Chapter 190 Experimental Field (Addition 13)

In Shanglin Garden, on the bank of Changchi, a troop of cavalry with helmets and armor came meanderingly, taking over the guard duty of the guards of the palace gate.

They are the newly established Qimen Army, responsible for guarding the emperor when he travels.

Meng Ying, who led the army, looked at Fusu's upright back, shrank her head and did not step forward.

Without him, sister-in-law is not scary, what is scary is that sister-in-law is the emperor...

"Look, those are cotton seeds!" Fusu said, pointing to the cotton seeds drying in the distance.

"Now is the time for spring sowing, what's the point of putting it here to dry?" Meng Tian frowned slightly.

Well, how should I explain to the ancients such things as ultraviolet sterilization... Fu Su made up an excuse in his heart and said, "I heard that drying cotton seeds can increase the emergence rate. Well, each handful of seeds can grow more seedlings."

Meng Tian nodded in confusion, then pointed to the sparse wheat seedlings not far away and asked, "Does Your Majesty also grow wheat here?"

"Yeah, those are all planted by my own hands!" Fusu had a proud expression on his face. He obeyed the rhythm in his DNA, which not only exercised his body, but also had other magical effects.

Meng Tian smiled and nodded, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart: After all, it was a nobleman born with a golden spoon in his mouth who ruined a good land!
Fusu glanced at Meng Tian inadvertently, and caught his true thoughts from his professional smile.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand. After all, according to the laws of Qin in this period, if anyone cultivates the land in such a state, before he himself starves to death, Tian Dian, who is in charge of guiding him to cultivate, will at least break several bamboo whips...

However, the few wheat fields planted here in Fusu are not for eating, but for making a testing ground similar to "Mendel's Pea Experiment".

Specifically, some wheat seeds were selected from various counties and counties to observe the growth after sowing.

Select some seedlings that grow relatively low and have many spikes, and then cross the seeds of the two, hoping to obtain genetically stable offspring.

Wheat that grows short but has many spikes.

The former has strong lodging resistance, while the latter has a higher yield than other varieties of wheat under the same sowing area.

Although there are no chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or laboratories in this era, even a small amount of grain can be produced per mu of land!
But what about a hundred acres? What about 100 million mu?

The accumulation of wheat fields all over the world is an astronomical figure!

In Shanglin Garden, there are not only wheat experimental fields, but also vegetable fields planted with cabbage and turnip, which are used to hybridize cabbage.

Fusu considered that there are many kinds of cabbage, and he didn't know which one is the real father of cabbage, so he cultivated a lot of experimental fields here and there.

Anyway, Chinese cabbage is real, and it is definitely the product of hybridization between womb cabbage and turnip.

Then try it, even if it doesn't work, wombat and turnip can also improve the food for the Habayashi army.

And once Chinese cabbage is hybridized!

Find out about pig-killing dishes!
Fusu didn't want to explain too much at first, but according to his thinking, he would naturally develop quietly and surprise everyone.

But the formulation of every policy requires the support of the officials, or most of the courtiers, and Meng Tian beside him can be said to be his hardcore supporter.

So Fusu turned around and said with a smile: "The agricultural book hidden in the secret file of the palace said that crops such as wheat, like livestock such as cattle and horses, have blood lineages, such as Qin horses and Yan horses. horses, but very differently."

"The imperial servant has bred Qin horses in the Jiuyuan army, so like horses, if two wheat plants with their own strengths are crossed, they may be able to produce offspring that inherit the advantages of both."

Meng Tian nodded, then said with a chuckle: "Your Majesty's mention of Yanma reminds me of my younger brother Meng Yi..."

Well, your brother is a well-known barbarian. I heard that you beat him up a lot when you were young... Fu Su smiled and shook his head: "A white horse is not a horse. Although it is a sophistry, it has its own logic."

Meng Tian frowned: "Logic?"

Fu Su glanced back at him, and said: "Well, I can't explain it clearly in a few words, the specific servant will ask Meng Yi after returning, or read "Mo Bian" to know."

Seeing Meng Tian's bewildered silence, Fu Su sighed in his heart.

In fact, in history, only two nations are the best in logic, one is the formal logic of ancient Greece, and the other is the logic of reason and logic in ancient India.

In China during this period, apart from a group of famous scholars, only Mohism and Taoism were involved.

Although the latter has Zhuangzi's debate on fish, he doesn't have the habit of asking the bottom line. It's just that Zhuangzi and Huizi express their opinions separately.

After all, in the environment of China, any thinking of various schools of thought is in pursuit of practicality.

No matter how loud you are, you can understand my fist as big as a sandbag.

Therefore, in addition to teaching the scriptures, the Confucian and Mohist schools also pay attention to personal martial arts training.

Confucius: I think you are wrong!
Gongsun Long: A white horse is not a horse...

Confucius: Uppercut!

Fusu shook his head, and threw out the words Hulk Shandong welcomes you.

He looked up at the sun that was gradually setting to the west, so he decided to stay in Shanglinyuan.

As for dinner, I just use the seafood bought from Xialing County together with the bacon and smoked chicken made last winter to make a simple version of Yipinguo.

It's a pity that the ban on Mengchun is still in place, otherwise it would happen to be a field hunt in Shanglinyuan, one to train cavalry, and two to get some pheasants, wild boars and roe deer, and have a bonfire party!

Jiujiang County, Shou County, Shuangqiaoli.

This place is the same as Liju in other villages in Qin State. Inside the tall square walls, there are houses built according to the size of the title. Because there is a small stream at the east and west ends of Liju, it is named after it. In Shuangqiao.

Although Shuangqiaoli has only been built for less than 20 years, due to the poverty of the residents, the houses of most households can be called dilapidated houses.

Bang, bang, bang!

A sudden knock on the door broke the silence in Lijuli.

After a while, a young man in a short shirt opened the door, first checked the damage on the door, and then glared at the person coming: "What are you doing?"

"Gou Fugui, take advantage of the rain just now, let's go up to the mountain to dig tea trees with my brother tomorrow!" The visitor said with a smile, "My mother-in-law has already prepared dry food for the two of us to eat for two days!"

The one who is called Gou Fugui is naturally Chen Sheng who makes a living from mediocrity.

Chen Sheng scratched his head and said, "The two of us want to go together, and my mother-in-law has also prepared dry food for a few days."

The visitor sniffled and pretended to be angry and said, "Well, you are rich and rich, and your family eats meat, and you're not called Naigong!"

Chen Sheng shook his head and said: "You smelled it wrong, the smell came from the side! Look, it is the family that just moved here. It is said that the protector is called Wu Guang..."

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'King Gigi', 'Transfer', 'Reading hard and having fun every day'! (*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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