Chapter 58 Dove?

Meng Tian closed the bamboo slips and stretched.

According to reports, the first snow of the year fell in the depths of the grassland yesterday.

This also means that the work of recruiting Hu people has come to an end for the time being.

Meng Tian looked out of the tent, he saw that the entrance of the gate was heavily guarded, the soldiers were clearly dressed and armored, and they did not look sideways. From the gate to the big tent, two rows of soldiers stood straight as a line, like a wall of iron.

He put the brush on the pen stand, and shouted: "Tuntian Duwei Xia Houying, Zhou Bo!"

Wearing royal crowns and dressed as military officials, the two came in by name: "The last general is here!"

Meng Tian handed over the two bamboo slips and said, "Both of you will bring a thousand Qianshou each, and report to the Fuping Command Office of Beidi County before the fifteenth day of next month."

"Here!" The two took the bamboo slips and saluted with fists together.

"Your Majesty's selected talents are exceptional. Don't let His Majesty trust you!" Meng Tian explained a few more words and asked them to step down temporarily.

"Where is Guan Ying, Lieutenant Hu Qi?" Meng Tian continued to order.

"The end is here!" Guan Ying, who was holding a helmet in his arms and wearing iron armor, also called in.

"You bring five thousand horses and return to Xianyang today. Your majesty will personally arrange where you will be stationed later." Meng Tian handed over half a tiger talisman and a document for dispatching troops.

"Here!" Guan Ying clasped his fists in salute and left.

Unlike Xia Houying and Zhou Bo who left straight away, Guan Ying looked at the flag fluttering in the wind on the shaft gate and remained silent for a long time.

I am a dealer in silk (silk cloth), and was suddenly taken to Xianyang. Before my butt was warmed up, I was appointed as the captain of Huqi with a rank of three hundred stones, and went to Jiuyuan County with Meng Tian.

That's Meng Tian!Great General!
The rebellious Hun envoy, the moment he saw him, was like a lamb seeing a tiger, and he wouldn't even leave!
Trembling, he left [-] cows and [-] sheep as gifts, and left in a hurry.

It seems that if you stay a little longer, you will worry about losing your head!
What a coward!

Guan Ying calmed down and felt that his legs were finally no longer trembling, so he walked out of the gate.

Two military officers who were not tall but full of strength while walking, their legs like two springs greeted them.

"Captain!" One of the knights with a beard on his chin cupped his fists and saluted.

Guan Ying nodded in return, this is his subordinate officer, the right captain Luo Jia, who was born in the Imperial Palace Imperial Army.

The other one with a face full of jokes used to be the emperor's imperial guard, Tie Ying Rui Shi Zuo Duwei Ji Bi.

Guan Ying took out a Qin Banliang from his waist and handed it to Ji Bi.

Willing to bet and admit defeat, this is what the other party deserves.

Ji Bi took it and raised his eyebrows: "It's the same as what I said, one look from the general is enough to scare people to pieces!"

Seeing him tucking half the taels into his sleeves, Guan Ying had a meaningful smile on his lips: "Qin Lv, scholars and civilians will be punished for gambling."

Ji Bi was stunned, his eyes gradually widened, thinking, is this what His Majesty said about fishing law enforcement?
Luo Jia looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, for a moment there was a happy atmosphere outside the gate.


Tangchi Palace, Tingquan Palace.

Midday ([-]:[-] noon to [-]:[-] pm).

Fusu opened the secret memorial sent by Kuaiji County Superintendent Yu Shiquan, saying that the county governor Yin Tong used his personal power to describe a massacre in Wu County as a sudden death from the plague.

At the end of the memorandum, Quan asked the imperial court to send someone to thoroughly investigate the case of Miemen, and escort Yin Tong to Xianyang for justice.

Fu Su was slightly taken aback, recalling his impression of Yin Tong.

Sheriff of Kuaiji, the protective umbrella of the Xiang family's uncle and nephew, but in the end Xiang Yu borrowed the head to use it, earning a lot of prestige.

Then, could the case of extermination that Yin Tong suppressed be related to the Xiang family?
If Yin Tong's dismissal is dealt with at this time, will Xiang Liang go to other places as a warning?

Fu Su clearly remembered that Xiang Liang was a big boss with friends all over the world.

Xiang Liang broke the law in Liyang and was arrested and imprisoned. Later, he asked a friend to write to Sima Xin of Liyang Prison, and was finally released without charge.

Where is Liyang?

At the foot of the emperor, the old capital of Qin!
One can imagine Xiang Liang's energy in this kind of place where he was arrested for breaking the law and released without charge in the end!

Qin destroyed the six countries, and Chu was the most innocent.

People in Chudi always miss their homeland.

Even if Fusu is the Empress of the King of Chu, the hearts of the Chu people cannot be won in a day or two.

This made it extremely difficult to deal with Yin Tong's problem.

Judging from the historical data and Tsuen's memorials, the entire Kuaiji County is basically rotten from top to bottom!

If one Yintong is cut off, there will be another Jintong.

Only by changing the ranks of officials in Jiangji County from top to bottom, and gaining the support of most of the people, can the problem be completely solved.

Violent suppression now will only backfire.

After all, beside Xiang Liang, there is also Xiang Yu who can carry a tripod!

If there are fewer soldiers and horses to be dispatched, it will be like sheep going to the tiger's mouth.

As long as Xiang Liang and other leaders are not stupid, they will flee thousands of miles away, and the young people will lie prone on the spot, motionless.

Without the cooperation of local officials and people, it would be nothing but nothing!

In Fusu's view, as long as the disaster does not spread to other counties, everything is under control.

He has already replaced Donghai County and Zhang County around Jiangji County with new sheriffs. Among them, Zhao Tuo, the governor of Zhang County, is an expert who is good at guarding the gates!
In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, Fusu remembered Zhao Tuo's closing of the passes of the counties in the South China Sea and establishing himself as king!
After closing the memorial, Fusu will not give instructions on the investigation and arrest of Yin Tong for the time being.

A little bit of rottenness is better than a piece of rottenness!
He beckoned, and the two memorials that had been approved for the matter were carried away, and in a blink of an eye, a pile of bamboo slips like a hill were carried up.

Fusu groaned secretly, and picked up a roll of bamboo slips.

Fortunately, most of the current texts are written on bamboo slips, and everyone writes concisely and picks the key points.

Unlike the Ming and Qing Dynasties in the later generations, the paper industry was developed. When ministers wrote memorials, they first wrote hundreds or thousands of words of eulogy, and then used dozens or one or two hundred words to summarize the key points. of……

Fusu thought of a colleague in the Qing Dynasty who liked cosplay and often made complaints about memorials, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Because the son-in-law of Prime Minister Zuo Wei Liao was appointed as the sheriff of Chen County, Wei Liao's work efficiency has been particularly high recently. Among the memorials that were sent, there was a bamboo slip with Wei Liao's views written in it.

This greatly improves the work efficiency of Fusu.

At the end of the market ([-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m.), all the memorials for the day have been approved.

Getting off work so early, I'm still a little uncomfortable... Fusu put the brush on the pen holder and stretched.

"Your Majesty, Mrs. Zhao Ji asks to see you." Han Rang walked in from outside the hall.

What should come, can't be avoided after all... Fusu nodded, thinking, monogamy actually protects men!

In a short time, Zhao Ji, wearing a green curly train and an ebony bow on her head, walked in with a food box in her hand.

"Your Majesty, this is pigeon soup stewed by my concubine."

Zhao Ji bowed down gracefully, her skirt outlined her round and well-proportioned buttocks.

Fusu's breathing was slightly rapid, and his eyes were wide open: "Pigeon?"

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of 'Drunken Nirvana'!Thanks to 'Xiao Zi Han' for the reward! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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