Chapter 98

Zheng Guo cupped his hands and said: "I think that "Book of Changes" is the first to be promoted!"

Well, this is from a mathematician, also, I remember that Zheng Guo was taught by Pizao... Fusu stroked his beard without saying a word, he thought of the female physicist Xu Negative, it is said that this person once predicted that Zhou Yafu would be named Marquis in three years and be the prime minister. Nine years later he was starved to death.

Well, there is a chance to call this little girl who is suspected of being a wild traveler into the palace to give the secret code...

Prince Dagon cupped his hands and said, "I believe that the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic and the Nanjing should be the first!"

Well, this is Fang Ji’s, no, maybe it’s because he wants to please the old man, I remember his wife is the youngest daughter of the contemporary Bian Que... Fusu thought about it, and felt that the printed medical book is more important than Yin Zhouyi, and Fang Ji’s family There is another genre that is good at intercourse... Bah, it's Wuqinxi (Hua Tuo:?)!

Seeing this, Meng Yi cupped his hands and said, "I believe that "Deng Xi" and "Hui Zi" should be the most important!"

Huh?You are actually a famous person, you are the kind who flirts with others all day long?Well, to convince people with virtue, to convince others with virtue... Fusu looked at Meng Yi with a slightly different look.

Meng Yi smiled and said: "Although I was born in the general family, I was born in a court official."

Afterwards, there were Gong Ziyan who was a legalist in name but secretly requested to publish Mozi, and other officials who belonged to different schools of thought.

However, everyone only talked about copying, and did not say that it was going to be distributed to the world.

After all, after burning books and burying Confucianism, the first emperor ordered the destruction of books of hundreds of schools except the official collection.

Of course, there are many books in designated categories that are not included in the destruction list.

For example, Tian Ji is a die-hard fan of "Rishu" which is similar to the almanac, and she won't be allowed to enter until the right time...

Fusu coughed lightly, interrupting everyone's discussion: "In my opinion, the "Qin Law" should be printed and enforced all over the world!"

Then, he talked about his idea that a family with the "Qin Law" can be exempted from a misdemeanor once, and the corresponding common sense about engraving and printing.

As expected, the first person to jump out was Feng Jie, the imperial historian.

"Your Majesty, I think this is an inappropriate move!" Feng Jie cupped his hands and said, "Qin Law is the foundation of the country, how can it be given lightly to the head of Guizhou? Your Majesty, please think twice!"

Before Fusu could speak, Meng Yi took a step forward, saluted Fusu first, then looked at Feng Jie and said, "Doctor Yushi's words are wrong!"

"In the past, when the Shang Lord built the Xianyang Palace, he built a Ji Que outside the palace gate. Those who wish to remember it, and issued a decree, should remember this gate!"

"What is this move? Gai teaches the people of the country to know the law! Only by knowing the law can they abide by the law!"

Yao Jia shook his head and said, "Preaching the law is easier said than done..."

Meng Yi turned his head and interrupted, saying: "Ting Wei's statement is ridiculous! It's difficult, why don't you do it?"

"Shang Jun once said: Therefore, the sage governs the world with thousands of people. If the husband knows it, he will know it. It cannot be the law, and the people will not know it. Make it clear and easy to know, the name is correct, and the ignorant knows it everywhere."

"The sage governs the world for tens of thousands of people. Therefore, the truth that others can understand only after the wise people understand it cannot be used as a law, because not everyone in Qianshou is wise. Only when the virtuous people understand it can others understand it. Principles cannot be used as laws, because not everyone in Qianshou is virtuous. Therefore, the sages must make laws clear and easy to understand, and determine their status so that fools and wise people can understand them."

"According to the laws of the Qin Dynasty, the head of the pavilion is an official who fights for food in the government. He should hold a two-foot wooden slip and preach the law to the head of Guizhou! However, because the head of the pavilion is not the same, although the head of Guizhou knows the law, he does not know it completely."

"So the heart that wants to know the whole picture of Qin Law is like looking at Yunni in a severe drought!"

"Your Majesty's actions are in line with the will of the people and the will of God, and the ancient saints are also like this!"

After Meng Yi finished speaking, he didn't forget to flatter him at the end.

Feng Jie still said stubbornly: "At the beginning of human beings, nature is evil! If the Qin law is promulgated to the world, there will be cunning people who will wait for the opportunity to find loopholes to destroy the Qin law! What will happen then?"

Fu Su nodded secretly, what Feng Jie said made some sense, he had seen many people like Litigation Stick in later generations.

No, no... Although Qin ruled the world with the law, after all, the law enforcers are human beings, and the final ruling is still made by human beings.

So he heard Meng Yi's long laugh, and then said:

"Shang Jun said: Officials know that the people know the law, so the officials dare not treat the people illegally, and the people dare not break the law and judge them. That is to tell the official with the words of the judge. The official knows this, so the official dare not treat the people illegally, and the people dare not break the law!"

"Everyone knows the law, and officials dare not treat the people illegally. Only in this way can the interests of the head of Guizhou be protected and social justice maintained."

"As for the cunning person, he should be ruled according to the laws of Qin!"

As expected of a well-known expert who majored in debate... Seeing Feng Jie was silent, Fusu thought of the comment Shang Junshu had made on this sentence: For example, when raising horses, if the horse breeders supervise each other, then the grooms have the same interests. , will protect each other, may not be able to raise the horse well, but if the horse can talk, use the horse to supervise the groom...

Everyone was silent for a while, Feng Quji turned to Fusu and asked, "I don't know what kind of law Your Majesty wants to issue?"

The laws of Qin Dynasty are complicated, including "Field Law", "Stable Law", "Cang Law", "Jinbu Law", "Guanshi Law", etc. If all of them are printed out at once, I am afraid that few Guizhou heads can afford them. .

Fusu smiled and said: "Only print the civil law related to the head of Guizhou, I recruited a few jailers who are proficient in the law of Qin, and explained in detail some of the items that the head of Guizhou often commit, and added references. Closed clinic. Print the wood boards that need to be carved, and the work can be completed in a few days."

After Feng Quji listened, Weiwei closed his eyes and remained silent. Fusu had already prepared for today's event, which was beyond his expectation.

In his opinion, Meng Yi's eloquent talk was not from a famous family, but that he had colluded with Fusu long ago, and he was just waiting for others to ask!

When he asked Fusu about printing those laws and regulations, he thought that Fusu would go too far and print all Qin laws in one go and publish them all over the world.

If so, things have turned around.

Because there is a regulation in the Qin law, the sons of officials can enter the school to study, and after passing the assessment, they can directly become officials, and the main learning in the school, apart from shooting, imperial skills and other skills, is Qin law.

Take the law as the teaching and officials as the teacher.

If Fusu publishes all the laws of Qin, then these students are natural opponents.

Because the monopoly of knowledge is the way to ensure that they will be officials for generations.

Unexpectedly... Feng Quji sighed slightly, thinking in his heart, what happened to His Majesty during the past few years in Shangjun?
ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Yu Yue an Rabbit Little Gray', 'Book Friends 2020...0770', 'Book Friends 2019...9937'! ()
Thanks to 'Yu Shanxin' and '~~~Day~~~' for their rewards! (`) than heart
(End of this chapter)

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