Marvel debt king, love to make friends

Chapter 218 Prepare in advance

Chapter 218 Prepare in advance
"Forget it, let's see if that guy can take precautions before they happen... It's best if he can avoid it. If he can't avoid it, he can only beat the enemy back..."

Shaking his head, Li Ming started the car, ready to go to the company again.

What should be reminded, he also reminded.

Although the scene just now was not very pleasant, he still made it clear what should be said.

Taking Nick Fury's suspicion as an example, even if he is confident, he will inevitably strengthen his vigilance against the Rubik's Cube in the next period of time.

As for whether Loki can be directly controlled as soon as he appears, instead of letting him solve everyone smoothly and take away the Rubik's Cube.

It depends on Nick Fury's performance.

To be reasonable, he has encountered so many high-risk existences, so he can't still have so much confidence in the ability of S.H.I.E.L.D., right?

Li Ming thought silently, then sighed suddenly: "However, if the enemy comes, come, and just take advantage of the time when these three gems exist in New York at the same time, to verify whether they will fail in the future..."


After leaving the Trident headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., Li Ming drove all the way to the Gospel Building, and called Peter to ask him to come to the company as well.

Two years have passed, and there is no trace of the original Osborne Group on the original Osborne Building.

Whether it is the external wall and logo or the interior decoration style, it is quite different from the previous Osborne Building while maintaining the technological style.

As soon as he stepped into the lobby on the first floor, many people in the company lobby cast fiery glances at Li Ming amidst the respectful greetings from the security guard and the front desk.

For these people, Li Ming has long been used to the strangeness, and he didn't pay much attention to it, so he asked the front desk: "Are Dr. Otto and Dr. Stern in the company?"

The front desk immediately replied with a sweet voice: "The two doctors are both in the company, do you need to send them a notification through 01?"

While speaking, he did not forget to show his beautiful figure and beautiful face, so as to gain a slight possibility.

"No, I'll go up and find them myself."

Li Ming shook his head, smiled at those who tried to get close to him but were stopped by the security guards, and signaled the security guards not to restrict them.

After chatting with the people who were released, and making sure that no potential big fish had been missed, Li Ming turned around and took the elevator upstairs with slightly disappointed eyes at the front desk.

no way!
The tone of this universe is too dramatic, and many bigwigs are getting more and more down and down before they make a fortune.

In many cases, they are only a chance away from rising.

Of course, it was actually such an opportunity that drove them to the abyss.

If they came to him for this opportunity and were turned away.

Forget about the talent Li Ming missed.

He was afraid that he did not give this opportunity, but inexplicably became one of the driving forces to push him into the abyss, which would cause him and Gospel Technology to be hated in the future and cause unnecessary troubles.

Although the possibility of this is very small, those who take the initiative to come together at this time are basically opportunistic guys.

But as long as it is possible, Li Ming will not hesitate to waste this little time chatting with these people when he meets them.


Taking the elevator to the upper floors of the building, Li Ming went directly to Otto's laboratory through the gazes of various staff members.

Compared with the dilapidated small laboratory that was temporarily rented back then.

Now the place is spacious and bright, and all the equipment is top-notch. Whether it's funds, materials, or people who are available to drive, there is no shortage of researchers to carry out repeated mechanical experiments.

As soon as he stepped in, Li Ming saw Dr. Otto who was arranging a new round of research tasks not far away.

The mechanical arm, which has undergone several rounds of optimization, exhibits a more dexterous posture under his will. Although it still maintains the unique texture of the machine, its operation is unprecedentedly smooth.

Even more than ordinary people's control over their limbs!

Seeing that Dr. Otto was still working, Li Ming didn't bother, just found a chair and sat down, quietly waiting for Dr. Otto to finish the arrangement.

Not long after, Dr. Otto, who was speaking sternly, spotted him out of the corner of his eye. He was taken aback for a moment, and surprise appeared on his face.

"Hey! Sunlight, you're back!?"

Dr. Otto raised his hand and waved away the virtual projection in front of him, and strode towards Li Ming with the help of the robotic arm.

At this time, other researchers also immediately turned their heads to look at Li Ming, with different expressions.

Standing up and hugging Dr. Otto, Li Ming said with a smile: "Anyway, they have already graduated, and there is nothing to do in Boston, so I just took the nearest plane back."

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to say hello to the researchers and have a brief chat.

"Not bad!"

Dr. Otto looked satisfied: "Then what plan do you have next, are you not going to continue your studies? Or come back directly to participate in the company's management?"

Li Ming smiled: "About this matter... are you free now? I have something to talk to you about!"

"Of course I'm free!"

Dr. Otto agreed, then turned to the researchers under him and said, "Just do as I said just now, I'll leave for a while!"

"Let's talk in my office, but before that, we have to call Dr. Stern."

Walking out of the laboratory with Dr. Otto, Li Ming said as he walked.

"What the hell is it that you have to call us two?"

Dr. Otto asked suspiciously. Originally, he thought it was just a matter of research, or just chatting.

But it was strange to have to call Dr. Stern now.

Now Gospel Technology is taking off at a high speed, reaching nearly billions of volume in just two years, and the company structure has also undergone considerable changes.

But the research department is still headed by Dr. Otto and Dr. Stern for the mechanical and biological fields respectively, but they have many more large and small laboratories under their hands.

Now inside Evangelion Technology, as far as the laboratory is concerned, the status and power of the two of them can be said to be second only to Li Ming!

"Well... let's clarify later!"

Li Ming said perfunctorily. After arriving at Stern's laboratory and finding Dr. Stern, they went up to the top floor together and came to Li Ming's president's office.

And here, where the original Norman Osborn's office was located, it was no worse than the hall in terms of size.

Li Ming didn't need such a large space at all, and he wasn't as ostentatious as Norman Osborn.

Therefore, when decorating, I chose to divide the space and use most of the space as my personal laboratory, leaving only a small area as an office.

For him, it not only ensures the confidentiality of his laboratory, but also facilitates his work, which is much more convenient.

(End of this chapter)

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