Chapter 355
Hearing Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng's words as if they were playing a charade, Tian Heng, who was sitting by the side, was a little puzzled.

He quietly poked Tian Dan beside him, and asked in a low voice, "What do they mean by mentioning the Dongjun meteorite case?"

Tian Dan also answered in a low voice:

"In the Dongjun meteorite case, because the mastermind could not be found, Emperor Shihuang ordered to massacre all the Lifangs around the meteorite... I guess they wanted to tell the people in Kuaiji County that Qin Ting was "reborn every day" because of the previous "rebirth". , wants to slaughter in Kuaiji County, after all, the sun rises from the ocean here..."

Tian Heng nodded slightly, so he could use the county guard's head to make sense of it.

However, Tian Heng couldn't bear it when he thought of the people in Kuaiji County being bewitched by such rumors, and the mountain of corpses and blood that followed.

However, it is fleeting.

Today, they have no way out.

Either defeat the Qin army in Kuaiji County and call on righteous men from all over the world to destroy the tyrant Qin, or die in a vigorous battle here!
Life is also what I want; righteousness is also what I want.You can't have both, and those who sacrifice their lives for justice!

Thinking of this, Tian Heng sat upright, and he was ready to die.

A person who no longer takes his own life seriously will naturally not take other people's lives seriously either.

Bababa, Bababa... Xiang Yu was full of impatience, why did he engage in these conspiracies and tricks, no matter how powerful the Qin army is, the death of Qin will surely lead to Chu!
In a daze, he heard his uncle and the annoying old man say that he wanted to borrow Yin Tong's head, so he sat up suddenly, opened the door and walked out.

Xiang Liang raised his eyes slightly, and didn't take it seriously when his muscular nephew left halfway.

In his opinion, Xiang Yu was not successful in learning swordsmanship, nor in military art. He had so much energy, he kept yelling "he can replace him" all day long, and most of the teenagers in the second stage of middle school were like this.

It wasn't long before there were suddenly screams of killing and crying outside the house.

"what's the situation?"

"Qin Bing is calling?"

Just when they were about to go outside to find out, the sound of shouting and killing disappeared, but the sound of crying and wailing continued.

In a few moments, the door opened with a bang, and an oval sphere rolled in.

Xiang Liang and others took a closer look, and found that it was a blood-stained, ferocious head!

The governor of Kuaiji County, the head of Yin Tong!

And standing at the door was Xiang Yu covered in blood.

Xiang Liang was furious: "Yu'er, you..."

Looking directly into Xiang Liang's eyes, Xiang Yu suddenly lost interest. He grinned and said, "Didn't uncle say that you want to borrow the county guard's head to use it? Now, it's yours!"

After speaking, Xiang Yu ignored everyone's eyes and turned to leave.

What made him less interested at the moment was that when Xiang Liang saw that he was covered in blood, he didn't care whether the blood was his own, but wanted to scold himself.

Ha ha, dear uncle!

Looking at the whole world, Yu Ji might be the only one who would cry for me... Xiang Yu sighed, and his back looked a little bleak.

In the room, Xiang Liang chuckled and broke the silence:

"Yu'er is capable of carrying a tripod, and his arms are as strong as ten thousand catties, even the ancient Xia Yu and Wu Huo!"

"With Yu'er, our army will be invincible and defeat the Qin army!"

Fan Zeng nodded, didn't say anything, just looked at the Zhu family, Tian Dan and others and said, "This is the case, let's discuss how to subdue Kuaiji County soldiers and attack Qin together."

After all, only they and the eight thousand Jiangdong children controlled by the Xiang clan were the only ones in Kuaiji County who were determined to fight against Qin.


January [-], Kuaiji County.

Yangxian County faces north, Qu'e County faces south, the former Helu City of Wu State, and today's Yanling County southeast, a banner is unfurled, and the endless army is marching slowly.

Among the fluttering battle flags, in addition to the black Qin character flag on a white background, there is also the handsome flag representing Meng Tian.

Meng Tian held the flagpole and sat on the rickety chariot. Beside him, scouts kept coming and going.

"As His Majesty said, they chose to fight the imperial court in Kuaiji County and did not flee south..."

"Knowing that you can't do it! It's a pity that such a talent can't be used by Daqin..."

During the march of the army, the road was unimpeded, and the sudden attack that was imagined did not happen even once.

What made Meng Tian even more surprised was that when the scouts came to report, there was no one in Lifang along the way, and the leaders of Guizhou seemed to have fled a few days ago.

"Strong wall clears the field, it seems that we are going to fight against the strong city?"

Meng Tian looked in the direction of Wu County, and whispered to himself: "Yes, I heard that Qi Mo participated in it. In terms of the art of defending the city, the Mo family has indeed been second to none in the past year."

"But, times have changed..."

He thought of the package delivered by Kuaima from Xianyang City earlier, although he was a bit skeptical, but His Majesty the Emperor made it himself, there would be absolutely no problem.

A day later, the Xuanfeng Army arrived at the city of Wu County.

On the city wall, the big Qin flag with black characters on a white background disappeared, replaced by a Chu flag as red as blood!
"Hehe, that's true."

Meng Tian rode on horseback and walked slowly around the city wall of Wu County, but it suddenly occurred to him that more than half of the blood of the King of Chu still flows in His Majesty the Emperor. How many years of the Xiang family are there!
On the city wall, Xiang Liang, who was wearing a heavy iron armor, felt a little regretful. If Xiang Yu was here, he would definitely let his nephew, who was strong enough to carry a tripod, fight and capture Meng Tian alive who was patrolling alone.

But Xiang Yu was sent by him to summon the water bandits led by Huan Chu.

Well, in fact, the most important reason is that I am worried that Xiang Yu will have a dispute with the Tian brothers, which is not conducive to resisting the Qin people.

After Xiang Liang's death, the Qimo rangers led by Zhu's family resumed their old professions, and the commander was bewitched and fled to Qianshou, Kuaiji County, Wu County to build fortifications.

All buildings under the city wall that had nothing to do with the military were demolished one by one, and a layer of fire-preventing mud was smeared on the houses further away.

Under the sword and halberd, the big households in the city agreed to demolish their houses and use them as rolling logs and rocks. As for the gardens at home, they were full of people who had fled from Guizhou.

At this moment, under Xiang Liang's prestige and the bewitching of Xiang's clan, the people in the city are united and determined to fight to the end with the Qin army who came to slaughter Kuaiji County!

Suddenly, drums rumbled outside the city.

"Qin Jun is here!"

"The Qin people are coming to slaughter us!"

The head of Guizhou in Wuxian City turned pale, and then rushed to the top of the city under the command of the Qi Mo ranger who shouted loudly.

The Mohists' method of defending the city has always focused on the mobilization of the whole people.

For every fifty steps of the city wall, in addition to the guards, there are also ten husbands, 20 young women, and ten old and young people, counting 40 people at fifty steps, and one soldier at every step of the city.

But when everyone stood at the top of the city, they found that the imagined Qin people's siege did not seem to have started.

Although the Qin army was in formation, the battle flags with Qin characters fluttered in the wind, and the shining spears, spears, swords and halberds were dazzling.

The army formation is neat and boundless, but there are still hundreds of steps away from the city wall.

"This is?" The Zhu family was a little puzzled.

According to common sense, the Qin army should use catapults, crossbows, etc. to attack the defenders at the top of the city at this time, and then use building carts to carry crossbowmen and shoot continuously, so that the defenders dare not lean out from behind the shields. It's a ladder attack...


"We didn't dig ditches outside the city? What are they doing with their carts?" The Zhu family looked at Xiang Liang with some doubts.

When it comes to marching and fighting, he is a layman who knows nothing. As for the layout of defending the city...well, let's learn about it.

Xiang Liang shook his head, looked at the chariots covered with cowhide, slowly approaching the city wall, also full of doubts, guessing in his heart:

'Is it possible that the Qin people want to use this to dig down the city wall?Then you dig it, the city wall is rammed with glutinous rice juice mixed with steamed clay, you are good at digging!No, it's Meng Tian who commands the Qin army? '

After a while, under the gaze of everyone, more than a dozen vehicles slowly leaned against the city wall.

On the city wall, a bald man with a face full of anger raised a big stone and threw it down forcefully: "Mother Xipi!"

The stone hit the car, and there was a faint sound of gold and iron.

The Zhu family was slightly dumbfounded, Qin people are really rich and powerful, there is still an iron plate under the raw cowhide!

You are rich, you are amazing!

Not long after, he heard Qin Jun's war drum suddenly become agitated.

Then I saw that Qin Jun's building car began to move forward slowly, and the infantry phalanxes also moved.

Xiang Liang nodded slightly, and praised: "It's as immovable as a mountain, as quiet as a forest, Meng Tian is indeed famous in the world..."

However, before he could finish speaking, a shout came from the city wall: "Don't let these Qin thieves run away, shoot the arrows!"

Xiang Liang took a closer look and found that it was the Qin soldiers who were operating the chariots holding their shields, spreading their legs and running back towards the Qin army's main formation.

"No arrows allowed!"

Xiang Liang shouted loudly and stopped the crossbowmen who were aiming.

If you want to shoot and kill hundreds of people, you need at least several rounds of arrow rain to cover it. How many arrows do you need to shoot!
Who shouted to shoot the arrow?
So, seeing Qin Jun running a hundred paces away, Xiang Bo angrily punched the city wall.

In an instant, he seemed to hear a sound as loud as thunder.

Immediately afterwards, the city wall under his feet seemed to start to beat.

This moment, in Xiang Bo's heart, seemed to last as long as a Jiazi.

In the next second, an unstoppable force threw him heavily into the air.

While the world was spinning, he seemed to see the thick city wall of Wu County disintegrating inch by inch, and the defenders on the city wall were flying around in pieces.

In a daze, he seemed to find a fragment of a body wearing an armor. The style of the armor seemed to be exactly the same as the one he was wearing.

"But my armor is specially made by a craftsman!"

Xiang Bo opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say a word.

"it hurts……"

Heart-wrenching feelings flooded his brain, and he fell into eternal sleep in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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