Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 103 Unscrupulous Master and Apprentice

Chapter 103 Unscrupulous Master and Apprentice
"Sir, are you all right?"

The smoke and dust were still filling the sky, and Ying Ning couldn't wait to run to Zhou Yu with a concerned expression on his face.

It's really not in vain to hurt this girl.

With a loving face, Zhou Yu stretched out one hand and hugged Ying Ning into his arms, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, sir is fine."

"What about the old guy?"


"Underground?" Ying Ning was stunned.

Zhou Yu nodded: "Well, that old guy wanted to run away, but was stabbed to death by a sword qi of mine, so he wouldn't have to bury him again."

Upon hearing this, Ying Ning couldn't help but giggled and said, "That's great, now sir, you don't have to worry about the future."

"No, Ying Ning, this old guy is just running errands, and the real mastermind behind the scenes is the Old Demon of Montenegro!"


Hearing this, Ying Ning couldn't help being taken aback.

"Go back first, this is not a place to talk..."

After leaving Montenegro, Zhou Yu explained the cause and effect.

After hearing the reason, Ying Ning frowned tightly, with a worried look on his face: "Sir, if it's really the old Montenegro demon, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome.

The old demon hid in the underworld and did not show up. Maybe he would send some little ghosts and demons out to make a fuss, so the gentleman would be passive. "

Zhou Yu said coldly: "So, I decided to take the initiative."

"Sir, what do you mean... you want to travel through the world of Yin and Yang to deal with the old demon of Montenegro?"

Zhou Yu nodded solemnly: "Only in this way can it be done once and for all. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if there is no such thing, the Black Mountain Old Demon is still a huge hidden danger after all."


Ying Ning hesitated to speak.

Zhou Yu smiled and patted Ying Ning's head. He knew what Ying Ning wanted to say, but it was difficult to say it.

"Ying Ning, you're worried that Mister won't be able to defeat the old Black Mountain demon, right?"

"Hee hee..." Ying Ning smiled shyly.

"Don't worry, sir is not a blind and confident person. Last time I dealt with the tree demon, I made complete preparations, and this time it is the same."

"Do you mean to ask for help, sir?"

"Necessary... You think, the dryad's thousand-year morality is still submissive to the old Heishan demon, so it can be seen that the old Heishan demon's morality is much higher.

It's a pity that heroes Yan and Zhiqiu are not here. It would be much easier if they were there. "

"Then let's find a way to get in touch. It's not difficult to think about it."

"Forget it. Hero Yan is still in seclusion, so it's inconvenient to disturb me. I have another way, to find you, Sister Min'er."

Ying Ning patted his forehead with a dazed expression: "That's right, why did I forget Miss Min'er..."

Two days later, Zhou Yu set off for Taizhou.

In fact, he can contact Bai Min'er in a special way: talisman paper crane.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the talisman paper crane is also called the communication talisman, which belongs to a special kind of talisman, a bit like a flying pigeon passing a book.

It's just that the talisman paper crane does not need to be tailored, after the spell is cast, the talisman can turn into a paper crane and escape away at an extremely fast speed.

In fact, there are still many communication methods in the world of cultivating immortals, and the talisman paper crane can only be regarded as an entry-level type.

High-end ones may also hear the other party's voice or even see the other party's image.

Of course, that requires someone with extremely high cultivation to do it.

The reason why Zhou Yu didn't use Fu Zhihe to send a message was because the matter was very important, and it was better to speak face to face.

Moreover, he and Bai Min'er had already established a relationship as a couple, so he had to pay a visit to Lingbo faction in person to show his sincerity.

When it was getting dark that day, Zhou Yu arrived in Taizhou, which is not too far from Lingbo Sect, at most a hundred li.


While walking, Zhou Yu suddenly found a village.

It is not surprising that there are villages, the main reason is that the sky is not yet completely dark, the villages are already brightly lit, and looking from above, those lights are distributed regularly, faintly combined into a strange pattern.

Zhou Yu couldn't say exactly what kind of pattern it was, but it felt a bit like some kind of sacrificial activity.

Out of curiosity, Zhou Yu couldn't help but jumped down the hillside and ran all the way to the village at the foot of the hill.

When we arrived at the entrance of the village, we found that a large pile of firewood had been piled up in the open space of the village, on which were placed two male corpses, two women and three children were kneeling on the ground and weeping heartbrokenly.

Many villagers surrounded them, each with different expressions...

Not far from the fire, a platform was set up, on which sat cross-legged a young man with short hair and dressed in Jianghu costumes, sitting cross-legged on the ground, with his eyes slightly closed, his palms folded and he didn't know what to mutter.

Judging from his posture, he looks like a Buddhist disciple, but his clothes are obviously not.

Zhou Yu did not show up for the time being, but hid in the dark to observe.Because, when he was up there, he had a faint feeling that something was wrong with this village...


After waiting for about a cup of tea, the short-haired man opened his eyes and gave a soft drink.

"Quick, light the fire."

An old man in the village gave another order to several villagers.


Several villagers came forward with torches to light the fire.

The raging fire lit up the sky, and the family members kneeling on the ground cried even more heartbreakingly, and many villagers standing around wiped away their tears.

At the same time, some villagers were whispering.

Although their communication was very quiet, Zhou Yu still got a rough idea of ​​it.

Sure enough, as he expected, there is indeed something strange in this village... a demon haunts it.

The two cremated men were the victims, and they were not the first batch. Five adult men had already died one after another.

When the cremation was almost finished, the short-haired man stepped off the stage, walked around the fire twice, and muttered a few words.

Finally, he yawned, and lazily said to the old man standing beside him: "Village chief, I'll go to rest first, and you will arrange for the two family members to come over later, and I will pray for them as soon as possible, so as not to affect the family members. other villagers."

The village chief nodded and bowed, and said flatteringly, "Yes, yes, thank you for your hard work, little master..."

After waiting for about one stick of incense, the village chief took the two women who were kneeling on the ground before to a small courtyard at the west end of the village.

"Little master, little master, someone brought it here..."

The village chief knocked on the door and called out.

"Well, let them in."

"Hey... you two hurry up and let the little master do a magic trick for you to eliminate the disaster."

The two women wept and nodded, pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.

A light was on in a room on the east side of the courtyard, and the door was open.

"Meet the little master..."

Entering the room, the two women greeted each other with a salute.

The reason why the villagers call this young man a little master is because he also has a master, known as Master Wan.

At present, demons are raging in several nearby villages, so the master and apprentice split up and take turns opening altars in several villages to suppress demons, exorcise evil spirits, and pray for blessings...

If Zhou Yu hadn't happened to pass by here, if he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, how many people would have been deceived by this pair of master and apprentice...

"Well, this is the talisman water I made myself. You two drink it first, and then cast the spell."


The two women didn't have the slightest suspicion at all, they raised the so-called talisman water and drank it clean.

"Okay, you two sit down first and wait for me to ward off disasters and pray for you..."

In the beginning, this guy looked decent, putting his hand on top of the woman's head, muttering something.

But after a while, the original shape was revealed, and the hand placed on the top of the head slowly moved down, reaching where it shouldn't be...

The strange thing is that the two women didn't resist, but blushed, closed their eyes slightly, and seemed to enjoy it very much.

Speaking of which, these two women look mediocre, the kind of ordinary village women who are neither beautiful nor ugly.

However, the short-haired man still enjoyed it, and began to take off the other's clothes...

Unexpectedly, as soon as a button was unbuttoned, there was a light in the room, and then I felt my body stiffen, maintaining the previous posture like a clay sculpture.

The one who made the move was naturally Zhou Yu.

He has been observing outside, wanting to see what kind of tricks this guy is playing.

As a result... such indecent methods were used.

The two women still closed their eyes slightly, their faces were hot, and there was an indescribable sound from their mouths, as if they were suffering.

Obviously, there was something wrong with the talisman water they drank before.

"Pfft, puff..."

Zhou Yu raised his finger and flicked it twice, making the two women faint, lest they do something uncontrollable.

"You... who are you?"

Although the short-haired man couldn't move, he could speak, and asked tremblingly with a frightened look.

Zhou Yu responded lazily, and directly used means to extract a confession...

Coupled with the skill of "Tongue Blossoming Lotus", it quickly caused the other party's mental breakdown and confessed everything truthfully.

After hearing the reason, Zhou Yu couldn't help being surprised.

The demon incidents in the vicinity are indeed true, but this guy and his master are not really helping the people catch demons, but are helping the evildoers.

The short-haired man's name is Wang San, and his master's name is Luo Lin, known as Master Luo.

Luo Lin was a monk in a temple in his early years and learned some skills. Later, he was expelled for repeatedly violating temple regulations.

Afterwards, Luo Lin met Wang San when he was wandering around the rivers and lakes, and he accepted him as his disciple when he saw that he had a bit of talent.

The master and the apprentice are not good birds, they are greedy for money, gambling, lust... It can be said that they have similar tastes.

The demon incident started about a month ago.

Early that morning, a woman in Liugou Village woke up and found that her husband, Er Zhuang, was not by her pillow.

At first she didn't pay attention, thinking that her husband got up early to work or relieve himself or something.

After staring for a while, she also got up to take a urinate, only to find her husband's dead body by the latrine...

It wasn't until people from the village rushed over that they realized that Er Zhuang's death was very strange, that he was naked.

Even if you wake up at night to urinate, you can't even wear a pair of trousers, right?Not to mention it's still winter.

Anyone with a little experience can see that he has experienced an indescribable fierce battle before his death.

What's important is that Er Zhuang's expression is quite strange, his eyes are wide open, there is a kind of joy that is extremely happy, and there is also a kind of fear that is extremely frightening.

The combination of the two diametrically opposed expressions made it even more terrifying.

At the beginning, no one dared to say more and guess more.

It wasn't until after the village chief came that he said that Er Zhuang was most likely bewitched by the goblin to appear in such a strange state.

Next, similar strange incidents happened one after another in several neighboring villages.

And not only people, but also livestock such as cows, pigs, and dogs in some villagers' homes were sucked dry by something.

As a result, the villagers in Liugou Village suddenly fell into panic.

Several village chiefs got together to discuss it, and decided to call the villagers to pool a sum of money to invite an expert to come and catch the monster.

Coincidentally, at this time Luo Lin's master and apprentice came... Actually, it's not a coincidence, but the master and apprentice heard someone mentioning the haunting of monsters in Liugou Village in a tea shed, so they came here on purpose.

Of course, with the virtues of their masters and apprentices, they are not here to do justice for the sky, but to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

If it's just a little bit of money, it's fine, it's the villagers who spend money to buy peace.

The point is that this pair of master and apprentice are devoid of conscience. Once they find out that there is a prettier girl or daughter-in-law in the village, they will definitely find a way to get them.

Wang San couldn't compete with his master, so he simply lowered the standard. As long as he is not ugly, he can speak...

The two masters and apprentices came to Liugou Village to show their talents, and immediately surprised the villagers, thinking that they had found a real expert, and there was hope for eliminating demons.

After careful study, Luo Lin did have some real skills, and he had no problem dealing with ordinary demons and ghosts.

Little did he know that this time he encountered a hard stubble.

After negotiating the remuneration with the villagers, the master and apprentice judged from various clues that the demon of disaster was in the Yazui Mountain on the east side, and after some preparations, they went into the mountain to catch the demon.

In the end, it never occurred to her that the demon was not caught, and the master and apprentice were almost buried in the demon's belly...

It was a banshee, and its body was a giant cockroach spirit that was bigger than a cow.

The two master and apprentice teamed up and tried their best, but still suffered a big loss.

Seeing that he could not escape, Luo Lin actually knelt down and begged for mercy loudly in order to survive, saying that he was willing to submit to the other party...

In the end, the master and the apprentice were lucky enough to survive, but the cockroach spirit cast a special spell, turning the master and the apprentice into its slaves...

Hearing this, Zhou Yu couldn't help but ask in a cold voice: "Since you haven't caught the demon, how can those common people trust you?"

"Master and I caught a little monster to make up for it... and then half-truthed and half-hypothesized that there was a big monster in the mountain. Once the big monster appeared, blood would flow into a river for a hundred miles around..."

Hearing this, Zhou Yu almost understood the routine of the master and apprentice.

First exaggerated to scare the people, but secretly looking for some strong men for the cockroach to absorb vitality and practice.

On the contrary, the common people are grateful to the master and apprentice for sitting here.

It is better to kill a few people than to kill the whole village... Generally speaking, most of the people have this kind of mentality.

"Senior, I have confessed everything that needs to be explained, please let me escape..."

Zhou Yu said coldly: "A way of life? Then why did you two, master and apprentice, give the villagers a way of life?
It's all right to live by stealth, but to do such a heartless thing..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yu subconsciously glanced at the two sleeping village women.

If he hadn't made the move, would the result still need to be said?Definitely ruined by this guy.

"Senior, I know I was wrong, and I will definitely..."

Before this guy could finish speaking, Zhou Yu pointed out: "Giving you a whole corpse is already the utmost kindness."


Wang San's eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground.

Next, Zhou Yu took out the silver needles and pricked the two village women's body a few times, which finally calmed down their breathing.

When the two of them woke up, they found that Wang San was gone.

However, the two village women didn't think much about it, they only thought that Wang San had finished casting the spell.

At this time, Zhou Yu had already rushed out of the village, ready to deal with Luo Lin...

(End of this chapter)

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