Chapter 112 Civil Regulations
In Xianyang City, it was just dawn, and even though the city flag had not yet been hoisted, a corner gate in the South City of Changyang Street had already opened, and people waiting outside poured in like a tide.

Chen Ying, who was resting today, was dragged here by Zhong Limei to improve the food. He and Ji Bu guarded Zhong Limei in the center, and walked inward along the crowded crowd.

It wasn't until Chen Ying squeezed into Nanshi that he realized that the whole Nanshi was completely different from the time he came last time.

When he came last time, Nanshi was well-organized, but it was complicated. The shop selling bamboo baskets and other bamboo products might be next to a government-run store selling grain, and next to it might be a shop selling charcoal.

It's different now. According to the plan, the entire Nanshi City separates the shops that sell food from the shops that sell handmade products, and they are organized.

For example, it is a few shops operating various kinds of food that are now licensed to open the door to welcome customers before the city flag is raised.

Chen Ying also noticed that the government-operated tofu shop that was queuing up to supply tickets had already closed down, and the few city people who ran the shop seemed to have gone to the meatball shop next door to help.

He smiled slightly, and there is no great secret to making tofu. When I was a guest at Jibu’s relatives’ house last time, I saw vendors selling poles in the street. No, most of the time, they exchanged dried beans for tofu.

But his favorite is bean dregs, fried in mutton oil, very delicious...

"Brother, shall we eat mutton soup pancakes today, or steamed buns with meatballs?" Zhong Limei looked at the two shops next to each other, and suddenly had difficulty choosing.

Chen Ying also began to hesitate about the ultimate problem of what to eat.

But Ji Bu was much more straightforward, and stepped forward directly: "Old rules, a bowl of haggis and two flatbreads, put less green onion and more chili oil!"

Chen Ying: "Old rules... how many times has this guy come here to eat behind our backs?"

Zhong Limei: (°ー°〃)
After a while, the three of them held a pottery bowl as big as a face in one hand and a large pancake in a bamboo basket in the other, looking around for a suitable seat.

Chen Ying was amazed. I didn't expect the low tables and stools I saw in the palace to be found here. No wonder the people who sold mutton soup asked us to 'share the table' with others...

Ji Bu looked at it for a while, his eyes lit up, and he quickly led Zhong Limei and Chen Ying to a corner.

Ji Bu put the pottery bowl on the low table, and said to a young man who was sitting aside, concentrating on breaking buns, wearing a straight black train, a long crown on his head, and two mustaches on his lips: "Mr. Let's make a table together!"

Without raising his head, the young man nodded slightly to express his agreement. The movements of his hands became more and more meticulous. In strict accordance with a certain fundamentalism, he evenly broke the bun into half the size of a thumbnail.

Hypocritical... Ji Bu took a look at the young man's movements, curled his lips and sat down. He just felt that the young man was a little familiar, and he didn't notice Chen Ying, whose eyes were wide open and his body tensed up suddenly.

Chen Ying's hand holding the mutton soup trembled a little, but she still resolutely sat down next to the young man, with her back straight and her body stiff.

At this time, the voices of several diners at the neighboring table came over.

"Hey, it's really weird, Zhonghuai, the melon rind, took the initiative to add a piece of meat to the forehead!"

"Don't you know that the second and third sons don't know that the reform of the Shaofu, the government-run city residents will be halved every month, but they can get 5.00% of the daily turnover as a reward every day!"

"Is it the turnover?"

"It's the money you earn from doing business every day!"

"It turned out to be this, no wonder he said welcome to come next time when he was pinching the forehead!"


Zhong Limei swallowed the balls in his mouth, and looked at Chen Ying, who was acting stiffly opposite him: "Brother, this is what you call mobilizing people's enthusiasm..."

Chen Ying raised her eyelids, and said in a low voice, "You can't talk about food."

"Oh." Zhong Limei responded, lowered his head and continued cooking.

The few diners at the next table were not so particular, they chatted while breaking buns.

"My neighbor, a guard who came back from Shangjun, said that our steamed buns in mutton soup came from the Jiuyuan Army."

"I would like to hear more about it." Ji Bu squeezed to another table with the haggis.

"Look at your attire, you must be a gentleman in the Caishi Pavilion!"

Ji Bu nodded in agreement, and then looked at the Qin man who was not dressed up: "My father-in-law (uncle) continue to talk."

"Since my husband wants to hear it, I will continue."

"It's said that the pancake we soaked was made by someone who forgot to put something in it. As a result, it was dry and hard after being baked. For this reason, he was beaten several times."

"But after Pao Ren was beaten, he couldn't throw away the flatbread, so he simply soaked it in the leftover broth to soften it before eating, so he had this kind of food by mistake!"

"Interesting, I'll have another bowl of mutton soup pancakes later!" Ji Bu cleared the haggis in the big bowl, and then walked towards the mutton soup shop amidst the amazement of the crowd.

"You said what the cook forgot to put in at that time. If only we could find out, we will hire two city people in Lijuli and open a mutton soup shop!"

"Good idea, if you open the store, I will definitely go to support it!"

"It's alkaline noodles, he forgot to put in the alkaline noodles." The young man who was so focused on breaking the buns said without raising his head.

"What is alkaline noodles?"

"No wow!"

"Go back and ask the mother-in-law at home to see if she knows."

"What if you don't know?"

"Beat her!"

After he said these two words, the people around him who knew him well burst into laughter.

"Beat her? Your mother-in-law is tall, with a big face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a beard glued on like Weng Zhong. Are you beating her or is she beating you?"

"Hmph, why don't you fight if you can't fight?"

"Shujiu, do you know that Qin Lu's penalty for beating his wife is to hang his beard off!"

"Oh, of course I know that I bought two copies of the "Detailed Rules of Civil Law" just issued by the imperial court! That way, even if the mother-in-law at home goes to sue for adultery, I can use one copy to plead guilty!"

"If you used your cleverness to plow the fields, I'm afraid you would have been awarded the title!"

"You're not being clever, you've earned a title by plowing the fields? Besides, don't think I didn't see it, you bought four copies of "Detailed Rules of Civil Law" in one go!"

"Good guy, no wonder the newly printed "Detailed Rules of Civil Law" restricts purchases, and the name of the purchaser needs to be written..."


Zhong Limei put down the empty bowl, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, sat down beside Chen Ying and asked in a low voice, "Brother, if you want me to say that you don't need to be so troublesome at all, just raise the price...and you can make a lot of money!"

Chen Ying acted like he was being raped, and reprimanded him, "Stop talking nonsense, the imperial court published the laws of Qin just to let the people know the law and abide by it!"

Zhong Limei nodded thoughtfully: "I heard from brother Ji Bu that many of the recent state policies were decided by the inner court and sent to the outer court for implementation! Brother is really amazing!"

"Don't listen to his nonsense, Your Majesty is so wise and wise, and everyone in the inner court and I are just following the rules..."

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Muyu Liuli Lanhuo' and 'Chen Jiafu'! (`) than heart
(End of this chapter)

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