Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 96 Books are the ladder of human progress

Chapter 96 Books are the ladder of human progress
The spring night is short and the day is high, and since then the king will not go to court early.

But for Fusu, although he didn't have to go to court early, when he opened his eyes, besides the nephrite fragrance in front of him, there were also a mountain of official documents and memorials.

Even while sitting in the rickety carriage, Fusu still holds the bamboo slips in his hand, trying hard to meet today's 120-jin quota.

Although there are not many major events, and most memorials only need to be approved and stamped.

But at least read it through to know what is written on it.

After the temperature dropped, Fusu stopped riding a horse and took a car instead. Today, he was only around Xianyang, so he only brought less than [-] soldiers as followers.

Not long after leaving Xianyang, the golden root car stopped next to a wooden pillar about ten feet high beside the straight road.

On the wooden pillar, stands a monster statue with a strange shape, and under the wooden pillar, there are three seal characters of "Du Youting".

This is Huan Biao, which was later called Hua Biao. According to legend, Huan Biao was erected on important traffic roads in Yao Dynasty for people to write advice and criticize current problems. Now it is a wooden post used to guide the way.

In front of the gate of Xianyang Palace, there are two Huanbiao made of white marble surrounded by three people. Only one facing inwards is called 'Wang Jun Chu', and the other is outward, called 'Wang Jun Returning'...

The materials were left over from the construction of the emperor's mausoleum. Based on the principle of using waste, Fusu had people build two small wonders.

Fusu got off the carriage and squinted his eyes to see the scorching sun in the sky, which indicated that Xianyang failed to enter winter again...

Immediately afterwards, he stared at the monster on the watch, recalling what he saw in the Book of Mountains and Seas.

Three hundred miles west and west, it is called Yinshan Mountain.There is a beast named Yan, whose shape is like a raccoon and has a white head. It is called Tiangou, and its sound is like durian, which can ward off evil.

It's a pity that there is no record of how to eat it... Maybe when the book is written, this kind of strange beast has been eaten and extinct... Fu Su shook his head and looked along Huan Biao.

At the end of the road built with rammed earth, there are several houses covered with black tiles. This is the place where Qi Qi committed suicide...

Fusu intends to pay homage to this famous general, but considering that there are still important things to do today, he can only give up.

When he walked to the left of the road, he thought faintly, someone said that Bai Qi was picked up from the wild, what a joke in the world!
Bai Qi, whose surname is Bai, is the son of Duke Wu of Qin and the descendant of Prince Bai.

So when Bai Qi was recommended by Wei Ran as a general, his title was the tenth rank among the twentieth ranks of military merit, Zuo Shuchang.

A foreigner, or a person from the mountains, in the Qin system at that time, without great military exploits, would only have a high position, but no high rank!

For example, Sima Cuo, the famous general who destroyed Shu back then, when he was the captain of the state, he was only the Ke Qingjue equivalent to Zuo Shuchang, and he was promoted to No.12 Zuo Geng later.

Not long after Bai Qi became a state captain, he became a noble for Daliang Zao, and then became a feudal king.

This is because the 1.0 version of military merit is only up to Daliang Zao. Although Bai Qi has repeatedly made outstanding achievements, it has already come to an end...

It's like getting [-] points in the Xueba test, because the highest score is only [-].

But this also shows another point, that is, even in the state of Qin after Shang Jun's reform, the promotion speed of the children of the official family is faster than that of the SSRs from foreign countries.

That's why Wang Jian complained that it was difficult to be a marquis in the Qin State. In order to prevent future generations from starving to death, he asked for more land rewards...

But this also illustrates one point, that is, balance exists among all things!

Fusu shook his head slightly, and walked to the door of the paper-making workshop after 30 seconds in the corridor formed by Zhonglang holding halberds.

"See Your Majesty!"

Right Prime Minister Feng Quji and Imperial Censor Feng Jie stepped forward, folded their hands together and bowed in salute.

"Old Prime Minister, please get up quickly..." Fu Su took a step forward and gave him a little support.

Feng Quji shook his head, stroked his snow-white beard and smiled: "I'm not old yet..."

Yes, you are not old, you are just a 25-year-old programmer...Fu Su smiled in agreement, and then asked, "Why is the prime minister here?"

"I'm here to congratulate His Majesty!" Feng Quji bent down again and bowed down: "One congratulations on the great victory in Longxi, and two congratulations on the paper mill producing paper today!"

"The prime minister is very well-informed, since that's the case, let's go and have a look with me!" Fusu nodded, then pointed to the carriage stopped by the soldiers in the distance and said: "Look, there are really good people in Xianyang who are well-informed." less!"

In Erqing, Fengchang Hu Wujing, Dianke Dunwei, Ting Wei Yao Jia, Shaofu Gongzi Yan, Zongzheng Gongzi Dun, Langzhong Ling Mengyi, Zhisu Neishi Zheng Guo, Neishi Wang He and many other big names all came. up.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Fu Su waved his hand, thinking to himself, if justice comes down from heaven at this moment, Da Qin will die as the second generation...

Uh... Tongyan Wuji, Tongyan Wuji!

"The gentlemen also came to see the papermaking?"


Fusu had rewarded them with some of the inferior paper before, but it was different from Fusu's use of it as toilet paper.

After all, now is not the era when old books cost a few cents a catty in later generations.

A historical record with 52 characters, if copied on bamboo slips, based on the calculation of 30 characters per bamboo slip and a weight of 4 grams, a total of 1.4 bamboo slips are needed, weighing 56 kg...

Therefore, the ancients often said that learning is rich and five cars, but in fact there are not many words, at best it is just a set of Lu Xun's complete works.

When Jiang Zuofu, who was waiting in the workshop, saw a large group of two thousand shi gangsters pouring in, his eyes widened and his face was at a loss.

In his opinion, it was just to make some paper, how could there be so many people here?

Fusu smiled and shook his head slightly in his heart.

Public losers have always paid attention to the teaching of words and deeds. In their view, technology is learned, and the so-called Luban Secret Records are just a set of models passed down from generation to generation.

After all, in this era of underdeveloped productivity, if you want to keep the design drawings of various large-scale equipment, the only carrier that can carry them is the expensive silk cloth.

As for the craftsmen, it may not be long before the technology handed down from their ancestors needs to be upgraded.

So it is better to use the model as a teaching tool.

So the models eliminated by the public losers in the past six months were all collected by Fusu as figures...

In Fusu's view, as Master Gao said, books are the ladder of human progress.

People with knowledge record what they see, hear or think, and make it into a book, which is the crystallization of wisdom.

The spiritual civilization of a nation is manifested in the spiritual life of this ethnic group, and is also stored in the classics and books of this nation that have been handed down for a long time.

Strictly speaking, the books at this time are the accumulated results of thousands of years of life and struggle of the entire ethnic group, not the great achievements of a certain sage...

What Fusu has to do is to inherit the unique knowledge for the past, and find a way to pass on the knowledge that has disappeared in the long river of history.

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'To Youth', 'Ginseng of Salted Fish', 'Longing for Stars', 'An Enqing Card as Knowledgeable as I am'!

Thanks to 'Longya', 'Wandering the World for 33 Days', and 'Kai Chou' for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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