Chapter 220 No one sleeps
In Wenyi County, the night is getting dark.

Moonlight poured into Qianshou's house from the windows like water, reflecting pairs of wide-open eyes.

In the Lifang, the sound of dogs barking one after another; outside the Lifang, the rapid sound of horseshoes from far to near, and from near to far, back and forth, galloping endlessly.

Tonight, no one is destined to sleep!
Hu Xiao stood in the dilapidated courtyard of her house, looking at the waning moon in the sky with a look of excitement.

He was waiting, waiting for the arrival of his old acquaintance Hou Feng.

It was a winter night three years ago. Hu Xiao was dispatched to Longxi to guard the border, but was hit by a flail on the knee...

So during the recuperation period, Hou Feng, who was equally depressed and had a similar background, became an irreversible acquaintance.

Hu Xie's ancestor was Doctor Wen Hu Qin, who served Chong'er, Duke Wen of Jin, and was on an equal footing with Zhao Shuaiping, the ancestor of the Zhao people. The entire Wenyi county was once his family's food town.

It's just that when the three families were divided into promotions, they were on the wrong team, so they got worse and worse, until Hu Xiao's generation was reduced to making a living with others. Although they were nearly forty years old, they were alone. In the next year, the Fox family will completely disappear in the long river of history.

Fortunately, the sky is always loyal. Hu Xiao heard that Hou Feng was favored by the emperor. When he was on a tour of the world under the imperial edict, he sold the only valuable big yellow dog in the family and exchanged it for pens and inks. Write it down and ask the postman to send it to Luoyang, which is across the river.

In the evening, when the martial law order issued in the name of Tingwei Youcheng and the visiting envoy Hou Feng came out, Hu Xiao knew that he was about to fight his way out!
So Hu Xiao dragged a lame leg, jumped off the bed, put on his most decent linen jacket, washed his face in the water tank under the moonlight, combed his hair meticulously, and used a Wrap it in black cloth.

Although his ancestors were very prosperous for a while, in the current state of Qin, he is just a landless and titleless Guishou with a limped leg.

While Hu Xiao was waiting anxiously, the sound of horse hooves approached from far away, and then, the inner door, whose shaft lacked lubrication, creaked open, and a series of chaotic footsteps were especially clear in the silent night.

In a short while, the dilapidated door of Hu Xiao's house was slapped heavily.


Hu Xiao responded with a hoarse voice, and immediately became short of breath, his whole body began to tremble, and it became more and more difficult to walk.

"But Mr. Fox?" Outside the door, a fair-faced embroidered man clasped his fists and saluted.

"It's right here? What's the point of asking?" Hearing her hypocritical, knowingly asking voice, Hu Xiao suddenly felt that she looked down on herself.

"Tingwei Youcheng welcomes you. The carriage is ready outside the inner square. Sir, please come with me!" The embroidered man bowed and saluted, waiting for the fox with a broken leg to walk slowly outside the inner square.

Under the moonlight, Hu Xiao walked faster and faster, and her stooped body in the past gradually straightened.

Tonight, his life is about to be completely rewritten.


In front of Fuya Square in Wenyi County, more than 400 men who only wore close-fitting clothes crowded together.

These people are the county soldiers and pavilion soldiers who have been disarmed.

Around them, pine torches swayed in the wind, and two hundred soldiers from Sanchuan County held swords, shields and crossbows, watching the county soldiers and pavilion soldiers squatting on the ground.

More than a dozen embroidered men in white Xiezhi suits and rainbow knives hanging from their waists patrolled among them, ready to suppress those who make trouble at any time.

In fact, these embroidered clothes men were a little overwhelmed. When the county soldiers and pavilion soldiers obeyed the order and took the initiative to throw away their weapons and armor, it showed that they had no intention of confronting the court.

After all, the world is not chaotic at this moment, and the method of Shi Wulian sitting is not a dead letter.

These county soldiers and pavilion soldiers are all locals, even if they don't care about themselves, they always have to think about their families.

In addition, there were as many as [-] soldiers from Sanchuan County pouring into Wenyi County. The disparity in numbers made it difficult for anyone with ulterior motives to have any inappropriate thoughts.

So at this moment, in the huge square, except for the crackling torches, there was no sound.

And in the hall of the county government, more than a dozen candles as thick as a child's arm were lit, illuminating the entire hall of the county government like daylight.

Outside the door of the lobby, lay two corpses with more than a dozen arrows in their bodies, whose blood had solidified. They were diehards who tried to resist at first, but were forced into a corner by the halberd, and fell after a round of shooting.

The black and white collars showed their status as Mohist rangers.

Beside the two Mohist rangers, there are more than a dozen rangers who are bound and physically strong. Apart from looking a little embarrassed, they don't have any wounds on their bodies.

Compared to Chu Mo, who is a warrior with a sword and punishes violence and righteousness, these people are just eating wine and meat. It is not impossible to work hard, it depends on how much you bid!
Obviously, Wei Bao couldn't afford the price that made them work hard.

Ever since, these rangers surrendered cleanly after more and more Qin soldiers poured in.

"Cowards, why don't you let Tianlei kill you!" Wei Bao squatted on the ground and cursed in a low voice.

He covered his lower abdomen with his hands, his face was pale, and he was sweating like beans.

When the soldiers of Qin poured in and the rangers surrendered, Wei Bao relied on his personal bravery and tried to lead Bo Ji to break out of the encirclement, but he ran into a fighter who was nearly ten feet tall and had a big waist.

So in the first round, the weapon was knocked down, and in the second round, he was kicked heavily in the lower abdomen, and the whole person flew out backwards.

So at this moment, he just woke up.

Bo Ji took out a warm handkerchief from her bosom, gently wiped off the cold sweat on Wei Bao's face, and patted Wei Bao as if to remind him, seemingly comforting him.

Enduring the severe pain, Wei Bao nodded slightly to Bo Ji.

Except for the two dead Mohist rangers, those spineless cowards don't know their true identities.

So as long as the Xu family doesn't betray them, Qin Gou won't know their true identities!
And as long as the identity of Wei Guo's clan is not exposed, there is still a possibility of survival!
When Xiang Liang committed a crime in Liyang back then, didn't he just forge his identity and use other means to return to Kuaiji and become a guest of the county guard!

"Xu Wang, you are guilty!"

Hou Feng twisted his beard, and his triangular eyes were full of viciousness: "Secretizing armor, making friends with bandits, raising slaves, and piles of piles are all forbidden by the law!"

Xu Wang took a deep breath. The other crimes are easy to explain. The armor can be said to belong to his son, and the servants who are raised beyond the rank of nobility only need to pay a fine.

Only making friends with bandits, this is the most terrible thing!
So he glanced back at Wei Bao and the others, and decided that he would not die as a fellow Taoist.

"Tingwei Youcheng, I'm an official, no, the criminal officer has a report!"

(End of this chapter)

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