Restricted area grave keeper

Chapter 135 The Intent of the Bomb

Chapter 135 The Intent of the Bomb

Bai Mo was in a good mood on the way back in the car. Although he was wearing a hood, as if he was being escorted to the execution ground, he was not panicked at all, and he was even in the mood to talk to the soldiers in the car without saying a word.

But what is more embarrassing is that no one in the car paid attention to him.

He felt a little bored, so he wanted to take a nap, but maybe because he slept for too long today, he didn't feel sleepy at all, so he could only sit in his seat in a daze.

Fortunately, the speed of the car was very fast, and it didn't take long to send him to a place, and he took off the hood to let him get out of the car.

"See you later!"

Bai Mo rubbed his eyes, warmly said goodbye to the jeep going away, with a bright smile, as if he knew the people in the car very well.

He looked around, was taken aback for a moment, and soon knew where this place was—isn't this the street near Lanbei Street?

He was very impressed with this place, after all, he came into contact with a case of reselling corpses here.

It was almost dark at this time, but the streets were still bustling, and the crowds would not stop because of the flow of time. They were in a hurry, like busy ants, never stopping all year round.

Standing outside the crowd, Bai Mo suddenly felt regretful, and sighed secretly: "Oh, I should have let those people send me out of the city directly, and now I have to take a taxi if I want to go back to the cemetery."

It was getting late, he didn't go back to the cemetery last night, and he had to go back today anyway—otherwise, what if someone came to steal the corpse again?
With an empty stomach, he found a supermarket to buy some bread, fruits and vegetables, and then prepared to take a taxi home.

At this moment, through the crowd, Bai Mo saw two familiar figures appearing at the entrance of Lanbei Street. He was taken aback for a moment, and then greeted him from a distance.

"Lu Corps! Officer Xia!"

Hearing the sound, the two people in the distance were obviously a little surprised, and turned to look at him hastily.

"Mr. Bai?" Lu Zhan walked towards him with a few people, surprised and delighted, "Why are you here? You are not..."

His face was gloomy, and he hesitated to speak, as if he didn't know whether to continue talking.

Bai Mo knew that the other party wanted to ask him about being arrested by the military.

"It's okay." He explained, "I can't say much, but what happened last night was a misunderstanding."

Hearing this, Lu Zhan breathed a sigh of relief: "It's just a misunderstanding, I knew you would have no problems, but unfortunately I didn't help much, sorry."

Most of the time he used to speak with a smile on his face, but now he was a little sad, as if he was a little guilty.

"What are you apologizing for? This has nothing to do with you." Bai Mo couldn't help crying, "I'm very moved that Captain Lu has such a heart."

After a pause, he suddenly said mysteriously, "To be honest, I think this matter is a bit evil."

The suspect is a person very similar to him, and he even wears the same clothes. Obviously, this cannot be explained by coincidence, and it is indeed evil.

"Evil door?" Xia Yuxi frowned.

"It's kind of weird anyway..."

Bai Mo knew he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly shook his head.

Before being sent back, Xu Han reminded him to keep the entire case secret, otherwise he would be held responsible, so he didn't dare to say anything more.

However, Lu Zhan understood him roughly when he looked like that, and didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he looked at the recycle bag in Bai Mo's hand and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Well, there was a little delay on the way."

"We are going to have dinner, why don't we go together? It's just a matter of extra chopsticks."

"No, I'm in a hurry to go back. You also know my job, Captain Lu." Bai Mo shook his head, looked at a man and a woman behind Bai Mo, and asked curiously, "By the way, who are these two behind you?"

"Oh." Lu Zhan came to his senses and introduced, "They are all my subordinates in the police station. This is Liu Qingqing, and this one is...well, Chen Shi."

Bai Mo was a little puzzled, why did it feel like Lu Dui couldn't even remember the names of his subordinates?This leadership is unqualified...

He introduced himself and shook hands with two new police officers.

Suddenly, Xia Yuxi asked, "Bai Mo, don't you really want to have dinner with us?"

Everyone looked at her together.

She hesitated and said, "I didn't speak for you last night, and I always feel a little sorry in my heart, so I want to apologize to you... Don't worry, I will pay for it!"

Lu Zhan and the others remained calm. In fact, they all wanted Bai Mo to stay temporarily for better observation.

Bai Mo was stunned, unable to laugh or cry, and said, "Officer Xia, why are you doing the same thing? It's none of your business, so what's there to feel sorry for?"


"It's okay." Bai Mo interrupted, "It's not that I don't want to go, but I really have something urgent to rush back. I will definitely come next time I have a chance."

"Alright then." Xia Yuxi sighed slightly, seeming a little regretful.

Bai Mo took out his mobile phone to look at it, turned around and was about to leave, suddenly turned his head and said to everyone: "If you are free, you police officers can come and sit with me, I will cook for you, there are some things that you have never eaten!"

Since these police officers are so enthusiastic, he can't be too cold.

Go to the tomb guard's site... an S-level restricted area?

What a joke!
The expressions of several people froze in an instant, only Liu Qingqing swallowed secretly, obviously attracted by the words 'guaranteed not to eat'.

But soon, her eyes fell on Bai Mo's cell phone.

Lu Zhan was actually a little moved. He always wanted to know what the restricted area where the grave guards were, but considering the possible danger, he finally used the universal quotation——

"Next time definitely."

"Okay, that's done, see you next time, everyone."

Bai Mo smiled, ate the bread and bid farewell to everyone and left.

The rest stood where they were, quietly watching him get into a taxi and disappear into the traffic.

Finally, Liu Qingqing couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Such a guy is actually an S-rank taboo sequence, shouldn't he be mistaken?"

Before Lu Zhan could speak, Chen Shi spoke first: "He noticed me at the first sight, which is enough to explain the problem."

Liu Qingqing was taken aback for a moment, yes, it seems to be the case...

You must know that because Chen Shi's ability is not entirely derived from himself, he has been unable to retract and release his ability freely, which has led to him being in a state of releasing his ability for a long time, which is often ignored by people Even forget.

It is with a stranger that the influence of this ability is strongest.

However, judging from the situation just now, Bai Mo obviously noticed Chen Shi at a glance, which is enough to show that he is unusual to a certain extent.

"But..." Liu Qingqing doubted, "Eating bread and taking a taxi, this taboo sequence is too grounded..."

"Don't just look at the appearance, the grave guard is very dangerous, very dangerous." Lu Zhan emphasized seriously.

He recalled the 'dream' he checked in Liu Qingqing's [Memory Palace] this morning—that was the memory of the burial place that he asked Liu Qingqing to store for safety.

In the memory he had forgotten, he saw corpses overwhelming the sky, they were crazy and powerful, but they stopped because of Bai Mo alone.

Endless, standing still, like an army of corpses.

At that moment, Lu Zhan's heart trembled.

Not only because of Bai Mo's strange and powerful posture at that time, but also because of the endless corpses in the coffin——

What happened there?How many people died?How many corpses are there?
He couldn't help but wonder, even if everyone in the entire safety zone is dead, he wonders if he can gather so many corpses...

And at that moment, Bai Mo eagerly wanted to know the secret of the burial place, and his intuition told him that the person behind the corpse knocking on the door might know something.

However, since that night, the incident of the corpse knocking on the door disappeared, and he found nothing, and he didn't even have time to verify the methods he summed up to prevent falling asleep.

Except for the incomplete diary, the person behind the scenes did not leave any clues, until a new discovery was made on the Beast Mountain.

...It seems that this guy is behind many incidents.

Sometimes Lu Zhan even thought that maybe even the incomplete diary was left on purpose by that guy to tease them.

He withdrew his thoughts and said solemnly: "In short, we must not give the grave guard a chance to wake up. The city prison project must continue."

The white ink in his memory gave him a strong sense of oppression, which he still remembers deeply.

"I don't understand. The higher-ups took Bai Mo away suddenly, why did they put him back all of a sudden? We haven't had time to do anything yet." Xia Yuxi frowned.

They had all discussed a series of plans, but who knew that before they had time to take action, they learned the news that Bai Mo was released, and they had deliberately waited here before.

"The council will not change the decision easily, maybe there is something to consider, or maybe this is part of their plan."

Lu Zhan said calmly, "But since the grave guards have returned to City No. [-], they will contact me sooner or later."

He knew that the Council only thought of him when there was a lack of men to do the drudgery.

At this time, Liu Qingqing, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened her eyes and said, "It is very likely that a miniature bomb was installed in the cell phone of the grave guard."

"What?" Xia Yuxi was taken aback.

"The tomb keeper's mobile phone was given to him by the bureau. It was first passed through me. It has multiple functions such as monitoring, tracking and positioning. It's a pity that it can't take effect in the restricted area, and the effect is useless."

Liu Qingqing explained, "I am familiar with his mobile phone, but just now, I noticed a slight change in the shell of the gravekeeper's mobile phone."

"After memory comparison, combined with various data in my memory, it is very likely that the cell phone of the grave guard has been disassembled and reinstalled-I suspect it is a bomb."

Xia Yuxi asked in a daze, "The change in the case of the phone could be because the phone was accidentally dropped..."

"will not."

Lu Zhan interrupted her and said in a solemn tone: "You don't know Qingqing yet. Her ability enables her to remember everything she has seen or heard. It can be said that she has mastered the 'factory settings' of a thing, and can do It makes a very effective comparison, and even has a retrospective effect."

"You can think of her as a humanoid database, and her judgment is basically infallible."

"Xu Han has always done things like this. It is normal to install a bomb." Chen Shi said at this time.

"Of course I know that. What I'm really worried about is the purpose of this bomb..."

Lu Zhan took a deep breath, his face serious.

"The purpose of the bomb they set up was to prevent the tomb guards from making mistakes... or to kill the tomb guards immediately?"

(End of this chapter)

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