Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 137 Improving the Currency System

Chapter 137 Improving the Currency System
Fusu looked at the ministers who were arguing and comparing repeatedly with two and a half coins, and suddenly thought of a word in his mind.

Why not eat minced meat.

Feng Jie, Qiang Li and others couldn't see the reason for the fake money. It was because they were in high positions, and they didn't touch money at all.

The reason Zheng Guo was able to spot fake money was because he had presided over the casting of half-two coins in his early years.

The reason why counterfeit money can be circulated in the market is the system stipulated by the "Golden Law" that was enforced by the first emperor in order to fill the financial hole after the destruction of the six kingdoms.

The common people use money in a city, and the good and the bad are mixed, so don't dare to be different.

In other words, the coins used in the exchange, regardless of whether they are good or bad, are mixed together, and pick and choose are not allowed!
The original intention was to forcibly promote Qin Banliang, and by the way, search for people's fat and people's anointment.

And the fake money that appears now is like the method, technique, and power that Fusu talked with Hou Feng yesterday. Criminals took advantage of the vacancy in the court's decree to seek personal gain for themselves!

Didn't the imperial court force Guishou not to reject Qin Banliang?

Just in favor of the shipment of counterfeit money!

Zheng Guo bowed his hands and bowed: "Old minister, please make a decision early!"

"Your Majesty, please make a decision early!"

decide what?Who knows how long this fake money has been circulating?Where did it come from again?With the criminal investigation methods of this era, even Zhang Liang cannot be caught, and even the counterfeit currency can be caught... Although Fusu complained in his heart, he still strictly ordered the Tingwei Mansion to solve the case as soon as possible.

As a result, Yao Jia's old face collapsed visibly to the naked eye.

But this is in Fusu's arms, Tingwei's mansion can't solve the case within a time limit, Fusu happens to push Yao Jia to the end and let him go home to take care of his grandson!

"Catching traitors is certainly important, but the top priority is the reform of Qin's currency system!"

Taking advantage of this counterfeit currency case, Fusu put on the agenda again the issue of reforming the currency system that he had raised a few months earlier.

It's just that although he was already in charge of finance at that time, he had not been formally canonized as a prince, and his name was not correct, so the proposal to improve the currency system was rejected by the officials.

Fusu thought about it later, and he really acted a little too hastily at that time, and his thoughts were relatively naive.

Tai Chang Hu Wujing stepped forward to persuade him: "Your Majesty, it was decided by the previous emperor to use half a tael to pass through the whole country. Now Your Majesty..."

Fusu rolled his eyes down, Lang Zhongling Meng Yi immediately stood up and said: "The reason why Qin is strong is because it never sticks to the so-called ancestral system."

"People who follow the rules and do nothing, can be peaceful for a while, but not for a long time!"

"For example, the reason why counterfeit money can circulate in the world now is because of the rigid regulations in the "Golden Law". If you change it, you can effectively crack down on counterfeiters!"

Yao Jia laughed loudly and said, "Lang Zhongling's words are pleasant to the ears at first, but when you think about them carefully, they are extremely ridiculous!"

Meng Yi frowned and asked, "What's so ridiculous about my words?"

Yao Jia bowed his hands and saluted Fusu, then shook his sleeves and said:
"For example, a man went to the market to buy shoes, but because the shoes did not fit his feet, he had to cut off his toes to make up for the size of the shoes."

"Isn't that exactly what Lang Zhongling said?"

"Because traitors broke the law, you want to amend the Qin law? Now that there is bad money circulating in the market, instead of going back to its source, let the city people pick and choose?"

"Although Guishou is ignorant, he is cunning! The result of the circulation of official money and private money together is that private money is getting more and more, while official money is getting less and less!"

Isn't this the Daqin version of 'bad money drives out good money'?Yao Jia knew quite a lot... Fu Su sat behind the desk, quietly listening to Meng Yi and Yao Jia citing scriptures and citing scriptures to each other.

What Yao Jia said made some sense. Under Qin law, official money and counterfeit money had the same currency value and had the same purchasing power.

If the imperial court does not control counterfeit money, people will hide good official money at home and go out to trade with counterfeit money.

The essence of minting coins is the interest rate difference between the material cost of minting coins and the value of the currency earned by the imperial court.

For example, for Qin's half taels now, the cost of casting one hundred Qin half taels is more than 30 yuan, and the remaining 60 yuan is the profit of coinage.

Private minting of copper coins is tantamount to printing counterfeit banknotes, embezzling the country's minting profits.

In later generations, in order to solve the financial crisis, a certain pavilion chief directly minted three baht coins on a large scale, which was about the same size as elm coins (the fruit of the elm tree), light and thin, and was also called pod coins.

This method of searching for people's fat and people's anointment is comparable to that of Chang Gong in later generations!
In addition, the Han Dynasty was a small government at that time, and it had little control over the local tyrants and princes and kings.

As a result, the vigorous national coinage movement in the early years of the Han Dynasty was born.

At the craziest time, one baht money even appeared among the people!

This kind of money needs to be handled carefully, because once it falls on the ground, it can't be found...

A large amount of bad money quickly pushed up the price to the sky, but it was slightly better than the precious money that Dameng even thought it was too hard to wipe his ass.

This is because no matter how small the pod money is, it is a precious metal after all. It is nothing more than ten thousand dollars to buy a stone of corn!
Well, Mr. Chang smiled and nodded, indicating that he has learned...

After such a situation emerged, even the small government that had already laid down could not tolerate it, so Lu Zhi ordered the nationalization of coinage rights again.

But as Ma Dabeard said, as long as there is a 100% profit, people will not hesitate to take the risk of the law, and if there is a 300% profit, people will be willing to commit crimes or even hang their heads.

The "Hanshu" also has the same saying, if the casting of money is banned, the money must be heavy;

It is said that there were more than 300 million people who forged coins and were caught by the court at that time!

So the later Emperor Hanwen turned the table: Anyway, the profit from minting coins will not reach my hands, so I simply delegated the right to mint coins again. Anyway, the imperial court can get the money again through taxation!
Therefore, the coins minted by Wu Wang Liu Bi and Deng Tong were mainly circulated in the early Han Dynasty.

The former mine has a large circulation, while the latter is trusted for its quality.

Because of this, the subsequent Seven Kingdoms Rebellion was dominated by the rich and powerful King Wu...

Such a chaotic situation was not completely reversed until a hot man appeared!

So this is the advantage of the time traveler. Many problems that troubled people at that time and could only be solved for decades, Fusu can solve the stomach (cross out) in one step, and solve it in one step!

Fusu looked at the ministers who were divided into factions arguing endlessly, coughed lightly, and stopped their clamor.

He immediately reached out his hand to gesture to Han Rang, who immediately opened another tray in the hands of a servant.

In the center of the tray, there are twelve golden copper coins.

ps: Thanks to 'Salted Fish Dudulu' and 'Feng Yihao' for the monthly tickets! (`) than heart
(End of this chapter)

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