Chapter 67

Li Shang looked at the track below, clicked his tongue in praise for a while, and then pushed the sawing machine forward to saw the whole log into planks.

Seeing this situation, Gong Shupan hurried to his side and said, "When the sawing machine moves backwards, be careful to pull this iron rod. This will make the upper part of the sawing machine shift outward, so as not to hit the saw blade."

Li Shang pulled a bit, and the half of the sawing machine was shifted outwards even with the wood. When it was retracted again, the wood did not rub against the saw blade.

"Oh, amazing!" Li Shang opened his eyes wide and asked, "Is this also Luban's secret technique?"

Gong Shupan shook his head, his face full of admiration: "No, this is His Majesty's design!"

Li Shang nodded, with a look of habit, Your Majesty, it would be strange if he couldn't do what a capable person can't!

After two more saws, Li Shang became a little impatient, so he called a worker over to take over his job.

"My lord, let's go out for a walk!" Li Shang turned his head and finished speaking. Seeing that Ziying had no objection, he asked someone to bring the horse over.

Since Fusu put horseshoes on the horses and added iron stirrups under the saddles, many military nobles of the younger generation no longer traveled by car, but traveled on horseback instead.

After all, it is more comfortable and more exciting to drive a large animal that weighs more than a thousand catties (Qin Jin) at a gallop than kneeling in a carriage!
A chain of contempt has also formed in Xianyang’s royal family circle. Those who ride Western Region horses look down on those who ride Qin horses. Those who ride Qin horses look down on those who ride prairie horses. Those who ride prairie horses can only despise those who ride cattle... …

What's more, under the unhealthy wind coming from nowhere, whoever rides a horse with a shoulder height of less than five feet seven inches is usually withdrawn overnight.

However, this practice has not spread to Nanhai County, so Ziying's horse is a docile filly, only a little over five feet tall at the shoulder.

Riding on the horse, Li Shang bent down helplessly, making himself look as tall as Ziying.

Ziying didn't notice it, and pointed at the wasteland under reclamation with his horsewhip, his face excited: "In half a month, this land will become fertile land!"

Li Shang nodded. Ren Xiao once said that this river beach was once the king's land of the Song Dynasty translated by Lord Xiou.

Later, Xiou was destroyed, and the Qin people set up a county in Panyu. Because the war dead flowed down the river, predators were summoned from afar, so no one dared to cultivate the fields on both sides of the river, so they fell into disrepair.

The reason why Ren Xiao turned this field into a plantation was also out of this consideration.

There are predators hidden in the river, which means that Luoyue slaves cannot escape by wading. On the other side of the road, there are Liju of Qin people. To the south is the county seat of Nanhai County, Panyu.

In this case, it is only necessary to simply build a few fences to demarcate the land boundary, and there is no need to worry about slaves escaping.

Li Shang rode a horse and walked forward behind Ziying. As far as he could see, there were fields and ridges that were cultivated in strict accordance with the Qin law.

He vaguely felt that under the influence of Qin Lv, everyone seemed to have a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Because not only the field is like this, but even the temporary tents and the bamboo houses under construction are all like this, the size is the same, and they look very neat!
"Young master, so the rice seeds exchanged from Luoyue and the Indochina Peninsula will be sown soon?" Li Shang thought for a while, with a smile on his face: "To be honest, I haven't grown up so much yet." I have seen people grow rice!"

Hearing this, the smile on Ziying's face froze for a moment. He asked someone to fetch a bamboo slip and handed it to Li Shang: "Look for yourself."

Li Shang took it and found that it was a memorial sent from Xianyang, and the seal of Zhongshuling was still on it.

Zhongshu Ling?Is this written by His Majesty?Do I think it is suitable?Never mind, there is something for the son to resist... Li Shang opened the bamboo slips and found that it was Ziying's request for instructions to plant rice seeds in the South China Sea, as well as for the transfer of farm tools and cement from Xianyang.

Fusu only approved the allocation of agricultural tools, and emphasized that these iron tools should be registered and managed uniformly. Whether it is a sickle or a hoe, it must be lent out on the same day and returned on the same day.

As for the cement, there was no mention of it in the memorandum, obviously it was useless!
The last line is about the question of sowing rice seeds. The memorandum only approved three words, asking the farmers.

Li Shang blinked and asked suspiciously, "My lord, what does your majesty mean?"

Ziying replied with a bit of embarrassment: "At the beginning, the county captain and I were also confused about this, so we asked Tian Dian (a small official in charge of organizing farming) to ask, hey..."

Ziying sighed, but scratched Li Shang anxiously.

What's the matter, keep talking!Why are you sighing... Although Li Shang was anxious, he didn't dare to rush.

Ziying shook her head, as if she wanted to use this to get rid of the embarrassment of the day: "The rice planting in Nanhai County is different from the wheat planting in Guanzhong in the autumn and summer harvest. The rice planting here is after spring. Now is not the season for planting rice... ..."

"However, His Majesty also sent a document two days ago, but it was only kept in the county mansion and was not brought here."

"The document recorded in detail the requirements for planting two crops of rice, that is, planting rice seedlings before late May every year, harvesting in mid-to-late July, then plowing the paddy fields, replanting rice seedlings, and harvesting in November."

Li Shang nodded, then frowned and asked, "What about this period? Just let the place idle and do nothing?"

Ziying said with a smile: "The Qin people here do this. They rotate crops to cultivate soil fertility. But your majesty said that you can use this period of time to sow brassica (rape)."

Li Shang scratched his head, still full of doubts: "I know the brassicas, which are used to make vegetable soup, and we use such a large area to grow them all. Are we done eating?"

Ziying still smiled and said, "Your Majesty said that the brassicas planted are not used for food, but for oil!"

"Squeeze, squeeze oil?" Li Shang frowned, and there seemed to be circles of mosquito coils in his eyes: "What is this?"

Ziying shook his head, then nodded heavily: "I don't know, but if your Majesty says you can extract oil, you will be able to!"


In Wentang Palace, Feng Jie, the official censor, and Zheng Guo, the governor of Su Nei, came hand in hand.

Zheng Guo looked at Jie Zhou's expression and said, "I heard that your Majesty is going to use all the brassica seeds?"

Feng Jie cupped his hands and bowed: "Your Majesty, you must not move the grain!"

Fusu took a deep breath and put down the kitchen knife in his hand: "When will I start growing food?"

This word is getting more and more distorted. He obviously just ordered people to go to the granary in Xianyang to fetch some rapeseeds and press them for oil. But for some reason, when it reached their ears, it became a must-have rapeseed. !

(End of this chapter)

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