Chapter 284

Ganquan Mountain is located [-] miles north of Yunyang County. It is named because of the clear springs on the mountain. The mountains are covered by mountains and the vegetation is green. This place is still very cool even in midsummer and June. Therefore, long ago, it was the summer hunting place for the kings of Qin. land.

In the early morning, the sun jumped out of the mountains, and the cicadas in the distance began to sing endlessly.

The cicadas were chirping, and Connor ate them... Fusu finished her morning jog today, and stood in the dormitory for the final stretching exercise.

As the great men in later generations said, the body is the capital of revolution.

Fu Su deeply agrees with this, and a tough 007 like him must strengthen his training.

Well, the most important thing is that it can enhance the secretion of male hormones, and when the opponent challenges you, you can show your sword bravely...

After a while, Fusu washed the sweat off his body with warm water, changed into a set of thin black gauze clothes, glanced at the indoor thermometer, it was 26°C, and hurriedly asked someone to close the hall door to cut off the heat outside.

Taking a rest today, Fusu spent about half the morning to soothe the liver with the music sent last night.

He looked up, looked at the hourglass in the hall, and turned to look at Han Rang: "Go and ask, are the bunch of little things I want ready?"

Han Rang was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that, as Fusu's housekeeper, he basically knew what to do with just one look at Fusu.

Seeing Han Rang leaving, Fu Su touched his chin slightly, thinking, no wonder the ancient emperor kissed an eunuch, Han Rang was as clever as Zhao Ji in the bed, patted his butt, just...

After a while, Han Rang rushed to the palace with seven or eight small servants, carrying an oversized box.

Fusu took a few steps forward, looked at the neatly arranged gears and some scattered small objects inside, then nodded to Han Rang, asking him to fetch some ice cubes to cool down the hall.

Sitting in the cold hall is not hot, but it will definitely be hot when doing work!

What he is going to do today is a set of simple pendulums, using a simple pendulum as a simple harmonic oscillator and a weight as a power source for the clockwork.

The technique of making a pendulum clock is actually very simple, as long as you have a hand.

Of course, for the current Fusu, the most difficult point is how to accurately adjust the duration.

According to the definition of astronomy, 24 hours refers to the length of each solar day.

The difficulty lies in this.

Before the invention of clocks and watches, people calibrated time through the corona.

The moment when the sun passes through the highest moment in the sky every two times, that is, the moment when the shadow is the shortest, is called the apparent solar day.

The average time of this solar day in a year is the average solar day.

But the earth is progressive in its own orbit, that is, its rotation and revolution are in the same direction.

Therefore, 24 hours is the time defined as a mean solar day, not the time of 360 degrees of rotation, but 360 degrees and 59 minutes of rotation, which is almost 361 degrees.

In addition, the orbit of the earth is not uniform, but has perigee and apogee, and the perturbation of the moon.

This causes the visual solar day, that is, the time for turning 360 degrees every day, to be different, and it has a certain time difference with 24 hours.

So, it's all the sun's fault... Fusu spliced ​​the pendulum in his hand while throwing the pot behind his back.

He is just going to make the pendulum clock first, and the accuracy can only be adjusted slowly.

Fusu recalled his memories of his student days, wrote and drew on bamboo paper, and finally determined the length of a simple pendulum with a period of 3 seconds.

Uh, 2.2364 meters, which seems to exceed the accuracy of my manual grinding... Fusu took the file and asked two servants to carry the pendulum, measured it with a tape measure, and rounded up helplessly.

Fusu looked at the ticking hourglass again, and felt that the error was amazing and it didn't matter at all!

No matter how big the error of the pendulum clock is, can it still be bigger than the corona and the hourglass?
"Hold it firmly, I will have someone make two pendulums!" Fusu used a brush to determine the length of the pendulums, and immediately began to grind them by hand.

In fact, he could have called two skilled craftsmen to complete the processing today, but doing manual work is a joy that only belongs to men!
After a while, the single pendulum is finished.

Fusu turned his head and searched in the box.

"Well, the next step is to install the escapement!"

The escapement mechanism is a switch device for mechanical energy transmission. This switch is controlled by the timing reference. The escapement wheel drives the pallet fork to escape and release to complete the actions of locking, transmission and release, and transmits power to the balance wheel. , the distribution of time is completed by the balance wheel to achieve the role of speed regulation, thus indicating the accurate time.

Well, the water transport instrument platform in the Song Dynasty opened a precedent for modern watch escapements.

After Fusu found the pallet fork, he immediately lifted up a bunch of gears and started splicing them together.

Because the period of the designed simple pendulum is 3 seconds, the period corresponding to one tooth is also 3 seconds, and the number of teeth facing the pallet fork gear is 20.

"Someone with strong hands, drill a hole in the bracket I circled!" Fusu yelled softly, and then several tall servants rushed over.

Sure enough, physical development and sexual development are inversely related. These servants who entered the palace since childhood are much taller than Qianshou outside!Well, I heard that many concubines and eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty came from that peninsula... Fusu held a pointer in his hand, thinking about when to cross the sea to trade Silla maidservants to enrich the slave market in Daqin.

As the saying goes, everyone gathers firewood, and the fire is high. After a while, a simple pendulum clock is made.

Fusu hung two heavy hammers strung by iron chains on a thick gear, and then passed through several speed-up gears, put on the driving end of the second hand, and saw the second hand move rhythmically.

"Very good, we have wine and meat for lunch today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the hall fell to its knees.

"Slaves wait to thank His Majesty!"

Fusu waved his hand, and the servants in the hall, under the leadership of Han Rang, simply cleaned up the mess on the ground, and then backed out of the cool hall.

Listening to the ticking sound of the pendulum, Fusu regained some sense of future generations.

"Hey, it's a pity that there is no timekeeping device..."

"Well, since I succeeded this time, it means that I haven't returned the things in my mind to the teacher, so the next step is to make the clock bigger, and then build a clock tower with a timekeeping device in Xianyang City!"

"Is Xianyang City without a bell tower still called Xianyang City..."

"It is said that completing the wonder of Big Ben can double the savings in the treasury. I don't know if it is true..."

In a trance, Fusu smelled a familiar fragrance, and then heard slight footsteps from far to near, and someone gently fiddled with hair on the neck.

"Naughty!" Fusu turned around sharply, smiling and hugging a frail and boneless body into his arms.

The next second, he was stunned, a little at a loss: "Huh? Huh?"

Sister Tian Ji is really a god... Qi Rui'er buried her head in Fusu's arms, her body slowly became hot while shaking.

 Thanks for the monthly tickets of 'D is Yishi', 'chen111', 'Hello Dream World', 'Engineering Technician', 'Tang Wanzi'!

(End of this chapter)

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