Chapter 133
"Hi everyone, I'm Xiaoyin, the reporter of the forbidden zone this time. This time, I will lead everyone to explore the C-level forbidden zone—Equality Paradise."

In front of a certain dark tunnel, there stood a black stone tablet with the four big characters of "Equality Paradise" written in blood on it, and a letter "C" below it.

In front of the stele, a delicate and charming woman smiled at the camera, "This is the third exploration of the Paradise of Equality. The five explorers obviously came prepared. I believe that with the support of the previous two intelligences, this time We will succeed in conquering Equality Paradise."

"Please wait and see."

Behind her, five heavily armed secret explorers were already gearing up, looking quite excited.

In fact, it wasn't just the secret explorers who were excited, even the reporter Xiaoyin and the photographer couldn't hide their excitement—because the reward this time was really too high!
For esoteric explorers who really make a living by exploring mysteries, the restricted area is like a dungeon. There are different 'monsters' inside, and different 'materials' will naturally be produced-for example, the life-increasing monsters that appeared in Silent Village fruit.

In fact, many explorers enter the restricted area not just for money, but for these rare "materials", which are things that can be encountered but not sought after.

However, when the Bureau of Removal of Prohibition clearly has the ability to clear some restricted areas, it has never taken any action. In fact, there are considerations in this regard, and they hope to obtain more useful materials.

In layman's terms, some materials are sustainable energy sources, and after cutting one crop, you can wait for the next one...

And precisely because the outputs of different restricted areas are different, their value will also be different, and the price will even fluctuate with the market.

And now, for some unknown reason, the value of Equality Paradise has increased significantly, and the price of Quest Video has doubled!
It took a lot of effort for Little Silver to snatch this opportunity and become a member of the third group of explorers.

She was thrilled.

Just kidding, the lineup of explorers this time can be described as a strong army, and with the many information obtained before, even if everyone can't go deeper, they still have the ability to withdraw at any time.

In other words... this quest is all about picking up money!
Just like that, everyone entered the tunnel with anticipation.

The tunnel is very dark and very long, the darkness spreads and there is no end in sight,

After entering the tunnel, everyone did not move forward, but stood aside, as if waiting for something.

Not long after, the whistle of the train sounded in their ears, and their hearts were slightly relieved.

These people had already known about Equality Paradise's information, so they didn't panic at all, they waited quietly for the train to stop, and got on the train one by one.

"As we all know, the main body of Equality Paradise is an abandoned playground, and the method of entering it is quite interesting.""

"Unlike many restricted areas, Equality Paradise can only be entered by car. If you keep walking, you will only get lost in the tunnel and can no longer leave."

Yinzi explained with a smile, "Now we have successfully boarded the train to enter the park. It will take about 5 minutes. Please wait patiently."

Everyone got into the car and found a place to sit down, looking calm.

Many people know that after entering the restricted area, there is usually an area similar to a buffer zone. When entering the restricted area, this area is often not dangerous, but leaving is not sure.

And this train, which cannot see the whole picture clearly, is the buffer zone before entering the Paradise of Equality.

The scenery outside the window is fleeting, it is clearly a black tunnel, but the outside is full of fragmented colors, absurd and terrifying.

The strange thing is that even if everyone concentrates all their attention, they still can't see the scene outside the window clearly. Instead, their bodies will gradually become stiff, which is hard to notice.

Everyone knew about this a long time ago, so they just tried it a little bit, and didn't intend to continue to die. They quickly withdrew their eyes and recharged their batteries, ready to face the challenge in 5 minutes.

As a reporter, Xiaoyin naturally couldn't keep the audience waiting for 5 minutes. She thought for a while and said, "I believe everyone should be aware of the situation in Equality Paradise. Equality here actually refers to 'balance'. In this You must not fall to the ground in the restricted area, otherwise you will be split by a mysterious force, split in two from head to toe and die."

"I heard that 'this knife' is always cut just right, and the left and right are very symmetrical. This is indeed 'equal'."

Xiaoyin told a cold joke, and his excitement also turned cold.

In this restricted area era, especially in the restricted area, jokes using life and death as the carrier are actually not difficult to accept.

Because in the restricted area, the passing of life is unstoppable, just like everyday life, one must get used to it.

After a moment of silence, she suddenly smiled and said, "But I believe that none of us will have the chance to experience this kind of 'equality' this time. We just need to avoid the pushing and shoving of those brats."

What she said was from the heart, and she was full of absolute confidence in the staffing and intelligence collection this time——

Three C-levels and two D-levels, with output, meat shield and support!
Five occupations plus a full map view, tell me how to lose?
In fact, not only her, everyone is full of confidence in this quest.

Soon, the speed of the train gradually slowed down, and it was clear to everyone that this was obviously a sign that the train was about to arrive—they were about to arrive at Equality Paradise.

The car door opened slowly, and a misty multicolored light flickered not far away, spreading from the ground, as if illuminating a colorful road in the dark.

Under the light is a large half-open iron door, and there is a slanted signboard hanging on the door, which cannot be seen clearly in the dark, but it should read the words "Equality Paradise".

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time, we are here."

Smiling at the camera, Xiaoyin got up from the seat, and she was about to step out of the car door, but a rotten arm suddenly appeared at the door, blocking her way.

Everyone was terrified——

No one noticed that two corpses appeared in front of the train door at some point!
They are dignified, dressed in waiter clothes, one black and one white, with leather shoes on their feet, standing upright, standing on the left and right at the door of the car, looking elegant and noble.

If it weren't for the rotting bodies and the stench, I'm afraid everyone would regard them as two elegant gentlemen.

"What is this..." Xiaoyin's face turned pale, and she quickly backed away.

It wasn't because she was too scared, but because of an accident. She had never heard of corpses appearing on this train!
A group of explorers exchanged glances with each other, and they had never heard of such a thing.

In an instant, a woman in purple touched the simple long sword on her waist, and almost at the same time, the heads of the two corpses rolled to the ground.

It seemed to be cut off by the sword at the woman's waist.

Seeing this, Xiaoyin breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the camera and said with a smile: "Friends in the audience, it seems that something happened just now, but luckily the problem is not..."

As she spoke, her smile froze quickly.

Because at some point, a middle-aged man in a black and white tuxedo quietly appeared in the carriage.

He had two mustaches, his face was terribly pale, and his eyes had vertical pupils, which seemed to be stained red with blood. His posture was very much like the vampires in the past rumors.

"Cough cough cough..."

"This passenger seems to be going too far, why hurt my lovely conductor?"

Surprisingly, the middle-aged man did not show any malice when he appeared, but had a flattering smile on his face and a humble tone.

This gesture stunned everyone who was on guard. They had never seen a creature in the restricted area who could speak—if the other party was a creature in the restricted area.

Everyone didn't relax their vigilance because of this, Xiaoyin asked tentatively: "Who are you?"

"Me? Of course I'm the conductor of this train." The middle-aged man bowed to everyone.

The explorers looked at each other: "We've never heard of a conductor on this train before."

"Everyone also said that that was in the past. But now... times have changed."

The middle-aged man raised his top hat and said with a smile, "This train will officially start operating today, please pay the fare now."


Without knowing the origin of the other party, no one is willing to fight this weird guy for the time being. One person asked, "What fare?"

"Of course it is this."

The middle-aged man smiled strangely, rubbed his fingers lightly, and his posture was a bit wretched.

What is creepy is that following his movements, the two corpses in front of the car door also made the same movements, and the rotten flesh on their fingers was rubbed off, which was a bit funny in the weirdness.

Everyone was stunned, but Xiao Yin quickly came to his senses and asked in confusion, "You want money?"

"Isn't it reasonable to charge a small service fee?" The middle-aged man asked back, with a brighter smile on his face.

"Any money will do?"

"Of course not. This car only accepts life money, and there is no credit." The middle-aged man smiled, showing a row of sharp fangs.

"... money for life?"

Little Silver was startled by the opponent's teeth, and his heart speeded up immediately.


"But, we don't seem to have the money you want..." Little Silver was very embarrassed, and she felt a sense of danger.

"No?" The smile on the middle-aged man's face disappeared, and he said coldly, "Please say it you have any money?"

Little Silver and everyone looked at each other, for safety reasons, they chose to show all their belongings to the middle-aged man, but the smile on the latter's face became more and more ugly instead.

"No money! No money, what are you pretending to be?"


Along with the roar of the middle-aged man, there was the sound of a sharp weapon piercing into the body.

The middle-aged man lowered his head blankly, only to see that a dagger had been pierced through his left chest.

It was the woman from before who made the move. Her moves were always crisp and sharp, pointing directly at the vital point.

But even so, everyone still didn't intend to let go of their guard at all. On the contrary, their expressions became more serious.

Because the middle-aged man was still standing still, and the wound didn't even shed a trace of blood!

"This guest is really...too much."

The woman frowned slightly, and was about to turn the dagger fiercely in the middle-aged man's body, when the other party's murmur suddenly came from her ear, suddenly far and near, neither happy nor sad.

She was terrified in her heart, but found that her body had no sense at all, and she couldn't feel the existence of limbs no matter what.

She couldn't even twist her neck, so she could only turn her eyes desperately, and found that everyone else was trembling, and their faces were full of horror.

what happened?
There was a slight coolness on her cheeks, and the woman turned her eyes with difficulty again, only to see two rotten hands holding her face, stroking gently.

A chill rushed straight to the top of her head, and she almost vomited, but she couldn't move no matter what, she could only endure the rotten hands and the stench, and her mind was filled with fear.

"Don't touch me, it's dirty!"

"Take it away, don't touch me, it's disgusting!"

"Save me! Save me!"


"No, please, I'm sorry..."


She cried and begged and screamed loudly, but no one paid attention to her.

Everyone has a look of unbearable expression on their faces.

In desperation, the woman suddenly saw a familiar headless corpse and was stunned.

This is……

Her pupils shrank suddenly, her lips squirmed, as if she wanted to say something, but she had no chance, her consciousness gradually blurred, and then she fell into darkness.

The train was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

In the eyes of everyone, the woman holding the sword suddenly stood still, and then her head was easily taken off by the corpse wearing a black waiter's uniform, and blood sprayed out.

But that head didn't know anything about it. Instead of dying like this, she screamed loudly, irritating everyone's nerves.

She didn't even know that she was quietly placed on the neck of the corpse.

The head and the body were obviously not compatible, which caused the woman's head to tilt strangely, as if it would fall off at any time.

Maybe she was tired from crying, she closed her eyes in despair and lost all vitality.

While everyone was terrified, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, which at least meant that the other party was relieved...

But not long after, a scene that made everyone's scalp tingle happened——

The woman's head suddenly opened its eyes, but it was obviously no longer her own face. Her facial features were distorted and terribly hideous, as if she was adapting to...

After a while, she showed a weird smile.

The corpse in black waiter clothes held its head in its hands, making it slowly turn towards the crowd, as if smiling at them.

There were still tear stains on her face, and she had clearly become a dead person, yet she smiled reservedly at everyone, which made their scalps tingle.

The woman's original headless corpse was still standing there, the ground was covered with warm blood, some of which dripped down the body, making a ticking sound.

Everyone was frightened, and they couldn't even have the courage to resist.


Little Yintou broke into a cold sweat, and these four words couldn't help but came out of her heart, she tremblingly said: "I'm sorry, we really don't have any money..."


The middle-aged man casually pulled out the dagger from his body, played with it a little, and quickly threw it on the ground, with a disgusted look on his face, and he didn't know who he was scolding.

After a pause, he thought about it: "It doesn't matter if you don't have money, you have other ways..."

"What way?" Everyone was delighted.

If possible, they don't want to fight against such a weird existence.

"You guys are really stupid..."

The middle-aged man sighed slightly, and said in a regretful tone, "There is no money to buy your life, so naturally you all have to leave your life here..."

He waved.

In the next second, blood spurted out and splashed on every corner of the carriage, and one of the explorers' head fell in response, with a startled look on his face.

He had no power to resist.

The corpse in the white waiter's uniform quickly threw it to his previous rotten head, and excitedly picked up the head on the ground and put it on his neck.

That high-spirited look chilled everyone.

"Let me count... seven people, um, just leave three and a half lives as tickets."

While the middle-aged man was talking, another person lost his head.

The atmosphere was terrifying to the extreme, and everyone was like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Xiaoyin was still alive by chance at this time, she was incoherent in despair: "I, we, we..."

"You can leave with half a life left." The middle-aged man glanced at her.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they were ecstatic. Only Xiaoyin tremblingly said: "Half-life means..."

The joy of others is gone.

"Oh, you guys are the stupidest passengers I've ever taken."

The middle-aged man sighed.

In the next second, a line of blood suddenly appeared on the waist of a mystery seeker, and then the upper body slipped from the lower body and fell to the ground.


The man seemed to have just reacted, and let out a miserable scream.

"Stop barking, you can choose to stay halfway in the car, and the others can leave first." The middle-aged man covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, and said disgustedly.

The three of Xiaoyin's minds went blank, and they hurriedly rushed off the train.

The two corpses did not stop them.

In the carriage, the screams continued, but gradually became weaker.

"help me……"

They couldn't bear to turn their heads, and saw that the mystery seeker who had been cut in half didn't seem to give up hope, and kept climbing towards the car door, but his eyes dimmed the moment he reached the car door.

The doors closed, and the train whizzed away into the distance.

Everyone survived the catastrophe, their pupils shrank suddenly, and they saw a black stone tablet standing on the top of the train——

"A, train to death."

The scarlet characters are like writing in blood.

"Restricted area, this train is actually a restricted area..."

Little Silver murmured in disbelief, suddenly realizing that he and the others were now in another restricted zone.

She turned her head suddenly, and saw a road made of colored lights gradually spread, connecting to the entrance of a brand new and eye-catching amusement park.

The spinning Ferris wheel, the speeding roller coaster, the shaking pirate ship, and the merry-go-round horse...

There was clearly no one in the amusement park, but all the entertainment facilities were turned on, as if to welcome their arrival.

Little Silver swallowed.


Not only the trains, but even the Paradise of Equality was completely different from what she had imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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