Chapter 85 Milk Tea
Xianyang, Jiaolan Hall of Tangchi Palace.

Under the domination of the powerful biological clock, Fusu opened his eyes, staring at the twilight dispelled by the rising sun, in a daze.

With the coming of winter, he felt that there seemed to be a wonderful power in the world.

Under the control of this force, the thick cashmere quilt covering his body firmly sealed him on a big bed nearly three meters long and wide.

It's not that I don't want to get up, but that I'm sealed by the quilt! ... Fusu turned her head slightly, and saw a pair of bright almond eyes, and the pure and alluring pretty face of the owner of the almond eyes.

Last night, Fusu killed two enemies and lost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Sleeping with Qiu at this moment is Zhao Ji who launched a surprise attack in the second half.

No wife has no wife pain, many wives have many wives pain.

It's like a besieged city, those outside want to get in, and those inside want more...

Before Zhao Ji could overcome her shyness, Fusu broke the seal of the quilt before jumping into her arms in broad daylight, jumped up, and rushed to the toilet behind the screen to empty her bladder.

"Go and play with Yunyang, I'll make you a bowl of milk tea for breakfast!"

Fusu walked out with his trousers in his hands, and let several pretty maids with expectant eyes put on a straight black dress for him.

A moment later, Fusu appeared in the kitchen of Tangchi Palace with a familiar face.

In the clay pot here is the fresh milk he ordered people to snatch from the mouth of the calf.

What he wants to do is a bowl of Bobo taro milk tea with no taro paste, no Bobo, and only milk tea.

In other words, this is a salty milk tea that is more similar to Mongolian milk tea.

There is no way, if you want to find a market for the tea harvested by the counties, you must first teach the grassland how to enjoy a bowl of steaming milk tea in winter, so as to solve your constipation problem...

Therefore, behind this small bowl of milk tea is the issue of how the two major civilizations of nomadism and farming can coexist harmoniously!

According to the method of making milk tea for the old father himself when Fusu later generations went to a certain autonomous prefecture to attend the wedding of the 'son', the son who had been fed for four years in that dormitory.

First, put water on the pot, boil it, add tea leaves and boil for half an hour, when the tea soup turns dark brown when scooped up, remove the pot from the heat and add salt to taste.

Change to an iron pot, put in milk, boil and continue to cook, while evaporating part of the water, nourish/milk/skin/zi (anti-river crab).

After about a few minutes, remove the boiling milk from the heat and let it sit for a few more minutes, at which point you can see a thick layer of curdled milk/skin/sub.

The advantage of using fresh high-quality milk is that after the first layer of milk/skin/child is picked, another layer can be raised.

At this point, the preparations for the salty milk tea are ready.

The rest is to add tea soup and milk/skin/zi to the milk according to personal taste, stir well and drink.

When someone took the milk tea away, Fusu was thinking:

The method of making milk tea is simple and crude, but there are many things involved behind it.

Milk, nomads own their own; fuel, nomads mostly use cow dung, which is also their own.

But the rest, whether it is another raw material of milk tea, tea leaves, salt for seasoning, iron pots for boiling tea leaves and milk, and a series of tools involved in making milk tea, all need to be imported from the Central Plains!

No wonder the Mongols in the Dameng period mainly used daily necessities such as pots and pans when they robbed...

After a while, Fusu walked into the Jiaolan Hall with square steps, and snatched the milk from Tian Ji's mouth.

"I don't have a B number in my mind about my body? You are lactose intolerant and you don't know it yourself?"

Fusu scolded, and then asked someone to bring up the boiled soybean milk.

Strange to say, in this room, only Zhao Ji and her brother and sister can drink milk, and the other two are lactose intolerant.

Fusu heard that eating a small amount of dairy products on weekdays can slowly make the body produce enzymes that can break down lactose, thereby curing lactose intolerance.

But the best way is not to drink!
There are many ways to supplement protein and other elements, such as soy milk. According to a personal test by a former girlfriend of Fusu, a certain element rich in soybeans can make women's minds wider...


In Fanghan, which is thousands of miles away from Tangchi Palace, the Longxi Army is preparing to march after the joint practice formation is correct.

If tens of thousands of troops are dispatched, if they swarm up in a swarm, there is no need for the enemy to do anything, and they will be in chaos first.

In order to avoid chaos, Li Xin beat drums and gathered generals the day before, wrote the marching plan and action route of the whole army on bamboo slips, that is, call-to-action books, and distributed them to the generals, asking them to follow the orders.

At the time of departure, according to the sequence and the functions of each army, it is divided into several parts: the Xingjun, the heel army, the divided soldiers, and the main army.

Among them, the first to set off was a small group of cavalry called Xingjun, mainly Rongdi cavalry transferred from various counties in Longxi.

There were not many people, [-] people and [-] horses. The chief general was Li Xin's eldest son, Li Qian, the commander of the army.

Due to the limited production capacity of steel, only one horse of these Rongdi cavalry was equipped with horseshoes and stirrups, and the rest of the pack horses remained the same.

It's just that what they wear is no longer the same as the "cavalry warriors" in the terracotta warriors and horses. They wear short armor on their upper body, tight pants on their lower body, long riding boots, and small round caps on their heads.

Instead, on this basis, two armor skirts for leggings were added.

With the stirrups, there is no need to use the thighs to tighten the horse's belly, so you can safely and boldly strengthen the protection of the legs.

In later generations, before the stirrups were not widely equipped, even the famous general Zhang Yun died after being shot by an arrow in his knee...

Li Qian came out from the commander's account of the Chinese army in his hand, and nodded to Meng Ying and Han Xin who were waiting for the commander's order outside the commander's tent, especially for the latter, he glanced at the latter with meaningful eyes, after all, this is what he had already decided Brother-in-law.

If you come back alive, my sister will be yours... A certain unscrupulous uncle who wants to let his sister harm others is thinking faintly.

After the Xing army was dispatched, it was the five thousand heel army led by Tongwuhou Wang Qing.

The heel army is a forward infantry, carrying a strong crossbow and a big halberd. Once the Xing army discovers the enemy's situation, the heel army must quickly step forward and cooperate with the Xing army to defeat it and open up a smooth road for the army.

According to Fusu's understanding, this is somewhat similar to the tactics of the Soviet army during World War II.

The Xing army is a guerrilla force, responsible for going forward to meet the enemy, waiting for opportunities to intersperse; the heel army is a fortress force, providing strong support for the Xing army.

When the enemy's large army comes in pursuit of Xingjun, the heel army needs to entangle the enemy with Xingjun, wait for the follow-up main force to follow up, surround the enemy from the periphery, and then bloom from the center!
Fusu came to the conclusion that human history is actually a circle...

(End of this chapter)

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