Chapter 91 Heavy Cavalry Charge
After the spearmen lined up, in an instant, the sound of drums boomed.

The sound is endless, and the drum (wù) is also drumming, which is intended to command the soldiers to attack.

The sound of drums was loud and rapid, stirring the sky, and the pikemen blocked the wall, like a porcupine that kept approaching the enemy.

In an instant, the Qiang people who were running and screaming were stunned. From their field of vision, under the dazzling sunlight, countless long spears shining with metallic luster stabbed straight at them.

They had to stop at a distance of two or three meters from the Qin army, and kept waving flails or horse sticks to separate the spears that were stabbing at them.

At the moment of fighting, Qin Jun's spearmen instantly understood the benefits of spears.

Although in combat, compared with the extra hook and peck of the halberd, the attack method of the spear is relatively simple.

However, after changing the halberd head to a spear head, the weight of the entire spear is greatly reduced.

This allows these already powerful halberd soldiers to stab faster and more accurately, and save energy.

While flicking the long spear up and down, he tricked the Qiang people away from the horse sticks that were defending their chests.

In the next second, a little cold light arrived first, and the half-foot-long spear tip pierced the Qiang man's chest in an instant.

Stab and chop!

The moment he pulled it out, the blood gushing from the Qiang's chest flowed down the tassel on the spear again, instead of flowing down the barrel to the hand holding it.

As the Qin army advanced with guns, rows of Qiang people let out screams of dying, fell powerlessly to the ground, and began to twitch because of excessive blood loss.

In the era of cold weapons, everyone fought in a tight formation.

This caused the soldiers in the front row to be unable to retreat at all in many cases. Under the push and push of the soldiers behind, even if there was a mountain of swords in front, they could only bite the bullet and rush forward.

Seeing this, the Qiang Chief Hao who was standing on the command vehicle in the distance raised the bronze ax in his hand high and shouted a few times.

Immediately afterwards, the rhythmic horn sounded.

Many Qiang people brandishing all kinds of weapons immediately howled and outflanked the pikemen's flanks.

On the Qin army's side, the infantry armed with swords and shields had been prepared. They put bronze daggers on the shields and stared coldly at the Qiang people running down from the distant hills.

Behind the sword and shield infantry, the kicked crossbowmen whose arms were trembling slightly had almost recovered, and they wound up their hands and feet vigorously again, also waiting for the enemy's arrival.

On the car in the shogunate building, Li Xinxin stared at the Qiang chief Hao through binoculars, and found that he had not moved his position, so he waved his hand, and two black bird flags were raised.

"Finally it's our turn!"

Meng Ying shouted excitedly, and then ordered the flag bearer to respond to the flag, while she put on the helmet with only her eyes exposed.

Then with the help of an auxiliary soldier, he straddled a tall horse that was also armed to the teeth.

Behind him, there were five hundred soldiers in such attire.

In order to let the heavy armored cavalry know the position of the general, the horsetail decoration on Meng Ying's helmet was dyed black on purpose, while the helmets of other heavy armored cavalry are red for the hundred generals, yellow for the chief of staff, and the same for the chief of staff and soldiers , all white.

Around the heavy armored cavalry, there are two thousand flying cavalry also transferred from Xianyang.

Except that there is no fully-enclosed iron armor, stirrups, shoes, and high bridge saddles are all available.

In a short time, when Meng Ying began to ride the horse forward slowly, Li Qian led the two thousand Rongdi cavalry on the left to meet up.

"Grandma, I'm so reduced to be commanded by your kid!"

As soon as Li Qian met, he began to curse.

Uh... In fact, Er's father arranged all of this... Meng Ying wanted to complain, but after a little hesitation, she decided to keep silent.

Eight hundred steps...

Five hundred steps...

Finally, when the cavalry led by Meng Ying appeared in the sight of the Qiang people, they were already less than two hundred steps away from the Qiang people's chief hero.

So, Meng Ying lightly tapped the horse's belly with the spurs behind her boots, and started to advance at full speed.

Responding faster than Meng Ying, it was Li Qian who was full of anger.

Long before Mengying speeded up, he had already led the Rongdi cavalry to speed up.

The Qiang chieftain on the opposite side obviously noticed that this cavalry was coming at him.

But he wasn't flustered at all.

Because in his understanding, the impact ability of cavalry is far inferior to that of chariots.

Then, you only need to mobilize a few infantry phalanxes to surround them, and when the cavalry loses speed, they are no different from lambs waiting to be slaughtered!
After all, the Yuezhi people have used the same trick several times!

The rhythmic sound of the horn sounded, and the four thousand Qiang people shouted in unison, and rushed out holding their horse sticks and wooden forks high.

The Rongdi cavalry rushing to the front, led by Li Qian, fired arrows one after another, but they could not restrain the impact speed of the Qiang infantry.

On the contrary, there were many riders in the Rongdi cavalry, and they began to hesitate.

Although they are equipped with stirrups, the impact speed has been greatly increased compared with before, but if they want to impact the dense infantry phalanx, it is no different from courting death.

If it weren't for the harsh military law, I'm afraid these Rongdi cavalry would turn around immediately.

Li Qian knew this well. After leading the team to accelerate for a while, he suddenly blew the copper whistle in his mouth, and at a distance of fifty steps away from the Qiang infantry, he turned his horse's head and got out of the way. the way.

The Qiang infantry on the opposite side showed such an expression, and shouted Qiang swear words loudly.

But then, they heard the heavy hoofbeats they had never heard before.

When the Rongdi cavalry stepped aside, under the dazzling sunlight, countless cavalrymen shining with metallic luster appeared in their field of vision like gods descending from the earth.

Under the leadership of Meng Ying, five hundred heavy armored cavalry lined up in two horizontal lines, held their lances flat and marched against the wall!

boom! boom! boom!
As the horses neighed, countless Qiang infantry were knocked out.

Huge hoofbeats, crashing... The screams, shouts, howls, and the sounds of weapons colliding and piercing the flesh of the Qiang infantry exploded violently.

More than [-]% of the Qiang infantry were not even killed by the lances of the heavy armored knights, but were knocked out by the tall war horses, and died of broken tendons and bones.

Some Qiang infantry were squeezed to the ground, and immediately, countless feet of their own people and the kicks of Qin horses would be trampled down.

The broken and twisted limbs, the belly that was trampled through and leaked out of the intestines, was trampled to pieces by iron hooves, the brains were cracked, and the remaining head still showed a painful and confused expression on the cheeks...

The scene in front of him not only frightened the surrounding Qiang infantry, but even the flying cavalry who charged behind the heavy cavalry also opened their eyes wide and stunned.

But all of this has nothing to do with the heavy armored cavalry driving their horses forward at full speed.

Their target was the powerful chieftain of the Qiang people who was commanding the battle on the chariot.

Now, the distance between them is less than a hundred steps.

And those who stopped them, except for a few Qiang warriors, no one else!

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of 'Han Le Di'! ()
(End of this chapter)

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