Chapter 163
In fact, everyone didn't quite understand the prisoner's thoughts.

Knowing that the people in Dongyang City were staring at him closely, this guy actually didn't hide his words and deeds at all, as if he was afraid that others would not know.

In addition, the story he just told is also quite interesting. It happened to mention the secret store that everyone discussed not long ago. Everyone suspected that the abnormal behavior of the prisoner might be related to the secret store. , is the other party expressing this point?

Everyone knew very well that the prisoner's real name was Xu Heng, and this was also the name of the hero in his story.

Therefore, the ending of the story told by the prisoner at the end is a bit intriguing, and I don’t know if it has anything to do with the real reason for his imprisonment...

Anyway, if this guy really intends to escape from the control of Dongyang City, then his actions are more or less confident.

It's like urging Dongyang City to quickly arrange more people to guard the entrance of Equality Paradise.

However, at this moment, everyone in the monitoring room has no time to think about the prisoner.

Through the prisoner's perspective, they all saw the huge palm, and their expressions suddenly became extraordinarily exciting.

Just looking at the size of this palm, it is not difficult to guess how huge the owner of the palm is. If it is scaled up in proportion, the opponent's size can be described as covering the sky and blocking out the sun. It is not an exaggeration.

Even through the screen, everyone could feel the terrible threat from this palm, let alone confront it head-on. Those white pupils without pupils were full of indifference to life, which made people shudder.

Although the size of the body does not necessarily indicate the strength of a person, the strength of such a huge monster must not be so low.

After all, even the most delicate baby is enough to crush a mighty ant.

The most crucial point is, how did such a huge forbidden creature hide in Equality Paradise? Why did no one find it?
And if the expansion of the restricted zone is really irreversible, once this monster walks out of the Equality Paradise one day, the neighboring Dongyang City may suffer catastrophe.

And this is not just a problem that Dongyang City needs to worry about. The restricted area is a threat that everyone cannot avoid.

Thinking that there are so many restricted areas in the world, there must be more than one monster like this, and everyone is even more troubled.

After a brief silence, Yang Buwei suddenly said: "I suddenly agree with the previous point of view."

"What point of view?" Everyone was curious.

"The reason why the rules of the Paradise of Equality have changed may not be for any particular reason, but because its owner has changed—even if it doesn't have any extraordinary abilities, the owner of this palm can reach A level, not to mention that he has a high probability of possessing extraordinary abilities..."

Xue Hongyu took his words: "According to past research and analysis, it is impossible for C-level restricted areas to have existences that far exceed the level limit of their steles. I am more worried about whether he has his own thinking."

Whether monsters have sufficient thinking ability is a completely different matter for humans, and they only hope that the answer is no.

At this moment, Lu Zhan on the side said in a deep voice: "It is not uncommon to see taboo humanoid creatures with intelligence, and the practice of exceeding the limit of the stone tablet has long been broken."

Seeing everyone's suspicious gazes, he didn't make a fool of himself, and used concise language to express the special existence of the Silent Man in Silent Village, Yang Xiaowan and Mu in the Beast Mountain, and the old man in the coffin, as well as his own parts. guess.

According to his judgment, the strength of these people is far beyond the C-level existence, but the danger level of the restricted area is not high.

"Mr. Lu, I heard that you are the person who knows the tomb keeper best. What do you think about this?" Yang Buwei asked.

His tone was very peaceful, and he didn't feel condescending, and he didn't have the arrogance of being a member of parliament at all.

"I think these restricted areas are influenced by the grave keeper, every time he enters it seems to increase the danger level of the restricted area."

"You mean to say that any restricted area that the tomb keeper has entered will become abnormal. Is it because he gave birth to powerful restricted area creatures?" Jian Wugui asked.

"It's possible." Lu Zhan smiled wryly. "In the past, taboo creatures that could speak in human form were rarely encountered, but it seems that they can always be seen around the grave guard."

Hearing this, everyone showed a thoughtful look, and their faces were quite dignified.

Raising the upper limit of the monster's strength, is this the characteristic of the gravekeeper?

However, at this moment, Xue Hongyu, who had been deep in thought, suddenly said, "I have a different idea."

Jian Wugui said: "Tell me about it."

"Is there a possibility that it's not because the arrival of the tomb keeper has raised the strength of these forbidden creatures, but that they already have extraordinary combat power, and they are just dormant and waiting for someone to arrive?"

Lu Zhan was taken aback: "Why do you say that?"

"In my opinion, no matter how special the grave guard is, it is impossible for him to have the ability to raise the upper limit of a restricted area's strength out of thin air, let alone make him reach the level of existence in the video."

Everyone nodded slightly. The supernatural ability is not completely unreasonable. The ability to increase one's strength is indeed too unimaginable. The power of the palm owner may have nothing to do with Bai Mo's influence.

Xue Hongyu continued: "So I am more inclined to another point of view, that is, these restricted areas are very special, but they have been hidden all the time, and there must be a reason why they are gathered near Dongyang City."

"Isn't there a good reason?"

He Shang said carelessly, "The gravekeeper must have a home. His home is probably an S-level restricted area, and it is near Dongyang City, so of course these restricted areas exist for him..."

He froze as he spoke.

Because even he himself was a little unbelievable about this guess——

If all restricted areas exist only because of one person... Doesn't this mean that that person is the master of all restricted areas, the king of restricted areas?

"Perhaps the tomb keeper is even more special than we imagined." Yang Buwei said solemnly, "In this case, the reason why the tomb keeper's restricted area has become more dangerous than usual may not be because of his ability. , but those restricted creatures are planning to get rid of other irrelevant people!"


"Because of the characteristics of the gravekeeper, he does not allow abnormalities in front of him, so the creatures in the restricted area are removing those unstable factors."

Lu Zhan said in a low tone, "That's why I suggest not to do anything to the gravekeeper. He is very special, and he is very friendly to humans. If we can win his support, humans may be able to tide over the difficulties. "

Xu Han said, "Aren't we working hard to accomplish this kind of thing?"

"The support I'm talking about has nothing to do with 'manipulation'. Once there is a problem with your approach, it may only be counterproductive."

Lu Zhan knew that Xu Han was a woman with a strong desire to control, and the manipulation plan was undoubtedly inspired by the chamber, and her thoughts were difficult to change, so she could only pin her hopes on the members of the parliament.

"Show me the map of Dongyang City!" At this moment, Xue Hongyu suddenly patted his head, got up and said, "I want to see the location of these restricted areas!"

Xu Han didn't dare to neglect, and quickly called up the map of Dongyang City on the computer.

The world has changed drastically since the emergence of restricted areas, and new restricted areas are popping up from time to time, so the terrain of the safe zone is constantly changing, and the map needs to be updated frequently, and the map of the banning bureau is undoubtedly the latest.

She pointed to a corner of the map and said, "This is the location of Silent Village."

This is the information already recorded on the map, where there is a red dot marked with the words "Buyu Village".

She pointed to another marked location on the map: "This is Equality Paradise."

In the end, she pointed to the location of the Beast-Hiding Mountain. Since this was a restricted area that had just appeared recently, it hadn't been marked on the map in time, but she remembered the approximate location and drew a circle there.

"This is the Beast Mountain."

So far, the three restricted areas that are related to the cemetery and suspected to be problematic have all been marked on the map.

Everyone looked at it for two seconds, and their expressions suddenly froze—if you connect these three points in turn, you will find that this is actually an isosceles right triangle.

"Where is the restricted area where the grave guard is?" Yang Buwei asked hastily.

"This location."

Although Lu Zhan had never entered the restricted area where the tomb guards were, he had already figured out the location of the restricted area, so he quickly marked it on the map.

And as luck would have it, it happens to be the midpoint of the hypotenuse of the isosceles triangle.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

The three restricted areas just form a complete isosceles right triangle, and the restricted area where the gravekeeper is located is just in the center of the hypotenuse... Is this a coincidence?

Xue Hongyu pointed to another location on the map: "Is there a restricted area here?"

Everyone looked over and soon understood why she asked such a question.

If there is also a restricted area at that location, then the four points on the map can just enclose a square, and the restricted area where the grave guards are is guarded by them at the very center of the square.

This can no longer be explained by coincidence...

Just when everyone's hearts were trembling, Xu Han shook his head and said, "No, this place is a steep cliff, and there is no restricted area."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Xue Hongyu didn't speak, but kept thinking.

Her sensitivity to abnormalities and her ability to capture them were terrifying, which made everyone feel relieved.

"There is no restricted area? That's right..."

Since everyone was unclear, He Shang couldn't wait any longer, and asked directly: "Miss Xue, please explain clearly, why is it right?"

Xue Hongyu said: "As far as I know, the Silent Village appeared the earliest, and it was also the first restricted area where the tomb guards arrived. After he left, all the restricted creatures in the Silent Village disappeared without a trace."

"After Hidden Beast Mountain appeared in Buyu Village, the tomb guard ran in as soon as he appeared, and after he left, the entire restricted area disappeared except for the stone tablet."

"These two gravekeepers are considered to be the first batch of explorers, and after he left, either the creatures in the forbidden zone disappeared or the forbidden zone itself disappeared, as if they existed for the gravekeepers long ago. It's like a sexual copy..."

Lu Zhan was stunned, he didn't connect these two points together.

"As for the Paradise of Equality, although it has existed for a long time and appeared earlier than the Silent Village, the rules have only changed recently, which is completely different from before. After the change, it should belong to a brand new forbidden area, that is, the Time is the third restricted area, and it happens to be the third restricted area visited by the gravekeeper..."

"At present, we don't know whether Equality Paradise will change a lot after the cemetery guards left, but according to the time, the order of appearance of the restricted area can be regarded as Silent Village, Hidden Beast Mountain, and Equality Paradise. It is the order in which the gravekeepers visit..."

Yang Buwei suddenly realized: "You mean, the fourth point is not that there is no restricted area, but that it hasn't appeared yet?"

"That's right." Xue Hongyu pointed at the map, "If there is a restricted area in this position in a few days, it means that my guess is correct—all the actions of the grave guard have been planned long ago, and he will Step into these four restricted areas in turn to achieve a certain goal.”

Xu Han frowned: "It was planned a long time ago? But since the appearance of the tomb keeper, almost all actions have been promoted by us, including where did he get the plan to enter the restricted area?"


Lu Zhan was silent for a moment, then said in a serious tone, "What if our actions are also unknowingly pushed by some kind of force?"

He suddenly remembered the note from him on the Zheshou Mountain, and thought of the many coincidences on the Zheshou Mountain, and his heart was inexplicably heavy.

And after hearing his words, although there was no evidence, but for some reason, everyone was a little terrified.

If all the actions of myself and others are driven by inexplicable forces, what is the difference between them and puppets?
Xue Hongyu was still thinking about the grave guard: "If these restricted areas are indeed related to the grave guard, then I don't understand why the creatures in the restricted areas fear him so much."

"'Can't make it notice the abnormality' has never been the ability or characteristic of the gravekeeper, it's just a sentence, or an order."

"The reason why the creatures in the restricted area cooperate so much is because they instinctively obey this order, and if they don't obey, they will be wiped out—just like the guys who were killed by the palm of their hand before."

"Whose order?"

"Of course only the leader, or the king's order, can make everyone submit. In my opinion, the gravekeeper is that king."

The monitoring room was silent, and their intuition told them that there was nothing wrong with Xue Hongyu's analysis, but the more it was like this, the harder it was for them to get rid of the shock and doubt in their hearts——

Why did the gravekeeper order to avoid resuscitating himself?
What exactly will happen when he wakes up?
When exactly is the red envelope saying 'until that moment comes'?

Seeing that Bai Mo and the others on the screen were not doing anything important at this time, Xu Han said, "You don't need to spend too much effort thinking about it. In fact, we have a ready-made 'reference answer'."

"What answer?" Everyone was taken aback.

Xu Han didn't speak, but took a deep look at Lu Zhan.

The latter reacted instantly, raised his eyebrows and said, "Mu woke up?"

Everyone present suddenly realized that they all knew who Mu was. She had appeared in Beast-Helding Mountain, and was later arrested by an artist from City No. [-] of Dongyang City. She was suspected to have a close relationship with the grave guard and knew many secrets.

"Yes, awake."

"Didn't she escape?" Lu Zhan asked.

"No, the guy was pretty calm."

Speaking of this, Xu Han said a little displeased, "Besides, you are too underestimating the water dungeon in Dongyang City. You should be very clear about how safe the water dungeon is. It is more than enough to trap an A-level extraordinary person. "

Ke Mu's strength is likely to be more than A-level...

Lu Zhan said in his heart.

But since Mu has no plans to escape, and has not acted violently for the time being, maybe everyone really has the possibility to chat.

Xu Han acted vigorously and dialed a number directly, and a screen popped up on the screen soon.

The most conspicuous thing in the picture is a transparent container filled with blue liquid, in which a little girl in ragged clothes floats.

Seeing this, Lu Zhan frowned and said, "I can understand that you trapped Mu with a water dungeon, but why didn't you equip her with an oxygen mask?"

Xu Han glanced at him: "What's the hurry, this guy has the ability to breathe underwater."

Having said that, Lu Zhan actually knew very well in his heart that Xu Han absolutely didn't know about Mu's ability at first, but it was verified through "practical exercises".

He looked at the screen. The girl on the screen looked calm, with a mature face that did not match her age. A pair of blood-colored eyes stared at the screen, looking at everyone in the monitoring room.

Obviously, there is also a screen in front of Mu, which clearly shows the appearance of everyone in the surveillance room.

"See you again so soon."

After a moment of silence, the girl spoke lightly, making a clear and clear childish voice. There was no emotion in her voice, as if she didn't care about her current situation at all.

Lu Zhan knew that Mu's words were meant for himself, because he was the only one present who had met Mu.

He didn't know how to speak for a while, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect to meet you again in this way."

Lu Zhan spoke from his heart.

No matter from which point of view, he is opposed to Xu Han's rash arrest of Mu, because this is completely forcing the other party to go to the opposite side of human beings.

However, since the incident had already happened, there was no reason for him to ask Xu Han to put Mu back. After all, the other party was a forbidden creature, and from a standpoint, they were indeed enemies.

"I didn't think of that, but it doesn't matter."

Mu didn't seem to care about her situation, her voice was calm, "Can you tell me where this is?"

"This is the water prison in Dongyang City."

Xu Han answered before Lu Zhan, "I think you need to understand your situation first, you are our prisoner now."

Mu looked at her and didn't speak.

"Don't try to resist. The liquid in the container can greatly increase your physical exertion, keep you in a weak state, and greatly increase your pain, so as to increase the fun of the interrogation."

After a pause, Xu Han continued, "And as long as I want, this liquid can turn into deadly venom at any time, making your life worse than death, so I hope you can cooperate honestly and answer our questions well."

Xu Han has always been strong towards prisoners, and she has already regarded this interrogation as an interrogation. In the situation where the other party's attitude is not yet clear, this approach is actually a bit aggressive.

This made Lu Zhan frown slightly, Xu Han must have taken the wrong medicine, how could he be so irrational on weekdays?

Of course he didn't know that Xu Han's behavior had something to do with him.

Xu Han had a close relationship with the artist. After learning of the artist's death, although she was calm on the surface, she was actually very uncomfortable in her heart.

Lu Zhan had previously speculated that the death of the artist might have something to do with the revenge for arresting Mu. Although Xu Han felt that there was no relationship between the two events, he still couldn't help but want to vent his anger on this girl.

The others just watched, and seemed to have no intention of making a sound.

"Of course, if you cooperate enough, I think we can get along very well."

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, Xu Han's tone was a little slow, trying to get Mu to speak up.

But Mu still didn't speak. If she hadn't greeted Lu Zhan before, everyone might have thought the girl was dumb.

Lu Zhan knew very well that this girl would only say what she wanted to say, and would never say what she didn't want to say.

As for this kind of prisoner, Xu Han can be said to have always loved and hated it. After all, if the prisoner's mouth is too loose, she will not be able to practice her favorite torture technique.

Seeing that Mu was so uncooperative, she poker-faced, dialed the number lightly, and said a word into the phone.

"Give her some ingredients to try."

Lu Zhan knew what this meant, and quickly stopped him: "Don't torture, let me communicate with her!"

However it was too late.

As Xu Han's voice fell, the liquid in the container containing Mu suddenly began to tumbling, as if boiling water seemed to be boiling.

This is no longer as simple as adding some ingredients. At this time, the temperature of the solution is extremely high, accompanied by a paralyzing feeling of electric current, which is equivalent to Mu suffering from high temperature and electric shock at the same time.

Under normal conditions, this penalty solution can increase a person's pain perception to about five times the normal pain perception, and that kind of pain is simply unbearable for ordinary people.

"Xu Han!" Lu Zhan shouted loudly.

Xu Han understood what he meant, but he was unmoved, and wrote lightly: "Don't worry, I've tested it a long time ago, she can bear it."

What's the meaning?Has this guy tortured Mu before?

Lu Zhan was startled, and quickly looked at the girl, only to see that the girl's expression was normal, the contrast between the calm expression and the boiling solution was sharp, as if she didn't feel any pain at all.

But her body was slightly reddened, obviously she was suffering from the high temperature, and she just endured it.

"I told you, she can bear it." Xu Han said lightly.

"It's not a question of whether you can bear it at all! You understand, we are not interrogating now, and Mu is not your prisoner, put away your tricks!"

Xu Han smiled sarcastically: "You have to figure it out, Lu Zhan, I am your superior, don't talk to me in this tone."

Seeing that the two were about to have a dispute, Mu still didn't say a word, and looked at the crowd calmly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"This time is indeed not an interrogation, there is no need to use interrogation methods."

At this moment, Jian Wugui walked to the screen, motioned Xu Han to leave, and said, "Let me ask."


Xu Han stepped aside, and as she left, the boiling solution quickly calmed down.

Jian Wugui and Mu looked at each other, the girl looked terribly calm, as if she didn't care about the torture just now.

He thought for a moment, but before he could ask the question, Mu, who was opposite him, asked first: "How many people like you are there in this world?"

"What does 'someone like me' refer to?" Jian Wugui asked holding the scabbard.

"Of course it's strength."

Hearing this, He Shang, who was on the sofa not far away, was amused, and couldn't help complaining: "Good guy, is this guy blatantly spying on the enemy's situation?"

Mu glanced at him, but didn't hide anything, and replied: "In terms of the enemy's situation... it can indeed be understood in this way."

Everyone's heart sank when they heard the words, and He Shang also suppressed his smile. Is the other party spying on human beings for the restricted area?
But Jian Wugui realized that this might also be an opportunity to inquire about the restricted area.

"You said spying on the enemy's situation... Is the force you represent a restricted area?" he asked.

"I don't represent anyone, but I can tell you that your enemy is indeed a restricted area, there is no need to doubt that." Mu said, "Then it's time for you to answer my question."

Jian Wugui remembered the other party's question, and replied: "There are about twenty people in the world with my strength."

He was serious, but everyone knew that this guy was just talking nonsense.

As the director of the Judgment Department of the Parliament, Jian Wugui's strength has reached the peak of human beings. Let alone others who have reached his strength, it is hard to say whether there are twenty S-level transcendents in the entire safety zone.

But everyone tacitly did not expose him, after all, there is no need to be so honest when facing the enemy.

"not enough."

They watched Mu's expression, but saw that the girl suddenly shook her head calmly, as if a little disappointed, and said, "If that's the case, you have no chance of winning at all."

Everyone was completely shocked. Is this girl joking? Even the exaggerated combat power has no chance of winning. How many terrifying existences are there in the restricted area?

Yang Buwei remained calm, pointed at Jian Wugui and asked, "Then please tell me, how many people like him are there in the restricted area?"

Mu didn't answer, thought for a while and said: "How about this, I will give each of you a chance to ask a question, but in exchange, you have to answer one of my questions separately, of course, we can choose not to answer if we don't want to answer." Reply."

Xu Han said coldly: "About terms? What do you think of yourself?"

As she said that, she was going to have someone activate the switch of the penalty solution. This time, she wanted to adjust the pain to ten times.

However, Yang Buwei stopped her action, looked at Mu and nodded and said: "Okay, I will do as you said, now you can answer my question just now, how is the combat power in the restricted area?"

Mu Sisuo said: "I don't know too well, too long time has passed, everything in the forbidden zone is changing, there are fall and new life, but there must be far more than twenty existences like this guy... a rough estimate , probably twice as much as yours."

More than double?
Wouldn't that be close to fifty S ranks?What a joke!
Everyone's hearts trembled, Xu Han questioned, "Are you sure you're not lying?"

"I don't need to lie." Mu shook his head and said, "Okay, now it's my turn to ask—what's your attitude towards the restricted area?"

"A mortal enemy." Yang Buwei replied without hesitation.

Wen Yanmu just nodded without any change in expression, nor did he make any comments.

At this moment, Jian Wugui raised his own question: "What exactly is the restricted area?"

Mu didn't speak, obviously unwilling to answer.

So he changed the question: "Why did the restricted area appear?"

Twilight still didn't answer.

"What's your relationship with the gravekeeper?"

After changing several questions, Mu finally spoke this time, and she replied, "Bai Mo's code name is 'Tomb Keeper', and my code name is 'Tomb'. What do you think we are related to?"

Everyone was taken aback, didn't we ask you, why did you ask back?
Gravekeeper, tomb...

Isn't this the fucking internet name of a contemporary couple!

There are many similar ones, such as Hoe Wo and Dang Wu, Bow and Big Eagle, Square and Formula, Class President and School Committee...

He Shang looked at Mu's petite body with a strange expression for a while, and then yelled, "Damn, are you a couple?"

If this is the case, then I have to say, this tomb keeper is really tortured...

Mu shook his head, and said in a sentimental tone, "No, I'm his follower—well, it's time for me to ask again."

Without giving everyone a chance to think, she continued, "What's your attitude towards the gravekeeper?"

Jian Wugui calmly said: "The enemy."

Twilight nodded.

What she asked seemed to be innocuous questions, and she couldn't see any clues on her face, and she didn't know the meaning of asking.

After Jian Wugui finished asking, Xue Hongyu pointed to the map on the screen and asked, "Are these four restricted areas arranged by you?"

Mu Jingjing looked at it for a while, and for the first time a bit of surprise appeared on her face: "Have all the four restricted areas near the Dead Country Cemetery appeared?"

Dead Country Cemetery?It should be the name of the restricted area where the tomb guard is... Everyone thought.

"No, only three appeared."

"Three? Still too fast..."

Mu thought for a moment, then said, "It seems that fate left behind, he actually pushed forward the progress quietly, it seems that your time is running out."

"Who is Destiny?" Xue Hongyu asked.

"This is already the second question."

"But you haven't answered my first question yet."

"That's right." Mu said, "You're very smart. These four restricted areas are indeed our arrangement, but as I said, someone pushed the progress of the plan, causing it to deviate from our expectations."

She said here and didn't continue, but Xue Hongyu was thoughtful.

Then it was Xu Han's turn to ask questions, and she asked, "Who is fate?"

Since Xue Hongyu had used up her chance to ask the question, she could ask the question for her, which happened to be what everyone cared about.

"Fate is fate, he can move everything, but it is difficult to detect - as you think, he is alive."

Everyone was terrified, but Lu Zhan's guess was actually true!
Could it be that someone really pushed their destiny, thereby interfering with the plans of the gravekeepers?
Is the opponent friend or foe?

While everyone was thinking, Mu asked another question that seemed insignificant to everyone.

He Shang tried to ask about the topic of fate, but Mu didn't seem to want to answer any more, so he finally had to retreat and ask, "What are you?"

"Me?" Mu thought about it seriously, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, in your terms, it's a taboo creature, after all, it's definitely not a human being—and what about you, what are you?"

"Of course I'm human." He Shang looked at the girl inexplicably.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Xiao did not seem to be qualified to ask questions, so the last person to ask questions was Lu Zhan.

He didn't hesitate too much, and asked directly: "The red envelope says that the gravekeeper will not wake up until 'that moment', what moment does that refer to?"

"do not know."

Faced with this answer, Lu Zhan's heart moved. The other party did not express doubts about the red envelope. Did the other party know about the existence of this thing?
He asked again: "Then why can't the gravekeeper be revived?"

"This can't be said, there are many things that you humans need to explore by yourself."

"Is the restricted area where the cemetery keeper is located a restricted area above S level?" This is something Lu Zhan is more concerned about.

"Of course not. Dead Country Cemetery has never been a restricted area. In fact, many places are special not because of themselves, but because of who is standing there..."

"On this point, I can tell you his exact words - 'I'm in a restricted area.'"

The place to stand is the restricted area...

Everyone's hearts trembled inexplicably, what kind of existence could say such words?

After a pause, Mu looked at Lu Zhan and asked his own question: "What is your attitude towards the gravekeeper?"

Lu Zhan thought about it seriously: "If possible, we might be friends."

He didn't care about other people's eyes, this was his true thought.

"is it?"

Mu took a deep look at Lu Zhan, but remained silent as before.

By this point, everyone had asked their own questions, and the Q&A session seemed to be coming to an end.

At this moment, Lu Zhan suddenly asked, "Can I ask you another question?"

Mu was silent for a moment, then replied: "That depends on what the problem is."

Lu Zhan asked, "Will we be enemies in the future?"

Mu shook his head: "Enemies and friends...this kind of thing never depends on me."

Lu Zhan's heart skipped a beat: "Is it up to us?"

"No." Mu still shook his head, and said every word, "Everything about us depends on him."

"His will is our will, even if he dies, he will not regret it."

(End of this chapter)

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