Chapter 53
October [-], sunny, eclipse time (seven to nine in the morning).

As the name suggests, this point is the time when Qin people eat breakfast.

The conquest that should be sung has been sung repeatedly, and the little mouth that should be fed has also been fed.

Those who returned to Lanchi Palace to pick up the raw materials were already waiting outside the hall.

Several palace servants took away the dinner plates, and Shang Yiling led several palace maids in to change into new clothes for Fusu who had worked hard all night.

Fusu opened his arms and asked the maids to put on black clothes and sleeves for him, but he wore shoes that were custom-made for his feet.

The clothes worn outside and the crown on the head are etiquette and cannot be changed at will.

Fusu could only make improvements from the inside to make himself a little more comfortable, such as underwear, trousers, shoes, and the heating equipment and flush toilets that are being remodeled in Lanchi Palace.

"Your Majesty, this is the raw material for the concubine to make wax."

Tian Ji walked out from the inner hall, wearing a bright red dress that was complicated and gorgeous, with a golden stiletto on her head, a round face with graceful lines, and peach blossom eyes that were charming and watery.

"Open it and have a look." Fusu took her hand and walked out of the hall.

"Here!" Han Rang, who was full of dog food, opened the box: "The servants have seen beeswax mostly, which looks yellow, but Madam's wax is different, it's as white as snow!"

Fu Su smiled, stepped forward and picked up the white powder in the box, it was sticky and greasy, it should be the secretion of white wax worms.

He looked back at Tian Ji and asked, "Is there any special way to deal with it?"

Tian Ji smiled slyly, and shook her head: "Just put it in the cauldron to heat it up, then pour it into the bamboo tube with the wick in it, and when it cools, plan the bamboo tube open."

Fusu was surprised: "So simple?"

He remembered that it was written in the original materials that people used insect wax in large quantities after 1000 AD.

And now, it was the first year of Qin II, 210 BC!
However, judging from the information, the white wax worm is indeed a special product of China, not an imported product.

So until then, people should just not discover the use of wax worms.

"Of course not." Tian Ji bit her lips and smiled: "Your Majesty, what you saw is already a finished product. I didn't make them into candles just for the convenience of putting them away."

"My concubine heard from Uncle and Tian Yun that wax worms, like silkworms, grow on trees and secrete white silk continuously. After covering the branches, they spit them out on the leaves. I don't know, but I thought the tree was white. Woolen cloth!"

Heh, are you kidding me... Fusu glanced threateningly at Tian Ji's bright moon, which was as plump as a peach, hidden under her red dress.

"Then, how can we get the raw materials?" Zhao Ji's voice sounded from behind Fusu.

Fu Su looked back, Zhao Ji wearing a lake-blue Ru skirt and Qi Ruier wearing a moon-white palace skirt came hand in hand.

Under the sunshine, one is pure and beautiful, and the other is noble and elegant.

"I've seen Your Majesty!" After Qi Rui'er bowed down, her eyes inadvertently swept across Tian Ji's neck, and her almond eyes widened instantly.

My God, is this the strawberry print that sister Zhao Ji mentioned?Sister Tian Ji is too bold!Didn't you cover it up... Qi Rui'er lowered her head, remembering her mother's advice three days ago, asking her to be favored by His Majesty as soon as possible and give birth to an heir.

Immediately afterwards, she recalled the scene she saw in Jiaolan Palace that day, a blush rising from Qi Ruier's neckline, neck, chin, face, eyebrows, forehead...

Just like a rising tide, in an instant, Qi Ruier's whole body turned red like a freshly cooked shrimp.

Fusu didn't bother to pay attention to a certain shrimp, and asked, "Yes, where did the wax worms come from?"

According to Tian Ji, wax worms are the same as silkworms, which matches the information of later generations.

Now, you only need to find the original species, and then breed them on a large scale like silkworms, and you can get a steady stream of candles!

Well done, candles should be as necessary as table salt.

Fusu remembers that candles were a must-have tool for every household in the era when electricity supply was not so sufficient.

As for the space required for raising wax worms, there is no need to worry at all.

Because during this period, the mountains, rivers and rivers belonged to the state, no, to be precise, they were the private property of the emperor.

Fusu's income from selling salt every year is enough to make some colleagues surnamed Zhu shed tears of envy.

Tian Ji looked at Zhao Ji and touched the strawberry print on her neck: "I heard from Tian Yun that wax worms grow on ash trees or privet trees. When taking wax, you need to put the branches covered with white wax in the water. Just cook it."

"Boil in water?" Zhao Ji turned her head away and looked at Fusu sadly: "It's almost like boiling silkworm cocoons!"

Ah, I really don't have a drop... Fusu pretended not to see it, and lowered her head to think about Tian Ji's hidden words.

She doesn't know where the raw materials come from, only her uncle Tian Yun knows!

Ha ha.

She understood what she meant, she probably wanted to take this opportunity to get a job for her elder brother Tian Yun.


Simply perfect!
When Qin lost its deer and the whole world pursued it, the clansmen of the six countries also contributed a lot.

It is almost impossible to find them all and kill them all!
Don't you see, Zhang Mouliang, an outlaw lunatic, has been arrested for many years, hasn't he been arrested?

Moreover, when the first emperor dealt with the affairs of the monarchs of the six countries, he had no experience to refer to, and he handled it too badly.

In the 18th year of Qin Wangzheng, Han Wangan surrendered, and South Korea perished;

In the 19th year of the first emperor, the state of Zhao was destroyed, and the king of Zhao was exiled to Fangling. He wrote the poem "Shanshui" because he missed his hometown. After the poem was spread to Xianyang, he died in the mountains in the same year;

In the 21st year of Emperor Shihuang, the old nobles of South Korea launched a rebellion in Xinzheng. After the rebellion was put down, in order to eradicate the disaster, Han Wangan, who was under house arrest, was executed;
In the 22nd year of the first emperor, Wang Ben dug a gap and flooded the girders. After three months, the city wall collapsed. The nine-year-old King Wei went out of the city to surrender, was killed, and the Wei State perished;
In the 24th year of the first emperor, the Qin army invaded Shouchun, the capital of Chu, and captured the king of Chu, and the state of Chu perished.

Lord Changping returned to Chu in Huainan, established Lanling as his capital, and then Mengwu came to attack. Lord Changping committed suicide after being defeated. end.

In the 25th year of the first emperor, Wang Ben attacked Yan, captured Yan Wang Xi, and destroyed the country of Yan. In the same year, Yan Wang Xi died on the way to Xianyang.

In the 26th year of the First Emperor, Wang Ben led an army that destroyed Yan to attack Qi in the south and defeated Linzi. After King Jian of Qi surrendered, he was moved to Gong County (now Hui County, Henan Province) and died in Songbailin.

So far, the six kingdoms have perished, and the monarch has died.

But for Fusu, this is an out-and-out good thing.

Because the more ruthless the first emperor oppressed the world, then after he succeeded to the throne, as long as he let go of his hands a little, people all over the world would applaud and praise him.

The opportunity to reconcile with the world begins with a white wax worm!
Thinking of this, Fusu put his arms around Tian Ji and kissed her, then turned and walked outside Tangquan Palace.

Only Tian Ji with rosy cheeks, Zhao Ji with envious face, Qi Rui'er with steam coming out of her head, and the palace servants covering their mouths and laughing were left in place.

(End of this chapter)

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