Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 305 Dragons without a leader, the world is happy

Chapter 305 Dragons without a leader, the world is happy

Shanglinyuan, the residence of Captain Shuiheng.

Outside the tall courtyard walls, groups of soldiers in iron armor and with sharp knives hanging from their waists patrolled to and fro.

Outside the main entrance, there is the only cement road in Shanglin Garden, the royal garden.

At this moment, a four-wheeled carriage pulled by two naive horses shuttled back and forth on the concrete road. Although the carriage compartment was covered by a thick cloth, there was a faint sound of metal collisions due to the bumps.

In a short time, a carriage drove to the main entrance, and the chief who guarded the gate led a team forward, and lifted the thick cloth to inspect it carefully.

"Sanchuan County... fifty copper ingots, weighing fifty catties (Qin Jin)..."

After the chief inspector was correct, he waved his hand and motioned for the carriage to move forward.

Here is the mint designated by Fusu, and the copper ingots pulled on the carriage are semi-finished products that have been re-melted from the treasury of the county and county under the supervision of the dispatched censor.

Here, the copper ingots are quickly re-melted into five baht coins and put on the market.

Well, part of it will be returned to the counties and counties, and the rest will be used as wages for workers in various workshops and migrant workers involved in infrastructure construction.

As for the profit from casting new money, it naturally belongs to the Shaofu!
Next to a reservoir in Shuiheng Duwei's Mansion, several small buildings were built. Ya.

At the moment, in the most central and largest small building, Tian Wei is setting up an 'Ice Melon Banquet', celebrating the overfulfilled task this month.

As for the ice cubes he used to cool down the melon, Tian Ji, the 'helper demon', begged for it from Fusu after he 'sacrificed Huexiang'...

Tian Wei held up a bowl of fermented glutinous rice mixed with ice cubes, laughed loudly and said:

"Ice melons in summer are a rarity, eat more, eat more... strive for next month, we can reach a new high, and mint 200 million more coins!"

Zhong Guanling, who was in charge of minting new coins, raised the melon in his hand, thought for a while and said, "With the hydraulic grinding wheel created by His Majesty, there is no problem in grinding an extra 200 million coins!"

The Copper Discrimination Order, who is in charge of copper, carbon and other raw materials for casting coins, also echoed: "With a carriage with a higher load capacity, 200 million coins is not difficult!"

Seeing the people talking enthusiastically and eating melons, Tian Wei poured down the fermented glutinous rice in his hand, took out ice cubes from the bowl and put them in his mouth to chew.

He never robbed ice melons with his subordinates from the beginning to the end. It's not that he doesn't like eating melons, but that these melons are all grown in Shanglin Garden. From the seedlings, the manure has never been broken...

Although it was bigger and sweeter than the melons Tian Wei had eaten in the past, Tian Wei lost all his appetite as long as he thought about the growing environment of the melons.

Just when a group of officials eating melons were happily eating melons, a small official pushed the door in from outside the house, walked up to Tian Wei and said:
"Report to Lieutenant Shuiheng, the right servant of Shangshu shot Cao Shen outside the door, saying that there is an order from His Majesty!"

Tian Wei was taken aback for a moment, rinsed his mouth with water, and said to his subordinates, "Follow me!"

Outside the gate, Cao Can stood facing south, looked at Tian Wei and the others who had rushed out and smiled gently: "Your Majesty said that since it is an oral order, don't engage in so many vain rituals."

"Your Majesty said that starting tomorrow, another two hundred engineers will be transferred from Xianyang City to join in the minting work, and strive to double the amount of minting next month."

Tian Wei was taken aback, frowned and said:

"Why does Your Majesty want so much money? Just collected the silk tax, logically speaking, there should be no shortage of money in the treasury!"

Cao Shen just smiled without saying a word, and patted Tian Wei's shoulder lightly:

"These things are not something you should know, nor should I say. If you really want to find out, you should meet His Majesty in person!"

After speaking, he bowed his hands to Tian Wei and the others, got on his horse and left.


Jiujiang County, Shuangqiaoli in the north of Shou County.

At the end of summer, the sun was scorching, and Qianshou, who went out to work before dawn, dragged his exhausted body back to Lifang.

At this moment, a firewood door opened, and a black and thin postman walked out of the door, and immediately greeted the surrounding neighbors, and left in a hurry.

The means of communication in this period mainly relied on human delivery, and under the strict laws of Qin Dynasty, postmen had to complete all delivery tasks within the specified time, otherwise they would be punished.

So those heads of Guizhou didn't pay any attention to his haste, instead they all stared at the chai gate several times.

This is a strange person who just moved back to Lifang not long ago. His surname is Wu, his first name is Guang, and his father is an old craftsman who has been dead for many years.

Therefore, his son inherited his father's business and also belonged to Baigong.

But unlike other busy workers in the county, Wu Guang spends all day fiddling with gadgets in the house, but there is meat to eat every now and then!
At this time, not only the aroma of stewed meat could be heard in the courtyard, but also a faint aroma of wine!

"Mother, to be a craftsman is to make money!" A Qianshou threw away the hoe in his hand angrily: "After two years, the black husband will grow up, and let him learn to be a craftsman, and he will never farm the land again!"

Wu Guang, who was waiting for the meat to be cooked in the courtyard, smiled contemptuously, and opened the letter in his hand nonchalantly.

"On the day of welcoming autumn, the destiny will be restarted; Qin loses its deer, and the world will chase after it!"

"Okay, after waiting for a long time, I finally waited until today..."

"Well, open another jar of wine today!"


In a side hall of Zhangtai Palace, charcoal was burned in the past, and the copper furnace used for incense was filled with ice cubes, exuding bursts of white gas, which changed from releasing heat to absorbing heat.

Inside the palace, Qin clansmen and officials wearing all kinds of hats are waiting for Fusu's arrival.

There are those who are happy, and those who are uneasy, and some people have angry and hesitant expressions on their faces.

If you look closely, you will find that the colors of their necklines at this moment, one black and one white, are quite distinct!

The leading one is none other than Zongzheng Gongzi.

So obviously, it is Qin Mo's backbone who appeared in this side hall at this moment.

In the past few decades, they have been deeply integrated with the Qin State, but under the order of the letter, they are completely in ambush.

While they were waiting anxiously, Fusu was pacing on the spot with the document presented by Chen Ping.

"Seven people absconded in fear of crime, and died suddenly and bizarrely! 29 people committed suicide by taking poison, leaving only the sentence 'the dragons have no leader, the world is safe'?"

"The 160 and two said that they were just following the orders of the Shangguan, and they didn't know anything about it?"

"Another silly case?"

Fu Su looked at Chen Ping and Gan Fu and said in a deep voice:
"Go and investigate, let me thoroughly investigate! The key point is the seven officials who died suddenly, where are their families now? Where have they been recently, who have they met, who promoted them, and who made them The person in charge of this hunt..."

"I want to know all of these things!"

 ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of '口花湖口', 'Silenceの黑夜', 'cbc2005', 'Y0312', 'Book Friends 2017...9351', 'To Youth'!

  Thanks to 'Qingfengzia' for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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