Chapter 357: The Retreater Dies!

Select the front army, on the building car of the Shogunate of the Chinese Army.

Meng Tian put down the binoculars in his hand, looked at Shejian and said, "Order the infantry to form a formation, and the formation will form a circle, and you lead the cavalry to turn around from the flank."

She Jian looked at Meng Tian, ​​clasped his fists and left as promised.

Meng Tian closed his eyes slightly and let out a long sigh.

He didn't understand why the Qianshou of Kuaiji County, regardless of men, women, old or young, all followed an old man and rushed towards Qin Jun.

But, on the battlefield, it's life and death, since you draw your sword to face each other, don't blame me for being ruthless!

Boom boom boom!
As soon as the sound of the drum changed, the Xuanfeng army who was rushing to attack immediately stopped and stood still in place.

At this time, a four-wheeled carriage wrapped in iron came from behind the army formation.

After the vehicle came to a complete stop, the horses pulling the cart were pulled to the rear, and the carriages that stayed in place formed a temporary city wall.

In a short while, the shogunate of the Chinese army raised a dog flag, which was an order for the crossbowmen to step forward.

The five thousand elite who came from Nanjun and had been trained by Meng Yi for a long time quickly boarded the carriage, holding a strong crossbow, and looked at the chaotic Kuaiji Qianshou who was rushing towards him in the distance.

Behind them, [-] Qianshou, who had been conscripted from Zhang County and transported supplies, were divided into two teams.

A team of hands and feet are used to string the crossbow, and a team is constantly transporting crossbow bolts.

Beside the crossbowmen are groups of soldiers holding shields and spears.

With weapons in hand, they were ready to fight, and they did not waver at all because the old, weak, women and children were rushing towards them.

It is only right and proper for officers and soldiers to kill thieves.

Moreover, killing those who tried to attack the army formation is also a credit!

In a short time, the drums of the Chinese army were loudly beating.

"Fire arrows!"

Captain Shesheng gave an order, and the crossbowmen lightly pulled on the hanging knives, and the crossbow arrows shot through the air.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the mob, wielding all sorts of strange weapons and shouting 'Kill', instantly fell down like mowing grass.

However, before they could react, the crossbowman standing on the carriage turned around to receive the stringed crossbow and fired again.

Puff puff!
The sharp crossbow pierces the human body in an instant, and the powerful kinetic energy makes the person hit by the arrow fall backwards involuntarily.


"Help me, I don't want to die..."

The sound of crying spread through the crowd again.

The bloody courage generated by being inspired disappeared instantly.

Except for the soldiers and men who had received military training, those old and young women who swore to resist because they were afraid of the Qin people massacring the city, all began to back away amidst the wailing of their companions.

As long as you run fast enough, maybe you won't be caught and killed by the Qin army... right?

"Death to those who retreat!"

Fan Zeng, who was overtaken by the crowd, roared angrily, swung his sword and slashed and killed the fleeing Kuaiji Qianshou.

Blood splattered on his face, making his previously benevolent face look even more ferocious.

How can a person who doesn't care about his own life and death care about the life and death of others?
Besides, in Fan Zeng's heart, it is a great honor to die for the restoration of Chu!

And now, these cowards have sullied that honor!

Everyone must die!

So amidst the cries and cries, Fan Zeng brandished his long sword, and with all his strength beheaded a woman who had fled the battle.

Witnessing all this, Qianshou was stunned. Some people began to question whether the news that the Qin army would slaughter Kuaiji County was true, but more people subconsciously avoided Fan Zeng and ran to Wu County.

They are going to pack up their belongings and flee into the mountains, forests, lakes and seas.

Anyway, Qin Jun's current target is Wu County and the soldiers guarding Wu County, not them!
Well, they are sure.

After all, the war in the world has just ended more than ten years ago, and those who can survive have already practiced the skill of how to survive in troubled times to the full level.

However, what made them desperate was that behind them were soldiers armed with halberds and short spears.

"Those who retreat, kill without mercy!"

Xiang Liang raised his long sword high, and the Jiangdong disciples around him raised their halberds, every step they took.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The Qianshou tried to turn around and flee again, but at the moment when there were so many people, it was extremely difficult to escape to the side.

Therefore, Qianshou in front of the crowd tried to turn around and rush towards the Qin army, while the people behind them rushed forward.

In an instant, when Xiang Liang led his army to kill the fleeing Qianshou, his army formation was also smashed to pieces by the Guishous.


In the distance, on the building car of the Chinese Shogunate.

Meng Tian held the handrail, frowning.

He originally thought that the crowd in Wuyang Wuyang was rushing towards the Xuanfeng army, and the crowd in Wuyang Wuyang were traitors who were fighting against Qin with the same hatred.

Unexpectedly, after two waves of arrow rain, they fled!


Then, it became a mess of cannibalism!
"Then why do I put on such a big posture?"

Meng Tian was a little speechless, he had never fought this kind of battle in such a big age.

I thought it would be a tough battle, but I didn't expect...

Ha ha!

Pointing forward with his long sword, he shouted loudly: "The whole army strikes!"

As a result, the Chinese military shogunate raised the five-color flag, and all the drums were beaten at the same time.

The selected front army quickly divided into five teams, spread out one word, and then slowly turned into a crescent moon, outflanking the rioting enemy troops in the distance.

However, it was the two thousand light cavalry led by Shejian who responded first.

There is no way, the land in the south of the Yangtze River uses boats as horses, and being able to gather [-] cavalry has already lowered the selection criteria a lot...

After seeing the bird flag raised by the Chinese Shogunate from a distance, She Jian suddenly raised the halberd in his hand: "Come on!"

As a result, the two thousand cavalrymen behind him immediately lined up in three horizontal lines, knee to knee, holding the rein in one hand and holding the halberd in the other, and followed Shejian and moved forward quickly.

Seeing this situation, She Jian also sighed in his heart.

These weak chickens are also called 'drafts'?
Not to mention that compared with the Rongdi cavalry at the bottom of the chain of contempt, even the Xiongnu cavalry like beggars can destroy them without injury!
Therefore, under such circumstances, not only was the selection standard reduced to the lowest, but even the way of commanding them to fight could only use the most basic tactic, which the emperor called a 'wall charge' tactic.

After all, this charging method is not easy to turn, and it bullies and bullies the messy infantry. Facing the more mobile and flexible traditional cavalry with various tactics, they can only give away their heads.

But at this moment, what Shejian called the "weak chicken" cavalry of the forward army had to face the messy infantry.

So, when the sound of rumbling horseshoes came.

Not only Qianshou, who fled in a hurry, was dumbfounded, but even the soldiers in Kuaiji County who were busy beheading the rebels and reorganizing their teams were also dumbfounded.

Just imagine, a behemoth that is twice your height and several times your weight hits you at a speed of nearly forty kilometers per hour.

Those who don't run are either fools or...


Xiang Liang shouted sharply, and led the three thousand veterans who had been trained to go out, blocking the cavalry of the forward selection army and the messy main formation.

(End of this chapter)

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