Chapter 151 Burn!burn!burn!
When the distant sun gradually set among the mountains, countless torches suddenly lit up on the square in front of the Qinian Palace.

Fusu, wearing a flat sky crown on his head and black clothes and gowns, led Tian Ji, Zhao Ji, Qi Rui'er and Ying Yinman in formal skirts to the top of Qinian Palace.

After accepting the mountain call from the clan ministers below, the Nuo Sacrificial Ceremony officially began.

According to the Zhou rituals, the Nuo Sacrificial Ceremony will be held several times a year.

For example, in Ji Chun, he ordered the National Nuo, and the Nine Gates to move away, to get rid of the spring air;

After Qin merged with the Six Kingdoms, the first emperor thought it was troublesome, so he held a grand Nuo sacrifice ceremony only once a year, just like abolishing a lot of emperor's four-season costumes in Zhou rites, mainly to drive away the plague.

However, most of the Nuo Sacrifice Ceremonies are held on the last day of the twelfth lunar month, but Fusu, based on the principle that everyone has come, simply held this ceremony in advance!

Although there is a bit of rush, compared to going back to Xianyang to do it again, it can save a lot of money!

Fusu recalled Xiao He's report about the expenses of the military parade for the La Festival, and felt a pain in his liver.

In the past few days, including rewards and food for all participants, a total of more than 400 million yuan was spent!
Not five baht, but half tael!
If converted into five baht, it would be hundreds of millions!
Fusu could only hold back his tears and forcefully told himself that this was used to stimulate the internal circulation of the economy, so spend some money, at least the fat and water will not flow into the fields of outsiders...

After he figured it out, he let Fengchang Hu Wujing handle the Nuo sacrifice ceremony.

According to old legends, there were three ghosts in ancient times, one lived in the river, and it was a torture ghost;

So this time the Nuo Sacrificial Ceremony is aimed at these three.

According to Hu Wujing's request, the Huangmen officials selected 120 children from the children of the clan ministers, all under the age of 12.

These children are called 侲 (zhèn) children, that is, wizards.

They wear black clothes, wear red hats on their heads, and the slightly larger ones hold 大鼗 [táo], which is a large rattle;
The smaller one holds a small bow made of peach wood, arrows made of thorns, "red pills" made of pinellia and aconitum, and five grains.

The rattle shook for a while, and the child with the bow and arrow shot arrows in all directions, and then the other children scattered red pills and grains.

Among the children, an actor who is nearly ten feet tall is wearing a mask painted with gold lacquer, a bear skin on his body, a sword in his left hand and a shield in his right, and he is wearing black clothes and red clothes.

He plays Fang Xiangshi, who is similar to Zhong Kui and Shi Gandang in later generations, and is the god of exorcising ghosts and suppressing evil spirits.

After Fang Xiangshi, there are actors who play twelve kinds of beasts. These beasts are Fang Xiangshi's helpers, and they are also used to drive away ghosts and suppress evil spirits.

When Fang Xiangshi appeared, a court official shouted loudly: "Zi Bei, please chase the epidemic."

The rumbling drums sounded, and the children who had been trained by the officials for a long time danced and shouted in unison:

"Jia eats miscellaneous food, the weak stomach eats the tiger, the male uncle eats the charm, the teng simple eats ominous food, blames all the food, Bo Qi eats dreams, Qiang Liang and Zu Ming eat together, parasitize the dead, follow the food concept, wrongly break the food giant, Qiongqi and Tenggen eat Gu together. Whoever makes the twelve gods chase after the vicious ones, hews your body, pulls your body, joints your flesh, and sucks your lungs and intestines. Don't rush away, the latter is food."

The general idea is that if Xie Chong doesn't leave, let these ferocious beasts eat you in different ways!

It seems that these three ghosts are not tasty, otherwise... Remove the head, wrap it in bread crumbs and egg liquid and fry it in a pan, and Ying Yinman next door will cry!

Fu Su chuckled, before the people around him noticed it, he looked at Tiao Dashen below with a serious face, just thinking in his heart, adding a plate of fried chicken to the banquet later...

Thinking of this, he turned his head and explained a few words to Han Rang, who immediately stepped back and disappeared into the crowd.

Inadvertently, Fusu glanced at Ying Yinman who was lying on the city wall and looking down.

It's just that the little Lolita's gaze didn't seem to be looking at the Nuo Sacrifice, but a little black face standing outside the palace gate holding a torch.


Damn, isn’t it… Fusu stared at her sister for a while, thinking in her heart:

The little lolitas in the Qin country generally have their first love relatively early, just like Qi Ruier who would have thrown him down long ago if it wasn't for the girl's reserve...

And Ying Yinman is already 14 years old, and has reached Mu Shaoai's age, that little black face is because of his father, and Ying Yinman can be regarded as childhood sweetheart.


For a moment, Fusu began to dislike that little black face.

He was hesitating whether to entrust the little black face with important uses, such as sending him to Liaodong County as a county lieutenant, or sending him to Minzhong County to accompany Sima Xin...

In the square, after threatening Xie Chong three times in unison, a large cauldron was lit in front of the palace gate, and the flames shot into the sky in an instant.

Surrounded by a group of censors, visitors and palace gate guards with red headbands wrapped around their heads, Fusu walked down the wall, but when he passed by Mengying, he looked him up and down with gloomy eyes.

Meng Yi shivered a few times, he didn't know why the emperor looked at him like this.

On the top of the city, she is stupid in other things, but only Tian Ji, who is smart in matters between men and women, has a panoramic view of everything.

She stretched out her white jade flawless finger, poked Ying Yinman's head, and grabbed her back from the top of the city.

Ying Yinman turned her head, and her round face, which still had a bit of baby fat, was blushing.




On the square, the FFF regiment shouted in unison, Bah, it is the clan disciples holding various wooden evil totems and following Fusu towards the tripod.

The last link of the Nuo Sacrificial Ceremony is to burn these evil creatures with fire under the leadership of Fusu.

After that, the cavalry spread the fire all over the counties and counties in the world non-stop around the clock.

Then, there are six bulls standing in the ugly place outside the city to thank the gods who came to exorcise evil spirits.

Native cattle...

Fusu threw the wooden sign in his hand into the cauldron, and casually grabbed a boy who was following him, that was Wang Li's second son, Wang Wei.

He touched Wang Wei's head to show his closeness, and after the flames in the cauldron gradually extinguished, he rewarded the ministers, clans and clans who participated in the ceremony with reed halberds and peach branches that had been prepared earlier.

Especially for the latter two, such rewards often mean whether they can maintain their current status.

For example, in the famous event of seizing gold with gold in later generations, the poor and crazy Liu Xiaozhu personally guarded the gate of the ancestral temple, supervising the fineness of the gifts presented by the princes,

Then, on the grounds that the quality of their donations was not good, he deprived more than 100 princes of their titles at once, and immediately nationalized their fiefdoms, to be precise, under his own name.

Fusu looked at Wuyang Wuyang's clan and clansmen in front of him, and felt that it was time to promote the White Deer Coin.

ps: You can refer to an old TV series "Hanwu Emperor" for this episode of Nuo, which is about the first episode.

(End of this chapter)

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