Marvel debt king, love to make friends

Chapter 225 Give Steve a Job

Chapter 225 Give Steve a Job

As the car drove out of the manor, Li Ming looked at Steve Rogers in the rear seat through the rearview mirror.

"Rogers, where are you going next?"

"Where are you going..."

A trace of confusion flashed across Steve Rogers' eyes, and he asked, "Do you have any other suggestions?"


Li Ming and Peter exchanged glances, and then said: "My suggestion is, instead of staying alone, it is better to walk on the street more, get in touch with the crowd, and feel the atmosphere of this era."

Steve Rogers smiled: "If I have time, I will go... As for now, can I trouble you to send me back to the previous training venue?"

"I want to hit sandbags alone, just be quiet!"

"I just said it's better not to be alone..."

Li Ming couldn't help complaining, "But... if you want to go back, then fine."

As he spoke, he turned the steering wheel, adjusted his driving direction, and returned along the same way he came.

The car drove steadily.

Li Ming was thinking about his own affairs, but didn't speak.

After seeing Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers in the back seat fell into a state of deep sadness and didn't want to talk or chat.

There was complete silence in the car, and the air became more and more frozen.

Finally, Peter couldn't take it anymore, he turned his head and looked at the back seat: "Uh...captain, did you meet Ms. Carter just now?"

Steve Rogers looked up at Peter, with some changes on his melancholy face.

"It's pretty smooth... It's just that I never thought that it would be like this when we meet again."

Peter's expression froze, and he stumbled and asked, "Then, Captain, do you have any plans for the future?"

"Next... If there is a task for me, I will complete it. There is nothing else for now..."

Steve Rogers said calmly, compared with before coming, he felt a little more sad than heartbroken.

With this posture, even Peter couldn't continue the awkward chat.

He immediately cast his eyes on Li Ming for help.

The meaning conveyed in the eyes is nothing more than "You seem to be right, the situation has really gotten worse!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Li Ming said, "Rodgers, I wonder if you are interested in taking a private job?"

"Private work? What do you want me to do?"

Steve Rogers frowned slightly, with a look of vigilance on his face.

Although he was not in good condition, he was a soldier who came out of the battlefield anyway, and he never lacked vigilance.

Hearing Li Minglai's words suddenly, he couldn't help being suspicious.

"What kind of expression is that on your face? It's really just giving you a chance to make extra money!"

Li Ming complained, and then said: "As we mentioned before, I started a technology medical company with mechanical prosthetics as its main product..."

"You know, companies like ours have very high requirements for security work. Although our company has established a security team long ago, I still feel that their skills need to be improved..."

When he said this, Li Ming couldn't help thinking about how the security guards of the other party's security guards stole equipment from the executives when they sneaked into the Osborne Building two years ago...

Never repeat the same mistakes!

Thinking in his heart, Li Ming kept talking: "If you have time, why don't you come to our company as a security coach?"

"The reward is guaranteed to be generous, and it happens that you can also get in touch with other people, instead of completing S.H.I.E.L.D. missions all day, just beating sandbags alone!"

Hearing Li Ming's words, Peter, who couldn't continue the conversation, immediately beamed with joy.

Hiding behind the dead corner of the car seat, he couldn't help giving Li Ming a thumbs up.

"Just like that?"

Steve Rogers's expression changed, and he hesitated: "But I have fallen behind in many aspects..."

"Hey! Compared with those, your experience is the most important, isn't it?"

Li Ming interrupted him, glanced at his expression through the rearview mirror, and made sure that the other party did not show any rejection, and then continued.

"I don't believe that S.H.I.E.L.D. has not developed training for you to familiarize yourself with new era equipment, tactics, etc. With your battlefield experience, you should be familiar with these things very quickly."

"And my company's security actually doesn't use that level of skill. I hope you can teach my company's security team your experience and help me train them more decently..."

"What do you think?" he asked expectantly.

In fact, this matter was just a temporary idea by Li Ming.

But when it comes to it, he himself thinks it's not bad.

If Steve Rogers can join, the level of Evangelion's security team can be raised to a higher level, at least.

And this World War II veteran who is out of touch with the times can also get out of his lonely world by getting acquainted with others while commuting in the company.

And by the way, he can get a generous salary... Although he has a pension that the government owes him for more than seventy years, perhaps this Steve Rogers is not short of money.

If only the government of this country could actually pay him!

But ridicule aside, anyway, it's a win-win thing!


Steve Rogers is clearly on the move.

For him, the biggest attraction of this job is not the remuneration, but a new short-term goal.

Peggy Carter, whom he just met, wants him to live a good life, but he is so confused that he doesn't even know why he lives.

Perhaps, taking a new job is a good start?

"Well, I'm not sure if I can take private jobs..."

After hesitating for a while, Steve Rogers still nodded: "When I go back, I will ask the officer for instructions. If he says there is no problem, I am willing to accept this job!"

"Of course, then I look forward to the time when you join Gospel Technology!"

Li Ming replied with a smile.


Peter immediately shouted in surprise, "If the employees of the company know that our security coach is Captain America, I'm afraid their enthusiasm for going to work will increase!"

"Uh... I still have to ask the chief to know if I can take this job. Parker, you better not be too happy."

Steve Rogers said so, but he couldn't help but also smiled.

Seriously speaking, he was actually a young man when he was frozen.

There is naturally a young and lively side in the heart.

But after being frozen for more than 70 years, the drastic changes after waking up really made him vicissitudes a lot. He has a youthful and handsome face, but his demeanor is like a decadent uncle.

Now laughing with Peter, he finally looks like a young man.

(End of this chapter)

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