Restricted area grave keeper

Chapter 129 "Prison"

Chapter 129 "Prison"

When Bai Mo took off his hood, he found himself standing in a spacious and bright room.

The prolonged darkness made it difficult for him to adapt to the light in the room for a while, and it took him a long time to open his eyes and see the scene in the room clearly.

He was taken aback.

The furnishings here are not like the cold and small prison cell he imagined, but more like a hotel room.

The decoration is not gorgeous, but it is definitely exquisite, the lighting is soft, with a touch of warmth, and there are air conditioners on the walls.

There is a soft and comfortable big bed in the middle of the house, next to it is a bookshelf full of books, there is also a kitchen, an independent bathroom, and even a TV.

Bai Mo looked down, feeling at a loss in his heart: "Am I really arrested..."

If it weren't for the heavy handcuffs on his hands, he might have forgotten that he was a prisoner, and even suspected that he was on vacation...

"Mr. Bai, you are staying here for the time being. You can't leave the room. We will deliver the food on time. You don't have to worry about that."

At this moment, a short-haired woman in military uniform said to him, "My name is Xu Han, and I will be in charge of your investigation and interrogation."

Bai Mo looked around, and asked in a suspicious tone: "Are you sure I'm treated like a suspect?"

Xu Han smiled: "What should be the treatment of suspects in your mind?"

Bai Mo thought about it seriously, and said excitedly: "For interrogation, among other things, there should be tiger stools, chili water, soldering iron and so on..."


Everyone behind Xu Han looked weird, why does it feel like this guy is still looking forward to it?He shouldn't be expecting these punishments to fall on himself...

Hiss—masochistic tendencies?

Xu Han took a deep look at Bai Mo, with something flickering in his eyes, he shook his head and said, "Mr. Bai was joking, extorting confessions by torture is already a dross of the past era, we will not abuse it, let alone you have not been convicted yet."

"It's getting late today, take a shower and rest first, and start the interrogation tomorrow. If you need anything, you can press the blue button on the bedside, and I will send someone over."

She acted vigorously, and as she spoke, she led her men towards the door, as if she was about to leave. Suddenly, as if she had thought of something, she turned around and reminded, "By the way, Mr. Bai, don't try to escape, or the consequences will be very serious. .”

The tone was flat, but full of threats.

Bai Mo didn't hear anything, and said distressedly: "Can you take off these handcuffs first, it's not convenient to take a shower."

"Of course not. After all, you are a prisoner and you are not on vacation. Remember this clearly."

Xu Han walked outside the door and said while closing the door, "The chains between the handcuffs can be adjusted, and it won't affect your movement."

After speaking, he closed the door.

Bai Mo was the only one left in the room. He was stunned for a while, thinking about what Xu Han said just now, and tried to pull the handcuffs, only to find that the chain had really become longer.

"Is it so human..."

He sat on the bed and murmured, "Such handcuffs basically don't affect my movements, so what's the point of them wearing them on me?"

Could it be that the script killing is not over yet... Am I playing the role of a criminal?
After a while, Bai Mo sighed.

"Forget it, no matter what, let's take a bath first, my body is sticky, it's really uncomfortable."

Walking into the bathroom, I saw shampoo and shampoo, disposable toothbrushes and towels on display inside, and it looked more and more like a hotel.

He looked stunned, and the thought came to him again—is this really the way a suspect should be treated?

As the times have progressed, has the living standard of criminals also improved to this level?
Although I don't want to admit it, the conditions here seem to be better than those in the cemetery by [-] million points...

But that's just a billion points.

For a moment, Bai Mo even began to think about the feasibility of long-term imprisonment...

He quickly put away his messy thoughts, closed the bathroom door, looked at the immaculate white walls, and felt inexplicably muttering in his heart.

"There shouldn't be a camera installed in this place, why does it always feel like someone is staring at me..."


"Mr. Xu."

With the arrival of a soldier in uniform, a series of greetings sounded in the monitoring room.

Xu Han nodded slightly, and asked, "How is it, what is the target doing now?"

After she left the room, she hurried to the monitoring room.

Hearing this, an agent of the Anti-Prohibition Bureau sitting in front of the monitoring screen looked strange, and hesitated: "He is pasting toilet paper in the bathroom..."

"Huh?" Xu Han looked at the screen.

The man analyzed: "I suspect he guessed that there is a camera installed in the bathroom."

Xu Han frowned: "He found out?"

"Should not be, otherwise the target should just block the camera."

One person said, "I think it's some kind of instinct, or a secret that spends a lot of time blocking a possible camera, whether it exists or not."

"If it's the latter, that secret should be important."


Xu Han whispered to himself, with a thoughtful look on his face.

She did come with the mission of the meeting hall, and she also knew all the information about Bai Mo, so she knew very well in her heart that Bai Mo should be just an ordinary person in most cases, without any particularity.

So... what's the secret about that guy?
She instantly remembered the golden-red candle on Bai Mo's body, and a bad premonition arose in her heart.

—Experience told her that it seemed to be some kind of taboo sequence.

She wanted to take the candle away directly before, but who knew that Bai Mo was in a very bad state at that time, so she didn't insist on taking the candle back just to be on the safe side.

Is that guy going to do something with that thing?
"Where is the candle, a red candle, where is that thing?" She asked quickly.

Everyone in the monitoring room was stunned, not knowing why the officer was so excited, one of them pointed to the screen and said, "Over there, the target put it at the door."

Xu Han stared at the screen for a long time, and put down other thoughts for the time being.

This room is prepared for the tomb guards, even if there are any taboo sequences, it will not be able to change the sky.

The plan is ready, everything will be over tomorrow night at the latest, and it will not be too late to recycle this candle...

Thinking of this, she ordered: "Continue to monitor the target, don't miss any details, and report to me even if there is anything wrong, understand?"

"Understood!" Several detectives said seriously.

Xu Han nodded slightly, and was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, are there any 'hard bones' in the interrogation room that haven't been chewed?"

She meant the kind of hard-talking prisoner.

Hearing this, one person's complexion changed slightly, and he said cautiously: "No, everyone has confessed honestly..." Sensing that the officer's expression was wrong, he quickly added, "But I heard that a group of prisoners have been sent recently, maybe there are Tough to chew..."

Only then did Xu Han smile and said, "That's right, I'll go there then."

She walked towards the interrogation room and said to the person behind her, "Go and prepare some chili water for me, maybe I'll need it later."

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she quietly put on white gloves for herself, as if she was looking forward to the next interrogation.

Thanks to the reminder from the cemetery guard, there was indeed a lot of dross in the past, but the torture methods left over may indeed make the interrogation more interesting...

The man didn't dare to look at her, and nodded tremblingly.

(End of this chapter)

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