Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 107 The Palace of the King

Chapter 107 Hall of Ten Kings

"Diamond Seal!"

Just as the Black Mountain old demon broke free from Jin Zhong's shackles, he ushered in another big move from Liao Zhen.

"Well, well, boom, wind, fire, thunder and lightning..."

"Heaven and earth are boundless, and the universe borrows the law..."

Immediately afterwards, Zhiqiu Yiye, Bai Min'er, and Caiyi also used their big moves to attack the old Black Mountain demon.

The Black Mountain old demon had already been severely injured, and now it was even worse. He completely lost the ability to fight back and only wanted to escape for his life.

Once the fighting spirit is lost, the end is even more tragic.

"Arrogance Slash!"

The strength of Zhou Yu's whole body exploded, and the sword energy condensed into a huge sword shadow, which was slashed down heavily with the momentum of thunder...


There was a huge bang.

Smoke and dust splashed, mixed with the rain of blood all over the sky and the miserable howl of the old Montenegro demon.

This sword cut off an arm of the Black Mountain Old Demon.

"The evildoer will die!"

Master Baimei made another big move, with a huge palm under her hood...

"Boom boom boom..."

After a burst of intense movement, the old Black Mountain demon collapsed, his mind and soul completely extinguished.

At this moment, Zhou Yu finally let out a long sigh of relief.

After exterminating the tree demon grandma and the old Heishan demon, from now on, there will be no more big monsters in Heishan and even the entire Guobei County, and there will be no threat to him.

If some little demons and ghosts don't make trouble, it's fine. If they dare to make trouble... then they are looking for death.

After returning to Montenegro, Zhou Yu found that the environment here had also undergone subtle changes, with a little more vitality.

"Thank you for your help!"

Zhou Yu bowed his hands sincerely to Master Baimei, Zhi Qiu Yiye and others.

Master Baimei smiled and said: "From now on, we will be a family, Mr. Zhou, you don't need to be polite."

Zhiqiu also waved his hands cheerfully: "Everyone, friends, you should help... By the way, what does senior mean by saying that we will be a family in the future? Could it be that Lord Hou wants to join the Lingbo sect?"

"No, it's Min'er who won't stay..."

Master Baimei glanced at Bai Min'er, with a trace of reluctance in her eyes.

After all, Min'er was brought up by her alone. She is not only a master, but also has a kind of mother-daughter affection.

"Master..." Bai Min'er stomped her feet and said angrily.

"Hahaha, I see, it turns out that Master Hou and Miss Min'er are planning to get married, and they will indeed be a family from now on.

By the way, when is the wedding date?Be sure to notify the next. "

Zhou Yu glanced at the blushing Bai Miner with a smile, and then said to Zhiqiu: "It must be, the wedding date is not yet fixed, and it is almost the end of the new year. We will choose a date after the new year."

"It's a deal, then I'll just wait for the wedding wine, hahaha!"

As soon as the Montenegro old demon was eliminated, the news quickly spread.

For the people in Guobei County, this is undoubtedly an exciting and happy event. After all, Montenegro has a long-standing reputation, and the people will feel chills when they mention Montenegro.

Now, the two thousand-year-old demons entrenched in Montenegro have all been wiped out, and the people naturally feel at ease.

The people in Heishan Town even set off firecrackers with lanterns and festoons, making it as lively as New Year's Eve.

Relatively speaking, their feelings are the deepest.

In the past, Heishan Town could be said to be in dire straits, not only to guard against ghosts and ghosts, but also to guard against all kinds of bandits and robbers.

Now, after several times of large-scale siege by the government, the bandits from all sides in Heishan Town have died, been arrested, and fled, and it has become much more peaceful.

There is also Lanruo Temple, which also began to be rebuilt with the strong support of the county government and a group of squires.

Because of this, Zhou Yu's prestige in Guobei County has reached a new high, and many people even worship him as a god...

There are also some people who volunteer to come to the academy under construction to help with some chores regardless of pay.

As for Zhou Yu, after solving the hidden dangers of Montenegro, he also began to calm down, and began to focus on tutoring a few students who were going to Beijing to take the exam in the spring.

The general examination is the highest standard of the imperial examination. It is usually held in March of the next year after the rural examination, so it is also called the spring examination or spring examination.

Once admitted to the list, they will be called Gongshi.

Then you have to take the palace test.However, the Palace Examination is only for ranking and will not be eliminated under normal circumstances.

The ranking is divided into three grades, that is, the top three.

The most beautiful one is of course Yijia, which is awarded Jinshi and the first place. Yijia only admits three, No.1 is the champion, No.2 is the second place, and No.3 is the candidate.

Next is the Erjia, who is given a Jinshi background, and the Sanjia is bestowed with a Jinshi background.

All in all, once you pass the general examination, even if you don't perform well in the palace examination, you will be ranked last, you will be a Jinshi, and you will be qualified to be an official.

As the end of the year approaches day by day, some students from other places begin to return to their hometowns for the New Year.


Lingyang County.

Zhu Erdan rushed to the backyard excitedly, and shouted loudly: "My lady, I'm back!"

As soon as the voice fell, a woman in the wing came out in surprise: "Sir, why didn't you write a letter in advance?"

She is Zhu Erdan's wife Zhuo Shi, nicknamed Feng'er.

"Hey, didn't I want to give you a surprise?"

It is said that a small farewell is better than a newlywed, not to mention that the husband and wife have not seen each other for several months, so Zhu Erdan couldn't help but go forward, and as soon as he hugged his wife tightly, he wanted to run into the room.

"Sir, what are you doing..."

Zhuo's face was blushing, and he kept twisting his body.

She can naturally guess what Xianggong's intentions are, although she also wants to... but in broad daylight...

As expected, at this moment, an old man came over and coughed heavily.


Zhuo hurriedly broke free from her husband's embrace and greeted her with a blushing face.

Zhu Erdan was also a little embarrassed, coughed lightly and came forward to greet him: "Father, how is your health?"


"That's fine, that's fine."

"You guy, why didn't you write a letter in advance when you came back?"

"This... isn't this a temporary decision to start..."

"Hahaha, it's good to be back! Ah Yue, go and buy some good wine and food and come back."

"Yes, sir."

Ah Yue is the only maid in the Zhu family. Although she is a maid, the whole family treats her like a family member and let her eat together at the table.

After all, it's not a wealthy family, and there are not so many rules and particularities.

Needless to say, the husband and wife had some fun that night.

In the morning of the next day, Zhu Erdan changed into new clothes, looked radiant and left the house, ready to go for a stroll in the street, and in the afternoon, he went to meet some friends to catch up with each other.

Coincidentally, I ran into a good friend named Tang Youzong not long after I was shopping in the street.

"Brother Tang, are you safe?"

"Huh? Erdan? When did you come back? Why didn't you notify everyone?"

"Haha, I just got home yesterday, and I'm planning to have a drink with you guys this afternoon."

"Great, Brother Fang and Brother Chang have been talking about you for a long time..."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go and find Brother Fang first."

Zhu Erdan didn't care about shopping anymore, and together with Tang Youzong, he first went to find another friend, Fang Yu.

At the beginning, after learning that Zhu Erdan had joined Zhou Yu's sect, Tang Youzong, Fang Yu, and Chang Baishan also made an appointment to go to Guobei County, also wanting to join.

As a result, he was turned away.

At first they couldn't figure it out, after all, they had a sense of superiority in front of Zhu Erdan.

Just as the teacher of the academy where Zhu Erdan studied said before, Zhu Erdan was very reluctant to pass the exam as a child student, so don't expect to be a scholar in this life.

Who knows that reality hits the face!

Zhu Erdan went to Guobei County to pay homage to Zhou Yu's family, passed the government examination that year, and officially became a scholar.

"Brother Fang, is Brother Fang at home?"

When he came to Fang Yu's house, Zhu Erdan asked loudly while knocking on the courtyard door.


A woman's voice sounded in the courtyard.

Soon, the courtyard door opened, and Fang Yu's wife, Mrs. Zhang, warmly welcomed them into the courtyard.

"Master Zhu, when did you come back?"

"I just got home yesterday afternoon, no, I'm here to catch up with Brother Fang."

"Oh, what a coincidence, Fang not feeling well, and is lying on the bed."

"Ah? What's wrong, Brother Fang?"

"The doctor has seen it and said that he has suffered from wind and cold, and he also has some symptoms of weakness and night sweats..."

"Then you have to hurry up and take the medicine. The wind-cold disease is not serious, but it is not small. You can't be sloppy."

"Well, I have taken medicine before."

While speaking, he came to the door of the room.

Mrs. Zhang pushed open the door: "Master, Mr. Zhu and Mr. Tang see you coming."

"Erdan? When did you come back?"

Fang Yu sat up with surprise on his face.

"I just came back yesterday...Brother Fang, your face looks a bit wrong..."

Zhu Erdan couldn't help but pushed open the window and looked carefully.

Fang Yu smiled bitterly and said, "I've been lying down for two days, and I haven't eaten much, how did my complexion get better?"

"No, no, it's different..." Zhu Erdan shook his head, and then said: "Forget it, maybe I'm worrying too much..."

Next, the three sat in the room and chatted.

"Brother Erdan, you are blessed now. Now, the Marquis of Jing'an is becoming more and more famous, and it is becoming more and more difficult to become his student..."

"I heard that the Marquis of Jing'an recently teamed up with someone to kill a thousand-year-old demon. Is it true?"

"Of course it's true. The old monster is hiding in the black mountain, only three or four miles away from the academy under construction. Of course, the master is worried, so he invited a few experts to destroy the old monster..."

The topic revolved around Zhou Yu for a while, and Zhu Erdan couldn't help asking about Fang Yu and Tang Youzong's recent situation.

While chatting, Fang Yu got carried away for a moment and said, "To tell you the truth, my younger brother met a wonderful person recently..."

Tang Youzong was stunned: "Wonderful man? Why don't I know?"

"Hey, I forgot to tell you..."

Tang Youzong's eyes were unkind and he said, "I'm afraid it's not because I forgot, but because I deliberately kept it from you. I'm afraid I'll rob you of your sweetheart, right?"

"It's not like that, in fact, Yan'er... is a prostitute herself."

"Oh? Which brothel does she belong to?" Tang Youzong asked curiously.

Fang Yu shook his head: "Yan'er is not a brothel girl, she was forced to step into the prostitution..."

After Fang Yu's explanation, Zhu Erdan and Tang Youzong finally understood the reason.

The woman named Yan'er was about [-] years old and had no children. Unfortunately, her husband died of illness.

She and her mother-in-law couldn't make ends meet, so they sold their property and collected a little silver to visit relatives in Lingyang County.

Unexpectedly, after arriving in Lingyang County, I found out that my relatives and family had moved away. The neighbors only knew that they had moved to other places, but they didn't know the specific whereabouts.

Now, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were dumbfounded.

If you go back, you can't go back, and even if you go back, you can't make a living.

In order to make a living, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law finally bought an abandoned fishing boat after some discussions, and then found someone to refit it and turned it into a family floating on the river.

Fishing is impossible, and the source of income mainly depends on Yan'er to accompany guests...

"Speaking of which, their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are also pitiful. At first I heard people talk about it, and I thought that Yan'er didn't look very good.

Later, I couldn't stand people's persuasion, so I went there, I never thought...he is really a wonderful person..."

As soon as Yan'er was mentioned, Fang Yu seemed to have drunk chicken blood, and began to regain his energy.

After what he said, Tang Youzong couldn't help but slapped his forehead: "Remember, I heard someone mention that when I was drinking last time, but I didn't take it to heart.

Brother Fang, is that Yan'er really as good as you say? "

Fang Yu smiled mysteriously: "As the saying goes, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Once you see it, you will know it..."

This time, Tang Youzong felt even more itchy, and immediately glanced at Zhu Erdan to encourage him: "Erdan, it is better to hit the sun than to choose a day, why don't we go to see and see together?"

Before Zhu Erdan could speak, Fang Yu said again: "If you really want to go, you have to wait until it's dark. If you go early, you won't be able to find their boat."

"Where is the boat anchored?"

"Near the Erdao Bridge in the west of the city..."

Zhu Erdan was also straightforward, and replied: "Okay, Brother Tang, let's go see and see together tonight."

When it was dark, Zhu Erdan met Tang Youzong and came to Erdao Bridge.

Sure enough, a small boat was moored quietly on the shore.

An old woman was sitting on the bow of the boat, when she saw Zhu Erdan and the two of them looking towards the boat, she immediately stood up with a smile on her face and said, "The two young masters are here to look for Yan'er?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Tang Youzong couldn't wait to reply.

"You guys came just in time...Yan'er, a guest is here."

"Understood, please come in."

"Young masters, please come inside!"

The old woman pointed to the cabin.

This fishing boat is relatively larger than those small fishing boats and smaller than the ferry boat.

After the renovation, the cabin also looks a lot taller, and the layout inside also looks a bit elegant, with small tables, chairs, stoves, and screens...

At that time, boating on the river will not lose a different kind of fun.

"You two, please sit down!"

Yan Ran came forward to greet her with a blessing.

Tang Youzong looked carefully at the light in the cabin, and couldn't help clapping his hands and said with a smile: "Brother Fang, you don't deceive me, Miss Yan'er is really a wonderful person!"

"Young master, you have won the prize...You two, please sit down, and I will serve you tea."

Tang Youzong smiled and said, "What kind of tea do you drink here? Of course you have to drink."

"Then Yan'er will have a few drinks with the two young masters."

The ready-made food and drink were already prepared in the cabin, so there was no need to trouble, Yan'er quickly brought the food and drink to the small table, and drank together with her.

During this period, Zhu Erdan looked at Yan'er from time to time.

Tang Youzong's eyes were even more reluctant to leave for a moment, and it seemed that he was completely fascinated by Yan'er.

In fact, Yan'er's appearance is not the kind of beauty that makes people stunned at a glance, but it is very attractive.

Moreover, she is not full of makeup like ordinary brothel girls, like the little daughter-in-law next door, and she is a little shy.

In this way, it is easier for men to be tempted.

While drinking, Yan'er snuggled into Tang Youzong's arms at some point, and played a game of mouth-to-mouth feeding...

It was rare for Zhu Erdan to drink alcohol in the academy, and once he let it go, drinking one cup after another was a bit of a hit.

"Brother Tang, little brother... first... take a step first, I wish you and Miss Yan'er... uh, have a good night together..."

"Master Zhu, are you leaving?"

Yan'er couldn't help asking.

"If you don't go... Could it be that we... the three of you... hiccup..."

Unexpectedly, Yan'er cast her eyes at Zhu Erdan and said with a smile: "If the two young masters don't care, Yan'er can serve the two young masters together."

"No, no, I didn't... didn't... didn't say hello to my family before, and I will definitely come to support Miss Yan'er some other day."

Tang Youzong couldn't wait for it, so he quickly waved at Zhu Erdan: "Okay, then you slow down."

"Well, goodbye!"

Zhu Erdan stepped out of the cabin, only to find that the boat had already rolled into the middle of the river.

The old woman turned her head and asked, "Why did the young master leave?"

"Yes, I'll come to join you another day..."

"Okay, wait a moment, the old man pulls the boat to the shore."

While speaking, the old woman picked up the bamboo pole and pushed the boat to the river bank with some difficulty.

"Young master, go slowly, come again when you are free."


Zhu Erdan responded, and staggered towards the house.

Halfway there, I saw a tavern still open on the side of the street, so I stepped in to pack some food and drinks.

After leaving the tavern, Zhu Erdan did not go home, but turned into a side street.

There is a hall of ten kings on this street. The statues of ghosts and gods enshrined in the hall are all carved out of wood, gilded and painted, which are lifelike.

In particular, the judges enshrined in the east corridor of the main hall, with eyes like copper bells and green faces and red beards, are daunting.

Therefore, the common people come to offer incense during the day, and no one dares to come when it gets dark.

But Zhu Erdan has always been bold, drank a lot of wine, and he had other important things to do, so he packed the food and drinks.

Entering the Hall of Ten Kings, Zhu Erdan glanced around with his drunken eyes, and finally came to the statue of the judge...

(End of this chapter)

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