Restricted area grave keeper

Chapter 103 Extra People

Chapter 103 Extra People


In the library, a terrified female voice suddenly sounded, the decibels were so high that it could pierce a person's eardrum.

Bai Mo was also stunned by the scene in front of him. What kind of special effect is this, that it can still show the effect of separating the head from the body?

How long has it been since I watched a TV series, and the domestic special effects are already so awesome?

He was about to scream out, but he suddenly caught a glimpse of the man and woman beside him, and saw that the two looked normal, as if they were not frightened by this horrifying scene at all.

"Aren't they afraid? Or did they expect this scene a long time ago?"

Bai Mo was a little suspicious, thinking that this could not really be a movie, right?Then I have to act calmly, in case this is indeed a special effect, if I am frightened and make a fool of myself, won't I be looked down upon by these two guys?

After all, I am also a cemetery keeper. After dealing with the dead for so long, I can't embarrass those guys in the cemetery!

Thinking of this, Bai Mo pretended to be calm, and planned to continue to watch the development of the situation with a blank face.

The long-haired woman secretly glanced at Bai Mo, seeing that his expression was calm, she couldn't help but look a little more serious.

"He has a lot of guts. It seems that this guy may also have real skills..."

Not far away, Xu Lan, who looked terrified, seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and sat on the ground and burst into tears.

Bai Mo frowned slightly, feeling that the woman was crying pitifully, so after thinking for a moment, he was about to go forward to comfort her, but was suddenly pulled back by the man beside him and shook his head gently.

"Don't move around, just watch quietly."

The man's voice was very soft, without the slightest emotion, but somehow gave people a trustworthy feeling.

Bai Mo was taken aback. Look at what he said... Sure enough, he was reminding me not to disturb these actors' participation in the play, right?

But there is one thing to say, the acting skills of these actors are really nothing to say, they are definitely well-proportioned, and the atmosphere is so good that he almost forgets that the other party is acting.

And it was this time of turning his head, a strange thing happened——

Bai Mo didn't see the plot development of the story at all. When he turned around, he saw that Xiao Yu and Han Mu had returned to normal inexplicably, and Xu Lan no longer showed fear, but stood there apologetically .

Bai Mo was taken aback, why did this suddenly lack a plot?

What about the head, so what about two big heads?

I have yet to see how these two guys put their heads back on!


In front of the bookshelf, Xu Lan looked at the two people in front of her and apologized, "I won't scare you anymore."

The thin Han Mu seemed to be in a bad mood at this moment, and said coldly, "How did you do it?"

He should be referring to the fact that "Xu Lan" was displayed on the previous call.

Xu Lan knew what he was asking about, so she smiled shyly and said, "I happened to meet Wu Die in the courtyard just now, so I handed her the phone to see if there is a chance to scare you."

"Wu Die?" Xiao Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, and repeated, "Did you see Wu Die in the courtyard?"

"That's right," Xu Lan didn't know why Xiao Yu had such a big reaction, and explained, "We exchanged mobile phones with each other first, and I sent a text message to tell her to use my mobile phone to call Han Mu on the way here." , and then..."

"What a joke!"

Xiao Yu's face became more and more ugly, and he said in horror: "I just received a call from Wu Bing last night, saying that Wu Die died of illness last night, how could you bump into her in the courtyard..."

"How is it possible!" Xu Lan shouted, "Don't try to scare me anymore, I saw Wu Die in the yard!"

"Then did you see Wu Bing when you saw Wu Die? The two sisters have always been inseparable! Was Wu Die alone in the yard at that time?"

"She is indeed alone..." Xu Lan recalled for a moment, squatted down trembling, and muttered to herself, "But how is it possible..."

Bai Mo's face was weird when he heard that, you really can't push the plot without a mobile phone... Then why not just focus on the entire modern drama?

And this plot...

Well, judging from the current situation, there are probably ghosts.

That being the case, he had guessed the final ending of the story—mostly a dream.

...otherwise it would not be released.

The library fell silent instantly, none of the three spoke, and the atmosphere was a little dignified.

Suddenly, a mobile phone rang abruptly, attracting the attention of the three of them.

Trembling, Xu Lan took out her phone, and the contact person displayed on it was her own name!

In other words, the call was from the dead Wu Die who had exchanged cell phones with her!


After hesitating for a long time, Xu Lan still clicked to answer, but there was still no voice from the other side.

But just when she was about to say something, the other party suddenly hung up the phone.

Xu Lan gritted her teeth and made another call back. She wanted to find out whether the other party was a human or a ghost.

"Wait," after a while, Han Mu seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly said vigilantly, "Did you hear the phone ringtone!"

"Nonsense, I'm on the phone, of course there will be a ringtone!" Xu Lan was very scared at the moment, and her tone was a little impatient.

"No, I'm not talking about your ringtone." Han Mu covered the phone in Xu Lan's hand and said solemnly, "Listen carefully."

A pin drop could be heard in the library, which made all the strange sounds so clear, and the three of them heard a faint mobile phone ringing.

"It's my phone ringing, my phone is in the library!"

Xu Lan turned pale with shock and carefully searched for the source of the voice.

"That is to say... the dead Wu Die came to the library?"

The three shuddered, looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and slowly approached the source of the sound.

Xu Lan was ready to face everything, but at the moment when she suddenly stretched out her head to look behind the bookshelf, she suddenly felt a little overwhelmed——

There was just a cell phone on the floor and no one was around.

"how is this possible?"

Xu Lan looked at the door of the library. They didn't see anyone going in or out of the door at all, so who put the phone here?

"How to do?"

Xu Lan picked up the phone and saw the call record just now, she was at a loss, looked at the two people behind her, and said in horror, "This is my phone, the only possibility is that Wu Die put it here!"

"But she's dead."

"That's the phone that the dead man put on!"

Xiao Yu's face was pale, and he forced himself to calm down: "Don't panic, let's get out of here first."

"Yes," Han Mu agreed, looking terrified.

Xu Lan nodded, and walked quickly to the library door with the two of them.

The three of Bai Mo watched quietly, but just when they thought these guys would ignore them as before, something unexpected happened——

"Wu Bing? Why are you here!"

Xu Lan stopped suddenly, looked at the long-haired woman beside Bai Mo with an unbelievable expression, and asked quickly, "Where is your sister?"

The woman's expression changed slightly.

It seems... are you staring at me?
Bai Mo was shocked, he didn't expect this guy to be an actor too!

But he couldn't help being a little suspicious. Since they are both actors, why doesn't this woman wear ancient costumes like the others?
He couldn't understand the plot more and more...

"Wu Bing, tell me, where is Wu Die!"

Seeing that the woman didn't speak for a long time, the three of Xiao Yu hurriedly questioned, and while asking, they still didn't forget to look behind them, as if they were afraid that something terrible would appear in the library.

They just looked at the woman, completely ignoring Bai Mo and the expressionless man, as if they didn't exist at all.

Tsk tsk tsk, professional, Bai Mo secretly praised.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

The long-haired woman only felt that the expressions of the three guys in front of her became more and more strange, as if something terrible would happen if she didn't answer well.

After thinking for a moment, she revealed just the right sadness, and replied in a low voice: "Didn't I say that my sister died last night..."

The three of Xiao Yu trembled all over, and glanced behind them in horror: "Did you hear that, he's dead! What are you waiting for, run!"

After speaking, the three of them rushed out like three arrows leaving the string.

"Wu Bing, escape!"

They were conscientious, and they did not forget to remind the long-haired woman before leaving.

The woman and the man exchanged glances, nodded slightly, and then trotted to follow.

The man and Bai Mo followed closely behind.

"Why is it so windy..."

Along the way, Han Mu was out of breath. He looked around, afraid that he might see something terrible.


Although Xiao Yu was keen on reading, he also exercised hard on weekdays. There was wind under his feet, and he glanced behind him, only to find that there was a terrifying figure behind him at some point.

I saw that figure slowly crawling on the ground. Although it looked very slow, no matter how the three of them increased their speed, they couldn't distance themselves from it.

"That Wu Die!"

Relying on the kerosene lamp, the three of them could barely see the figure's clothes clearly, and immediately their expressions changed drastically, and their speed suddenly accelerated a bit.

Bai Mo glanced at the man beside him strangely.

It seems that those guys in front seem to regard this guy as a monster.

So this guy is really an actor...

He suddenly felt guilty.

So... what the hell am I doing here?

(End of this chapter)

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