Chapter 166 What is the price?

The moon of Mengchun, the day is in the camp room, the ginseng is in the dark, the danwei is in the middle; It is sour; it smells mutton; it worships households; it sacrifices the first spleen.

On the first day of Mengchun Zhiyue, Fusu promulgated a series of prohibitions in accordance with the previous laws and regulations at the large court meeting held in Xianyang Palace.

For example, it is forbidden to cut down trees; it is not allowed to destroy bird nests; it is not allowed to kill cubs, fetuses, newborn animals, and fledgling birds;

It is also not allowed to use females as sacrifices for sacrifices to mountains, forests, rivers and lakes.

However, this edict is only aimed at the country and does not take effect abroad.

For example, the next edict was to order all the Jiuyuan Army, which had recuperated for the winter, to mobilize all the Huns north of the Yin Mountain and south of the desert.

Destroy their spring pastures, and let their pregnant females have no peace for a moment, miscarrying on the migration!
This is because their envoys rejected Fusu's kindness and exchanged livestock, wool, tendons and skins for five baht, and then used five baht to buy salt, cloth and other commodities.

Obviously, they have no confidence in five baht coins.

So, what is the price?

Fusu ordered Shusun Tong and others to write an essay on the grounds that a bag of washing powder... no, it was a bone arrow shot at the Great Wall.

After he read it, he didn't break out in a sweat like Cao thief, which may be mainly because he didn't have a wife by his side.

However, he has completely mastered the writing method of the call to arms.

In his view, the Calligraphy, like the composition of later generations, has three elements.

That's 'you bastard', 'I hit you', 'I (we) are awesome'...

Then, on the basis of the conformity of the format and structure, use a large number of modified words and quote from many sources.

Just like Chen Lin of later generations begged Cao Cao for Yuan Shao.

At the beginning, Zhao Gao of the Qin Dynasty and Zhu Lu of the Western Han Dynasty were used as examples, saying that those who exercise power are all bad people.

Then say that Cao Cao takes power, that is a big villain!

'It is because there are boring people in Yan and Yu, and the emperor has resentment.History has recorded records, ministers without morality, greedy and cruel, especially in practice! '

Then came the 'I hit you' and 'I'm awesome' stages.

"Follow the mighty spirit of the Han Dynasty, and break through the universe; there are millions of long halberds, and thousands of brave riders." '

In the end, I didn't forget to fool Cao Cao's subordinates, saying that this is an opportunity to make meritorious deeds!
"Those who get to play the first role will be granted 5000 households and rewarded with [-] million yuan. Don't ask questions about those who are partial to the generals and school officials. '

Fusu looked at the proclamation written by Shu Suntong and others, and felt that there was one biggest difficulty, that is, all the Huns were illiterate...

So something like a call to arms is written to a greater extent for your own people to read.

But mind him!
The Xiongnu can't understand the call to action, can't they also understand Qin Jian?
Yidi, like beasts, are fearful of power but not virtuous!
Once you are convinced, you will naturally be obedient.

The Donghu people, one of the Sanhu, came only to celebrate Fusu's succession to the throne, and the envoys did not have the right to sign a border trade agreement with Fusu, so they needed to send envoys to communicate.

This is also the reason why the Jiuyuan Army attacked the Huns.

Killing chickens and scaring monkeys, by beating the Huns violently, can make the Donghu people clear their status and stop thinking about what they have.

In order to prevent accidents, Fusu deliberately summoned Kuai Che who was about to go to Donghu as an envoy before the Great Court Assembly.

It's not that I don't feel worried about him, but I want to warn him to be careful and restrain his subordinates.

The Qin State conferred titles with military merits, and later the Han Dynasty inherited this system, and the envoys who went to foreign countries were looking for trouble in various professions.

Therefore, what Fu Su wanted to warn Kuai Che was to prevent any idiot in his mission from beheading him on the spot on the grounds that King Donghu didn't want to pay tribute!

This ruined the national policy of Fusu violently beating the Xiongnu, intimidating the Yuezhi, and pacifying the Donghu.

After all, Donghu people are thousands of miles away, but Xiongnu and Yuezhi are close at hand.

More importantly, the first sentence about the Daze Township Uprising in "Historical Records" is: In July of the first year of the Second Emperor, 900 people from Yuyang were dispatched to Daze Township.

Yuyang County happened to be the northern frontier county facing the pressure of Donghu.

If a trade agreement can be signed with the Donghu people, at least a one-year honeymoon period can be maintained.

This means that during this year, there will be no pressure in the northeast of the empire, and the defense line can be maintained only by relying on local county soldiers.

But that's not the point, what Fusu couldn't accept the most in the historical records was the place where Chen Sheng and others were stationed, Daze Township!

Where is Daze Township?
It is in Suzhou, Anhui today, and Yuyang, where the soldiers are going, is in the southwest of Miyun today.

Even if the highways of later generations are used as a reference, the distance between the two has reached more than 1000 kilometers!

And where is their starting point?

If the 900 people lost their way collectively and all the booths along the way were dumb and blind, their starting point must be in the south of Daze Township!

This also means that on a certain day when that stupid Oududou succeeded to the throne for less than a year, a certain bastard in the center of the empire issued an order to send an army stationed in the southern border of the empire to station in the northern border of the empire!
And such an unreasonable order was affixed with the seal of the imperial court, and it was issued to the grassroots in a grand manner!

Therefore, this is why Fusu has always insisted on reviewing every memorial by himself.

When Fusu was determined to follow a model worker as an example and do everything by himself.

The imperial edict ordering the dispatch of the Jiuyuan Army and the call to action against the Xiongnu were passed on in a single voice, and relayed to the army arrayed around the Xianyang Palace.




Tens of thousands of people erupted into the roar of mountains and tsunami.

This made the Yueshi missions waiting in the square outside the palace gate feel the pressure from Qin Wuyang back then.

After all, no matter who it is, it will be like this if it is stared at by countless pairs of wolf-like eyes.

But at this moment, King Yuezhi and Xihou of the Five Divisions glanced at each other, and they both saw the same joy in each other's eyes.

The main purpose of their participation in the court meeting today is to accept the canonization of the court.

Fusu asked all over the sky for prices, but they accepted them all!
Whether it was offering tribute to livestock, or Li Qian's stationing in Zhaowu City, or acting as an envoy for the Qin people, the Yuezhi people made a slight tweak, and they half-pushed and half-agreed.

For nomads, the most important thing is pasture, followed by cattle and sheep.

Moreover, besides Zhaowu City, the Yuezhi people also have other royal cities...

The most important thing is that after the state of Qin reached out to the north side of Qinghai Lake, the Yuezhi people had lost the opportunity to act as middlemen to buy and sell.

However, merchants from the Western Regions have to leave some money to buy roads when they pass through their territory, don't they?

While King Yuezhi and Wubu Xihou were thinking about how to collect the toll, Mu Ya looked up at the Xianyang Palace with her mouth wide open, with her face like a bright moon.

Is this the palace where the gods live?

(End of this chapter)

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