Chapter 153 Sugar Culture

In the side hall, the room illuminated by dozens of huge candles was as bright as day.

Facing the entrance of the hall, dozens of pieces of silk cloth made up a huge map.

If you look carefully, you will find that the above paintings are the counties and counties south of the Huaihe River in Qin State.

On a table in the middle of the side hall, there were stacks of things that looked like bricks.

'Brick' was wrapped in thick bamboo paper, on which were written two big characters in small script, brown sugar!
The contents inside are naturally brown sugar brought back from Nanhai County.

As for why it is called brown sugar?

Meng Tian also asked the same question, Fu Su smiled without saying a word, Meng Yi answered for him, Qin was still black, so it was named brown sugar.

So when the clansmen who entered the side hall saw clearly what was placed on the case table, their breathing suddenly became short of breath.

This is mainly because Fusu underestimated the scarcity of materials during this period. He thought that brown sugar would cost four to five thousand dollars per catty. What he didn't expect was that after winter, the brown sugar flowing out of Xianyang had already been fried in Yongdi. It's ten thousand dollars!

In other words, the 100 yuan per catty brown sugar placed on the table in the side hall is worth more than 100 million yuan!
Equivalent to the price of grain, it is equivalent to about [-] shi of corn!
According to the grain consumption of two shi per person per month in the Qin army, this little bit of brown sugar can feed 1 people for a month!

After hearing Chen Ping's report, Fusu felt that the world was too crazy!

So, at the second round of financing held today, Fusu had a bold idea in his heart!

"You all know what this is, right?" Fusu asked knowingly.

Everyone nodded. Although they had never eaten brown sugar, they had heard some local tyrants who had eaten it describe that it was a divine object bestowed to His Majesty by Shennong, one of the Four Emperors.

Therefore, it is necessary to use the Japanese book for divination first, then take a bath and change clothes, and it is necessary to have no distracting thoughts when eating.

Melt it with mountain spring water at sunrise, then mix it with body fluid and swallow it little by little.

Then you will feel a warm current from the lower abdomen to the sky,
Close your eyes at this time, you can see the legendary Yaochi where the Queen Mother of the West is...

Well, sugar culture, if you can’t see it, it means you are not sincere!
Fusu saw that everyone was a little distracted, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense, and he said directly:

"When I first succeeded to the throne, I sent Ziying with millions of dollars to open a plantation in Nanhai County. Everyone knows."

"However, I guess that what you are most concerned about should be the income of the plantation..."

"I have always emphasized that professional things should be done by professional people, Ziying, you come and tell them well!"

Ziying walked out from the crowd, first bowed to Fusu, then turned around and said:

"According to my research in Nanhai County, sugarcane is a high-yield plant. If it is well taken care of, it can produce at least one thousand catties per mu of land!"

The royal clans all exclaimed in unison, the yield per mu is actually comparable to weeds for such a thing that is so expensive!

Fusu just laughed and said nothing. In future generations, the yield of sugarcane per mu can easily reach more than two tons, equivalent to Qin Jin, at least more than eight thousand Jin!

Of course, the Qinmu at this time is smaller than the Shimu in later generations, and there is no breeding technology for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, but the soil is a little more fertile than that in later generations that has been cultivated for thousands of years.

So what Ziying said is probably correct.

"According to what His Majesty said, plus the actual sugar extraction this time, about one catty of brown sugar can be extracted for every fifteen catties of sugar cane."

The clan members counted with their fingers. It is said that when Ziying returned from Nanhai County, the area of ​​sugarcane planted there had already reached more than 1 mu!
A yield of 1000 jin per mu means that [-] million jin of sugar cane can be harvested!
Nearly 70 catties of brown sugar can be squeezed out!
For every catty of 70 yuan, you can get [-] billion yuan!
If you save the seeds, then expand the area of ​​the plantation...

In an instant, everyone present held their breath and stared blankly at the brown sugar on the table.

Fusu watched them bow their heads and calculate, and once again felt that it was not difficult to carry out the literacy campaign in Qin State. In terms of mathematics attainment alone, these fat sheep should be no less than the junior high school students of later generations.


Fusu feels that they need to get rid of their unrealistic illusions, since the price of brown sugar next year will definitely not be as crazy as it is now.

The price should fall back to his original idea of ​​[-] yuan per catty.

However, compared with fifty yuan for a stone of corn after the price of grain rose in winter, brown sugar is undoubtedly a luxury!
After all, whether it is the current state of Qin or other places on this planet, the means by which humans can obtain sugar are very simple.

People want to eat sweets, mainly rely on honey, but the production of honey is very limited, which is not enough to meet everyone's needs.

The caramel extracted from malt is mostly used for sacrifices and state banquets.

White sugar, even in the era of abundant supplies in later generations, has always been a commodity controlled by the state!
Therefore, Fusu feels that the cultivation of sugarcane can be done by the public, but the subsequent processing and sales need to be controlled by the government.

On the one hand, it is to restrain the powerful, and on the other hand, it is to concentrate resources to do big things.

For example, pave the current rammed earth road with cement, and build large-scale water conservancy projects.

After all, it is only more than 100 years since the great drop in temperature during the Han Dynasty.

Although the patriarchs were so stimulated by the sudden drop in sugar prices that they were silent for more than ten seconds.

But soon, they did the calculation again and found that this is still an astronomical sum that can be passed on to future generations!

Of course, the premise of all this is that the Qin State can survive until then.

However, they immediately thought of the military parade they saw during the day. Tens of thousands of people marched in an orderly manner between military exercises, and according to gossip, there were still some secretly built heavy armor and new harnesses in the army that were not demonstrated.

So, a word came to their minds at the same time, the world is safe!
The only thing they don't understand is that Fusu's underground map seems to be missing the three counties of the South China Sea...

Young Master Yan of the Young Mansion saw everyone's doubts, so he took the initiative to ask Fu Su: "I don't know what your Majesty told us to come here at night?"

Fu Su said with a smile: "Naturally, we are discussing how to benefit the country and the people!"

"I want to follow the example of Nanhai County and start the plantation project in Ba County, Shu County, Qianzhong County, and Changsha County at the same time. I will send people from the Shaofu to participate. You will spend [-] million yuan to buy slave labor Wait for the fee."

"As for the share... I will share with you five to five!"

Five to five!
Hearing Fusu's generosity, the patriarchs almost fainted.

Although it is exaggerated to ask them to prepare [-] million yuan, this is a foundation that can be passed on to future generations!
The most important thing is that with the development of the four counties at the same time, and with the addition of [-] million yuan as support, one can imagine how much land can be opened up!
Pay back the capital in three years, and make a net profit every year after that!
It's done!

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of 'Shen Gong Meow (?>ω<*?)'! (>^ω^<)meow

(End of this chapter)

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