Chapter 79
"Meat? Vegetarian?"

The city people behind the counter saw that there were only a few young scholars, so they asked weakly.

First of all, this is a government-run restaurant, and everyone is paid dead wages, so naturally they won't make money for the government with a smile on their faces!

Secondly, it is at the feet of the emperor, a stone thrown out can kill several people with titles above duke qing, but only a few scholars, and it is not enough to make people kneel and lick.

Chen Ying glanced at the bamboo baskets on the counter, pointed at the pork balls and said, "I want this, 5 baskets!"

He planned to share two baskets among the four of them, and save the rest as souvenirs for Ji Bu's relatives.

"Where are the cards?"

"What, what card?"

Chen Ying frowned slightly. He didn't know that the current meatball shop is the same as the iron pot shop across the street.

"What the hell are you doing without a card? Next!"

"Wait a minute! I have a number plate here!" Chen Ping stepped forward, took out two pieces of bamboo from his cuff and handed them over.

If you have a card, don't you get it early?Gua couns... The city man took it, and was about to reprimand him, but when he saw Ji Bu glaring at him, he felt a little frightened.

Although Qin Lv would severely punish those who fought in private, no matter how severely he punished, it would not change the fact that he might be beaten up.

So he changed his smiling face in an instant, and said kindly: "Gentlemen, I'm sorry, according to the store's regulations, each number plate can buy one meatball, or do you want all the meat?"

Chen Ying nodded, and said with a smile on her face, "You don't have to be like this, it's because we don't know the rules just now, and we hope to forgive our sins."

"Since that's the case, just ask for a portion of meat and vegetables."

After speaking, he took out 35 and a half taels from his bag and placed them on the counter.

Chen Ping turned his head slightly to look at Chen Ying, and admired secretly in his heart, people say that Chen Ying is a honest elder, and what he saw today really lived up to his reputation.

Behind him, Zhong Limei and Ji Bu looked at each other, frowned slightly, but said nothing.


In Xianyang Palace,

Fusu wore black clothes with twelve coats of arms, a crown that reached the sky, and walked straight into the main hall with a long sword in his hand. Behind him were Zhisu Neishi Zheng Guo, Yushi Dafu Feng Jie, and Yushi Zhongcheng. Zhang Cang, Shaofu Gongzi Dun, and more than a dozen Zhuxia Shi (censors), Shangji officials, etc. took off their shoes at the door, and rushed in with a lot of bamboo slips in their hands.

Today is the last item of 'Shang Ji', Shou Ji.

The so-called upper plan refers to Qin Chaoshi's year-end summary and planning for the coming year.

In every township and county in the world, there will be special "accounting officials" to calculate the annual household registration, taxation, land reclamation, money grain, thieves, prison lawsuits, etc.

Afterwards, the above-mentioned data will be compiled into the "Shangji Book", which will be reported layer by layer to the "Shangji Officials" who are responsible for this kind of work in each county. They will review the data and make the next year's plan according to the arrangement of the imperial court. arrange.

Then, these accounting officials need to lead the relevant accounting officials to bring the accounting books and various reference materials to Xianyang, and transfer them from Zhisu Neishi to the Yushi doctor for another review.

The so-called acceptance means that the emperor personally visited the site of the plan, listened to the reports of the counties, commented on the work of the officials in various places, and gave corresponding instructions.

Originally, all of this should have been completed in October, but after Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, the land stretched from Guanzhong to the coast of the East China Sea, so it was reasonable for the officials on the planners to travel all the way.

However, when all the planners have arrived in Xianyang, there is no excuse to delay the subsequent work.

After all, Lord Shang once said that those who rule by the sun are kings, those who rule by night are strong, and those who rule by night are crippled!

A country that can handle all government affairs on the same day can become king in the world; if it is delayed until the end of the night, the country can also be strong; but if it is delayed beyond the night and it is handled tomorrow, such a country will be weakened!
The first emperor has been here for so many years, and Fusu, the second emperor, naturally cannot slack off.

The emperor didn't slack off anymore, and the ministers naturally took the initiative to work overtime with no complaints or regrets!
So even though today is the five-day bathing break stipulated by the imperial court, Fusu bid farewell to Wenrou Township before dawn, departed from Tangchi Palace, and arrived at Xianyang Palace before the meal time (7:9 am to [-]:[-] am).

According to his usual practice, after giving a banquet in the side hall, everyone began to shiver for the last time.

Fusu took off the long sword at his waist, put it on the sword stand on his left hand side, and sat upright on the throne, waiting for Zheng Guo and others to complete the final check.

In fact, they have already checked it many times, but they still do the final check according to the previous practice.

At this time, Fusu saw that some Zhu Xiashi took out hundreds of long bamboo sticks from the belt tied on his belt, and while flipping the bamboo slips in front of him, he used these small bamboo sticks to make various patterns. .

This is the earliest calculation tool, counting chips? ... Fusu recalled the past memories with great interest, and was really surprised when the dusty memories were opened.

It turns out that during the Qin Dynasty, the development of mathematics was close to the junior high school level of later generations!
The ninety-nine multiplication table already exists, but it is memorized backwards...

And there are not only classic problems like chicken and rabbit in the same cage, but also fraction calculations!
There are fraction addition and subtraction called 'combination' and 'subtraction'; fraction multiplication and division called 'multiplication' and 'subtraction'; and averaging the fractions...

No wonder the current Qin Dynasty can make a statistical report every year... Fu Su secretly nodded, picked up a piece of straw paper and started writing on it.

He wants to redesign programs around universal education and create a powerful tool for even calculating how to 'boil water', the abacus.

Although so many years have passed, the abacus formula learned in primary school has been returned to the teacher, but the basic method of using the abacus has not been forgotten.

After a while, when the noise below subsided, Fusu put the straw paper back into the wooden box, sat down again and started to walk the procedure.

First of all, Ji Suuaishi reported to him the financial expenditure of the previous year.

There are about 35 garrisons across the country, consuming a total of 800 million shi of grain, and a total of 11 billion yuan in food and grass transshipment costs...The 35 refers to soldiers stationed in military camps, and more soldiers in rotation stay in Farming at home, since you stay at home, you naturally eat your own food.

Moreover, the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, except for armor and weapons, which were issued by the court, had to prepare their own clothes, shoes and socks.

If the salaries of civil and military officials across the country are converted into half, a total of 20 billion yuan will be spent; Shaofu Zongzheng will spend 18 billion yuan.

Naturally, there is no need to explain the former, and the bulk of the latter was mainly used by the First Emperor to cultivate immortals and those Yingyingyanyans in Xianyang Palace...

As for the tax revenue, if it is converted into half taels, it is about 64 billion yuan, of which 24 billion yuan is the income of mountains, rivers and rivers such as salt and iron in Shaofu. post money!
(End of this chapter)

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