Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 31 Checking the Habayashi Army

Chapter 31 Checking the Habayashi Army (please recommend and collect)
Han Xin cupped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, the Habayashi Army is here."

"From the more than 1200 slaves who gave birth, the minister selected those who were over [-] years old and strong and strong as the upper army. There were a total of [-] people. They distributed three stones of corn every month and practiced once a day."

"Those who are over [-] years old are the Chinese army. They send corn and two stones a month, practice once every three days, and also learn the barracks."

"Those who are under the age of [-] are sent to the army. They send corn and a stone and a half every month, practice once every seven days, and also herd horses, hogs, and sheep."

"For this exercise, only the upper army is dispatched, a total of 1200 people. The rest will not move."

In other words, except for the cavalry led by Chunsheng, the other Habayashi troops only practiced formation, and they usually do chores?And the pigs here are free-range?Fusu nodded, didn't say much, decided to visit Yubayashi Army's pig farm after watching the drill, and let the cute pigs completely cut off their worldly desires.

Therefore, the upper army that Han Xin mentioned should refer to the 1200 cavalry led by Chunsheng, which happens to be all the soldiers under the command of a master of two or five hundred.

But when the drill really started, Chunsheng led his cavalry, arrived at the training ground on horseback, dismounted and began to form a team.

Li Cheng's eyes widened immediately, he poked Meng Ying and asked, "What's the situation? Is this about dismounting?"

Meng Ying rolled her eyes back at him: "It's already amazing to let these dolls learn how to ride horses in such a short period of time, so don't expect them to practice riding and fighting!"

Amid Meng Ying and Li Xin's murmurs, the military commander began to distribute weapons and flags to the soldiers who were practicing.

At this moment, Li Cheng frowned again and asked, "Why are these strange weapons not halberds issued to soldiers? Is this a spear? Why is it so long?"

This time it was Han Xin's turn to answer. He glanced at Fusu and said, "This is a spear made by Your Majesty. It is two feet long (460cm) long. The head of the spear is made of cast iron. The barrel is made of green leather bamboo strips mixed with fish glue. Wrapped with hemp rope and painted with black lacquer, it is longer and lighter than a halberd with a wooden handle, with both rigidity and softness, and is not easy to bend."

Li Cheng nodded: "If that's the case, the long spear is indeed superior to the long halberd, Your Majesty is truly a god!"

He still understands the truth that one inch is long and one inch is strong.

Meng Ying touched the short beard on her lips: "I'm going to try it out later, don't compete with me!"

As Meng Tian's son, he grew up in the army, so Han Xin understood immediately when he simply said it.

Looking at the shape of the spear, you can know that its best usage is to stab!

Compared with the long halberd, it is simple and rough, and easy to practice.

Chunsheng divided his soldiers into three teams, left, middle and right, according to the usual drills. The left team held black flags, and the soldiers wore black feathers; the right team had white flags and white feathers; the squadron had yellow flags and yellow feathers.

The soldiers of the three armies each wear blue, white, red, black, and yellow colored belts, and the first row of soldiers wears blue ribbons; the second row wears white, the third row red, the fourth row black, and the fifth row yellow. The position of each soldier, and the order of contact with the enemy.

After the team stands up, the leader of each corps is the head of the corps, holding the flags of each army. The direction the flag points is the direction the soldiers are advancing. The corporal holds a copper bell in the other hand, and the frequency of shaking the bell , It needs to be consistent with the frequency of the drum that will be beaten later, and this frequency is the speed at which the soldiers are advancing. When the drum is sounded, the soldiers will move forward one step.

After everyone stood up, Chunsheng began to beat the drum himself.

Under the leadership of their respective corporal leaders, 1200 soldiers marched forward in unison, among them Xu Rulin.

In front of them, there were three thick poles erected side by side, and a row of wooden dummies were placed under the first pole.

The drums kept ringing, and the Habayashi Army with spears in their hands walked to the first pole.

The spear pointed forward, and the entire Habayashi Army was like a porcupine with its spines exploded.

boom! boom! boom!
The dummies facing the spear phalanx were knocked to the ground one by one.

At this time, the rhythm of the drum suddenly accelerated, from the original one beat to two beats.

The bell in the corporal leader's hand also accelerated its frequency.

The 1200 Habayashi Army also moved forward from the original slow pace to fast pace.

When they reached the second pole, the rhythm of the drums accelerated again, and the Habayashi Army changed from a fast step to a run.

The sound of the drums changed many times, but the Habayashi Army still maintained a uniform rhythm without any confusion.

Fusu nodded, thinking in his heart:

Very good, it looks like a strong army. With this level of training, there will be another three years. When these dolls grow up, they will be able to compete with the Nine Plains Army!

Fusu took a few steps forward, patted Han Xin on the shoulder and said, "It's as immovable as a mountain, but as aggressive as a fire, that's very good! Distribute what I hunted yesterday to all the troops."

Although there are not many red deer and rabbits left that he hunted yesterday, cooking some broth should be enough for each of the 1200 people to drink a bowl. If it is not enough, add more water!
Han Xin cupped his hands excitedly and said, "On behalf of all the troops, thank Your Majesty for the reward!"

Fusu supported Han Xin, held his hand and said, "Take me to the camp for a walk."

Holding hands, the skills passed down by generations of ancestors of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Shang Yang, Zhang Yi, Meng Changjun, Fan Ju...Although none of these people have a good end...

After a while, Fusu saw a few shacks made of wooden fences, in which nearly a thousand black pigs with strong bodies lived.

A few of them looked like breeding pigs, and there was a ball under the chrysanthemum that made everyone present feel ashamed.

The root of all evil, find a way to cut it off!Fusu recalled the reason why foreign pork is not tasty that was circulated on the Internet.

The root of it is that this knife that cuts off children and grandchildren is missing!

However, there is no need for castration for those pigs that are already about the same size. They need to be killed and eaten early before the meat quality changes.

Fusu held Han Xin's hand and asked, "Is there anyone in the Habayashi Army who can castrate war horses?"

There are at least [-] war horses in the Yubayashi Army, including mares and stud males who have not been castrated, so there must be one or two people who can castrate horses.

Anyway, it's all about cutting eggs. There is not much difference between horses and pigs.

In a short time, a few soldiers with some shit ran over. After hearing Fusu's request, although they were a little puzzled, they still patted their chests and promised that they would not kill the little pig.

Fusu was not interested in the tragedy that followed.

After he left the pigsty, he learned about the composting situation of the Habayashi Army, and found that they had strictly followed their instructions and concentrated the feces in the camp away from the water source. He praised Han Xin and Chunsheng again.

Afterwards, he suggested to Han Xin and others that health competitions and tug-of-war could be carried out in the Habayashi Army, and the winning Shiwu could get extra meals and pennants.

If the effect is good, he plans to promote it to the whole army. After all, the construction of spiritual civilization is also very important!
PS: The author is asking for a recommendation ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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