Chapter 119
Fusu took his son Dagon and others to the more heavily guarded glass workshop, just in time for a new batch of glass to be fired.

After the liquid glass is formed, the shape of the glass vessel depends on the will of the person.

Before the Silk Road was opened, Fusu did not intend to make exquisite glassware. After all, although domestic leeks are easy to cut, they are all acquaintances with relatives and relatives. I am sorry to be too cruel...

After all, things like glass are nothing more than sand. As long as you master the manufacturing process, the production capacity will multiply geometrically in minutes.

If you are greedy for immediate benefits, your reputation will be ruined every minute!
Most of the glass workshops produced at this time were pieces of glass used to make glass windows, and the price was not expensive, but the production capacity was limited, so orderers had to queue up.

Of course, it is not forbidden to increase the price to jump in the queue...

As for the extra production capacity, it is mainly used to produce some bottles and cans.

Because the temperature of liquid glass is too high, it is not easy to blow, and there are no related industrial machines, so I can only use my mouth...

So what Fusu and others saw was an engineer holding a ceramic tube, picking up a ball of glass slurry from the crucible, turning it around a few times, and then blowing air on the ceramic tube after the glass slurry was in a stable shape. , Wait until it is almost blown, put it into the mold immediately, and continue blowing.

After a while, a slightly green glass bottle was ready.

Fusu picked up the finished products at the side and inspected them, and found that the quality was not bad. Compared with the first few batches, the size and thickness of the current ones were almost the same, so he sighed again, and announced that today the meals for these workers would be added Meat!
Young Master Dagon picked up a glass jar of another shape and fiddled with it a few times. He was a little puzzled, and then a little angry: "Your Majesty, let me tell you something, why did your majesty make colored glaze into such a vulgar thing?"

Where's the vulgarity... Fusu put down the big green stick in his hand, the almost identical things produced by such primitive craftsmanship, you call it vulgarity?
"Does Zongzheng know where Liuli comes from?"

"The old minister doesn't know!"

Hey, this old man's temper is still getting stubborn... Fu Su smiled, pointed at those big green sticks and said:

"The colored glaze produced here is made of sand. As long as there are skilled craftsmen leading the team, within a few years, these colored glazes will be like earthen jars, spreading all over the homes of Qianshou!"

"If Zongzheng regards it as a beautiful jade, it would be absurd!"

Fusu spent a lot of time talking before he let Gongzi Dun understand the difference between industrial assembly line products and handicrafts.

"If it's true what your Majesty said, then it's my fault..." Young Master Dagon looked at the glass jar that was carried away in a bamboo basket, and thought of what he saw now, so he handed over his hands and admitted his mistake.

Fusu waved his hand, indicating that it is not necessary.

These glass bottles, which are similar to beer bottles in later generations, have a volume of one standard Xianyang cubic liter and are intended to be used to fill rum.

As for the use after filling, it is natural to trade with the prairie people for cattle and sheep that they don't need.

In fact, Fusu's original plan was to use wooden barrels to store wine, but then this plan was killed by himself.

The problem with wooden barrels is that they are too strong!

A good wooden barrel can be used for ten or eight years without any problems, so a large number of wooden barrels will greatly improve the living standards of the Huns, which is not conducive to cutting leeks...

Therefore, these glass products are completely in line with Fusu's vision.

Heavy, fragile, but good looking!
For such a beautiful item, it would not be too much to exchange for a cow!

Especially with the distilled rum in it, the alcohol content has been greatly increased, and it is undoubtedly the favorite of the bitter cold places in the north.

As for the glass jar of another specification, it was made by Fusu to test whether it can be used as canned fruit.

Although there is no screw thread and no metal lid, but sealed with cork and wax, it should be able to be stored for several months, waiting for the new season's fruit to mature.

If the experiment is successful, the citrus stored in the Xianyang Palace can be made into cans and stored, so that [-]% of them will not go bad like in previous years...

More importantly, canned fruit can be used as a military product to comfort the soldiers who defended the country and let them feel the care from His Majesty the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, can you drive the Lantian camp?" Gongzi Gun said impatiently. After all, performing martial arts in Lantian is related to whether his grandson can be appreciated by Fusu.


At this moment, on the vast grassland, a young man dressed as a son of the Qin State, wrapped in a bearskin cloak and wearing a traveling crown on his head, is feeling the biting cold wind of the northern grassland under the bright sun.

This person was the son Jiang Lu who went to the court of the Huns with Kuai Che to negotiate peace after bribing Fusu.

Like Young Master Gao, he is also only one rank short of a title, and can be promoted to a hereditary Marquis.

It's just that the pride and ambition of saying goodbye to my family in the outskirts of Xianyang that day has completely disappeared in the cold wind of the Saibei grassland.

"How long will it take for us to reach the court of the Huns?" Jiang Lu asked tremblingly.

Kuai Che is different from the young master Jiang Lu, he has gone to the grassland for the second time.

The last time he used the name of traveling merchants to persuade the prince of the Huns to surrender, he was promoted to nobility, so this time he will make new contributions and strive to be promoted to the next level of nobility, and live among the ranks of doctors!
Kuai Che tightened the fur coat on his body, covered his mouth with his hands and said, "Hurry up!"

"Three days ago you said it fast, and two days ago you said it too fast, and now... Believe it or not, I turned around and left!" Jiang Lu roared angrily, but it was a pity that all he got was laughter.

Since leaving the fortress, the general has been complaining constantly, and the soldiers accompanying him have long been familiar with it.

"It's really fast this time." Kuai Che looked at the ink dragon ball that was put in a box on the carriage behind him and carefully wrapped in silk again. Return, in order to ease the relationship with the Huns, and facilitate the opening of the border market in Jiuyuan County.

"What a waste!" Kuai Che shook his head and sighed.

"Your Majesty said that you can slap a sweet date with a slap, and exchange a small profit for a big profit! If it is true what your Majesty said, a mere black dragon ball is nothing." After Jiang Lu finished speaking, he shook his head and sighed:
"I exchanged this opportunity from His Majesty, but I spent a full two hundred yi gold!"

"It's a pity that I am not favored by my father, and my mother is from Yan. Although my son Gao is not favored by my father, his mother's Wei is rich, so he went to the warm and moist land of Chu, and I came to this bitter cold land." land……"

"Two hundred yi gold, more than 270 million yuan, your son is a big deal!" Kuai Che praised, and then said: "It's just, son, you think that you and your son's high ability to leave Xianyang is because you donated money to your majesty?"

"Could it be that those sons whose mothers are from Chu and Han would not think of offering money to His Majesty in exchange for the opportunity to make meritorious deeds?"

"Your Majesty is rich in the world, a mere few hundred yi of gold is worthless!"

Jiang Lu's heart was shocked when he heard this, and he wanted to ask again, but Kuai Che just smiled and said nothing.

ps: Thanks for the 'Distant Avalon' monthly pass! (`) than heart
(End of this chapter)

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