Chapter 72 Fan Zeng
Meng Dong's month (October), the sun is at the end, and it is in danger. Once among the seven stars, the water begins to freeze, the ground begins to freeze, the pheasant enters the big water and becomes a mirage, and the rainbow hides and disappears.

On the outskirts of Wu County, Kuaiji County, villagers from all over the country came out of their homes and gathered in one direction.

Because everyone was empty-handed and did not carry weapons or agricultural tools, the pavilion chiefs and pavilion soldiers leaning on the gateposts of the pavilion basked lazily in the sun and did not respond to stress.

A young man with a height of eight feet and a muscular body like a tiger came from a distance leading a horse, and looked at the hurrying Qianshou with a puzzled face.

The laws of Qin are strict, so many adult men will definitely be punished if they gather together!

Could it be that……

The opportunity that uncle has been waiting for has arrived?

"Hey, what are you doing?" The young man casually grabbed a villager who was running past him.

I don't know if it was because the young man's hands were too strong, or the villagers' clothes were too shabby. After a slap, the clothes of the villagers were torn open, exposing the dark skin inside.

"Naigong's clothes!" The villagers were furious, and then there was a burst of cursing like telegrams.

You know, productivity is low these days, and clothes are not cheap. When people die, they will even write down better clothes as real estate in their suicide notes...

"So bold!"

The young man was furious, and he raised his hand to strike, when he suddenly saw an old man with white beard and hair, so he saluted solemnly: "Father Ya!"

The old man ignored the young man, and took out a gold coin from the ancient Chu Dynasty from his bosom, and 'Ying Ai' put it into the hands of the villagers.

Of course, this is an incomplete piece of Ying'ai. After all, "love" is a unit of weight in Chu State, and one yuan is equal to one catty, about 250 grams.

"Zhuzi is rude, the old man apologizes on his behalf!" The old man cupped his hands in salute.

The villagers whose clothes were torn hurriedly avoided, and stuffed the 'Ying'ai' back in their hands, with a look of sincerity and fear.

He recognized that this was Fan Zeng who used to work under Xiang Yan's tenure, so that burly young man who called himself Yafu must be the legendary Xiang Ji who can carry a lot of power!
What to do, I scolded him just now, he won't kill me... Although the weather has turned cold, the villager's back was soaked in an instant.

After the unification of the Qin State, although the world was governed by Qin laws, the aristocratic rule that lasted for hundreds of years in the land of Wuyue far away from Xianyang did not disappear overnight.

Qin Lv can only restrain the head of Guizhou like him, and for the former dignitary... Ha ha!
People in Wu County, no one knows who killed Zhonghuai's family, but the murderer just stood in front of him, and he was dressed in fresh clothes and angry horses every day, coming in and out of the county guard's mansion just like his own home out!
The only supervisor who dared to investigate the truth was pushed away...

All of these are the reasons why the villagers fear even though Fan Zeng is kind.

"Take it, go buy some better clothes!" Fan Zeng didn't think about what the villagers were thinking in the blink of an eye, he just put Ying Ai back in his hand resolutely.

The more people around, the better the effect of Qianjin City Horse Bone!

Under Xiang Yu's threatening gaze, the villagers had no choice but to accept Ying Ai, and left in a hurry after being grateful.

After Fan Zeng reprimanded Xiang Ji, he and he headed towards the place where the villagers gathered.

Xiang Ji gave a disapproving grin, and then handed over the tall horse he was leading to the followers behind him, and walked forward with Fan Zeng.

"Does Yafu know what happened?" Xiang Ji looked around and asked curiously.

"Why don't you tear off the old man's clothes?" Fan Zeng replied without turning his head.

"What happened today is all Ji's fault, and I hope Yafu will forgive me!" Xiang Ji had no choice but to take two quick steps, walked around to Fan Zeng and bowed to the ground.

Hey... Fan Zengcheng sighed, stroked his beard with his hand, and warned again, but how much Xiang Ji could listen to was unknown.

After a while, they saw a young man in 袀[jūn]xuan (black dress) and a traveling crown standing on a high platform built by the river.

The young man is about 20 years old, with a small beard under his chin, looking down curiously.

Around the young man stood more than a dozen burly men with short swords on their waists.

Fan Zeng frowned slightly, and thought to himself: Yuanyou crown, decorated with black silk in front of the crown, this should be a certain prince of the First Emperor...

The samurai around me, judging from their stature, should be fighters from Guqi, the leader, I had a drink with his eldest father (grandfather) in Jixia...

This Gao Liangzi no longer stays in Xianyang, why did he go to Wu County?
Fan Zeng's heart turned like electricity, and at the same time he held down Xiang Ji, who was probing his hands in his arms, and was full of murderous looks.

"Yafu, why stop me? Today, the son of the state of Qin knocked me down, and he will never come back!" Xiang Yu said in a low voice.

"Stupid! Famousness is not at this moment! Just wait for me!" Fan Zeng also lowered his voice and yelled, holding Xiang Ji firmly with a big withered hand, for fear that his impulsiveness would ruin the plan that had been planned for many years.

Fan Zeng secretly pointed to the warriors on and off the stage, and said, "Look clearly, there are hundreds of guards around Mr. Qin..."

Xiang Ji sneered: "Hundreds of people? Hehe, among a certain army, you can come and go freely!"

Fan Zeng took a deep breath, and then said: "Those hundred guards are all skilled fighters, they have practiced the method of combined combat, and they are extremely powerful in melee battles. It's not that Yafu has the ambition of others. Not only will you not be able to kill Mr. Qin today, I'm afraid you will still be killed." It will ruin your uncle's plan!"

When Xiang Ji heard that the fighters of Qi State had practiced the method of joint warfare, he was eager to try, but when he heard that Fan Zeng had moved Xiang Liang out, he had to let go of the Yuchang Sword in his arms angrily.

On the high platform, Gong Zigao didn't realize that the god of death passed by, but he was full of joy.

Since the reform of Shang Yang, Qin did not support idlers from the clan. Even the son of King Qin, if he could not inherit the throne, he could only be honored by making meritorious service like ordinary people.

Taking him as an example, after the first emperor proclaimed himself emperor, he was granted the title of No. 18 No. [-] Da Shuzhang. It stands to reason that he is under a few people and above ten thousand people, and his salary is quite generous, enough to live in luxury for a lifetime.

But bad is bad in this life.

According to the law of Qin, except for the Marquis of the [-]th and [-]th ranks who can be hereditary, the [-]th-ranked chieftain like him is the same as the [-]th-ranked Zuo Shuzhang. When the eldest son inherits the title, he will be reduced to the [-]th rank. the bus!
This is very cheating, because the title of the Qin State not only has regulations on the area of ​​​​granting land, but also regulations on the size of houses.

That is to say, if he can't find a way to become a Marquis, he will need to move out of the current mansion when his eldest son inherits!
Every time Young Master Gao thought of this, he felt that it was not enough to crack Shang Yang!
So he took out all the rewards from the first emperor over the years, traded the official position of Ganlu Ling with his emperor's brother, and went to the southern counties to collect tea.

(End of this chapter)

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