Chapter 264

On the outskirts of Jiuyuan City, a horse team of hundreds of people came slowly.

The leading one was Meng Tian who came to sit in the Jiuyuan Army because of Wang Li's departure.

He came all the way from the eastern foot of Helan Mountain, and what he saw in front of him were people in various states and the hustle and bustle that formed a heat wave.

Although many of them were wearing patched and dirty linen clothes, their faces were glowing red, and they were cutting the towering trees with big saws in groups.

Some people work as guarantors in Lifang, forming a group to build winter houses for others, and earn remuneration for building houses for themselves.

The children held dried fruits in their hands and ran curiously behind the horse team until they were caught by their parents and went back to play doubles...

And more people are driving horse-drawn carts, ox carts, or pushing wheelbarrows. They are full of prey, mountain treasures, or grain, meat, and vegetables obtained from the mountains and forests. All shapes and colors hurried to different places.

Along the way, Meng Tian couldn't believe his eyes more and more.

If it weren't for the fact that most of the places were simple shacks, he even thought he had gone in the wrong direction and arrived at the Guanzhong Plain!

Gradually, the closer they got to Jiuyuan City, the residents along the way became richer and richer.

On the plots along the river, you can see plows pulled by two horses plowing the land everywhere.

Although it was too late to grow wheat and other staple foods this season, according to Fusu's edict, they planned to rush to plant a season of sorghum, and then try to grow some radish and other vegetables that can last.

It’s just that Meng Tian expressed doubts about this, because Fusu didn’t plan to harvest sorghum rice, but planned to wait until the sorghum began to fill, and cut it directly, as feed for livestock overwintering...

Prodigal son!

This is Meng Tian's first opinion on the imperial edict.

But after his anger subsided and he read the edict, he finally realized that this seemed to be the only optimal solution.

After all, at the foot of Yinshan Mountain, winter comes much earlier than in Guanzhong, and there is a high probability that the sorghum planted now will not mature naturally.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to simply cut it down and free up the land to grow some cold-resistant vegetables.

Although feeding cattle and sheep with grain seems to be a bit of a loss, but for the princes and nobles in Xianyang City, the more the livestock that are full of autumn fat, the better!
When approaching the outskirts of Jiuyuan City, Meng Tian's eyes froze slightly.

In the trading field surrounded by wooden fences in the distance, both the Linhu people and the Qin people were shouting loudly, wanting to make the last deal before closing the market.

But the only place allocated to the Huns caravan is empty!
You know, even when the Qin and Huns fought the busiest times before, these were private in name, but behind them were the caravans owned by the leaders of the Huns' tribes, and they never stopped.

Everyone is tacitly doing business, trading leather, silk and other things.

Of course, prohibited metal utensils are not included.

Fight back, but you still have to earn a small amount of money!
For example, during the Qin and Wei Dynasties, people's brains were beaten into dog brains, but the largest source of copper and salt for the Qin army was Wei Guo...

At that time, South Korea, which was known as the strong Han, once had such a passage, saying that the people who killed the Han soldiers were not from the six countries, but the strong crossbows and iron swords produced by South Korea...


A messenger came galloping in the distance, rolled off the saddle in front of Meng Tian, ​​and offered the bamboo tube sealed with wax in his hands.

Because of controlling the Nine Plains Army again, Meng Tian won the temporary title of 'General' for the third time.

He bent down slightly, took the bamboo tube in the hands of the messenger, opened it after checking that it was correct, and took out a piece of bamboo paper as thin as a cicada's wing.

"Sure enough, this baby Wang Li is messing around again..."

According to the bamboo paper, they were chased by the Huns, and they are now going to a foothill in the northern part of Yinshan Mountain to stand for help. Hurry up!
Meng Tian sighed and shook his head: "Young man, you still can't hold your breath!"

When he was making complaints about Wang Li, he completely forgot his passion and impulsiveness at Wang Li's age.

"Beating drums and gathering generals!"

After Meng Tian finished speaking, he rode his horse towards the 'mayor' who was in charge of the market, and asked when the Huns caravan left.

"Returning to the general, those Hun savages left three days ago. After selling many unsold goods at a low price, they left in a hurry."

Meng Tian sighed again, if he left three days ago, he would not be able to catch up now, otherwise he could teach these ignorant Hun merchants a lesson, and extort a fortune from them by the way!
After all, it is impossible to say that these well-informed Hun merchants were not aware of such a big battle among the Huns.

And they slipped away alone, and did not submit the corresponding information to the Jiuyuan Army, which had already violated their original oath.

A moment later, the general shogunate of Jiuyuan City.

Meng Tian sat in the handsome tent, stretched out his fingers and snapped them.

The generals who have not arrived after the three-tone drum will be severely punished with twenty army sticks, and when Meng Tian's five fingers are all bent down, the late generals, no matter how high or low, will be beheaded for public display!
In a short time, after Meng Tian bent down four fingers, all the generals with more than two or five hundred masters stationed in Jiuyuan City gathered together.

In the next second, soldiers with wooden sticks rushed in and dragged out the late generals.

Immediately, there was a crackling sound outside the Chinese military shogunate.

It's just that there was no cry of pain. According to the military law, he hummed and added ten sticks until he was beaten to death!
Regardless of ancient or modern times, an army that can fight and wins often has always been rewarded and punished.

When the punishment was over, Meng Tian raised the tiger talisman in his hand, which was the seal of dispatching troops granted by Fusu when he left Xianyang.

"Jiuyuan orders Dingfu!"

"The subordinate is here!"

Out of the crowd came out a muscular man with long arms and long arms, dressed in tight-fitting civilian clothes.

Looking at Ding Fu's attire, Meng Tian wanted to laugh inexplicably, but he still held back, after all, he was the one who facilitated the transfer of his confidant to civil servant.

"I order you to lead two thousand flying cavalry, be the vanguard to rejuvenate the army, carry six days of food and grass, and set off immediately!"

"The last general takes orders!" Ding Fu subconsciously gave a military salute, took the command arrow, turned around and strode away.

Meng Tian picked up the command arrow again: "Hu Qiying Captain Guan Ying! Hu Qiying Right Captain Luo Jia! Hu Qiying Left Captain Ji Bi!"

"The end is here!"

"The three of you will lead the headquarters of five thousand Huqi, make a big army, and set off before sunset!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Meng Tian watched them leave, looked at the general who was still standing in the shogunate, and said loudly: "You are the Chinese army, and I will set off before noon tomorrow!"

The generals first looked at each other in blank dismay, and then showed ecstasy.

According to Meng Tian's arrangement, the number of the Chinese army is more than [-], including the Xing army, the heel army, and the army taken away by Wang Li, the total strength is as high as [-]!
In other words, almost all the garrison troops in Jiuyuan City were dispatched.

Such a great battle deserves a lot of credit!
(End of this chapter)

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