Chapter 120 Return Countdown

"If the battle is all about who is stronger and who wins, then you should have lost a long time ago, shouldn't you?"

Behind the stone gate came the God of Destiny's confident laughter, as if he was sure that Bai Mo would lose.

Mu Xue's eyes moved slightly, and he asked calmly, "What did you do?"

"Why don't you just go and see for yourself? I won't go anywhere, so there's no need to stay here and guard me, or if he dies... Tsk, then you won't be able to see his last side."

"Intuition tells me that it is more important to guard the door."

"What an indifferent guy." The God of Destiny teased.

"You can't kill him."

"I didn't even think about killing him, the fate of his death is not at this moment..."

The God of Destiny said calmly, "However, if he is seriously injured and dying, if that guy wants to survive, he can only break through his own limitations, which will expose his coordinates, or he will fall into a deep sleep, and his vitality will be severely damaged from then on."

"Either way, it sounds like an interesting thing to do."

Mu said coldly: "Believe me, even if that moment really comes, you won't be able to leave here."

"Then wait and see."

The God of Destiny smiled and thought about it, "It's interesting to say that although the door completely restrains us, it also prevents you from the outside world from harming us... You should be very unwilling now, right?"

Mu said nothing.

The God of Destiny continued: "Of course I know, no matter which door I go out from, there will be infinite restrictions set in advance outside the moment I leave, and you have even been waiting for me to go out, looking for a chance to completely kill me, right?"

The next second, his voice suddenly darkened, and he sneered, "It's a pity that you can't hide all your plans from me. Everything you do is against fate."


The blood-stained sharp knife was still in Bai Mo's body, and the wound on his chest was shocking. The blood kept falling on the ground along the tip of the knife, and was silently absorbed by the ground.

He stood there, his expression indifferent.

As for the sneak attacker, Yang Xiaowan, he had already been thrown away by the shadow in front of him, and then instantly turned into a big hand, grabbed Yang Xiaowan's neck, and lifted her into the air.

Surprisingly, the bride wearing a red hijab didn't resist at all. After the knife was stabbed, she didn't move anymore, just hanging in mid-air, motionless.

Not far away, Gu Yan and Han Xue, who had witnessed this scene, were taken aback for a moment. They did not expect such a sudden turn of events.

Didn't these two people love each other just now? Why did they suddenly start fighting?
Could it be that the bride stabbed him because she couldn't stand Bai Mo's constant telling her to get out of here?
Gu Yan thought for a while, then quickly walked towards the direction where Bai Mo was, and as he moved, the wounds on his body healed quickly, intact as before.

"Gu Yan, what are you going to do?" Han Xue followed worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to take a look, not for a sneak attack."

Hearing this, Han Xue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, she was afraid that the old saying would still be brooding over something in her heart, so she would attack Bai Mo.

It's not that she has any affection for Bai Mo, but she always feels that something is wrong. It seems that someone is manipulating all this behind the scenes, and Bai Mo is very weird, and she is afraid that old sayings will be dangerous.

"You stay here." Gu Yan stared at Yang Xiaowan in mid-air, and suddenly reached out to block her, "It might be dangerous later."

"Okay, then be careful and come back if you are in danger."

Han Xue nodded, she has always understood the form, knowing when to follow Gu Yan closely and when not to influence him.

"Pay attention to your surroundings and wait for me to come back."


Bai Mo pulled out the knife stuck in his chest, and a large amount of blood sprayed out. His expression didn't change at all, he casually glanced at the knife blade, and then threw it on the ground.

"Cough cough cough."

He coughed loudly, his face was terribly pale, his body was shaking non-stop, as if he would fall to the ground at any moment.

Obviously, although the stabbing knife in the heart could not kill him, it also made his physical condition extremely bad.

Bai Mo is very clear that since he was forced to wake up, he has been subjected to a series of calculations, which are undoubtedly the handiwork of that guy named Fate.

Yang Xiaowan's knife just now was silent, and it almost deceived his perception. Although it was related to his current physical condition, this knife was obviously designed to target him...

Bai Mo raised his head slightly, and saw a thin thread appearing behind Yang Xiaowan at some point, one end was connected to her back, and the other end flew into the endless night, and it was not known whose hand it was holding.

"Fate line..."

He muttered to himself, wanting to move his steps, but almost fell to the ground, and had to half kneel on the ground, with one hand on the ground, allowing the blood to flow into the soil.

"Do you need help?"

At this moment, a voice came from not far away, and the shirtless old saying strode over, "I have a taboo order of healing ability..."

Before he finished speaking, a large group of long spears made of shadows suddenly appeared in front of him. The tip of the spear was almost touching the tip of his nose, and a little more could pierce his head.

Bai Mo's indifferent and weak voice came.


Gu Yan looked indifferent, smashed the shadow with one punch, and said, "Don't worry, I have no malicious intentions, at least not for now."

Bai Mo didn't speak, but the condensed spear showed his attitude.

Gu Yan quickly understood what he meant, stared at him for a while, then turned and left, disappearing into the darkness.

"Hope you survive."

He knew that it was almost time for him to leave here.


"Bai Mo is conceited and suspicious. Even if he is seriously injured and dying, he will never let a guy of unknown origin come close to him. And when the man and woman leave, they will definitely activate the space ability called [Deep Mouth Traveler] again, for me to come back again." steal."

"Humans are quite ridiculous creatures. They can even throw away their bodies for their desires... With a little space power and the long-standing wish power on the mountain of guilt, it is not stable for me to push away the door in front of me. The door, it's just a breeze."

Mu shook his head and said, "Don't think I don't know, if it wasn't for your deception, those people would never have been taken away unknowingly."

"Tsk, you are still speaking for human beings? I saw your interesting past here..."

The God of Destiny smiled and said, "It's very simple. If fish don't seek bait, how can humans catch fish? I just did the same thing as you...the fate is the same."

"There is a saying that is very good, 'the wisher takes the bait', which perfectly describes the instinct of human beings to pursue desire."

Mu ignored him, but said, "What if you push the door open?"

The breath on her body began to change, and the cave had a tendency to collapse.

The God of Destiny laughed and said: "Although my strength has declined greatly during the years at the door, I know that yours is the same. And I am sure that none of you dare to release the restraints on your body—even if you die. "

He was right. Under the line of fate, no matter whether it was the past or the future, basically nothing was hidden from him. This kind of ability can be called incomprehensible, so Bai Mo and others would imprison him at any cost.

Seeing that Mu didn't speak, he said lightly, "There are only you and Bai Mo on the mountain of guilt. He is seriously injured now. You alone can't stop me."

"So what?" Mu Ping said, "You seem to have forgotten these restrictions outside the door."

All sounds in the cave have disappeared.

On the randomly arranged stone pillars, the faint lines gradually became clear, and under the criss-crossing, exuded breathtaking power, pointing to the imminent Shimen.

"No, of course I haven't forgotten, even the first thing I think about is this matter. But it's okay... Bai Mo is helping me solve this problem. "

Facing the threat of the forbidden place, the God of Destiny was extremely calm, and even his tone seemed to have returned to his previous high-ranking appearance.

No one can stop the return of fate, and he is about to reappear in this world.

The countdown begins and everything will be back on track.

"As for you... Mu, do you know why I let fate send you here?"

"Why?" At this moment, Mu seemed to be interested in the god's words for the first time.

"The first is of course to relieve my boredom. After all, it's been too long. I need an audience... Second, I'm very interested in your body. Once I get you, it means I've got a lot of secrets."

"In the past, if you wanted to run away, I might not be able to catch up with you, but now I know very won't run away."

(End of this chapter)

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