Chapter 94
Xianyang, Wentang Palace.

Fusu was soaking in the hot spring, holding a memorial in one hand and a peeled orange in the other.

Soaking in hot springs in winter is really cool!It's so nice to be the emperor... Fusu put the orange in his mouth, took the brush dipped in ink, and neatly wrote the word 'ke' on it.

"Your Majesty, Longxi Battle Report!"

Han Rang rushed in from outside the hall and handed a roll of silk cloth to Fusu.

Fusu glanced at the date on it, and found that it came from Qiang Realm two days ago.

He roughly estimated the distance. From there to Xianyang, the straight-line distance should be more than 700 kilometers. It took the pigeon only two days to send the information to Xianyang.

No wonder that until the invention of radio technology, the means of fast communication for human beings were flying pigeons to send letters!
This is much faster than sending a letter on horseback.

Fusu opened it and found that it was made of many pieces of silk cloth.

’ Seven thousand and two beheaded, 31 and 420 captive men, [-] and [-] slaves, more than [-] women and children, no cattle, horses, and sheep.

In addition, it was discovered that the Xiongnu had changed, and it was urgently sent to Mengtian in Jiuyuan City. '

Fusu closed the silk book and stared blankly at Fangliang in a daze.

He was thinking about how to reply Li Xin.

This victory requires at least one million acres of land to be rewarded. Of course, there will be a lot of credit in it to offset debts or crimes.

But this is not what Fusu is worried about. Although the flat fields near the water source have already been owned, but there are many slopes and woodlands. If there are several such victories, there is also land that can be used for rewards.

What Fusu thought was whether there could be another method of appreciating the land, and place these meritorious soldiers on the newly opened land, and replace the granted land in their hometown with the fertile land in Huangzhong.

Well, double the change!

When Fusu was reading "Qin Ji", he noticed that the land granting system that had continued since Shang Yang's reform was no longer implemented until the fifth year after the first emperor unified the six kingdoms.

Instead, a decree was promulgated to 'bring the head of Guizhou from Shitian'.

That is to say, let the civilians with less than [-] acres of granted land be allowed to occupy the fixed amount of land according to the amount stipulated by the state system, and the state will no longer guarantee that the land will be granted according to the regulations.

But the idea is good, but it is extremely difficult to implement.

Fusu recalled that when he was the supervisor of the army in Shangjun, he used to lead the soldiers to garrison the fields.

If it’s a flat grassland, it’s okay. In the winter, the dead grass will be burned with a fire. In the spring, it will be plowed several times to dig out the grass roots from the soil. After a few years of careful conditioning, the barren land will become good land.

In such a field, one person and one cow can easily manage more than ten acres or even dozens of acres in a year.

But if it is a hillside land, not to mention those mountains far away from water sources and dominated by gravel, four or five people can work together to produce a few acres of Susukida in a year, which is already amazing!

Therefore, although the imperial court encouraged the common people to open up wasteland, most of the common people only cultivated a little field that they could barely make ends meet, and then made a living for the big households with a lot of fields, the mediocre farmers (tenant farmers).

Instead of making them tenant farmers, it is better to move them to the newly opened territory.

If Fusu remembers correctly, the terrain of Huangshui Valley is relatively flat, with a drainage area of ​​1.6 square kilometers, or about 2400 million urban acres, equivalent to more than 7000 million acres of Qinmu!

And most of them are irrigated fields near water sources!
Coupled with the iron plow made by Fusu, and the cattle and horses captured from the Qiang people to assist in plowing the fields, in less than two years, there will be a new granary there.

Fu Su slightly stretched out his hand, and Han Rang, who was waiting at the side, immediately handed over a roll of bamboo slips and a brush soaked with ink.

As an eunuch who stands out from a group of eunuchs, he still has such insight.

Fusu confiscated the land of the garrison soldiers and replaced it in the newly expanded land, exempted from rent and tax, distributed houses, used horses and farm tools for free, and other opinions.

"Send it to Prime Minister Zuo's residence and let them discuss it."

After Fusu handed out the bamboo slips, he continued to close his eyes and concentrate.

That's it for farming. As long as they intend to replace it with the fields in their hometown, they can give more.

Not only can the garrison soldiers garrison the fields, but also some people can be transferred to the counties in the Central Plains.

After all, Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, so it did not cause too much turmoil. After these years of cultivation, the population of Jin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, and Anhui provinces in later generations gathered almost half of the population of Qin. .

The soil is narrow and the people.

For this reason, the first emperor's approach was to build large-scale construction projects and use corvees to consume the excessive population.

So, what was left to Fusu was a powder keg that would catch fire at one point...

Fusu shook his head, dispelling the faint humming of foxes coming from his ears, and made up his mind to move the population of Central Plains to Huangzhong.

However, it is necessary to show the world clearly in the form of a list, and inform them of the difficulties they will encounter when pioneering wasteland, as well as the preferential policies of the imperial court.

This prevents people with ulterior motives from distorting his meaning.

If you die today, you will die, and if you plan to do anything, you will die... Ahh!
It is clearly written in "The Law of the Army" that the imperial conscripts are exhausted, and they will be punished with two armors (two pieces of armor).For three to five days, you will be cursed (swearing in public); from six days to ten days, you will be paid a dong; after ten days, you will be paid a armor.

And there is a note, if the delay on the road is due to objective reasons, as long as you explain the situation, you will not be punished!
The most important thing is that even if it is to be executed, it is a few leading military officials who will accept the crime. It is not so perverted to execute hundreds of soldiers all at once!
Even if Oudou Dou, who has a fish lip, is fooling around, in this era when transportation is basically based on walking, what kind of transmission speed and efficiency can make people like Chen Sheng and Wu Guang understand the new law in just a few months? !

Therefore, the road to popularizing the law has a long way to go!
However, he had expected such a day long ago, so when he was preparing for the papermaking workshop, he had asked Zuo Shaofu to engrave the template for printing Qin Lv.

The reason why movable type printing is not used, but engraving printing is used.

One is that the ink adhesion at this time is not good, and the other is that the engraving can be preserved for a long time, which is convenient for large-scale printing.

After all, in his plan, just like Zhu Yuanzhang's promotion of "Da Gao" in later generations, every household should have a copy.

Selling at cost price, the owner can be exempted from a lighter punishment, such as long-term punishment (forced to shave off the beard).

It is said that the Qin law is strict and people are often blamed. The most fundamental reason is that the Qin law is too meticulous, and most of them are illiterate civilians from the six countries. They don't know how they broke the law.

After promoting the Qin Law, firstly, it can improve the literacy rate, and secondly, it can also let the people know what can be done and what is prohibited by law.

This avoids the problem of punishment without teaching.

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Book Friends 1505...2504', 'Book Friends 1605...3315', 'Eight Trees After the Rain'!

ps1: The solution of "Let the head of Guizhou come from the real field" comes from "Looking at Qin's State-Owned Economy from Yunmeng Qin Bamboo Slips".Author, Yang Shiqun.

ps2: As for the article about "beheading for failure", whether it is the corvee law or the military law, I personally think we should wait a little longer, what if the Qin bamboo slips buried in Fusu are dug up? (laugh

(End of this chapter)

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