Chapter 108 The tip of the iceberg

In Xianyang in early winter, although the sun is hanging in the sky, there are sporadic snowflakes flying down.

Fusu sat on the carriage heading to Shanglinyuan, eyes slightly closed, thinking about the news from Ganfu, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Someone was visiting the imperial mausoleum at night, and suspected that he wanted to find the whereabouts of the young master Hu Hai!" '

It is often said in later generations that garbage is a treasure that has been misplaced, and there is nothing wrong with this saying.

For example, if O Doudou, whose ambition is to "learn what the ears and eyes like, and be happy with the poor mind", if he is killed with a single knife, how can there be such a surprise.

"Send someone to follow up quietly. It's best if you can find the main messenger. If you can't find close surveillance, it's good. Remember, don't startle the other party!"


When Ganfu left, Fusu beat the carriage with his cane, and the convoy set off again.

Fusu picked up a roll of bamboo slips, then put it down, recalling the original track of history, he couldn't help but smile wryly.

There is no way to have the ability to govern the country, but it is necessary to know that there are talents when the country is subjugated.

It is difficult for the emperor to govern the world well, but it is not easy to destroy a big empire by himself.

The first thing to do is to have a high degree of control over the bureaucracy, so that it can be uploaded and issued, and government orders can be unimpeded.

Only in this way can bad governance directly affect the grassroots of society and quickly shake the foundation of the entire empire.

Those lords who decree not to leave the capital are at best playing themselves to death!
To be a king of subjugation, one needs to meet one of the following two conditions.

1. The ruling inertia caused by the long-term rule of the empire and the maturation of the bureaucracy.

In this point, there is no one on the right side of Ming Huaizong.

2. The empire is established, although the imperial power is not deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but the emperor himself is outstanding and can completely control the bureaucracy.

The model in this respect is none other than the ten sages of Wangmiao. The crime lies in the Zhaogu one emperor who has made great achievements in the future, Sui Yangdi Guang!

Conquer Korea, build canals, do whatever you want, chop off anyone's head if you want, control all officials like domestic slaves, and treat Li Shu as worthless.

However, even with the complete centralization system of the Sui Dynasty and the outstanding talents of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, it took 13 years to achieve success.

As for that stupid Oudou of Fusu's own family, in the first year after the reform of the Yuan Dynasty, Chen She and Wu Guangze Township revolted;

In the second year, Zhou Wen led thousands of vehicles and hundreds of thousands of soldiers to attack Hangu Pass and stationed in Xishui (now east of Lintong, Shaanxi);

In August of the third year, he committed suicide, Ziying was made emperor, and Zhao Gao was killed;

In October, Liu Bang Chen Bing Xianyang, Ziying surrendered;

In November, Xiang Yu entered Xianyang, burned, killed, looted, killed his sons and babies, and Qin was completely destroyed...

In comparison, Emperor Sui Yang and Emperor Huaizong of the Ming Dynasty were astonished, saying that you are really our idol!
Later generations often say that Qin is the one who died of Qin.

But in Fusu's view, the word Qin refers to the princes above the court, not Hu Hai himself.

For example, referring to a deer as a horse.

When he read the historical materials carefully, he found that this incident happened in the third year of the second emperor, August Jihai!
Three days after the incident, Zhao Gao's son-in-law Yan Le led his army to surround Wangyi Palace, killed Wei Ling, and forced Hu Hai to commit suicide!

This is the change of Wangyi Palace recorded in the history books.

Last month before this, in July of the third year of II, under the coercion of Sima Xin and Zhao Gao, Zhang Han took the last hope of Qin, and about 20 people surrendered to Xiang Yu at the Yin Ruins on the south bank of Huanshui.

And Zhao Gao's motive for killing Hu Hai was because Hu Hai asked about the rebellion, Zhao Gao felt that he couldn't hide it, so he jumped the wall in a hurry.

In other words, Hu Hai actually didn't know the specific situation of the battle ahead until his death.

Of course, if it is not to say that Hu Hai only likes to hear good things about peace in the world, then everyone has a different opinion.

But now, when he was tentatively preparing to roll out the New Deal to make a big splash, people with two hearts had already begun to take action.

Fusu smiled silently, thinking in his heart, the ancients were shrewd, but the traversers are not stupid!

It seems to be the beginning of Tianhu, but I am familiar with the trend of history, and I understand that whether it is Bo Langsha's assassination of Qin, or the Dongjun meteorite case, they are just the tip of the iceberg hidden and calm under the water.

If all the things behind this were written into a case file, it would be piled up like a mountain!
I intentionally left Li Si and Hu Hai behind in order to draw out this force. Now it seems that this force is targeting Hu Hai who is detained in the imperial mausoleum.

After all, since Li Si returned to Xianyang, he dismissed his followers, opened the middle door wide, and wrote books where everyone could see him, never meeting outsiders.

The hamster is always a smart person and knows how to protect himself wisely.

Not only does it not attract the attention of outsiders, but it can also avoid suspicion by oneself, which will lead to disaster!

Fighting with others is a lot of fun... Fusu thought of someone's famous saying, filled with fighting spirit in his heart, and then picked up a scroll of silk and read it.

This is an urgent document sent by Ziying from Lingnan. It says that the sucrose in Lingnan has been squeezed out, a total of [-] catties, and it is on the way to Xianyang under heavy escort.

Of the [-] catties of brown sugar, [-] catties were used to reward the clan ministers, and the remaining [-] catties were sold in Xianyang.

As for the price?
After all, it is something unprecedented, and if the price is low, it is to look down on people.

Then the price is 2000 yuan per catty. Anyway, the wealthy households around Xianyang have plenty of money!
Rich people always only buy the expensive ones and not the right ones!
One thousand catties of brown sugar can be exchanged for 200 million yuan. In addition to giving 60% to the clan, which is 140 yuan, you can also keep [-] million yuan!
It's a little less than I expected, but it's understandable for the first year...Fu Su twirled his beard and continued to read.

The silk script also stated that there were a total of [-] brave Yue people who escorted the sugar. Li Shang and Ziying personally led the team, followed by the brave and brave family members of the Yue people, as well as tens of thousands of Yue people's concubines.

Sure enough, if you give him a load of salt, he can create a nation... Fu Su was slightly speechless, and then laughed out loud.

He didn't object to the marriage between Qin people and Yue girls. After all, as long as Yue girls don't sing... And they just happen to be given to those bachelors who are willing to move to the fields as daughter-in-laws.

Send house, land, and daughter-in-law!

Tax-free, tax-free, and corvee-free!

With such a combination of punches, the land in Huangzhong should be filled up soon!

What gave Fusu a little headache was where to place the brave family members of the Yue people.

After all, what they promised at the beginning was to place them in the Guanzhong area, and this is an army loyal to themselves and good at fighting in dense forests!
In Fusu's plan, the Yueqi camp is not only used to deter the Yue people from the counties in the South China Sea, but also to allow them to enter the Shu land, and take away the Ba people who are still hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, and the Qiang people on the west side of the central Sichuan plain. People please come out and let them make up the taxes owed over the years!

Fusu groaned for a while, recalling where there was still open space in Guanzhong.

Well, there is!

ps: Thanks to 'Xia Xiebo', 'Thrushcross King h', 's God and man s', 'Fatty My Day', 'Drunk alone until dawn', 'Ya Sanbai', 'International Court of Hague', Monthly tickets for 'Tianfeng Ancient Sword' and 'Flying Feather Affinia'! (*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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