Chapter 36 Honeycomb Coal (Please recommend and collect)

The answer is undoubtedly people!

It requires a large number of people to invest in this large-scale production, turning people into individual parts to drive this huge machine.

It is no exaggeration to say that it was the "sheep cannibalism" enclosure movement in Britain, which drove a large number of farmers off the land and made them free laborers, which laid a solid foundation for the subsequent industrial revolution.

The industrial age is so brutal, as long as you keep putting educated workers into this melting pot, you can get rich returns.

The finer the industrial classification, the more the required population will expand exponentially!
When he first traveled to this world, Fusu was always worried that he would not be able to move this dying empire to the road of industrialization by himself.

However, with the further integration of his memory of Fusu, and after spending many days in Xianyang's vast library, he is full of confidence in industrialization in Daqin!

First of all, he is not worried about the mines and land needed for industrialization.

Needless to say, mines, resources such as iron ore have been monopolized by the government since the Zhou Dynasty, and land, Qin is also different from later generations.

Since the reform of Shang Yang in Qin Dynasty, the state-owned economy has occupied a dominant position, instead of the landlord system economy in the Han, Tang and even Ming and Qing Dynasties!
In order to encourage the strategy of farming and fighting, and open up the promotion channel for the lower-level Chinese, it goes without saying that the twentieth-level military merit will be downgraded when inheriting.

The land granted to farmers by the Land Grant Law is also not allowed to be bought or sold.

In the 26th year of the first emperor, the richest people in the world moved to Xianyang, and directly awarded the original land of the rich households to the farmers, which proved to the people of the world that the Great Qin Dynasty did not recognize private ownership of land, and all the land belonged to the state!
However, such a move would naturally not be acceptable to the big landlords in the six Shandong countries where private ownership of land is prevalent.

Perhaps, this is another reason why they 'won the scene'...

The state ownership of the land also led to private industry and commerce in Daqin... Hehe.

Before Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, with the vigorous development of industry and commerce in the six kingdoms of Shandong, many commercial cities dotted around appeared.

Zhuo and Ji of Yan, Handan of Zhao; Wen and Zhi of Wei; Xingyang of Han; Linzi of Qi; Wanqiu of Chu;

None of the above has anything to do with Daqin...

In order to crack down on private industry and commerce, a piece of private wealth that Fusu has just entered into the account, counted as a tax, is a poll tax levied on women who do not have to serve in the military; merchants; handicraftsmen.

Counting Fu began with the reform of Shang Yang. It was collected as a military tax. The law of Qin stipulated that all those who were not recruited between the ages of 15 and 56 had to pay a calculation of Fu. Each person had one calculation per year, and each calculation was 120 yuan, which was mainly used to purchase weapons. For chariots and horses.

The law of Qin also stipulates that if there are two or more adult men in the family and do not separate the family, the tax will be doubled; merchants and slaves will be doubled. The former is to crack down on private industry and commerce, and the latter is to crack down on private slavery.

It is worth mentioning that, in order to ensure the circulation of Qin Banliang, all Fu will be paid in Qin Banliang!
However, the Lantian Industrial Park that Fusu is inspecting, although it was built by expropriation, but to some extent, it can be regarded as taking from the people and using it for the people.

After all, in Fusu's plan, the smelted pig iron was mainly used to make new plows and other agricultural tools.

In Daqin, iron farm tools are managed by county-level workshops, and they are lent to farmers during busy farming seasons. If they are worn out, you only need to explain the situation, and there is no additional punishment.

The state-owned system of land, the dominance of the government-run economy, coupled with the system of Wule labor names, and the detailed division of labor on the assembly line, all these add up to give Fusu the illusion of being in the period of the people's commune.

This also strengthened his deep heart, thinking that he can industrialize in Daqin.

Therefore, when formulating the standard of treatment for the ministers here, despite the opposition from the right prime minister Feng Quji, the royal doctor Feng Jie, Dian Ke Dunwei, Tingwei Yao Jia and other former court officials, Fusu still He stubbornly insisted on his own ideas.

Because only when the pilot project here is done well, he will have enough data and skilled workers to support him to explode the second mine and the third mine in other places at the same time... opening new factories geometrically!

Regarding Fusu's insistence on going his own way, Feng Quji sent all the memorials that should have been handled by the Prime Minister's House to the Minister's Order on the grounds that he was ill, and directly handed over to Fusu to do it himself.

And Fusu's approach to this is, first, to divert some memorials to Prime Minister Zuo's residence;
Second, grant Meng Tian the right to temporarily open the mansion, allowing him to recall the former staff of the Jiuyuan Army, and to some extent replace the right prime minister's mansion.

Fu Su thought to himself, if Feng Quji wanted to use this method to put pressure on him, then he really found the wrong person!

As a traveler with the blessings of various court dramas, I still know a thing or two about a series of coquettish operations by the emperor in later generations to weaken the power of the prime minister!

Didn't Feng Quji pretend to be sick and quit?
Fusu first asked Meng Tian and others to stand up for a while to stabilize the situation in the court, and then, like taking time out of Pei County, he recruited those big men who had been famous in the history from all counties and counties in the world, and appointed them as waiting and giving appointments. For middle-level and minor officials, first let them get acquainted with how to handle government affairs.

Then gradually let these people handle the memorials that should have been handed over to the prime minister's mansion, and then gradually emptied the prime minister's power.

But today, Feng Quji, who was supposed to be suffering from wind disease, 'couldn't see things, couldn't walk because of his weakness', unexpectedly came to Lantian with him in good spirits!
Fu Su felt that Feng Quji must have noticed something, and now he came to find an opportunity to ease the relationship with him.

Give him a step down later!Fu Su thought in his heart, before Xiao He was unbearable, try not to break face with these veterans!
Sima Chang led Fusu and others into a work shed, pointed to something on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, this is the briquette stove and briquettes made according to your drawing."

Briquette stove?Honeycomb?
Feng Quji looked at an iron cylinder on the ground, and four or five black mud cakes,

Asked: "Your Majesty, what is this?"

This should be the signal!Fusu smiled, walked to the iron cylinder, took the cover off it first, then used iron tongs to hold the burning charcoal into the iron cylinder, and then picked up a piece of mud cake and put it into the iron cylinder.

Pointing to the mud cake on the ground, he said: "This is honeycomb coal, which is mainly made of coal powder, yellow mud and water, and then dried."

"Compared with firewood, briquettes are more resistant to burning, and if they last all day long, seven or eight yuan will do."

All the people present were smart people. After Fusu finished the demonstration and explained briefly, they understood the usage and value of honeycomb coal.

After all, honeycomb coal is not something with high technological content, it is nothing more than a different shape of 'Shi Nie'.

Meng Tian stepped forward, fiddled with it, pointed at the briquettes and asked Sima Chang, "Is this expensive?"

(End of this chapter)

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