Restricted area grave keeper

Chapter 112 I got it!

Chapter 112 I got it!

Lu Zhan's face was calm, but his heart was not to mention how uncomfortable.

Thinking of me as the person in charge of a majestic city, the No. [-] person in the No. [-] city, and the No. [-] figure in the entire Dongyang City, it’s okay to accompany the grave guard all day long to act, after all, I am serving the people...

But why...

Why is it that I am no match for anyone who comes here now?
Back then, I, Lu Zhan, had a reputation for being vicious, and there were almost no transcendents in City No. [-] who were not afraid of me, and no one dared to make trouble under my nose, but now it has changed...

Think about it carefully, since when did this kind of life start to change?
By the way, it started from the day the gravekeeper appeared.

Since this guy appeared, he has been called brother and brother with creatures in the restricted area all day long, but I can only follow behind him as a younger brother...

Thinking of all the things in the past, Lu Zhan couldn't help feeling sad, and almost couldn't help shouting "The law of heaven is not fair".

Fortunately, he produced his own idea in time, and suddenly felt something was wrong in his heart——

"What's wrong with me, what's affecting my mood?"

He was vigilant in his heart, knowing that he might be affected by the opponent's ability, so he quickly stabilized his mind.

Looking at the other party's stern face, Lu Zhan's heart sank.

The worst situation seems to have appeared. Not only is the opponent likely to have S-level strength, it seems that even the ability belongs to the very disgusting kind...

When he thought that he almost yelled the words "heaven is not fair", Lu Zhan felt that he was on the verge of social death.

Although his mental activities were quite rich, he didn't show it at all on his face, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

Gu Yan looked at him expressionlessly, did not answer, but asked: "Is the invitation to hate you here?"

"What hates the invitation?"

Lu Zhan was startled, it was true that this thing was on him, but how could this guy know?
Could it be that he came here for this?
"Forbidden Sequence D - Hate Invitation!"

Han Xue shouted in the distance, she was afraid that the two might continue to fight and affect herself, so she was very smart not to approach, but reminded from a distance, "Give him the things, or you will die! "

This is a kind reminder.

The old saying has no heart and no emotion, but his strength is extremely terrifying, and he will never hold back anyone in order to achieve his goal.

Han Xue knows the old saying very well, if someone disagrees with him, there is only one solution——

Just kill it.

Lu Zhan looked at Gu Yan vigilantly, and tentatively asked, "S-rank?"

However, Gu Yan doesn't seem to have the habit of answering other people's questions, so he just calmly said: "Give me the invitation to hate, and I can exchange other taboo sequences with you."

Lu Zhan was unmoved: "As an S-level powerhouse, I'm afraid I can't use the D-level taboo sequence... What is the purpose of your hating the invitation?"

You must know that the taboo sequence has always been a double-edged sword, and it is quite harmful. Once people with evil intentions try to harm society by virtue of the negative effects of the taboo sequence, it will definitely bring great consequences.

This is also the reason why the Bureau of Removal of Prohibition will establish a related trading website to secretly pay attention to the whereabouts of the taboo sequence.

Of course, Lu Zhan didn't think that the guy in front of him would use the abomination invitation to do bad things. After all, the S-level powerhouse itself is one of the most terrifying "taboo sequences" in the world, and there is no means of restraint at all.

To be honest, he has never seen an S-level powerhouse. The entire Dongyang City does not know if there is such a character, and even if there is, he has never shown it.

In fact, there are very few reports of S-level powerhouses in various urban areas-either there are none, or these people are hidden like treasures.

After all, such a person is basically no different from a human-shaped nuclear bomb, and is the top strategic weapon.

In a sense, S-level taboo sequences are more than S-level powerhouses.

But for such a rare existence, I have encountered...

Lu Zhan kept complaining in his heart, not because he couldn't do it, but because the opponent he encountered was too outrageous...

The red-eyed girl named Mu stood under the eaves, watching the two quietly.

But at this moment, she turned her head slightly, as if she had sensed something, her figure disappeared instantly.

The next second, the door of the wedding room was pushed open, and Bai Mo ran out of the room as if fleeing. He was about to turn his head and continue running, but he was slightly taken aback when he saw the scene outside the house.

"Lu Corps? Are you..."


Lu Zhan secretly thought it was wrong, the tomb guard actually came out of the house!
That being the case, he must not be able to continue to fight. His ability is not silent, and once he fights, he will definitely attract the attention of the grave guards.

It's just that he didn't want to do anything, but Gu Yan obviously couldn't change his decision because of this. He looked at Lu Zhan and said again: "Give the invitation to hate..."

"Here, here you are!" Lu Zhan was afraid that Bai Mo would hear something, so he quickly interrupted him, "Let's talk about the invitation differently..."

"There's no need to change places." Gu Yan shook his head slightly, his tone a little cold, "Don't waste my time."

The atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

At this moment, an untimely voice of inquiry sounded.

"What invitation?" Bai Mo walked up to Lu Zhan suspiciously, "Captain Lu, do you know these two people? Also, do you know where this is?"

Two people?
Lu Zhan turned his head and found that the girl named Mu had disappeared.

This guy really didn't dare to see Bai Mo...

Seeing that this guy is still alive, Gu Yan glanced at him, and repeated his appeal again: "I'm talking about the Taboo Order..."

"Secrets, this is a taboo!" Lu Zhan's thoughts turned sharply, he quickly interrupted his words, and said mysteriously to Bai Mo, "Everything here is a secret..."

Gu Yan was stunned, but he didn't care why this guy suddenly said something inexplicable. He was about to speak, but the voice of the red-eyed girl suddenly appeared in his ear.

"I hope you can cooperate with him."

He was not surprised at all, and said lightly: "Why, if I say no?"

"Cooperate with him and you will get what you want."

Gu Yan was silent for a moment: "Do you know what I want?"

"Try it, and then you'll know."

He thought for a while, but didn't speak.

At this time, Han Xue had already walked to his side, seeing that something seemed wrong with him, so she asked concerned: "What's wrong?"

"Cooperate with that guy." Gu Yan pondered, "I want to see what kind of tricks this guy wants to play..."

Although Han Xue didn't understand why, she still nodded.


At the same time, Bai Mo on the opposite side was stunned by Lu Zhan's words. He was at a loss for a moment, and soon showed a clear expression.

"So that's the case, then I know! No wonder everything is weird since going up the mountain..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone held their breath and concentrated on it, even listening to the old saying, intending to see what interesting discoveries this guy will make.

After all, apart from finding his heart, exploring the restricted area is his only pleasure.

I just heard the other party slowly say: "I have seen it for a long time. Everything here has been arranged for a certain purpose. It seems chaotic and disorderly, but in fact there is a lot of connection with each other..."

Lu Zhan's heart beat faster, but Bai Mo suddenly smiled confidently, and uttered his guess out loud——

"So... this is actually a script killing, right?"

As the old saying goes: "?"

Han Xue: "?"

Lu Zhan: "!"

Gu Yan and the two looked at each other, thinking what is this guy talking about, how did the restricted area become a script?
Seeing that everyone's expressions were wrong, Bai Mo said calmly, "Is that a reality show?"

"That's right!"

Only Lu Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself that deceiving himself and others really depends on you, the gravekeeper... Just work hard on your own, and let this guy make up the rest by himself!

He laughed, "Remember the police station you came to yesterday? You just happened to be the 99th reporter of this month, and hereby reward you with a chance to experience the immersive script!"

Han Xue stared at these two guys dumbfounded, what the hell is the one thousand nine hundred and ninety-ninth reporter?There are rewards for reporting crimes, you cheat ghosts!

Only a fool would believe this, right?
Who would have thought that another idiot would actually believe it...

Sure enough, it's not what I expected, but the location of the script is quite biased..."

Bai Mo laughed, turned his head to look at Han Xue and the two with weird expressions, and asked, "I remember you, you should also be the winners, right?"

God damn lottery winner...

Neither of them paid him any attention.

Only Lu Zhan nodded quickly, but he was puzzled, why didn't these two guys respond?

But this is also good, it saves him a lot of effort.

"But Captain Lu, I have a question..."

At this moment, Bai Mo's voice continued to sound, "Can you tell this NPC not to follow me?"

Everyone looked over and saw a woman wearing a red hijab, a red wedding dress and embroidered shoes walking out of the wedding room at some time.

She stood quietly behind Bai Mo, twisting her neck, as if scanning everyone.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

(End of this chapter)

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