine was, and that if it wasn't for the good fortune, the hero and heroine would have been together a long time ago. No timetable, but I guess they will be together.

Seeing Xu Kai's bewildered face, completely unaware of what he was talking about, Pan Xiaowei asked in astonishment, "Didn't you watch the movie?"

Xu Kai can't always say that the person you like has been harassing me in front of you when you are serious about watching the movie. How can I have the heart to watch this big bad movie?

"I fell asleep." Xu Kai told a white lie.


Pan Xiaowei couldn't believe it: "Such a good movie, you can still fall asleep?"

After speaking, Pan Xiaowei looked at Tian Haitang again: "Sister-in-law, have you watched a movie?"

What Xu Kai never expected was that Tian Haitang not only nodded, but also opened his mouth and said, "I see, but I don't like the hero and heroine in it."

"Why? Don't you think their love is beautiful and real?"

Tian Haitang shook her head: "The hero is too indecisive, and the heroine thinks too much."

"Uh... don't you think this is true? There are many such examples around me. They grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and then they were boyfriend and girlfriend respectively, and finally got together again after going round and round, and lived happily ever after. Together." Pan Xiaowei tried to convince Tian Haitang with the examples around him.

"Isn't it good to stick to the end?"

Pan Xiaowei was left speechless by Tian Haitang's question.

On the other hand, Tian Haitang is so abnormal. If Xu Kai didn't know, Tian Haitang must have discovered the ambiguity between himself and Dong Ni, and his 70 years of life would have been in vain.

Xu Kai hurriedly pulled Tian Haitang aside, and said to her: "I was infatuated with ghosts just now, I..."

Not wanting to, Tian Haitang stretched out his hand to cover Xu Kai's mouth: "I'm referring to me from the beginning, you... just remember to go home."


(End of this chapter)

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