Chapter 26
Fusu smiled and said:
"If the horseshoes and other items are transported to Longxi, and then tailor-made for war horses in Longxi, there will be too little time."

"Why don't you just send the cavalry who have changed their outfits from Xianyang to join the battle against the Qiang people?"

Suddenly, Meng Tian cupped his hands and said, "It's the minister who is stupid!"

No, you are not stupid!It's just that the rules of this era restrict you... Fusu secretly sighed, feeling again that Qin Ting was not monolithic.

The Longxi Army, Jiuyuan Army, Lantian Old Battalion, the Forbidden Army guarding Xianyang, and the garrisons all over the world are full of hills, colluding with each other and guarding against each other.

Even he himself used Han Xin's method of training Tieying Ruishi in Shanglin Garden to create a Habayashi army that is only loyal to him!
And in his plan, there must be not only a Habayashi army, but also an elite infantry of Yue people selected from the counties in the South China Sea, and elite Hu cavalry recruited from Donghu and Xiongnu.

He has already thought of the name, Captain Huqi, Captain Yueqi, although the name Captain Yueqi is not very appropriate...

After a while, Wei Wei Yang Duanhe, Lang Zhongling Meng Yi, and Taiwei Qiang Li reached a consensus to allocate [-] cavalry from the old camp in Lantian and the garrison in Xianyang. After being equipped with horseshoes and stirrups (saddle making is too time-consuming), they immediately went to Longxi County Sheriff Li Xin reported to the office.

Correspondingly, five thousand elite cavalry were selected from the Longxi Army to supplement Xianyang's armed forces.


When he left from Prime Minister You's Mansion, the sky was already slightly bright.

Ah, the sleepless night of Xianyang City!Fusu told Han Xin with a fairy face that he would go to Shanglin Garden to hunt and inspect the Habayashi Army in three days, and then he boarded the car and returned to Lanchi Palace.

In fact, he has never stayed in Xianyang Palace since he ascended the throne. Firstly, it was because of the weather, and secondly, among the hundreds of palaces in Xianyang Palace, there were widows of the First Emperor everywhere...

Under his order, the only ones who accompanied Shi Huangdi and the underground were life-sized figures... and his old lady, whom he could no longer remember.

Because of this, he was afraid that if he couldn't control himself, he would make a mistake that all men would make, and create a Daqin version of Wu Meiniang, so he simply moved to Lanchi Palace.

However, Fusu felt a headache when he thought of the huge expenditure for the first emperor's widows every year.

It seems that the first shot of the Daqin version of the Women's Liberation Movement is about to be fired in Xianyang Palace!Fusu supported his forehead with his hands, and after shaking the left brain, he skillfully shook the right brain.

There was no way, not only was the road surface uneven at this time, but also there was no strong shock absorber on the carriage.

Hearing the creaking sound of the carriage passing by the uneven road, Fusu remembered a text that later generations had memorized.

Chirping and chirping, Mulan hatched chickens... No, Mulan was the household weaver.

And Fusu thought of the time when he was a sage, while playing with the indescribable objects that Zhao Ji could hold in one hand, while listening to the certain skills that Zhao Ji said when he brushed the virtuous persona in front of him.


During this period, even among the concubines of later generations, many wives were also good at fiddling with looms.

Fusu nodded secretly, and decided to look back at the structure of the loom to see if the spinning wheel and loom that used water power could be replicated.

He vaguely remembered that before the invention of the steam engine, the British textile industry used hydraulic machinery, and China had similar hydraulic spinning wheels!
As a good student who didn't escape the history class, he clearly remembered that the sheep-cannibal incident in England was described in great detail in the history and politics textbooks.

The cause was the development of the textile industry, which led to the conversion of a large amount of farmland into pastures!

And this scene can be flexibly used in the current state of Qin!

Of course, it is not for the people of Qin to go to sheep to eat people, but to indirectly control the grassland from the economic level by purchasing a large amount of wool!

After all, Meng Tian is still there, and hundreds of thousands of original troops are waiting.

The Huns are in and will be in a period for a long time when "Hu people dare not go south to herd horses, and scholars dare not bend their bows to complain".

After the Great Wall was built, unless a large army was dispatched to invade the frontier, the invasion of a small group of Hun tribes could only increase the financial burden for the Great Qin.

After all, the heads of the Huns can also be exchanged for corresponding military merits!
Therefore, as long as the border continues to put pressure on the Huns, peace between Daqin and the Huns can be guaranteed for a long time.

And when the Qin army on the border in the future is equipped with twelve-pound infantry guns and flintlock guns with bayonets, this peaceful situation will continue for a longer time.

However, only the deterrence of military means can never stop the poor, crazy and hungry Huns from going south.

In order to prevent this day from happening, it is necessary to use economic means to achieve a win-win situation with the Huns.

Method: Hold Qin Jian high in one hand, and take out Qin Banliang from his bosom with the other.

Location: Jiuyuan City (now Baotou).

Detailed rules: buy low-priced but unlimited wool, herbs, animal tendons, etc. that are not needed by herdsmen, and then sell them coarse salt and other materials that are not produced on the grassland at market prices.

People cannot stand without faith.

In the transaction process, the Qin law on clearly marked prices and unified weights and measures must be implemented to the end!

Mainly follow the following three points:

Fair, fair, still fair!
After the transaction was completed, the wool was transported back to Xianyang, where it was made into woolen clothes with water-powered spinning wheels, and then sold at a high price to the Huns who were shivering in the wind and snow, and then the wool they could not use was purchased at a low price...


Fusu took out a stack of "paper" made of silk from the wooden box beside him, and wrote some keywords on it with charcoal.

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen!

With these keywords, he can always find the brainstorms and memories that are about to disappear in the long river of time.

After writing down key words such as 'market opening, wool, spinning wheel', Fusu carefully put away the paper in his hand.

Later generations often say that Cai Lun invented papermaking in the Eastern Han Dynasty, but this is actually an imprecise statement.

To be precise, Cai Lun only improved papermaking on the basis of the original.

In fact, paper existed long before Cai Lun, but it was not made of grass and trees before. Just looking at the shape of the character "paper" and the character "纟" on the left side, it can be seen that paper was related to silk at the beginning.

For example, the ones in Fusu's hand are obtained by floating and drying the residual silk left over from the process of silkworm breeding and reeling to get silk cotton.

After three days, Fusu will not only go to Shanglinyuan to inspect the Yubayashi Army, but also go to Du Youting to inspect the newly built papermaking workshop there.

When mentioning Du Youting, one has to mention another well-known figure.

Mr. Wu An, Bai Qi.

According to historical records: Lord Wu'an left Xianyang for ten miles from the west gate of Xianyang, and arrived at Duyou... The king of Qin was given the sword by the envoy and killed himself.

(End of this chapter)

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